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The Office Mafia Game Thread

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^Actually I'm voting you b/c as of day 1 I think you're the best shot at being scum. I'm trying to explain to you why I think that. You would actually be last person I would pick out if I were scum as we're usually on same wavelength to a degree and I would ride that...but we're not this game, hence my vote. It's not like I have tunnel vision on you either ftr.

I didn't accuse you of tunnel vision. I pretty clearly said you are making sh*t up. Each time you respond to me and elaborate on your list of reasons for voting me, you get further and further from fact or things you can back up with examples. Like saying that I never break down D1 trains... first you said its a scumtell, then I said I do it all the time as town, then you said its a scumtell in general, I said I do it anytime I feel a train is bullsh*t on D1, then you said I never do it... I just can't figure out if you are trying to convince others I am scum, or if you are still trying to convince yourself. Definitely 2 separate agendas...

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LOL. Ape reveals last game "accidentally" with little pressure and now he avoids revealing with much more pressure & complains about players challenging his playing style.

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Just making sure your ego is in check.

Seriously dude. I'm wasting time I could be spending with my girlfriend before going back to work tonight trying to explain that I see the flaw in how I play sometimes, and am trying to adjust... don't talk to me about my ego. Not one of the arrogant pigs who play this game would actually admit they suck the way I have, and try to fix it.

The fact that some of these scumbags are trying to use it to make me an easy lynch is ******* bullsh*t.

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Seriously dude. I'm wasting time I could be spending with my girlfriend before going back to work tonight trying to explain that I see the flaw in how I play sometimes, and am trying to adjust... don't talk to me about my ego. Not one of the arrogant pigs who play this game would actually admit they suck the way I have, and try to fix it.

The fact that some of these scumbags are trying to use it to make me an easy lynch is ******* bullsh*t.

You really can't help it, can you? You know who you remind me of?


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OmG it's the same reason everytime LOL. One more time for monkey love. And I do you love him. ANYONE who starts fos'ing an entire train when the votee is at L2, L1 ect, looks like scum especially day. 1. Even. For you 28. You're metagaming yourself btw. I'm only pointing out the contradictions.

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Vic, your attitude on d1 is just the worst.

The goal of each day should be to lynch scum. Simple. I don't care if its hard, or unlikely, its what we should always be trying to do. Putting everyones name in a hat is pointless, and retarded. All we are doing is waiting for a cop or doc to reveal, or narrowing the pool for scum to shoot at.

Instead of dancing around bullsh*tting, lets stick to the point of the game and go with who we think is playing the scummiest. What we are doing gets us nowhere, imo. Take 80 for example, he revealed, doesn't make him scum or town. It does nothing.

And the worst part is, we do it to the same people every time. DPR is even starting to get pressure from CTM, wonder where people are gonna go after I28. Hmm.

D1 is easy for Vic to sit back and bullsh*t while everyone else atleast TRIES to find scum. I could have a guilty on him and he still wouldn't be a D1 lynch.

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Get off your high horse Brett. It's day 1 and I'm bound to be wrong. Why waste my energy now

Your mock outrage gives me strength.

Lol... if its just wasting your energy, why play the game? Its why were here.

I like you, I've never had a problem with you, and don't even right now. I just think the attitude that sitting back and doing nothing, while others do, because you are PROBABLY wrong, means you shouldn't even try-- is stupid.

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LOL. Ape reveals last game "accidentally" with little pressure and now he avoids revealing with much more pressure & complains about players challenging his playing style.

I'm about to Peter Gabriel the Ape unless he starts talking... It's starting to look like he's stalling - maybe to come up with a juicy reveal?

**** you both, I'm not stalling. I had to catch up, responded to some bullsh*t and I've been back and forth with Hess.

My reveal: I'm Erin, I started the game with a letter of recommendation, it is unopened to start off.

After N1, if I receive another object I have to choose one to keep. If I give up the letter, it gets burned and is out of the game. If I don't receive another object I keep the letter and get to find out what it does.

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Brett... dpr is getting from me cause he's being opportunistic with vic'd attitude as if it represents what we do here. There's a HUGE difference between mindlessly run em up and reveal and what used to happen here.. Votes for cause.. Defense..pressure.. Defense.. Competing train.. And then maybe revea if defense didn't hold up.. Dpr, as someone who supposedly doesn't like this style, is now not only embracing it.. But advocating dembing it down to an extreme level (someone gets half way to lynch, let's just pile on and force the reveal regardless of whether I personally find it scummy)

btw, i'd add WWWWWWombat to that list..

