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WrestleMafia Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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UNVOTE, VOTE WAR I know for sure SMC is town so I refuse to vote for him.

As this first day of debate goes on, all 20 of you stand in the ring, arguing back and forth over who amongst you are the ones trying to put an end to each other's careers and the WWE as a whole. As you all start to get a little more impatient, the attention moves first towards war ensemble, and then quickly shifts over to SMC, who's response seems to catch a number of people off guard. As they continue to discuss it suddenly... the lights in the arena go out!

You all quickly get on your guard as you expect the worst, but also can't see a thing around you. Suddenly, a sound of a thud comes from behind you, followed by the loud, unmistakable bang of someone falling square in the center of the ring. The lights come back on and you all turn to see one of your fellow wrestlers laid out in the middle of the ring, a coconut laying on the ground right next to him. While you all fear you've already lost one teammate, suddenly the man laying in the middle of the ring sits straight up. He then climbs to his feet and looks around suspiciously. It appears as though he can continue for now, but is certainly worse for wear. Another shot like that might just be too much for him to handle.

Clearly, the monkey had a hand in this.

Alliances would be problematic as a setup IMO, because then we're talking large mason teams which would defeat the underlying setup of mafia.

I try not to take the train jumping personally, some on there are pinging. Slats was early, however, but he did have that post after the train started which was essentially a cover to say, "I voted for him and he came out town, but it was his fault for getting lynched because he was acting 'anti-town'."


Good luck with that, Dude. Nineteen other players in this game watched you completely lay down and beg for votes. I was just trying to get you to play the ******* game. It's annoying when a townie purposely gets himself killed over some slight or another. I'd prefer you to play.

I feel for Song, I'm sure she's getting an earful about how stupid the rest of us are right now in your QT.


vote: Brett

Stand by my earlier comment that I really haven't had a townie vibe from the dude all game.

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Also FOS J80. I don't like his play this game. And his rando vote on Brett which is obviously not going to pan out or give us any information whatsoever.

lol. Kindly tell us which player we can lynch by high noon tomorrow will give us valuable information? I gave you people my case on SMC, but no one bit. Time to look elsewhere.

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Well based on all of the conversation going on I'm going to unvote SMC as I really REALLY dont' think scum is going to stick their necks out this early to protect one another. That actually does make me feel ok about Song and SMC. Considering that we're not going to go after War I will move my vote to who I think is the next scummiest person.

Unvote SMC

Vote JF80

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WE is a dumb vote... even if he is scum they'll just wait till the 11th hour to "reveal" and force town to scramble to find an alternative.

At some point we'll get to the bottom of Doogies nonsense.. just not sure 8 hours before BGs dumb deadline on D1 is the way to go about it. have mercy.

Alright then...


Vote JIF

My last response to his nonsense is reason enough... but I will add that when that cocky prick is town, he scum hunts, he doesn't post all these long-winded posts pretending to ponder things and he certainly doesn't steer the town towards dead-end conversations as he has so far.

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lol. Kindly tell us which player we can lynch by high noon tomorrow will give us valuable information? I gave you people my case on SMC, but no one bit. Time to look elsewhere.

Hahahaa... we should have lynched you after the 16+ quote case on Pac that came a few hours into D1...

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lol. Kindly tell us which player we can lynch by high noon tomorrow will give us valuable information? I gave you people my case on SMC, but no one bit. Time to look elsewhere.

You do recognize that Song and SMC are claiming to be masons, which are a townie team that gets to converse in their own QT, right?

The case on SMC died right then and there.

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I suggest you watch your tone.

I'm not sure whats got you so caught up in my level of assuredness with regards to SMC's alignment. I said I was calling my shot... not that he was definitely scum. Appears I was wrong. So?

Have a nice day.

What's got me all caught up is that you were whining no one would follow you on SMC for a good bit yesterday, IIRC. Then, suddenly, when there's the possibility of him and Song being teammates, it wouldn't have taken much to get you off his train (which you started).

And as for my tone? You and your little sock puppet can take my tone, shine it up real nice, turn it sideways, and shove it.

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Well based on all of the conversation going on I'm going to unvote SMC as I really REALLY dont' think scum is going to stick their necks out this early to protect one another. That actually does make me feel ok about Song and SMC. Considering that we're not going to go after War I will move my vote to who I think is the next scummiest person.

Unvote SMC

Vote JF80

I'm down wit dis.


Vote JetFat80

bang bang.

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What's got me all caught up is that you were whining no one would follow you on SMC for a good bit yesterday, IIRC. Then, suddenly, when there's the possibility of him and Song being teammates, it wouldn't have taken much to get you off his train (which you started).

