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Which Is Better, CitiField or Yankee Stadium III

Lil Bit Special

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Citifield doesnt live up to the hype.

The rotunda isnt that impressive to me.

There is only 1 escalator to get to the top level on each side of the field. And the day I went it was broken.

The concourses are still too small. Too many food lines and booths eat up the concourse space so only 1 person each way can get by.

Not enough men's bathrooms, and they are too small.

After the game we wanted to walk over the bridge to the food court area, but weren't allowed and forced to walk out the bullpen entrance and forced to walk around the outside of the stadium.

The field looks awful. Walls are too high and quirky for no reason. The black walls are awful.

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They're just two completely different looks, it's hard to compare. One's about luxury and the other's geared towards the fun/family-oriented look. I've been to both, and for me, I'd definitely take a game at Citifield over Yankee stadium even if the teams were neutral. The lines for food at Yankee stadium are absurd (which apparently is a result of the Yankees using their own people for the first time rather than outsourcing), and the food isn't even that impressive unless you want to go into one of the restaurants or lounges. CF's got a ton of personality though, and it's cool how they took some of the best features from the best ballparks and just incorporated them into one stadium. Further, the food at Citi wins by a country-mile, it's just impossible to argue otherwise if you've had the best food from both parks. Any feelings about missing Shea were erased literally the second I got off the subway, walked down the stairs out of the station, and saw it for the first time.

The one thing I will give Yankee stadium is that the seats are insanely comfortable. Can't say the same for Citifield.

A feature that really gets understated is the Jackie Robinson rotunda. That thing is absolutely gorgeous, and it's pretty cool that New Yorkers have somewhere to go like that and appreciate that even though the Dodgers are in LA now, New Yorkers forever get to lay claim to him.

Yankee Stadium is indeed a gorgeous ballpark, they're both great. I'd just rather watch a ballgame at a stadium like Citifield over Yankee Stadium. It's just too overpriced and there's not enough stuff for just a regular joe who wants to sit in the upper deck.

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Here's a few pictures I took of the rotunda from last week, in case any of you haven't seen it from the inside yet. The fourth one came out pretty dark, but it's the best I could get of a quote sprawled across the far end of the rotunda on integrity from Jackie, it says: "A life is not important except in the impact on other lives." Also, you can see under the escalator the top of a giant "42" in blue, and people can go take pictures with it and stuff.






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I haven't yet been to Citifield(demerits for the name anyway).Jackie Robinson is an important Americn icon. But it does seem from everything I've seen and heard Coupon went way overboard on his monument to the Brooklyn Dodgers and did it at the expense of honoring the Mets' own history. And to the point that you sometimes forget that this park is for the Mets.

In fairness, the Museum and Monument Park at Yankee Stadium are must sees, but you have to get there early.And you never are but a second from seeing something that reminds you about the Yankees and their history. Does seem way to many "fans" hanging out in the bars and restaurants rather than watching the game.

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I haven't yet been to Citifield(demerits for the name anyway).Jackie Robinson is an important Americn icon. But it does seem from everything I've seen and heard Coupon went way overboard on his monument to the Brooklyn Dodgers and did it at the expense of honoring the Mets' own history. And to the point that you sometimes forget that this park is for the Mets.

In fairness, the Museum and Monument Park at Yankee Stadium are must sees, but you have to get there early.And you never are but a second from seeing something that reminds you about the Yankees and their history. Does seem way to many "fans" hanging out in the bars and restaurants rather than watching the game.


Every single time I hear Citifield I think of the Chinese restaurant on South Park.

"Hello, ****ty Wok! One ****ty beef! One ****ty chicken!"

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as far as the actual field goes....yankees stadium is a joke of a field. might as well have littel league games there....it's that much of a bandbox. it's a shame they built what looks to be a nice stadium and are on pace to beat the record for homeruns allowed in a park. even coorsfield pre-humidor was able to keep the ball in the park better. it's so bad that one of th epappers is having a contest for best new nickname for the launching pad. dinger stadium, bronx bomb field, names like that are the ones coming out. it's a big joke, and if i were a yankees fan i'd be pissed. so in that aspect citifield is way better than yankee stadium. as far as how they look....i can't say as i haven't been to either. and at those prices i don't know when i'll bother.

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Citifield is nice, but doesn't even come close to Yankee.

I find the poll funny. Poor little Metsies must have jumped all over this one, just to have something over the Yanks for once. We, on the other hand, couldn't be bothered. We know the facts.

arrogance is proof of nothing.

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I've been to both and Citi is nicer.

