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The Office Mafia Game Thread

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Where the **** is Crusher?

Weekend monkey. Daddy Daughter dance last night with Lisa and Rose. Today Church and lawn work. Im here now reading. Would like to give you and CTM a big **** you for arguing back and forth and slats a smaller **** you for helping.

Usually this sh*t is town tearing itself apart but one of you three aren't right. Something not adding up. CTM's claim about someone destroying your stupid letter after he took it doesn;t add up, but at the same time not getting a scum vibe from CTM.

You monkey i love but can;t read over and over again. I get sad sorta fat and sad.

Slats is interesting in his egging you too knuckle heads nuts on. Not sure what to make of it. Need to get a snack and read more.

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Weekend monkey. Daddy Daughter dance last night with Lisa and Rose. Today Church and lawn work. Im here now reading. Would like to give you and CTM a big **** you for arguing back and forth and slats a smaller **** you for helping.

Usually this sh*t is town tearing itself apart but one of you three aren't right. Something not adding up. CTM's claim about someone destroying your stupid letter after he took it doesn;t add up, but at the same time not getting a scum vibe from CTM.

You monkey i love but can;t read over and over again. I get sad sorta fat and sad.

Slats is interesting in his egging you too knuckle heads nuts on. Not sure what to make of it. Need to get a snack and read more.

Dont explain yourself to the miserable ape.

<3 u

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Weekend monkey. Daddy Daughter dance last night with Lisa and Rose. Today Church and lawn work. Im here now reading. Would like to give you and CTM a big **** you for arguing back and forth and slats a smaller **** you for helping.

Usually this sh*t is town tearing itself apart but one of you three aren't right. Something not adding up. CTM's claim about someone destroying your stupid letter after he took it doesn;t add up, but at the same time not getting a scum vibe from CTM.

You monkey i love but can;t read over and over again. I get sad sorta fat and sad.

Slats is interesting in his egging you too knuckle heads nuts on. Not sure what to make of it. Need to get a snack and read more.

I'm same as crusher. Weekend and today found out my work laptop got stolen out of my ******* car.

Sorry I'm an emo player. I live my life with my heart on my sleeve and am an intense person. Sorry if it bothers some, I'm just direct.

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And as to the CTM ordeal, I have no idea what tonthink of his reveals. It's all so different from his normal style of play. I do agree with crusher on slats though.

I am willing to vote off CTM when the time comes. Slats is the other direction in willing to go.

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I'm same as crusher. Weekend and today found out my work laptop got stolen out of my ******* car.

Sorry I'm an emo player. I live my life with my heart on my sleeve and am an intense person. Sorry if it bothers some, I'm just direct.

Wow...any leads man?

And I have a SPRSRS problem with your emotion. I don't believe in emotion while playing teh mafia goodness. Ever.

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And as to the CTM ordeal, I have no idea what tonthink of his reveals. It's all so different from his normal style of play. I do agree with crusher on slats though.

I am willing to vote off CTM when the time comes. Slats is the other direction in willing to go.

Thanks pumpkin! Me=town

I am down for a slats train however since no one wants to vote for either of the subhumans

unvote votes slats

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I'm getting concerned about Hess's refusal to reveal despite being asked to do so repeatedly after he half-revealed. I don't like Jetscode's behavior either; he seems like he's scum pushing the hatefest between what I view to be townies in CTM and I-28.

However, Hess is my # 1 target right now.


Vote: Hess

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Wow...any leads man?

And I have a SPRSRS problem with your emotion. I don't believe in emotion while playing teh mafia goodness. Ever.

Nah. My whole neighborhood got hit. 3 other neighbors had things stolen last night. Sucks. I was just saying today "We live in a safe neighborhood" and boom, sh*t stolen.

FOS CTM. he is a thief and a nerd. Thing was a PC anyways.

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Friday was awful. I was an a$$hole to you and I am sorry for being that way. I am genuinely sorry.

Hey man, it happens to everyone. Life gets to people sometimes and Mafia is a VERY easy place to vent. I'd rather you do it here than in, uh, real life.

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CTM is funny.

People can suspect me, and that's fine. It's mostly the people I've poked at: CTM, Vic, Crusher, JC, etc. I don't mind. I doubt that all of you are scum, and it's entirely possible that none of you are. Haha! But I'm comfortable poking around all over the place because I'm town. You may not like me accusing you, and I know it sucks whether you're scum or town, but I've been clear about my motives every step of the way.

No one's going after JC, so I'll...


I'm more than willing to take CTM out tonight. His story is suspect at best. I'm on my phone at work for the rest of the night. Tomorrow I probably won't be on until 1:30 pm or so when I get out of bed. If someone wants to put him at L1, I'll hammer.

