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Hell House Mafia Game Thread


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A few games ago I was a finder and knew DPR was innocent. But I waited too long to reveal that even though he was one of the top trains. Hindsight I should have done so because after viewing him I was just a vanilla townie anyways... but these people are hard to read on what their reactions will be.

That being said... Ive only seen a townie false reveal one time.. and it didn't end quite so well. The real cop/doc (i forget which) counter claimed and, if I remember correctly, got lynched for it.

In my humble opinion you NEVER try to draw out the finder/healer. Maybe the scum did target them and they were protected? Maybe they protected a random person who the scum randomly targeted too? Maybe scum was roleblocked? Maybe it was the bulletproof vest thing and they aren't coming forward cause those are usually a one time deal and they don't want targeted again because your hooplah has them wondering if maybe the scum will believe they did target the healer so they won't target that person again. Either way... if I was the real doc I'd keep my mouth shut. Especially after your mahyem and confusion and final admittal of that being a false reveal. None of that was worth the real doc stepping forward and risking getting offed instead of a vanilla townie or scum claiming to be the doc.

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A few games ago I was a finder and knew DPR was innocent. But I waited too long to reveal that even though he was one of the top trains. Hindsight I should have done so because after viewing him I was just a vanilla townie anyways... but these people are hard to read on what their reactions will be.

That being said... Ive only seen a townie false reveal one time.. and it didn't end quite so well. The real cop/doc (i forget which) counter claimed and, if I remember correctly, got lynched for it.

In my humble opinion you NEVER try to draw out the finder/healer. Maybe the scum did target them and they were protected? Maybe they protected a random person who the scum randomly targeted too? Maybe scum was roleblocked? Maybe it was the bulletproof vest thing and they aren't coming forward cause those are usually a one time deal and they don't want targeted again because your hooplah has them wondering if maybe the scum will believe they did target the healer so they won't target that person again. Either way... if I was the real doc I'd keep my mouth shut. Especially after your mahyem and confusion and final admittal of that being a false reveal. None of that was worth the real doc stepping forward and risking getting offed instead of a vanilla townie or scum claiming to be the doc.

After I revealed I dnt want the doc to counter. If they would have countered I'd have voted myself off or said I was lying. The only reason I attempted the fake claim was to stay alive and try and out some scum with the claim. Which I think I did because Lily behaved how I'd expect a scum to behave. I didn't think the town was going to buy into a roleless reveal and after my big fiasco wanting the doc to step forward I knew they wouldn't if I went and claimed doc.

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CTM was your other scum. What's your case on him?

casual defense of suspect posts, voting Jack when he should KNOW that new guy isn't coming in here with that act as scum, from my read through last night I noticed a passive Glen instead of the douche we're accustomed to etc etc etc.

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I figured they would think I was doing it to just get the doc in the open. Which at that point was not the case

Did you expect the Doc to sit idly by while you claimed their role and rode it to end game? You seem like a smart guy.. where in your "plan" did you account for when you had to reveal you were lying? If it was closer to end game you would have been hyper lynched.

Your style this game has been wickity wickity whack. But I can dig it.

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You're a nerd too??? I thought the graphics guys of the world were the cool IT guys who arent smart enough to learn real development.

I don't think I qualify as "nerd" but I've got plenty of "geek" in me. Hence the sci-fi interests like Battlestar, Star Wars, etc.

I learned how to code when I was younger and did it professionally for a short while, HTML, CSS, Javascript, some PHP... but over time I found that my design became subservient to the limitations of my coding ability. In other words, I designed within the parameters of what I knew I could code. Therefore the creative suffered.

As I moved up through the agencies I've worked for, I've stopped being asked to code - we have younger guys that can build anything I design. My forte is conceptual development, creating brand experience and designing it. Ideas. Good ones, that align with business goals. I'm far more valuable as an idea man frankly. I'm a great creative.... but only a mediocre developer. Understanding coding philosophies and speaking their language makes my developers love me though.

More like apple douchers who aren't very smart, strange people, designers

I really don't fit any of these stereotypes - you are much more of a cliché for your side of the coin than I am mine - which is why my agency WANTS me in front of clients as much as possible.

As for why I use Apple products?

1. Because I prefer them, and my agencies are willing to supply them to me. Not really a big deal.

2. Clients are slaves to expectations, they expect when they hire an agency that the designers will be the best in the business. If I show up for a pitch and present from a Dell, I've lost my audience. They expect me to have an Apple, because Apple still = creative professional. As long as that perception exists, I will use Apple products. Plain and simple, its a prop.

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No offence... I'm just a casual observer/head haunter of the house... but thats a crappy attitude. You expect people to just fall over and believe you when every time you post it's a different story? First you claim doc then you don't. Then you claim vanilla townie.. but word it as searcher to confuse everyone. Then adamantly deny that you false claimed. Then admit you false claimed. Then swear up and down you totally meant vanilla townie when you said searcher and, though you are experienced on two other boards.. one being the very board Mafia came from... you cannot understand how anyone could be confused at you. Either that or you are playing the confused moron on purpose. Looks like we have the winner of the first emo breakdown of the game. "You all can't see it my way so I quit cause it's boring if people don't follow my lead".

