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How many WS will the Yankees win in a row this time?


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I can't wait for the cap, really looking forward to it. When the Yankees win the World Series that 1st year the haters will be scrambling. :-P

I will be the first to give mad props.

A cap alone doesn't do it. There has to be revenue sharing and a world draft. You would also have to develop a floor for salary.

Never gonna happen

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I will be the first to give mad props.

A cap alone doesn't do it. There has to be revenue sharing and a world draft. You would also have to develop a floor for salary.

Never gonna happen

Then what is the point of bitching about it?

The rest of baseball needs to get with the program because the teams who refuse to spend anything on talent are more guilty of causing a disparity than any team in the top 10 in spending.

The commissioner needs to stop breaking his own rule and stop pocketing the luxury tax money the Yankees pay his Brewers.

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Then what is the point of bitching about it?

The rest of baseball needs to get with the program because the teams who refuse to spend anything on talent are more guilty of causing a disparity than any team in the top 10 in spending.

The commissioner needs to stop breaking his own rule and stop pocketing the luxury tax money the Yankees pay his Brewers.

You can't really tell how they spend their money.

What if, rather than just spending revenue received from the luxury tax, a team chose to invest that money in player development, rather than a free agent?

To me, that would be a smarter use of the money.

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You can't really tell how they spend their money.

What if, rather than just spending revenue received from the luxury tax, a team chose to invest that money in player development, rather than a free agent?

To me, that would be a smarter use of the money.

This isnt a charity, its about winning. Free agents are much more of a sure thing than developing players. With the amount of pressure put on everyone to win this is what you get.

Your in la la land with this.

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This isnt a charity, its about winning. Free agents are much more of a sure thing than developing players. With the amount of pressure put on everyone to win this is what you get.

Your in la la land with this.

For every CC Sabathia in Free Agency, there are 5 Carl Pavanos. Those that never pan out.

And heck, why even discuss a CC Sabathia? A small club has no shot at that type.

For small clubs to thrive, they have do invest in their own development (Twins, Rays, etc), and hold on to their own as long as they can.

Is it a sure fire system? Of course not.

But it is hard for a small market team to blow their load on one player.

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For every CC Sabathia in Free Agency, there are 5 Carl Pavanos. Those that never pan out.

And heck, why even discuss a CC Sabathia? A small club has no shot at that type.

For small clubs to thrive, they have do invest in their own development (Twins, Rays, etc), and hold on to their own as long as they can.

Is it a sure fire system? Of course not.

But it is hard for a small market team to blow their load on one player.

That's just not true and you know it.

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That's just not true and you know it.

So what is better for a small market team:

Risk big money on one player, and hope that he pans out and singularly carries your team?

Or invest in a system that promotes scouting and development to feed the big league club with multiple players every few years?

History shows us it is the clubs that develop their own-Minn, Fla., Tampa, Milwaukee, that have had the successes.

I can't think of a small market team that was put over the top by a free agent signing.

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This isnt a charity, its about winning. Free agents are much more of a sure thing than developing players. With the amount of pressure put on everyone to win this is what you get.

Your in la la land with this.

That's just not true and you know it.

Scott is right.

How quickly Yankee Nation forgets. How many Pavanos were there before CC? Quite a few.

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Like who?

Who was a complete bust FA like Pavano?

While Pavano is the clear standard bearer, names like Vazquez, Kevin Brown, Irabu, Jeff Weaver, Jarret Wright and Contreras to name but a few. A-Roid and Giambi also deserve mentioning.

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While Pavano is the clear standard bearer, names like Vazquez, Kevin Brown, Irabu, Jeff Weaver, Jarret Wright and Contreras to name but a few. A-Roid and Giambi also deserve mentioning.

No, they dont. Arod has 2 MVP's as a Yankee. And Giambi, while never the same player he was in Oakland, was still productive.

And I can easily name productive Yankees that were signed as free agents.












Chili Davis


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While Pavano is the clear standard bearer, names like Vazquez, Kevin Brown, Irabu, Jeff Weaver, Jarret Wright and Contreras to name but a few. A-Roid and Giambi also deserve mentioning.

All those guys listed were not signed as free agents. There are some trades in there.

I recently heard someone, Jeff Nelson I think, talk about how the Yankees (players) knew Kevin Brown had nothing left when he was pitching in big spots for them.

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All those guys listed were not signed as free agents. There are some trades in there.

I recently heard someone, Jeff Nelson I think, talk about how the Yankees (players) knew Kevin Brown had nothing left when he was pitching in big spots for them.

Back on topic, small market teams don't have a real opportunity to sign big name free agents.

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Yup, Free agency allows that.

We have done a complete circle

I would love to listen to you tell your kids about the Yankees. Sitting in the food court at the mall chuckling as someone in Yankee gear walks by...it would be fun to watch.

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Funny how a lot more people started wearing Yankee gear after they won. :bag:

Weird how it works isn't it. I remember all those Steve Grogan Patriots jerseys back in the day. I think that and Tony Eason Pats jerseys are top 5 in sales all time.

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The books have already been written, the facts are there.

Only 8 teams in the American League at the time and one of them was certainly a farm system for the Yankees.

Check the roster for the '61 Yankees sometime, and see where almost half those players came from on that roster.

You know Scotty, it's posters like you that make me stay away from posting...not because of facts (which you rarely have), but your ignorance of facts that you try to pass on to the younger Yankee fans that leads to pissing contests and heated debates.

