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Jose Reyroid.


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idk has any concrete evidence surfaced that reyes took steroids?

Yea, he went all the way to Canada, to see a doctor who works with steroids, to allegedly have a procedure thats completely legal in the U.S. and is done all the time in almost every hospital in the country.

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If anyone thinks their team or their favorite athlete is as pure as the driven snow, they need to start putting out some carrots for the Easter Bunny. This only proves again that no matter what the endeavor, even cheating, the Mets will manage to screw it up.

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Wheres all the YANKEES haters who bashed A-Rod over this------------:confused:

Just saying-----------:shutit:

I love how the MLB fronts like they're against steroids but steroids is singlehandly keeping this sport alive. We can go back the past 15 years....almost every major significant event in any given year in that timespan has surrounded a player or group of players that was obviously using steroids.

Steroids are part of the game, just need to come to grips with it already. Its more than just the chicks that dig the long ball (The MLB does too)

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well he has been linked to the same doctor as A-rod (and Tiger)

but at this point to expect the Mets fans to not be hypicrits is a bit silly

If he did steroids then he will be treated the same way as the other cheaters by the fans.

Yankee fans were the one's blindly defending their proven cheaters.

Give me some sort of proof he did 'roids or HGH and I'll jump on the bash Reyes bandwagon. I want receipts. I want people who injected him. I want something concrete. Not hearsay and conjecture.

I just find it funny every time there is a little something about steroids dealing with the Mets or the Red Sox the Yankee fans come out of the woodwork and making it a bigger deal than ARod or Giambi. You guys have some sort of complex. Sad really. The fans of the greatest franchise are so pathetic.

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Wheres all the YANKEES haters who bashed A-Rod over this------------:confused:

Just saying-----------:shutit:

Bro, who cares? Aren't we over the steroids thing now? We all knew how foolish the Yankee haters sounded back when this all started. Everyone but them. You and I know how they jumped all over guys without evidence and claimed this was a Yankee problem. Now that it s obvious that it was a huge issue across the whole game, even to former deniers of that fact, just sit back and watch them and laugh to yourself. Let the hypocrites who jumped all over our guys "wait for REAL evidence" on their guys.

It's an old and tired issue. Let them have their transition period to finally come to grips with it.

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Bro, who cares? Aren't we over the steroids thing now? We all knew how foolish the Yankee haters sounded back when this all started. Everyone but them. You and I know how they jumped all over guys without evidence and claimed this was a Yankee problem. Now that it s obvious that it was a huge issue across the whole game, even to former deniers of that fact, just sit back and watch them and laugh to yourself. Let the hypocrites who jumped all over our guys "wait for REAL evidence" on their guys.

It's an old and tired issue. Let them have their transition period to finally come to grips with it.

Who ever said this was a Yankee problem only?

And who was jumped on WITHOUT evidence?

Name one person here that did that.


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isn't it weird how George Mitchell failed to investigate anyone without ties to the Yankees?


A shareholder and board meber has to protect his company. George Mitchell is a brillaint man; just ask him. Ireland is at peace because in the last 10 years making money began to matter much more than how you worshipped,and that's a good thing. Mitchell acts like he had something to do with that, which is laughable.

They all probably do PEDs to some degree or another. What rightly pissed off Yankee fans is that A-rod was raked over the coals, may be even appropriately. I root for the Yankees, but get the sense that people in baseball dislike A-rod, so when he steps on his private part, the media gets tons of bad stuff on background. But recall the vermin-laced skank who wrote the book is the same wonderful human being who was all set to lynch the Duke lax guys in Macys window at noon.

When Big Papi got exposed, MLB moved the sun, moon and stars to pretend that his positive test was somehow okay.

Not gonna for a second get the least bit upset whether Reyes did or didn't use PEDs. If he did, BFD. Is this waht reporters think anyone cares about? Enough.

Shawn Merriman plays in the NFL, and no one cares. Fans seem more upset he banged Tila Tequila (valtrex-it's what's for breakfast!)than he tested positive. The NBA is infested with hoodrat borderline retardates who have never lifted a 45 lb. plate in anger once unless they hid a thai stick underneath it who look inexplicably cut and ripped like Jim Jupiter. What makes MLB so special, other than their willingness to pretend reality doens't apply to certain golden children they choose to market their game like Big Papi.Truth is Papi and A-rod have used the same trainers who everyone knows are around PEDs in the DR forever.

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A shareholder and board meber has to protect his company. George Mitchell is a brillaint man; just ask him. Ireland is at peace because in the last 10 years making money began to matter much more than how you worshipped,and that's a good thing. Mitchell acts like he had something to do with that, which is laughable.