They are right... you ARE Dpr/Jif/Pac's love child. Suck it up and continue your little charade and show us what Mafiascum/Marzipan players are made of or curl up in a little emo ball and quit like a little whiney baby.

The minute he went emo, I knew that child couldn't be mine...

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The Cellar

Flashlights in hand the entire group meet up with each to see what all the commotion was about. There they find what is left of Verb.


One of the demons has finally landed a fresh kill.

Verbal is Dead

and is now a spirit of the house


Link to the Dead Thread, same rules


So why do you guys think Verbal was the NK?

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casual defense of suspect posts, voting Jack when he should KNOW that new guy isn't coming in here with that act as scum, from my read through last night I noticed a passive Glen instead of the douche we're accustomed to etc etc etc.

re: jack, i've said a few times that I don't think he's really a newcomer here or if he is, he's certainly brazient enough to try and run a play (like dpr did in game 1). I wouldn't expect any noob to come here and start calling us gay douches right out of the shoot, regardless of alignment..

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And just so everyone fully understands there are only two people who know players alignment, Bleedin Green and myself. Just in case you were wondering if Nae's posts had any insights other than her own opinions. I love my little dead sexy ladyfriend but I don't tell her my secrets. ;)

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Did you expect the Doc to sit idly by while you claimed their role and rode it to end game? You seem like a smart guy.. where in your "plan" did you account for when you had to reveal you were lying? If it was closer to end game you would have been hyper lynched.

Your style this game has been wickity wickity whack. But I can dig it.

Yeah I accounted for revealing I lied when I revealed that I lied without any pressure on myself so the dpc wouldn't counter claim.

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I really don't fit any of these stereotypes - you are much more of a cliché for your side of the coin than I am mine - which is why my agency WANTS me in front of clients as much as possible.

Not sure how many nerdy computer programmers are diehard football fans and noodle dancing hippies at the sametime, not really sure i fit a cliche

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Dan is the most intriguing scum possibility. Seems to me either she was responsible for the silencing and killing of Verbal, OR the scum team was trying to set her up. Her thoughts on the matter would be useful to you guys.

Is this based on the dan vs verbal fake rivalry? Or did i miss something.

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I really don't fit any of these stereotypes - you are much more of a cliché for your side of the coin than I am mine - which is why my agency WANTS me in front of clients as much as possible.

Not to get too much into this randomly in this thread, but this just caught my eye. It's funny you say this, because it's something I've become more aware of myself recently, especially now that I'm working at a much, MUCH larger company (although it was certainly present at my old job as well). While I definitely have some inner geek / dork going on, such as some of the sci-fi love like you've pointed out and of course crap like, oh I don't know... JN and Mafia? :-P

I've realized just from a personality standpoint, I definitely don't fit the standard programmer mold and it's interesting how it's affected things at my job's. By the time I left my old job, I was the direct contact for a significant number of our clients, including our far and away biggest client. I was also getting sent to more and more of our meetings, even for things that I hadn't been directly involved in. The biggest one had to be that in the last two hiring rounds turned into me running the entire process, conducting the interviews and choosing the hires over either of the managers. At the time, I just chalked it up to the ineptitude of the two managers (and they certainly were inept) and thought nothing more of it.

The interesting thing has been how it has already started to manifest itself, granted to a lesser extent, at my new job. For example, my direct supervisor is responsible for over-seeing one reporting application and running education sessions for it. I had never even heard of this thing until I started here and yet I am already helping her run the education sessions, wrote up the training manuals myself and will be taking over running the entire session going forward. Meanwhile from everything I've been told, nobody else on the team (many of whom have been here 5 - 10 years) have done anything of the kind. I just find it interesting how some simple personality differences really can affect how things play out.

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Dan is the most intriguing scum possibility. Seems to me either she was responsible for the silencing and killing of Verbal, OR the scum team was trying to set her up. Her thoughts on the matter would be useful to you guys.

The fact that I'm still alive sorta dispells the theory that Dan is scum. Dan vs. Verbal is more of a joke between them than anything else.

The case on Dan is more that she's the confused townie in this one, and that she's just otherwise really scary. We've already pushed her to the reveal point where she claimed roleless, not sure what we're gonna get by running her up again. I'd expect to hear her thoughts on Verbal without that. Her defense yesterday didn't leave me wanting to lynch her.

Vote: AVM

I'd rather vote Dan's overnight focus.

