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David Ortiz--STFU!!!


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Is this f^ckwad serious, accusing the Times of paying for the PED story. He's really pulling the good ol' Roger Clemens defense. Just admit you took 'Roids, take your lumps and keep it moving-- it worked for A-Rod. With every passing day he looks more like a douche. His statement:

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Is this f^ckwad serious, accusing the Times of paying for the PED story. He's really pulling the good ol' Roger Clemens defense. Just admit you took 'Roids, take your lumps and keep it moving-- it worked for A-Rod. With every passing day he looks more like a douche. His statement:

ARod initially denied using steriods. THEN he came clean. Although I vaguely remember something about a cousin? Anyway, you are correct. Ortiz just ought to shut up. "whaa-whaa-whaa....nobody loves me anymore...whaaa...whaaa...whaaa." What Ortiz ought to do is send Manny Ramirez a big, expensive gift for having a major hand in the creation of BIG PAPI.

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ARod initially denied using steriods. THEN he came clean. Although I vaguely remember something about a cousin? Anyway, you are correct. Ortiz just ought to shut up. "whaa-whaa-whaa....nobody loves me anymore...whaaa...whaaa...whaaa." What Ortiz ought to do is send Manny Ramirez a big, expensive gift for having a major hand in the creation of BIG PAPI.

Majority of the outed steroid cheats denied it at first. When it came out A-Rod could've gone the ol' 'Over the counter supplement route' but he manned up and people got over it. its even more telling that Manny Ramirez hasnt said a word.

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ARod initially denied using steriods. THEN he came clean. Although I vaguely remember something about a cousin? Anyway, you are correct. Ortiz just ought to shut up. "whaa-whaa-whaa....nobody loves me anymore...whaaa...whaaa...whaaa." What Ortiz ought to do is send Manny Ramirez a big, expensive gift for having a major hand in the creation of BIG PAPI.

Your timeline is off.

ARod denied using steroids, then fat bitch Selena Roberts illegally outed his name from a sealed list and then he admitted it.

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Majority of the outed steroid cheats denied it at first. When it came out A-Rod could've gone the ol' 'Over the counter supplement route' but he manned up and people got over it. its even more telling that Manny Ramirez hasnt said a word.

Puuleeeassseee.....let's not make ARod out to be a saint here. He's full of poop like the rest of 'em. And, Manny saying nothing means nothing at all. The guy's a loon. What I beleive Ortiz is suffering from is denial. He has been the apple of Red Sox Nation's eye for a very long time. Seeing some of the members jumping off the S.S. Ortiz has hurt his ample ego.

btw - not that I'm a Selena fan - but if she is a fat biatch, what do you call the writer who outed Ortiz's name? Skinny fag? I mean, lets keep it consistent, shall we?

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ARod manned up?


So he didnt admit to using peds?

He did better than the majority of the douchebags that got caught and denied, denied and denied some more.

" Oh I bought something @ GNC" yeah ****ing right douches.

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There was nothing illegal that Serena Roberts did

So leaking information found in a sealed govt document is not illegal?

The leaking of all these names are ILLEGAL. Just because there have been no prosecutions doesnt make it legal. :rolleyes:

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So he didnt admit to using peds?

He did better than the majority of the douchebags that got caught.

He shouldn't have lied about it in the first place, if he was such a "man".

He shouldn't have tried to trash the writer of the material, falsely, if he was such a man.

He shouldn't have had such a contrived press conference, with forced emotion, if he was such a man.

He admitted, because the evidence against him was damning

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He shouldn't have lied about it in the first place, if he was such a "man".

He shouldn't have tried to trash the writer of the material, falsely, if he was such a man.

He shouldn't have had such a contrived press conference, with forced emotion, if he was such a man.

He admitted, because the evidence against him was damning

Blah blah blah, bottom line is he admitted it.

What about Barry Bonds, Manny Ramirez, Roger Clemens, David Ortiz and countless others? Im not trying to make A-Rod out to be a saint here, because I lost tons respect for him, but he's better than the other idiots that think the public/fanbases are so stupid they cant see right through a contrived " GNC OTC supplement" story.

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So leaking information found in a sealed govt document is not illegal?

The leaking of all these names are ILLEGAL. Just because there have been no prosecutions doesnt make it legal. :rolleyes:

She didn't leak the information, the information was given to her, and then she did some investigative reporting.

What did she do that was illegal?

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Blah blah blah, bottom line is he admitted it.

What about Barry Bonds, Manny Ramirez, Roger Clemens, David Ortiz and countless others? Im not trying to make A-Rod out to be a saint here, because I lost tons respect for him, but he's better than the other idiots that think the public/fanbases are so stupid they cant see right through a contrived " GNC OTC supplement" story.

Yes, he admitted after the evidence was undeniable.

Real stand up.

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Yes, he admitted after the evidence was undeniable.

Real stand up.