And as for my tone? You and your little sock puppet can take my tone, shine it up real nice, turn it sideways, and shove it.

I refuse to explain it to you again my little friend.

have mercy.

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Hahahaa... we should have lynched you after the 16+ quote case on Pac that came a few hours into D1...

Which is actually why my vote is on there. I'm OK with trying to see how players play and if it's different on D1 than in other games. It's a sign of hiding in plain sight to me. But anyone who is trying to draw up quotes and essentially create a GOTCHA case on D1 is more likely to be scum in my books.

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Clearly, the monkey had a hand in this.


Good luck with that, Dude. Nineteen other players in this game watched you completely lay down and beg for votes. I was just trying to get you to play the ******* game. It's annoying when a townie purposely gets himself killed over some slight or another. I'd prefer you to play.

I feel for Song, I'm sure she's getting an earful about how stupid the rest of us are right now in your QT.


vote: Brett

Stand by my earlier comment that I really haven't had a townie vibe from the dude all game.

LOL. I thought the same thing when I read coconut.

Well based on all of the conversation going on I'm going to unvote SMC as I really REALLY dont' think scum is going to stick their necks out this early to protect one another. That actually does make me feel ok about Song and SMC. Considering that we're not going to go after War I will move my vote to who I think is the next scummiest person.

Unvote SMC

Vote JF80

I follow you on pretty much this whole post. 80 does seem off, and I may go in that direction. I'm going to try and re-read some of Brett first

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What's got me all caught up is that you were whining no one would follow you on SMC for a good bit yesterday, IIRC. Then, suddenly, when there's the possibility of him and Song being teammates, it wouldn't have taken much to get you off his train (which you started).

And as for my tone? You and your little sock puppet can take my tone, shine it up real nice, turn it sideways, and shove it.


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vote: JF80

I'm at least willing to run the tally up on him and see what he has to say for himself. I agree with everyone that his play is different than last game - not that I don't expect a player to change somewhat from their first to second game.

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Good luck with that, Dude. Nineteen other players in this game watched you completely lay down and beg for votes. I was just trying to get you to play the ******* game. It's annoying when a townie purposely gets himself killed over some slight or another. I'd prefer you to play.

I feel for Song, I'm sure she's getting an earful about how stupid the rest of us are right now in your QT.


vote: Brett

Stand by my earlier comment that I really haven't had a townie vibe from the dude all game.

LOL. I've seen you vote for me in another game because I was too aggressive in fighting a lynch as a townie. Now I was lynch worthy because I "completely lay down."

You, Pac & CTM were talking in an echo chamber. Similar to what happened to you at the end of last game with the Brett vote.

As to who I should vote for? I'm not confident about anyone. I voted for Pac because he's pulling a shtick. The bandwaggoners were concerning. I don't know about Brett or WE but if I had to chose I'd go WE.

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FWIW, we're making the lives of scum a lot easier, right now. If one was to assume all the claims so far are truthful (Doggin, WE, and the tag-team), we've managed to out 4 townies with roles on Day 1. Best case scenario we may have one scum in that bunch, but either way we've given them a lot more info than usual for a day 1, I feel like.

I can't really recall a Day 1 where we literally went from person to person until they revealed like this. I've been on two of the three trains, so I'm not calling any specific person out, I'm just stating most likely we're ALL being played pretty hard right now.

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LOL. I've seen you vote for me in another game because I was too aggressive in fighting a lynch as a townie. Now I was lynch worthy because I "completely lay down."

You, Pac & CTM were talking in an echo chamber. Similar to what happened to you at the end of last game with the Brett vote.

As to who I should vote for? I'm not confident about anyone. I voted for Pac because he's pulling a shtick. The bandwaggoners were concerning. I don't know about Brett or WE but if I had to chose I'd go WE.

You mean when the town finished the game with four townies standing and all other threats removed?

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FWIW, we're making the lives of scum a lot easier, right now. If one was to assume all the claims so far are truthful (Doggin, WE, and the tag-team), we've managed to out 4 townies with roles on Day 1. Best case scenario we may have one scum in that bunch, but either way we've given them a lot more info than usual for a day 1, I feel like.

I can't really recall a Day 1 where we literally went from person to person until they revealed like this. I've been on two of the three trains, so I'm not calling any specific person out, I'm just stating most likely we're ALL being played pretty hard right now.

We've only really confirmed SMC/Song. WE and Doggin could easily be lying thru their teeth.

We're fortunate that we haven't outed the cop, doc, and any other power role so far.