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Not to get too much into this randomly in this thread, but this just caught my eye. It's funny you say this, because it's something I've become more aware of myself recently, especially now that I'm working at a much, MUCH larger company (although it was certainly present at my old job as well). While I definitely have some inner geek / dork going on, such as some of the sci-fi love like you've pointed out and of course crap like, oh I don't know... JN and Mafia? :-P

I've realized just from a personality standpoint, I definitely don't fit the standard programmer mold and it's interesting how it's affected things at my job's. By the time I left my old job, I was the direct contact for a significant number of our clients, including our far and away biggest client. I was also getting sent to more and more of our meetings, even for things that I hadn't been directly involved in. The biggest one had to be that in the last two hiring rounds turned into me running the entire process, conducting the interviews and choosing the hires over either of the managers. At the time, I just chalked it up to the ineptitude of the two managers (and they certainly were inept) and thought nothing more of it.

The interesting thing has been how it has already started to manifest itself, granted to a lesser extent, at my new job. For example, my direct supervisor is responsible for over-seeing one reporting application and running education sessions for it. I had never even heard of this thing until I started here and yet I am already helping her run the education sessions, wrote up the training manuals myself and will be taking over running the entire session going forward. Meanwhile from everything I've been told, nobody else on the team (many of whom have been here 5 - 10 years) have done anything of the kind. I just find it interesting how some simple personality differences really can affect how things play out.

Too long didn't read.

Official Vote Count

Jack (2): Primate, Smash

Dan (2): Pac, JiF

AVM (1): Slats

Lily (1): Jack

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch

Deadline 8:00 pm Monday

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I would have considered Dan to be one of the top choices to be investigated over the last 2 nights, so unless someone pops in with a scum finding, I'm feeling better about her telling the truth. I'm not feeling better about the quick votes on her.

Why silence Verb, then kill him? IMO, it would have been a much better wifom to let him live.

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The fact that I'm still alive sorta dispells the theory that Dan is scum. Dan vs. Verbal is more of a joke between them than anything else.

The case on Dan is more that she's the confused townie in this one, and that she's just otherwise really scary. We've already pushed her to the reveal point where she claimed roleless, not sure what we're gonna get by running her up again. I'd expect to hear her thoughts on Verbal without that. Her defense yesterday didn't leave me wanting to lynch her.

Vote: AVM

I'd rather vote Dan's overnight focus.

I was caught off-guard by his fiery retort last night. Might be something here.

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Not sure how many nerdy computer programmers are diehard football fans and noodle dancing hippies at the sametime, not really sure i fit a cliche

How many computer nerds spend 23 hours a day online lying to people about all the cool things they do in their exciting lives?

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I would have considered Dan to be one of the top choices to be investigated over the last 2 nights, so unless someone pops in with a scum finding, I'm feeling better about her telling the truth. I'm not feeling better about the quick votes on her.

Why silence Verb, then kill him? IMO, it would have been a much better wifom to let him live.

Unless she is a godfather which in that case it would take 2 investigations to reveal her scumminess

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Not to get too much into this randomly in this thread, but this just caught my eye. It's funny you say this, because it's something I've become more aware of myself recently, especially now that I'm working at a much, MUCH larger company (although it was certainly present at my old job as well). While I definitely have some inner geek / dork going on, such as some of the sci-fi love like you've pointed out and of course crap like, oh I don't know... JN and Mafia? :-P

I've realized just from a personality standpoint, I definitely don't fit the standard programmer mold and it's interesting how it's affected things at my job's. By the time I left my old job, I was the direct contact for a significant number of our clients, including our far and away biggest client. I was also getting sent to more and more of our meetings, even for things that I hadn't been directly involved in. The biggest one had to be that in the last two hiring rounds turned into me running the entire process, conducting the interviews and choosing the hires over either of the managers. At the time, I just chalked it up to the ineptitude of the two managers (and they certainly were inept) and thought nothing more of it.

The interesting thing has been how it has already started to manifest itself, granted to a lesser extent, at my new job. For example, my direct supervisor is responsible for over-seeing one reporting application and running education sessions for it. I had never even heard of this thing until I started here and yet I am already helping her run the education sessions, wrote up the training manuals myself and will be taking over running the entire session going forward. Meanwhile from everything I've been told, nobody else on the team (many of whom have been here 5 - 10 years) have done anything of the kind. I just find it interesting how some simple personality differences really can affect how things play out.

Its a reality - contrary to my Ape personna here in teh mafia, I'm a charmer... when I present, I leave no holes. Airtight concepts that cannot be undermined by stupid clients, I lead, they follow... and my clients love me. Why am I successful? I'm not a creative diva, like so many of the others out there, I bring an empathetic mindset to every engagement and make them understand that I'm in the trenches with them fighting for the best possible solution.

Working directly with developers and programmers daily, I can say this... basically social competencies are to find in mix of people that do what you do. Look at CTM, social mutant. Would you put that creep in front of a client? Hell no. I'd send a client a picture of my scrotum before I asked him to talk to my clients in his dirty laundry wardrobe and likely hand lotion stained untucked t-shirts that he takes out of the Goodwill pile much to the chagrin of his wife.

Anyway back to the mafia - poop peener JF80 licks his own weiner!!!

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