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Manny to Dogers: Bay to Red Sox: Prospects to pirates. SI.com


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The Red Sox traded Manny Ramirez to the Dodgers late Thursday afternoon, SI.com has learned.

Jason Bay is headed to Boston as part of the deal, SI.com has learned. The Pirates will get four minor leaguers in the three-way trade.

The Red Sox went back-and-forth with the Marlins and Dodgers as the 4 p.m. ET deadline approached. Ramirez said earlier today, as first reported by SI.com, that he would accept a trade to any team.

The announcement will be made in conjunction with a World Baseball Classic announcement at Dodger Stadium shortly.

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Manny, Craig Hansen and Brandon Mass for Jason Bay. The Sox REALLY wanted to get rid of Manny.

Pitt rakes here, imo.

Until Hansen fixes his mechanics, he'll always struggle with command. Moss has been up and down, but didn't really show much.

Dammit, I wanted Kemp. Or at least Ethier.

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This screams PANIC MOVE to me. The Redsox got the least of the deal in my opinion.

Manny Ramirez>Jason Bay and they gave up way too much to aquire a player who is sub par to manRam. They arent a better team right now, they're actually a little worse.

As a Yankee fan, naturally Im thrilled.:baby:

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As long as Bay doesn't go on one of his slumps, I don't think this hurts Boston that much in the short term. They lose the distraction and drama and pick up a comparable player while saving $12.5 MM that they can use on something next season.

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...and somewhere in the Yankee clubhouse Mike Mussina is doing cartwheels.

This was deal that the Red Sox HAD to make. Manny was being such poison in that clubhouse that if guys like Ortiz and Varitek could not control him anymore who would ?

In 2004 you could deal with it because you had a bunch of vets who just would kind of shrug it off as "Manny being Manny". Now though with youngsters like a Pedroia, Ellsbury, etc Manny would be a bad influence on them. IMO.

It might cost the Sox a shot at the World Series or even the post season this year but in the long run they will be better for it.

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As a Yankee fan you can't ask for anything more than this. Manny is gone and he has always been a Yankee killer, and on top of that this will effect that bat of David Ortiz and will show him for the fraud he is.

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Actually, for the Sox, he might be better considering all of the negative makeup he brings to the table. Of course who knows how much playing in Fenway is going to help Bay and how he reacts to the pressure.

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