They all probably do PEDs to some degree or another. What rightly pissed off Yankee fans is that A-rod was raked over the coals, may be even appropriately. I root for the Yankees, but get the sense that people in baseball dislike A-rod, so when he steps on his private part, the media gets tons of bad stuff on background. But recall the vermin-laced skank who wrote the book is the same wonderful human being who was all set to lynch the Duke lax guys in Macys window at noon.

When Big Papi got exposed, MLB moved the sun, moon and stars to pretend that his positive test was somehow okay.

Not gonna for a second get the least bit upset whether Reyes did or didn't use PEDs. If he did, BFD. Is this waht reporters think anyone cares about? Enough.

Shawn Merriman plays in the NFL, and no one cares. Fans seem more upset he banged Tila Tequila (valtrex-it's what's for breakfast!)than he tested positive. The NBA is infested with hoodrat borderline retardates who have never lifted a 45 lb. plate in anger once unless they hid a thai stick underneath it who look inexplicably cut and ripped like Jim Jupiter. What makes MLB so special, other than their willingness to pretend reality doens't apply to certain golden children they choose to market their game like Big Papi.Truth is Papi and A-rod have used the same trainers who everyone knows are around PEDs in the DR forever.

The reason people vilify A-Rod is:

-He is not likable as a person. He just comes off as smarmy in the manner he deals with teammates and negotiates contracts. I will leave his personal life out of it.

-He vehemently denied using steroids. No doubt, many players do or have done them. But those that go on record, and then are proven otherwise look particularly silly.

-Say what you want about the book and who wrote it, but the major truth was that A-rod did in fact use steroids.

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The reason people vilify A-Rod is:

-He is not likable as a person. He just comes off as smarmy in the manner he deals with teammates and negotiates contracts. I will leave his personal life out of it.

-He vehemently denied using steroids. No doubt, many players do or have done them. But those that go on record, and then are proven otherwise look particularly silly.

-Say what you want about the book and who wrote it, but the major truth was that A-rod did in fact use steroids.

a-rod was raked over the coals for 2 reasons....

1 - he was generally thought of as the best player in the game today

2 - people don't like him for whatever reasons

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a-rod was raked over the coals for 2 reasons....

1 - he was generally thought of as the best player in the game today

2 - people don't like him for whatever reasons

3. He's a liar. Admitted to taking steroids after saying he didn't.

#1 and #2 are the same reasons Bonds got worked over, also.

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A shareholder and board meber has to protect his company. George Mitchell is a brillaint man; just ask him. Ireland is at peace because in the last 10 years making money began to matter much more than how you worshipped,and that's a good thing. Mitchell acts like he had something to do with that, which is laughable.

They all probably do PEDs to some degree or another. What rightly pissed off Yankee fans is that A-rod was raked over the coals, may be even appropriately. I root for the Yankees, but get the sense that people in baseball dislike A-rod, so when he steps on his private part, the media gets tons of bad stuff on background. But recall the vermin-laced skank who wrote the book is the same wonderful human being who was all set to lynch the Duke lax guys in Macys window at noon.

When Big Papi got exposed, MLB moved the sun, moon and stars to pretend that his positive test was somehow okay.

Not gonna for a second get the least bit upset whether Reyes did or didn't use PEDs. If he did, BFD. Is this waht reporters think anyone cares about? Enough.

Shawn Merriman plays in the NFL, and no one cares. Fans seem more upset he banged Tila Tequila (valtrex-it's what's for breakfast!)than he tested positive. The NBA is infested with hoodrat borderline retardates who have never lifted a 45 lb. plate in anger once unless they hid a thai stick underneath it who look inexplicably cut and ripped like Jim Jupiter. What makes MLB so special, other than their willingness to pretend reality doens't apply to certain golden children they choose to market their game like Big Papi.Truth is Papi and A-rod have used the same trainers who everyone knows are around PEDs in the DR forever.

well for what it's worth I'll always dog Merriman for testing positive (and somehow being a probowler that same year...)

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The reason people vilify A-Rod is:

-He is not likable as a person. He just comes off as smarmy in the manner he deals with teammates and negotiates contracts. I will leave his personal life out of it.

-He vehemently denied using steroids. No doubt, many players do or have done them. But those that go on record, and then are proven otherwise look particularly silly.

-Say what you want about the book and who wrote it, but the major truth was that A-rod did in fact use steroids.

As had David Ortiz, Manny Ramirez and Mo Vaughn.And all to varying degrees lied or gave an implausible excuse. Again, I don't care any more. But the point is because A-rod is not beloved does seem the long knives of the press come out when ever he is somehow linked to this nonsense. May be because it's an easy story for the wannabee jocks in the press box to go after A-rod. These are the same people who put Gaylord Perry into the the Hall of Fame and write all those cutesy articles about Ol'Gaylord taking the mound in Old Timer's games with a toolbelt, and now they want to lecture us all about cheating?