Not true Scotty. According to the Players Association in their defense of Ortiz, being on that list is not undeniable evidence of roid use. :rolleyes:

How convenient that they come to the defense of the Red Sox while hanging ARod out to dry.

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She didn't leak the information, the information was given to her, and then she did some investigative reporting.

What did she do that was illegal?

LOL if you think the info was just given to her. She worked on getting that information out of someone, anyone, for months...probably even years, until she found something on A-Rod for her book that wasn't going to sell a damn copy without something juicy. Let's not pretend she was an unbiased journalist here doing her part to expose wrongs. Remember her fine work on the Duke lacrosse case?

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LOL if you think the info was just given to her. She worked on getting that information out of someone, anyone, for months...probably even years, until she found something on A-Rod for her book that wasn't going to sell a damn copy without something juicy. Let's not pretend she was an unbiased journalist here doing her part to expose wrongs. Remember her fine work on the Duke lacrosse case?

Two separate cases.

She did not stumble across the material, it was given to her. THAT was the foundation for her book.

Gene Orza tipping to ARod when his tests would be did not help A-Rod either, or the player's union.

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Hmm. Which is better, **** or piss? They both stink. They're both waste materials. But one is a little easier to clean up. So I guess piss?

I wonder if the Pirates could have had a winning season over the last 17 years if they embraced steroids like the Red Sox and Yankees. :Nuts:

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Bottom line, A-rod was a great player before he tested positive, and he's still doing fine.

Fat Sloppy was garbage before he tested positive and he's garbage now.

How do we know WHEN he started using and what years he used?

Are we supposed to be so naive to believe that 2003 was the only year he took PEDs?

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How do we know WHEN he started using and what years he used?

Are we supposed to be so naive to believe that 2003 was the only year he took PEDs?

No, I'm simply going by when they tested positive.

You can speculate all you want, regardless Fat Sloppy was garbage before he tested positve and he's garbage now! (No speculation needed to know that)

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The one stat that we are going to have to look at when comparing a players season against each other is weight.

Look at what weight they played each season and more times than not we will have a good indication as to when they were cheating. The whole, I did a new diet this offseason and feel lighter defense, well we know what that one is for.

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So he didnt admit to using peds?

He did better than the majority of the douchebags that got caught and denied, denied and denied some more.

" Oh I bought something @ GNC" yeah ****ing right douches.

Eventually he did, but AFraud denied everything initially. Like Garb said he's hardly a saint in all this.

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Eventually he did, but AFraud denied everything initially. Like Garb said he's hardly a saint in all this.

Actually, as I stated earlier in the thread, ARod denied using steroids prior to his name being leaked. The first thing he said after it was confirmed he was on the list was to admit using steroids.

ARod never damned all steroid users to hell the way Ortiz did when ARod's name was leaked.

I am sorry, but this notion that professional athlete doesn't know what they are putting in their body is ludicrous.

I just recently started to really focus on working out and getting healthy. I know everything I ingest and my livlihood doesn't depend on it the way these guys' do.

It's an insult to everyone's intelligence to suggest that these guys weren't paying attention to what they were taking in a witch hunt climate like the one that has existed in baseball since 1998.

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Hope Ortiz keeps denying, the longer you deny the worse it gets.

Ortiz might be the most compelling steroids case there is. Most of the big names that were roided out were already great and did it to stay great. Ortiz was awful and overnight he became a force.

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Actually, as I stated earlier in the thread, ARod denied using steroids prior to his name being leaked. The first thing he said after it was confirmed he was on the list was to admit using steroids.

ARod never damned all steroid users to hell the way Ortiz did when ARod's name was leaked.

I am sorry, but this notion that professional athlete doesn't know what they are putting in their body is ludicrous.

I just recently started to really focus on working out and getting healthy. I know everything I ingest and my livlihood doesn't depend on it the way these guys' do.

It's an insult to everyone's intelligence to suggest that these guys weren't paying attention to what they were taking in a witch hunt climate like the one that has existed in baseball since 1998.

Tell me about it. Their body is they're career, its their body of work. Its like a journalist claiming he doesn't know what word he put into a story.

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Hmm. Which is better, **** or piss? They both stink. They're both waste materials. But one is a little easier to clean up. So I guess piss?

I wonder if the Pirates could have had a winning season over the last 17 years if they embraced steroids like the Red Sox and Yankees. :Nuts:

No, 1000x NO. When you think the likes of Jason Bay, Nate McLouth, Nyjer Morgan,Eric Hinske and Xavier Nady are breaking your piggy bank, you have no business having an MLB team.
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Eventually he did, but AFraud denied everything initially. Like Garb said he's hardly a saint in all this.

Ever notice I'm pretty spot on about everything? The greatness that is Garb....yet all you haters just don't want to beleive.


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No, 1000x NO. When you think the likes of Jason Bay, Nate McLouth, Nyjer Morgan,Eric Hinske and Xavier Nady are breaking your piggy bank, you have no business having an MLB team.

I'm sure they're were pirates using it too. No one gives a **** though.

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