I don't like the way NYS is walled off from different parts of each other. I don't like the feeling of detachment I get when I'm getting food and actually entering the game area. The overhangs impede the view of the field, which doesn't give me the feeling that I'm here to see a ball game. I don't like how separate each level feels from one another - the thick walls of concrete block the view of people going up and down levels, making it feel like each level is a separate entity and there's again that feeling of disjointedness or non-openess NYS goes for.

Citi is pretty open, I really like the scoreboards, the way people move up and down freely between the levels and doesn't suffer from the 'thick slabs of concrete' problem. After the puke colors that were Shea colors, I think the Citi colors fits a lot better. I like that everything's open and how everything is spaced out and that wherever you are you can actually see the field.

Both are better than Fenway though. ****ty seats and feeling like you're in a WWII bunker? Yikes. Give me NYS or Citi any day.

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I've been to both and Citi is nicer.

I don't like the way NYS is walled off from different parts of each other. I don't like the feeling of detachment I get when I'm getting food and actually entering the game area. The overhangs impede the view of the field, which doesn't give me the feeling that I'm here to see a ball game. I don't like how separate each level feels from one another - the thick walls of concrete block the view of people going up and down levels, making it feel like each level is a separate entity and there's again that feeling of disjointedness or non-openess NYS goes for.

Citi is pretty open, I really like the scoreboards, the way people move up and down freely between the levels and doesn't suffer from the 'thick slabs of concrete' problem. After the puke colors that were Shea colors, I think the Citi colors fits a lot better. I like that everything's open and how everything is spaced out and that wherever you are you can actually see the field.

Both are better than Fenway though. ****ty seats and feeling like you're in a WWII bunker? Yikes. Give me NYS or Citi any day.

Might disagree with the rest. But Fenway is a complete and total firetrap dump. They can write all the poetry to it they want, doesn't change that it has none of the cool metal latticeowrk and charm of Wrigley, the sightlines suck, the seats are ancient, the bathrooms and concessions are awful and the concourse is somewhere between a sewer and a catacomb.

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Might disagree with the rest. But Fenway is a complete and total firetrap dump. They can write all the poetry to it they want, doesn't change that it has none of the cool metal latticeowrk and charm of Wrigley, the sightlines suck, the seats are ancient, the bathrooms and concessions are awful and the concourse is somewhere between a sewer and a catacomb.

And I love how if you sit beyond row 5 you get a nice obstructed view of the field thanks to the poles. Once I sat in section 9 row 8 or something and there was a nice metal post right in the way of the pitching mound. I had to actually duck right or left to see the damn pitcher. Hilarious.

I love how being built on a swamp adds to the "Fenway mystique." You've got slabs of concrete jutting out all in different places- some look like they're building up to slope 90 degrees in due time. Much like the roads running perpindicular between Huntington and Newbury Street. There's nothing charming about that sihthole. Couple with 34000 mouthbreathers. Makes you want to kill yourself.

Last time I was there I pissed this guy off so much to my left (Santana vs DiceK game) that he had to leave his seat. Probably the only upside to a horrible f'n park

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Citifield is nice, but doesn't even come close to Yankee.

I find the poll funny. Poor little Metsies must have jumped all over this one, just to have something over the Yanks for once. We, on the other hand, couldn't be bothered. We know the facts.

it was on metsblog. so all the readers ran over there and voted.

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I sat in field level(85 dollar seats) and could not see the big screen or the small screen. Also, they put TVs up if you can't see but I couldn't even see those! Then I moved up a row so I could see a little better and I got kicked out by a worker who wanted to sit down while the Yankees were up. The whole stadium reeks of garlic. Citi I like much better. Better food, better prices, and I think a nicer stadium. Then I moved up a row so I could see a little better

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And I love how if you sit beyond row 5 you get a nice obstructed view of the field thanks to the poles. Once I sat in section 9 row 8 or something and there was a nice metal post right in the way of the pitching mound. I had to actually duck right or left to see the damn pitcher. Hilarious.

I love how being built on a swamp adds to the "Fenway mystique." You've got slabs of concrete jutting out all in different places- some look like they're building up to slope 90 degrees in due time. Much like the roads running perpindicular between Huntington and Newbury Street. There's nothing charming about that sihthole. Couple with 34000 mouthbreathers. Makes you want to kill yourself.

Last time I was there I pissed this guy off so much to my left (Santana vs DiceK game) that he had to leave his seat. Probably the only upside to a horrible f'n park

Fenway opened in 1912. Not sure what it has in common with 2 Stadiums that opened in 2009.

If you thought Fenway was bad when you went you should have been there in the 80's and 90's.

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Fenway opened in 1912. Not sure what it has in common with 2 Stadiums that opened in 2009.

If you thought Fenway was bad when you went you should have been there in the 80's and 90's.

Fenway-it still sucks, but sucks less than it used to!

Citifield could be the Vet and it would still be a major improvment.

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