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Scarface Mafia - The World is Yours


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I am okay with Vic's reveal. He hasn't done anything to ping me, but he hasn't done anything to earn my confidence either. The vote that Vic/Song posted on JF80 on D1 could be perceived as scummy. If we knew DPR's alignment. Her vote was timed in such a way that it did prompt the final bit of momentum on JF80 over DPR. This really brings me back to DPR... needing to know his alignment. He's played a very scummy game... hard to ignore.

There isn't anything else from Vic that has resonated as scummy. I agreed with him a lot during Nae's lynch, it was the right thing to do at that time. With the intention of lynching DPR today if he didn't shoot. DPR seemingly came up with a new line of excuses... predictably.

Vote DPR

If we end up losing and he is scum I won't forgive myself.

Other thoughts:

Dan came in like an assassin and took care of Crusher, but went right back into silent mode. Kinda shady... I thought that would be the moment where she starts contributing more. She usually holds off early and then gets more vocal in the end.

Sharrow has made sense with his limited posts, no pings, other than him saying he is confused. I think we all are.

SMC hasn't posted a list, or scolded me for bad logic this game. Not sure how to read that, but I've agreed with his point of view. If CTM is town, then I'd lean scum on SMC. I can't tell if he's been trying to keep me on CTM's case or not. Smash is another one that echoed me early... which always makes me skeptical, but I've got a neutral read on him as I do most of you.

Verbal seems way too committed to the idea that DPR is cleared. DPR's alignment would be telling here.

Wombat has had a number of sh*tty votes, but has managed to keep the heat off. He deserves some heat though.

Crusher screaming for Hess and Dan on his way down is curious.

**** this... I'm going back to the Falcon thread. I find it really hard to evaluate the game without knowing DPR's alignment.

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Ok, reveal #2 coming up...

Sorry DPR. You might not wanna call me Verbaliscious (hehe) after this, but I stole your gun.

I am the town thief. I had a 1-time ability to steal a gun if that player had one. I was holding the ability until I could use it to either vet somebody or obtain a gun. I decided to get a 2-for-1 and steal DPR's gun. It worked, and I now have a 1-time shot to be used whenever I want. Due to the HIGH chance my a$$ is toast tonight for this, I plan on using the shot today.

So please - UNVOTE DPR FOR NOW. He is most likely town, based on Nae's viewing and my theft of his gun. This doesn't mean he still can't be a GF, but he was telling the truth about having a gun.

I'm now in the position that DPR was in before.

I'm going home right now, so please don't do anything stupid and I'll be back online later this evening. Promise.

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Ok, reveal #2 coming up...

Sorry DPR. You might not wanna call me Verbaliscious (hehe) after this, but I stole your gun.

I am the town thief. I had a 1-time ability to steal a gun if that player had one. I was holding the ability until I could use it to either vet somebody or obtain a gun. I decided to get a 2-for-1 and steal DPR's gun. It worked, and I now have a 1-time shot to be used whenever I want. Due to the HIGH chance my a$ is toast tonight for this, I plan on using the shot today.

So please - UNVOTE DPR FOR NOW. He is most likely town, based on Nae's viewing and my theft of his gun. This doesn't mean he still can't be a GF, but he was telling the truth about having a gun.

I'm now in the position that DPR was in before.

I'm going home right now, so please don't do anything stupid and I'll be back online later this evening. Promise.

If that's what you have I'm open to taking the shot since I have a vest. It would HOPEFULLY vet the two of us and would probably make us the next two targets for the next two nights. Would also narrow the lynch pool.

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1) JetFat80: Cesar Cordova - Fat Townie (D1 Lynch)

6) Brett: Armando - Town Gunsmith (N1 Kill)

22)Nae: Fernando - Town 1-time investigation (REVEAL D2-Legit)(D2 Lynch)

10)Slats: Matos - Town Hider (N2 Kill)

9) JiF: Gina Montana - SK Mistress (D3 Day kill??? Not sure of the cause of death)

20)JVoR: SK (REVEAL D3 as Doc)(D3 Lynch)

13)BG: Mel Bernstein - Town Cop (N3 Kill)

12)Crusher: Ernie - Mafia Symp (REVEAL D3 / Bodyguard)(D4 Lynch)

18)JC: Francisco - FBI Agent (REVEAL D3 / FBI Agent found SK) (N4 Kill)


8) The Ape: (REVEAL D1) Town Contractor / Earned Vest

15)D P R: (REVEAL D1) Pedro Quinn - Egotistical Townie has PR to talk arrogantly for 3 days, earns 1-shot vig kill, claims it was stolen

3) Hess: (REVEAL D2) Town, Scum can control his vote on D2 and D4?

19)CTM: (CLAIM D2 / Non-reveal) Surived NK attempt

2) Dan X

4) Verb: (REVEAL D5) Town Thief - claims he stole DPR's gun, gun is day/night

5) Sharrow

7) Song/Vic (REVEAL D5) Town Inventor - claims he has 1-time vest

11)Tom Shane





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I'm seriously cool with the vig shot. It could potentially clear both Verb and I and it helps DPR a bit. If Verb is scum with a day kill well I guess it's a great play.

Yeah that my issue with just shooting a vest...it doesn't really clear me. Meh....I'm open to suggestions. Let's slow it down and think it through.

Got to mow the lawn...ba back a little later.

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Yeah that my issue with just shooting a vest...it doesn't really clear me. Meh....I'm open to suggestions. Let's slow it down and think it through.

Got to mow the lawn...ba back a little later.