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Official Day 2 Vote Count

CTM (5): Verbal, Smash, Lily, Wombat, Pac

Hess (3): AVM, Primate, J80

Lily (2): Vicious, Hess

Pac (1): JiF

Vicious (1): Crusher

Slats (1): CTM

Not voting: Jetscode, Slats

With 15 people alive, it takes 8 votes to lynch


Deadline has been set for Monday at 4PM ET

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Oh, I thought CTM was at L2 and I didn't want to put him at L1. I'll put him back at L2, though.

vote: CTM

I've stated my case. The fact that he has this item he was originally willing to discuss, but now refuses to discuss, makes him more of a concern, IMHO.

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Official Day 2 Vote Count

CTM (6): Verbal, Smash, Lily, Wombat, Pac, Slats

Hess (3): AVM, Primate, J80

Lily (2): Vicious, Hess

Pac (1): JiF

Vicious (1): Crusher

Slats (1): CTM

Not voting: Jetscode

With 15 people alive, it takes 8 votes to lynch


Deadline has been set for Monday at 4PM ET

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Oh, I thought CTM was at L2 and I didn't want to put him at L1. I'll put him back at L2, though.

vote: CTM

I've stated my case. The fact that he has this item he was originally willing to discuss, but now refuses to discuss, makes him more of a concern, IMHO.

willing to discuss if item destroyer comes forward, so we can be assured scum won't destroy tonight... otherwise not worth discussing as it gives scum too much information..

in any event, this is a mistake but atleast town will know everything i said was true. hope they don't let you weasel around till end game like a few games ago, you're playing very similiar imo//

I think probably 2 of u/ape/pacMule are scum, so won't give satisfaction of a self vote, despite how much i'd like to put myself out of my misery

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willing to discuss if item destroyer comes forward, so we can be assured scum won't destroy tonight... otherwise not worth discussing as it gives scum too much information..

in any event, this is a mistake but atleast town will know everything i said was true. hope they don't let you weasel around till end game like a few games ago, you're playing very similiar imo

Your alleged "item destroyer" already knows that you have some wonderful powerful tool in your possession. It doesn't matter to that player -if he exists- whether you discuss it or not. So please don't act like keeping quiet NOW is some beneficial townie thing that you're doing.

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in any event, this is a mistake but atleast town will know everything i said was true. hope they don't let you weasel around till end game like a few games ago, you're playing very similiar imo//

I think probably 2 of u/ape/pacMule are scum, so won't give satisfaction of a self vote, despite how much i'd like to put myself out of my misery

If PAC and the Chimp are both scum, and you're town, that'll prove to be quite the prophesy.

The idea that I'm acting the way I did as the GF a couple games is laughable. In that game, I let town tear each other apart. In this game, I'm in peoples faces. There's a clear and obvious difference. You're playing terrible this game.

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Your alleged "item destroyer" already knows that you have some wonderful powerful tool in your possession. It doesn't matter to that player -if he exists- whether you discuss it or not. So please don't act like keeping quiet NOW is some beneficial townie thing that you're doing.

ur slow this game.. what does matter is whether or not they would attempt to destroy, if a townie came forward and role revealed, i'd feel fairly comfortable that they wouldn't target it for destruction tonight. Capisce?

re: the bolded. How about gfy? I think I've played this game enough times to know when something may or may not be benefitial for scum to know. So quit role fishing scumball

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If PAC and the Chimp are both scum, and you're town, that'll prove to be quite the prophesy.

The idea that I'm acting the way I did as the GF a couple games is laughable. In that game, I let town tear each other apart. In this game, I'm in peoples faces. There's a clear and obvious difference. You're playing terrible this game.

No, in that game you let the town tear each other apart AFTER you were almost lynched day 1. I'm amazed you have the balls to tell me how awfully I'm playing when you're in the process of voting off a townie, and merrirly contradicting yourself the whole way eithe rpurposely or unwittingly. "it's just too unbelievable that you stole an item and then someone else targetted you man.... well, why did I claim stealing the item in the first place if I'm lying?.... ohh, well you're a high profile player man and probably figured someone watched or tracked you last night so you needed to explain targetting the ape" Contradiction, it's unbelievable that i was targetted if telling the truth, but if lying then i'm doign so cause there was a good chance I was targetted. You even completely wiffed on the DPR train, that makes you 0 for 2.

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Scum could just as easily come forward with a fake reveal, so I'm not sure I follow that logic, CTM.

ANd if they did, they'd destroy the item, we'd know who did it, and get lynched for it. That's a win for town.

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ur slow this game.. what does matter is whether or not they would attempt to destroy, if a townie came forward and role revealed, i'd feel fairly comfortable that they wouldn't target it for destruction tonight. Capisce?

re: the bolded. How about gfy? I think I've played this game enough times to know when something may or may not be benefitial for scum to know. So quit role fishing scumball

Clearly no one's coming forward. This is just a convenient out for you. If you didn't make up this item destroyer, he's coming for your item tonight. If you wanted to protect that thing, you played it terribly wrong.

Keep quiet about it, I don't care. I want you lynched and hopefully that item does have a 67% chance of getting (back?) into town's hands.

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