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We've only really confirmed SMC/Song. WE and Doggin could easily be lying thru their teeth.

We're fortunate that we haven't outed the cop, doc, and any other power role so far.

I concur, and I'm especially wary of WE's non-reveal reveal. My point is we're getting in a dangerous pattern, though at the same time I'm not sure there's much more we could do about it.

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I feel like we did this last game as well.

Which, given the general consensus of how the town played as a whole last game....probably isn't a good thing. (though to be fair, I don't feel like I can comment too much on last game, as I was inactive, then died early)

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Official Vote Count

Doggin (1) - Aemon

brett (4) - war ensemble, Jets Things, doggin, Jetsfan80

war ensemble (3) - Jetscode, brett, Song

SMC (1) - JiF

Pac (1) - SMC

Jetsfan80 (5) - JVOR, Vicious, Pac, slats, Crusher

Song (1) - Sharrow

AVM (1) - CTM

JiF (1) - I28

Not Voting: Dan, AVM

With 20 players remaining, it takes 11 to lynch.

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Doggin should become a NK target if he is town, BUT now with the soft reveal from WE, I'd like to see what scum does with 2 reveals out there... and who is standing in the morning.

The quote you posted wasn't even a theory you dipsh*t. I basically said 2 things:

1. The ONLY thing conclusive about Doggin's lynch will be finding out Doggin's alignment. Plain and simple... the fact that you called that logic flawed is mind-numbing.

2. Talking extensively about Pac's post restriction, and lynching Doggin to then find ourselves saying the double-voter might not have been on his train, or there might now be one at all seems like a moot point as we already have that wealth of knowledge now... I think BOTH are counter-productive agendas to be pushing at this point. You have pushed them both.

Also, scum hunter... if you are implying I am giving off my "scum tell" then vote me please. Just move Crusher's balls out of the way and make some room for egg on your face.

Clearly a man of conviction. :rolleyes:

You are a very frustrating person to play with. You are making points about points I never made...lol. WE had teh best all time description of your play. You do have a scum tell, and its why I've nailed you twice as scum with ease. I'm not getting it this game though so your plea for a vote wont work...again.

Don't you ever roll your eyes at me again! Do you know who I am?!

have mercy!

Dont talk to Song that way or I'll kick your a$$, I dont give a **** who you are.

Alright then...


Vote JIF

My last response to his nonsense is reason enough... but I will add that when that cocky prick is town, he scum hunts, he doesn't post all these long-winded posts pretending to ponder things and he certainly doesn't steer the town towards dead-end conversations as he has so far.

I'm beginning to think you might actually be worse than me at this game.

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Which, given the general consensus of how the town played as a whole last game....probably isn't a good thing. (though to be fair, I don't feel like I can comment too much on last game, as I was inactive, then died early)

We should just put a cap on it like, 3 people per day. Pick one of the 3 and go from there. I agree with you on the fact that in a game like this the more we "reveal" the better for scum. They can get free info during the day and at the same time make up a role and hope it gets them through another night. Plus this is exhausting to me and I know as a mod it blows because you want action and people are just sitting around bickering, running up a vote, revealing, and then unvoting. Then comes the deadline and we rush to a vote.

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in my book, pac, smc and song are innocent..

we should lynch someone from the jetfan0 train, i think, preferably later..

i'll go jf80 is time becomes an issue..

I agree, I'm getting a totally different read on him. However, you've also been coming to his rescue a lot as well and I dont know why.

Which brings me back to your interactions with JVOR. Something was going on there and I'm not sure who is the scum in this case...but I do think either you or JVOR are scum...but its almost like our hands are tied with a deadline looming (albeit necessary) and we have to join a train...but I'd really like to pressure you or JVOR.

Unvote SMC

Gotta figure out which way I want to go.

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You mean when the town finished the game with four townies standing and all other threats removed?

Ends justify the means. I guess it's my latent SOJF. I still care about moral victories and losses I guess.

In any event, JF80 trying to make a "case" against me was kinda bullsh*t. Speed lynches benefit scum, so that's where I'm gonna go since my Pac vote is wasted.

UNVOTE: Pacturd

VOTE: JetFan80

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In any event, JF80 trying to make a "case" against me was kinda bullsh*t. Speed lynches benefit scum, so that's where I'm gonna go since my Pac vote is wasted.

UNVOTE: Pacturd

VOTE: JetFan80

Speed lynch? How the hell are we supposed to get a speed lynch with 20 players? I made my case and others jumped on. I have no control over how fast the votes pile on after that point.

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