Again, the trainer A-rod and Ortiz both used was banned from the World Baseball Classic last March because he was linked to PEDs. The outrage is selective. But also totally pointless. IF Andy Pettitte, Mr. All American Boy, used, anyone could've done it.And to defend BIg Papi, if you're David Arias, Twins washout, and you have a chance to take the needle and make millions or go back to DR Palookaville, I'm taking the needle.

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As had David Ortiz, Manny Ramirez and Mo Vaughn.And all to varying degrees lied or gave an implausible excuse. Again, I don't care any more. But the point is because A-rod is not beloved does seem the long knives of the press come out when ever he is somehow linked to this nonsense. May be because it's an easy story for the wannabee jocks in the press box to go after A-rod. These are the same people who put Gaylord Perry into the the Hall of Fame and write all those cutesy articles about Ol'Gaylord taking the mound in Old Timer's games with a toolbelt, and now they want to lecture us all about cheating?

Again, the trainer A-rod and Ortiz both used was banned from the World Baseball Classic last March because he was linked to PEDs. The outrage is selective. But also totally pointless. IF Andy Pettitte, Mr. All American Boy, used, anyone could've done it.And to defend BIg Papi, if you're David Arias, Twins washout, and you have a chance to take the needle and make millions or go back to DR Palookaville, I'm taking the needle.

This really is not difficult. When someone is perceived as to possibly being the best at what they do of all time (see Tiger Woods), the longer the fall is.

And A-Rod (like Woods) makes it so much easier not to like him.

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See, this is what gets me about fans from other teams who just love bringing up Yankee players...hey, guess what? Every team has roid users...every team over the past decade and a half or perhaps more. But hey, lets just bash the Yankees because steroids were invented by them...as I've said in the past, when the pressure is on players who make millions of dollars, you want that edge...hello to PED.

You people have a reserved seat next to Mr. Ostrich.

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See, this is what gets me about fans from other teams who just love bringing up Yankee players...hey, guess what? Every team has roid users...every team over the past decade and a half or perhaps more. But hey, lets just bash the Yankees because steroids were invented by them...as I've said in the past, when the pressure is on players who make millions of dollars, you want that edge...hello to PED.

You people have a reserved seat next to Mr. Ostrich.

it would appear that a yankees fan started this thread.....i guess from years worth of being butt hurt over the yankee players who were outed as steroid users with concrete evidence. now there have been mets players who were outed with concrete evidence....***** it it's over with. but until we get real concrete evidence against reyes this thread is stupid.

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it would appear that a yankees fan started this thread.....i guess from years worth of being butt hurt over the yankee players who were outed as steroid users with concrete evidence. now there have been mets players who were outed with concrete evidence....***** it it's over with. but until we get real concrete evidence against reyes this thread is stupid.

I agree with Reyes 100%...I just think it's foolish for "some" fans that think their team is innocent of roid users...it's a multi billion dollar business...players want some of the booty, so they need an edge.

Hey, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Jeter has taken some form of a PED.

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revisionist history?

Give me a break.

I'll sit here and wait for your proof, but I doubt we'll ever see it.

This Guido character is a real piece of work. All he does is talk about "Yankee haters" and how jealous they have to be, yet the majority of his posts are about the Red Sox or Mets.

Quite the lost child.

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I agree with Reyes 100%...I just think it's foolish for "some" fans that think their team is innocent of roid users...it's a multi billion dollar business...players want some of the booty, so they need an edge.

Hey, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Jeter has taken some form of a PED.

Who here has said that players on their team does not do steroids.

What you should wonder about is why some Yankee fans are so stuck in this illusion. Your team just won the World Series, but all that some seem worried about is the idea that only Yankee players got caught or investigated.

It is a bit amusing.

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This Guido character is a real piece of work. All he does is talk about "Yankee haters" and how jealous they have to be, yet the majority of his posts are about the Red Sox or Mets.

Quite the lost child.

This is so comical to me. Keep the laughs coming, please.

Yeah, I am going to go back searching through posts from 3 and 4 years ago on JN and JI with you guys to find all the times Yankee players were vilified prior to any proof. I don't need to prove anything, because I was there, and I will continue to laugh at the revisionists who suggest otherwise.

I challenge anyone to deny for example that Roger Clemens wasn't accused by many a Mets fan for "roid raging" when he threw a broken bat at Piazza in the World Series, far in advance of any evidence against him. Those same people now are "waiting for real evidence" against Reyes, simply because of the uniform he wears. It's amusing to me.

