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My Latest Psychic Moment...


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My son wants to play camrona (harmonica) which means I have to play guitar with him. That should kill a few hours, but inside I'll be hearing tick tock, tick tock. What really stinks is how cold it is here. The high here is 8. That just adds to the stir craziness going on. C'mon 4:30!

I was in Minnesota for the Super Bowl years ago. I couldn't believe how cold it was there. You guys are nuts.

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Happened this morning at 8:22 when I opened my eyes. In my head I heard the voice of Jets' radio announcer Bob Wichusen say these exact words. "and for the second year in a row the New York Jets are heading to the AFC Championship game". I heard it 3 times...

Now you guys know how I cam on here and reported when I was having these visions in August and September. The first one happened when Revis was holding out and there was alot of animosity and uncertainty about whether he would sign or not. I was sitting outside on the lawn chair smoking a cigarette right around dusk when I saw a giant flat screen TV drop down in front of me in HD and in color. I saw Revis jumping around in his white home uniform before the Ravens game. I came here and reported it-I even predicted the exact day he WOULD sign and at 11:45 that night he did.

My second one happened the day before the first Jets Pats game when I told you all to relax we would win-it was just a feeling I had-very confident and not worried at all-I was right then too. I have the same exact feeling about this game.

Bro ... whatever or whomever you're channeling to get these visions. Keep doing it.

Great work!

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