You bring up the '61 Yankees...do you really want to go there? Let's start with that starting lineup group back then. The catcher at that time Elston Howard...home grown. Clete Boyer 3b, obtained from the A's 6 years earlier. Tony Kubek, SS...home grown. Bobby Richardson, 2b...home grown. Yogi Berra LF...homegrown. Mickey Mantle, cf...homegrown. Roger Maris, RF...obtained two years earlier from the A's. So, the only two not brought up from the Yankee farm system was Maris and Boyer...and like I mentioned above, Boyer had been already with the Yankees for 6 years. Go look up every team that played in '61 and see how many homegrown players they had in their starting nine. I'll throw in Whitey Ford as the ninth in my lineup since there was no DH back then. And say it Scotty...Whitey Ford was...ding, ding, ding...HOMEGROWN.

So, they had more "core" guys playing on that team then this current '09 team. You guys that want to contstanly bash the Yankees is becoming a hate thing more than a joke. Face it, they have 27 titles...Yogi has more rings then that Sux team combined that likes to think they are on the same plateau as the Yankees. And as far as your Mets go, are they even in the same town? And thank the good lord I've been on this earth for 16 of those 27.

And notice you rarely see Yankee fans stirring the pot of other teams or their fans unless they are prompted like I was today. Give it up already Scotty...at least I have one team that makes me proud...the Jets, not so much.

"Edit"...damn, old age is getting to me...the lightning rod coming off the bench that year...Johnny Blanchard....HOME ****ING GROWN!

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Dont tell scotty but the yankees had alot more homegrown players on their team then his phillies did.

this is getting ridiculous, if yanks get halliday and Granderson

why even play next year, just give yanks the title and everyone play for 2nd

i am a yanks fan, but baseball is pretty close to be ruined

the gap is way too wide $1B payroll vs $50m

like shooting a buffalo in his pen

Football rules

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You know Scotty, it's posters like you that make me stay away from posting...not because of facts (which you rarely have), but your ignorance of facts that you try to pass on to the younger Yankee fans that leads to pissing contests and heated debates.

You bring up the '61 Yankees...do you really want to go there? Let's start with that starting lineup group back then. The catcher at that time Elston Howard...home grown. Clete Boyer 3b, obtained from the A's 6 years earlier. Tony Kubek, SS...home grown. Bobby Richardson, 2b...home grown. Yogi Berra LF...homegrown. Mickey Mantle, cf...homegrown. Roger Maris, RF...obtained two years earlier from the A's. So, the only two not brought up from the Yankee farm system was Maris and Boyer...and like I mentioned above, Boyer had been already with the Yankees for 6 years. Go look up every team that played in '61 and see how many homegrown players they had in their starting nine. I'll throw in Whitey Ford as the ninth in my lineup since there was no DH back then. And say it Scotty...Whitey Ford was...ding, ding, ding...HOMEGROWN.

So, they had more "core" guys playing on that team then this current '09 team. You guys that want to contstanly bash the Yankees is becoming a hate thing more than a joke. Face it, they have 27 titles...Yogi has more rings then that Sux team combined that likes to think they are on the same plateau as the Yankees. And as far as your Mets go, are they even in the same town? And thank the good lord I've been on this earth for 16 of those 27.

And notice you rarely see Yankee fans stirring the pot of other teams or their fans unless they are prompted like I was today. Give it up already Scotty...at least I have one team that makes me proud...the Jets, not so much.

"Edit"...damn, old age is getting to me...the lightning rod coming off the bench that year...Johnny Blanchard....HOME ****ING GROWN!

10 players acquired from the A's in trades NS. Odd, huh?

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Dont tell scotty but the yankees had alot more homegrown players on their team then his phillies did.

And those home grown players couldn't get it done until a half billion was added in payroll with FA's this year.

Cashman should be executive of the year. It was very difficult knowing that CC Sabathia and Teixiera would actually help the club. And all the Yankees had to do was bid 40 mill more over the other clubs asking their services.

Tough gig.

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And those home grown players couldn't get it done until a half billion was added in payroll with FA's this year.

Cashman should be executive of the year. It was very difficult knowing that CC Sabathia and Teixiera would actually help the club. And all the Yankees had to do was bid 40 mill more over the other clubs asking their services.

Tough gig.

Call them whatever you want. Just call them World Champions.

That was the 27th time. Sweet.

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10 players acquired from the A's in trades NS. Odd, huh?

Come on Scotty, you're a better baseball observer than that. Yankee "core" players have won those WS titles back then...look it up. Show me a WS championship team that won strictly with homegrown players.

And there is nothing wrong with trades...all teams do it...the trick is to do it right. Some teams haven't mastered that technique..."Meet the Mets, greet the Mets..."

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Come on Scotty, you're a better baseball observer than that. Yankee "core" players have won those WS titles back then...look it up. Show me a WS championship team that won strictly with homegrown players.

And there is nothing wrong with trades...all teams do it...the trick is to do it right. Some teams haven't mastered that technique..."Meet the Mets, greet the Mets..."

NS-would you say it is competitive, when one team uses another as a farm system, to stash players, make lopsided trades?

That's competitive?

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And those home grown players couldn't get it done until a half billion was added in payroll with FA's this year.

Cashman should be executive of the year. It was very difficult knowing that CC Sabathia and Teixiera would actually help the club. And all the Yankees had to do was bid 40 mill more over the other clubs asking their services.

Tough gig.

More home grown players on the Yankees. Fact.

You cant spin your way out of this fact with your typical irrelevant rhetoric. You still tried tho, congrats.

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More home grown players on the Yankees. Fact.

You cant spin your way out of this fact with your typical irrelevant rhetoric. You still tried tho, congrats.

Show me where I even made a comparison to the Phillies? You are now making things up.

What took the Yanks over the top this year? An injury to Wang? The development of Hughes and Chamberlain?


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