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Site Update Part Deux


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Hey I just put the Casino back out there. See the first post for a link. If anyone has some time -- please try out a few games and post in here if there are any issues. I just played Let it ride and blackjack and didn't have any issues.

Let me know if you do. Thanks.

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Still having problems with the smilies. Cannot rest, clear or add or subtract new smilies from my list.

That sucks. Hopefully for you a few other people report similar problems so that I look at it in a few weeks.


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That sucks. Hopefully for you a few other people report similar problems so that I look at it in a few weeks.


This is the message I received when I tried to save my favorite smilies.

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

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I saw the Mockups, it's gonna be sweet. You'll be able to re-hire your summer nanny.

At this point I would be happy if I could just put premium fuel in my boat. I have had to cut back and the normal grade just makes me feel dirty.

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Can we have a special award for threads "GangGreen" only posts in one time?

the "GGOPOT" award?

I'd like to make a GGOPOT nomination for this thread.

I think I might have a slightly better solution. :-P

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Hey I just put the Casino back out there. See the first post for a link. If anyone has some time -- please try out a few games and post in here if there are any issues. I just played Let him ride and blackpenis and didn't have any issues.

Let me know if you do. Thanks.


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one suggestion I would make Max....on a site that me and Mason hang at they have a feature called MyJN where you can go in and see your posts over the past 48 hours and see if anyone replied to any of your posts

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I happen to notice there are photos of my ex-wife in there. I thought you were trying to run a clean establishment?:fighting0050:

We deleted everyone I was aware of a long time ago. Kind of surprised we didn't delete the ones of you as well, lol.

But if you see any please PM me a link and I will take care of them. Thanks.

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:sign0098: Keep up the good work Max. That's what makes this site #1

#1? I thought we were #5?

Uh oh, I said "we". I guess I can expect to be reprimanded by Thor.

Downloads have been uploaded. http://www.jetnation.com/photoplog/index.php?c=29&u=5

I would like to formally thank Jade Green for his efforts in creating these downloads. His work is excellent and the time contribution that he has made to the site is appreciated.

Ah... the long awaited thank you.

Great job, guys.

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