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I have had enough of this competition...

Pragmatic Bus

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0-4 here we come.

Just what I want for a rookie QB. Two of his first three games against New England and Tennessee. That'll build confidence.

Word. Let Clemens get his head beat in by Mario Williams and Richard Seymour while Sanchez learns a little bit. Plus, you'll want to lower expectations for both the team and Sanchez before he takes the reins. The last thing you want is for him to have to answer a million reporters asking him why he's not winning games like Matt Ryan did the year before.

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Word. Let Clemens get his head beat in by Mario Williams and Richard Seymour while Sanchez learns a little bit. Plus, you'll want to lower expectations for both the team and Sanchez before he takes the reins. The last thing you want is for him to have to answer a million reporters asking him why he's not winning games like Matt Ryan did the year before.

He played for a high profile school.. he can handle it...

Clemens playing throws away the season.

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Sanchez is the clear cut better Quaterback.

A message to the Coaching Staff: Get him ready for the season.

True, but this competition will be good for him. I think Sanchez will get the job as well, however, I think this competition will be the best thing for him. It will push him to his zenith.

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He played for a high profile school.. he can handle it...

Clemens playing throws away the season.

I have no comment on your post. I just find it interesting that you have the image of A-Rod with "Mr. Clutch" above it. Your bar for "clutch' must be set pretty low.

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I have no comment on your post. I just find it interesting that you have the image of A-Rod with "Mr. Clutch" above it. Your bar for "clutch' must be set pretty low.

I find it interesting that instead of watching the games you let other people's opinion of a player dominate your own opinions. Mr. Rodriguez has had quite a number of game winning and walk off hits as a yankee. All he has to do now is win a few world series MVPs and people will see the truth.

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I find it interesting that instead of watching the games you let other people's opinion of a player dominate your own opinions. Mr. Rodriguez has had quite a number of game winning and walk off hits as a yankee. All he has to do now is win a few world series MVPs and people will see the truth.

I don't need anyone to help me figure this out. I think he sucks in the clutch all by myself.

He's had some big hits as a Yankee...none in the postseason. That's what clutch is. Congrats on the big home run in July.

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I don't need anyone to help me figure this out. I think he sucks in the clutch all by myself.

He's had some big hits as a Yankee...none in the postseason. That's what clutch is. Congrats on the big home run in July.


It was maybe his 3rd "clutch" hit as a Yankee.

He still isn't anything close to clutch.

Now back to Football.

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I like the coaching staff keeping it competitive atleast through training camp. Even if Sanchez knows he is the clear cut better QB, it will still drive him further. But I agree that if Sanchez is the better QB he should start from day one. The elite QB's (Manning, Elway, ect.) that start on questionable teams will raise the teams play and benefit from starting day one.

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The point is he is the future, and he is showing more promise than a 4 year veteran of this system. Get Mark more reps with the first team so he can get the timing right with his recievers.

QB competitions that go too long don't help the team that year.

I agree with this.

The fact that Clemens has 3 years in this system is a HUGE advantage for him in this competition and if he is truly the better QB than Sanchez, this "competition" shouldn't even be close at this point.

Obviously, I think we need to reserve total judgement until we see what happens in at least the first few preseason games, but the fact that this competition is even close does not speak well for Clemens given the fact he is so much more experienced with Schotty's system.

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I like the coaching staff keeping it competitive atleast through training camp. Even if Sanchez knows he is the clear cut better QB, it will still drive him further. But I agree that if Sanchez is the better QB he should start from day one. The elite QB's (Manning, Elway, ect.) that start on questionable teams will raise the teams play and benefit from starting day one.

See, I hope he wins the job outright (by playing better, not by Clemens playing worse). But there is no pattern for success purely attributable to starting from game 1 as a rookie. It is speculation that every bust or very late bloomer would have been the same whether starting immediately or later.

They all benefit from game experience. They don't all benefit from game experience in week 1 as a rookie. For many it was worse to start too soon.

No one wants him to be anything but great, and the sooner the better. But he should only start if he's ready. Also I'd like to get some of those tougher early opponents out of the way with Clemens.