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Lol... if its just wasting your energy, why play the game? Its why were here.

I like you, I've never had a problem with you, and don't even right now. I just think the attitude that sitting back and doing nothing, while others do, because you are PROBABLY wrong, means you shouldn't even try-- is stupid.

That's your opinion. Listen I'm not going to fabricate ideas to appease you. I do better with more info to work with. We get info in our games through reveals and reactions afterwards. Also play style throughout a game is another factor I use.

Day 1 is all probability and I personally feel we are all good enough at this game to not completely Irish Jet ourselves day 1.

I also like you. I want to hug you.

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**** you both, I'm not stalling. I had to catch up, responded to some bullsh*t and I've been back and forth with Hess.

My reveal: I'm Erin, I started the game with a letter of recommendation, it is unopened to start off.

After N1, if I receive another object I have to choose one to keep. If I give up the letter, it gets burned and is out of the game. If I don't receive another object I keep the letter and get to find out what it does.

So you're saying that the "letter of recommendation" is an object, even though the mod was clear that objects would only be passed out at night? Slip much?

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Brett... dpr is getting from me cause he's being opportunistic with vic'd attitude as if it represents what we do here. There's a HUGE difference between mindlessly run em up and reveal and what used to happen here.. Votes for cause.. Defense..pressure.. Defense.. Competing train.. And then maybe revea if defense didn't hold up.. Dpr, as someone who supposedly doesn't like this style, is now not only embracing it.. But advocating dembing it down to an extreme level (someone gets half way to lynch, let's just pile on and force the reveal regardless of whether I personally find it scummy)

btw, i'd add WWWWWWombat to that list..

Bolded is exactly what I'd expect, and I don't know when everyones attitude changed to lets go in a circle and force reveals.

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I28 (5): Sharrow, Wombat, Hess, Jetscode1, DPR

Vicious (3): Pac, I28, Brett

Jetsfan80 (2): SMC, Lily

Brettw4rd (1): Verbal

Slats (1): AVM

JiF (1): J80

DPR (2): CTM, Smash

Not voting: JiF, Crusher, Slats

With 19 people alive, it takes 10 to lynch.

Deadline has been extended to Wednesday 12PM ET.


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Vote DPR

because hes a Mangina

THAT"S IT! The play of the game! No need to go any further, all of the glory has been had... :hand:

Okay, seriously, am I missing something? Mod said objects were going out at night?

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I28 (5): Sharrow, Wombat, Hess, Jetscode1, DPR

Vicious (3): Pac, I28, Brett

Jetsfan80 (2): SMC, Lily

DPR (2): CTM, Smash

Brettw4rd (1): Verbal

Slats (1): AVM

JiF (1): J80

Lily (1): Vicious

Not voting: JiF, Crusher, Slats

With 19 people alive, it takes 10 to lynch.

Deadline has been extended to Wednesday 12PM ET.


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THAT"S IT! The play of the game! No need to go any further, all of the glory has been had... :hand:

Okay, seriously, am I missing something? Mod said objects were going out at night?

It seems like an object that is uniquely tied to his role, so I am guessing this was an exception.

Its like the mystery bag... at night hes going to get a "do you want to keep your letter, or get a 1-time kill or BP vest".. and he'll say keep the letter, and theres a goat or a car in it.

But his reveal makes him no more town that it does scum. Didn't see that one coming.

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So you're saying that the "letter of recommendation" is an object, even though the mod was clear that objects would only be passed out at night? Slip much?

I thought I was clear... I started the game with a letter of recommendation, I don't get to open it until after N1. Mod passes out objects on N1... my letter can be opened N1. I think its just a flavor thing to be honest... Either way, if I don't receive an object, then my letter can be opened at the same time JVOR passes out objects, so the letter is "in play" if you will at the same time as all objects. If I do receive an object, then I lose the letter and second guess myself the rest of the game about what it would have done.

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**** you both, I'm not stalling. I had to catch up, responded to some bullsh*t and I've been back and forth with Hess.

My reveal: I'm Erin, I started the game with a letter of recommendation, it is unopened to start off.

After N1, if I receive another object I have to choose one to keep. If I give up the letter, it gets burned and is out of the game. If I don't receive another object I keep the letter and get to find out what it does.

Damn your easy.

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