Let's look at the killing breakdown...

1) JetFat80: Cesar Cordova - Fat Townie (D1 Lynch)

6) Brett: Armando - Town Gunsmith (N1 Kill)

(CTM claims he avoided shot on N1)

22)Nae: Fernando - Town 1-time investigation (REVEAL D2-Legit)(D2 Lynch)

10)Slats: Matos - Town Hider (N2 Kill)

9) JiF: Gina Montana - SK Mistress (D3 Day kill??? Not sure of the cause of death)

20)JVoR: SK (REVEAL D3 as Doc)(D3 Lynch)

13)BG: Mel Bernstein - Town Cop (N3 Kill)

12)Crusher: Ernie - Mafia Symp (REVEAL D3 / Bodyguard)(D4 Lynch)

18)JC: Francisco - FBI Agent (REVEAL D3 / FBI Agent found SK) (N4 Kill)

N1: Scum team + SK team = 2 shots on N1, makes sense (even though CTM's in unverified)

N2: Slats dying as the hider is weird. It means he must've hidden with scum. So there's no SK shot, no scum shot, and Slats died by hiding with scum - could this mean that hider hiding with scum absorbed their shot for his death? and that SK was odd nights only, since we never saw 2 shots on one night again? OR did scum defer their shot to D3 and use it on JIF? Hard to say, dangerous to speculate...

N3 & N4: 1 death each night

Its pretty consistent except the JIF death. Its an oddball. We can't even be sure it was a kill, it could have been tied to the lynch of JVOR somehow. Anyway, what I take from all this, is this hypothesis: Scum can shoot every night. SK was able to shoot every other night (or hit the doc N2). JIF was shot by a vig gun, or died with JVOR's lynch. There are at least 2-3 vig guns in play. The one I turned down. The one that might have shot JIF. The one that DPR got stolen by Verbal.

With it being obvious there is no dedicated vig, I think 3 possible vig shots is pretty balanced in a game with an SK team and scum.

I think its kinda safe to say that scum can't shoot in the day phase... Verbal, I think it'll come as close to confirming you as we can ask for at this point.

If you, DPR and Vicious came up with this as a scum team, bravo... but I doubt it. (What I mean by this is DPR lies about gun, lies about gun getting stolen, Vic claims vest, you claim you stole gun, you shoot vic (who might have vest as scum?) to confirm yourself, vic and dpr.)

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Could not get on last night ... think I believe verbal and DPR. I would lean towards shooting Wombat because he felt a little off to me during the crusher stuff, but I want to reread that later tonight.

dpr was right I hadn't thought about alternating NKs, so I guess the two teams could be possible. Might expect to see more scumhunting going on if that were the case because the teams would be trying to find each other, but who knows.

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verb.. you said you think dpr is town, why'd you steal the gun from him?

Not to mention, why would the mod give a gun to a townie, and then give he power to steal it to another townie? That would be kinda weird...just sayin'. Of course, I'm the guy that still wants to know why the mod would give a bullet proof vest to a roleless townie as well...but I'm scummy...riiiiggghhhht.

I28 - Have you been offered any other "deals" from the mod? A simple yes or know will suffice, or you can just explain how your "role" was designed to make you post FOS's during the first 5 minutes of the game, and then you were done.

Of course. I might be a revealed townie, cop-confirmed-townie, gun-confirmed-townie, GF.

"Cause that's believable.

I'm going to the store for more vodka...

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Shooting me is a bad idea, btw. If I could reveal today I'd explain, I'll do that tomorrow if you want.

I'm thinking shooting the vests isn't the way to go right now, though one of them could be lying, I doubt both are. I would go with one of the 4 I listed.

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Not to mention, why would the mod give a gun to a townie, and then give he power to steal it to another townie? That would be kinda weird...just sayin'. Of course, I'm the guy that still wants to know why the mod would give a bullet proof vest to a roleless townie as well...but I'm scummy...riiiiggghhhht.

I28 - Have you been offered any other "deals" from the mod? A simple yes or know will suffice, or you can just explain how your "role" was designed to make you post FOS's during the first 5 minutes of the game, and then you were done.

Of course. I might be a revealed townie, cop-confirmed-townie, gun-confirmed-townie, GF.

"Cause that's believable.

I'm going to the store for more vodka...

No. I have not had any other deals. My role gave me teh chance to stay roleless, or FOS every player in the game at least once before the end of D1 to earn a vest or vig shot, as I've described at length. The choice to FOS all at once was my own, Pac got pissed at me cause he wanted me to space them out, but he didn't make it a requirement.

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Shooting me is a bad idea, btw. If I could reveal today I'd explain, I'll do that tomorrow if you want.

I'm thinking shooting the vests isn't the way to go right now, though one of them could be lying, I doubt both are. I would go with one of the 4 I listed.

Interesting. Of course, you weren't really in danger of being shot...

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No. I have not had any other deals. My role gave me teh chance to stay roleless, or FOS every player in the game at least once before the end of D1 to earn a vest or vig shot, as I've described at length. The choice to FOS all at once was my own, Pac got pissed at me cause he wanted me to space them out, but he didn't make it a requirement.

Okay - calm down - I'm just trying to confirm that he gave you a role that was essentially nullified during D1, and all you got out of it was a Bullet Proof Vest, and now you're roleless. Right?

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Okay - calm down - I'm just trying to confirm that he gave you a role that was essentially nullified during D1, and all you got out of it was a Bullet Proof Vest, and now you're roleless. Right?

Totally calm. Yes, I am a roleless townie with a BP vest.

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