Elway and Peyton Manning represent a minuscule group of great QB's who started from game 1 as rookies and never looked back.

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See, I hope he wins the job outright (by playing better, not by Clemens playing worse). But there is no pattern for success purely attributable to starting from game 1 as a rookie. It is speculation that every bust or very late bloomer would have been the same whether starting immediately or later.

They all benefit from game experience. They don't all benefit from game experience in week 1 as a rookie. For many it was worse to start too soon.

No one wants him to be anything but great, and the sooner the better. But he should only start if he's ready. Also I'd like to get some of those tougher early opponents out of the way with Clemens.

Elway and Peyton Manning represent a minuscule group of great QB's who started from game 1 as rookies and never looked back.

I mostly agree with what you are saying about starting from day one and its formula for success. A lot of it depends on the coaching too. If the Jets go out there and make Sanchez attempt 45 passes a game and he gets killed, then it will be a bad move. This team is set up to run first and run well. They also have a nice TE to help control the ball. Therefor, Sanchez will be in a better position than most to start the season even if it's against tough opponents. A lot of the QB's that started and got their heads handed to them never had that benefit.

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Word. Let Clemens get his head beat in by Mario Williams and Richard Seymour while Sanchez learns a little bit. Plus, you'll want to lower expectations for both the team and Sanchez before he takes the reins. The last thing you want is for him to have to answer a million reporters asking him why he's not winning games like Matt Ryan did the year before.

Agreed. Let him watch us get our asses kicked the first 3 games. No need to subject him to that, and only will take less pressure off him when he comes in and we have a losing record. There will be no expectations because nobody expect a rookie to save a season.

See, I hope he wins the job outright (by playing better, not by Clemens playing worse). But there is no pattern for success purely attributable to starting from game 1 as a rookie. It is speculation that every bust or very late bloomer would have been the same whether starting immediately or later.

They all benefit from game experience. They don't all benefit from game experience in week 1 as a rookie. For many it was worse to start too soon.

No one wants him to be anything but great, and the sooner the better. But he should only start if he's ready. Also I'd like to get some of those tougher early opponents out of the way with Clemens.

Elway and Peyton Manning represent a minuscule group of great QB's who started from game 1 as rookies and never looked back.

Also, you have to take into consideration how much experience these other QB's had in college. Sanchez doesnt have a ton and the experience he does have, is different then most. He team dominated and he never had to put them on his back and will them to victory.

He is going to have to do this with our offense and even if he out plays Kellen, that does mean he will be able to do this and we shouldnt ask it of him immediately.

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Even if you don't annoint him the starter, you have to increase his reps with the ones.

Which they are now doing. Sanchez & Clemens will rotate each practice the reps with the 1's. One practice it's Sanchez, the next Clemens, the next Sanchez, and so forth.

By August 29th, we will have a starter.

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Word. Let Clemens get his head beat in by Mario Williams and Richard Seymour while Sanchez learns a little bit. Plus, you'll want to lower expectations for both the team and Sanchez before he takes the reins. The last thing you want is for him to have to answer a million reporters asking him why he's not winning games like Matt Ryan did the year before.

Agreed. Let him watch us get our asses kicked the first 3 games. No need to subject him to that, and only will take less pressure off him when he comes in and we have a losing record. There will be no expectations because nobody expect a rookie to save a season.

He is going to have to do this with our offense and even if he out plays Kellen, that does mean he will be able to do this and we shouldnt ask it of him immediately.

The dream of every Jets fan. Lowered expectations.


It was maybe his 3rd "clutch" hit as a Yankee.

He still isn't anything close to clutch.

Now back to Football.

Three? Bull****. This clutch **** is overblown. He had at least two walkoff homers in 2007. One was a grand slam. Without him they don't sniff the post-season in '07. Team sucked before he came back in '09. This year he's already had a homer in the ninth to tie the game off Lidge, an extra innings walkoff againt the Twins and Friday night. He is a streak hitter and a mistake hitter. He is not a grinder like O'Neil or Jeter.

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