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This is so comical to me. Keep the laughs coming, please.

Yeah, I am going to go back searching through posts from 3 and 4 years ago on JN and JI with you guys to find all the times Yankee players were vilified prior to any proof. I don't need to prove anything, because I was there, and I will continue to laugh at the revisionists who suggest otherwise.

I challenge anyone to deny for example that Roger Clemens wasn't accused by many a Mets fan for "roid raging" when he threw a broken bat at Piazza in the World Series, far in advance of any evidence against him. Those same people now are "waiting for real evidence" against Reyes, simply because of the uniform he wears. It's amusing to me.

Quite the lawyer you are, along with judge, jury and executioner.

Keep with your agenda of Yankee haters, while all your posts seem to be Red Sox and met oriented


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I agree with Reyes 100%...I just think it's foolish for "some" fans that think their team is innocent of roid users...it's a multi billion dollar business...players want some of the booty, so they need an edge.

Hey, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Jeter has taken some form of a PED.

i gues si wouldn't SHOCKED but it would surprise me casue he just doesn't look like he ever did and never had the mysterious power increase that would go with it

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Today's Daily Schmooz featurs a hopped up Mike Lupica chock full of bile about A-rod and the end of civilization.

Here's the msot remarkable thing I read today about Gaylord Perry on baseball reference.com-

Baseballreference.com-"Inducted into the Hall of Fame by BBWAA as Player in 1991 (342/443 ballots)". So now a good chunk of those 342 people want to get upset about cheating? Where were they in 1991? Why are they not petitioning admitted cheater Perry be removed from the Hall?

May be because it's an easy story for the wannabee jocks in the press box to go after A-rod. These are the same people who put Gaylord Perry into the the Hall of Fame and write all those cutesy articles about Ol'Gaylord taking the mound in Old Timer's games with a toolbelt, and now they want to lecture us all about cheating? Not trying remotely to excuse anyone using PEDs, but again there's all kinds of manufactured outrage about PEDs, yet the writers had no problem putting a guy in the HoF who admitted in his autobiogrpahy-"Me and the Spitter"-he cheated. Phil Niekro and Whitey Ford did too. Leo Durocher, Willie Mays and Monte Irvin as members of the 1951 New York Giants stole signs that helped them win a pennant. Are all the outraged going to petition those guys be expunged from the HoF?

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Today's Daily Schmooz featurs a hopped up Mike Lupica chock full of bile about A-rod and the end of civilization.

Here's the msot remarkable thing I read today about Gaylord Perry on baseball reference.com-

Baseballreference.com-"Inducted into the Hall of Fame by BBWAA as Player in 1991 (342/443 ballots)". So now a good chunk of those 342 people want to get upset about cheating? Where were they in 1991? Why are they not petitioning admitted cheater Perry be removed from the Hall?

May be because it's an easy story for the wannabee jocks in the press box to go after A-rod. These are the same people who put Gaylord Perry into the the Hall of Fame and write all those cutesy articles about Ol'Gaylord taking the mound in Old Timer's games with a toolbelt, and now they want to lecture us all about cheating? Not trying remotely to excuse anyone using PEDs, but again there's all kinds of manufactured outrage about PEDs, yet the writers had no problem putting a guy in the HoF who admitted in his autobiogrpahy-"Me and the Spitter"-he cheated. Phil Niekro and Whitey Ford did too. Leo Durocher, Willie Mays and Monte Irvin as members of the 1951 New York Giants stole signs that helped them win a pennant. Are all the outraged going to petition those guys be expunged from the HoF?

No one is ever going to get any sympathy defending A-Rod. He makes it more difficult to like him and brings a lot of things on himself by the way he acts and conducts himself.

The same way he had the accolades for being supposedly the best player in the game, makes you fall hard when you artificially created the veneer. His boorishness only makes it easier to pile on.

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No one is ever going to get any sympathy defending A-Rod. He makes it more difficult to like him and brings a lot of things on himself by the way he acts and conducts himself.

The same way he had the accolades for being supposedly the best player in the game, makes you fall hard when you artificially created the veneer. His boorishness only makes it easier to pile on.

Well, if there's one thing we can agree on, it's this. Even before the ARoid stuff, this guy made it virtually impossible to like him, even his home team's fans. I've never seen such an insecure and insincere person, especially given all he was blessed with. Last year, he took a step in the right direction, but only by primarily keeping his mouth shut most of the time.

Keep it up ARod, the less you talk, the easier you are to tolerate. Still by far my least favorite Yankee though. Although Goose Gossage is really moving quickly up that list in the "former Yank" category.

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