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Hell House Mafia Game Thread


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You are playing too well to be town imo. Not sure if that makes sense to anyone.

Is this the same as "you are playing too clean?" Anyway, I'm not going to argue with a dead guy... I think I'm playing kinda crappy so far, don't have good reads on anyone and trying to sift through your lynch and JF80's lynch is about all I can do that I think is helpful.

So far I'm 0/1 in cases I've made, having been wrong about JF80 - not really sure what is "playing too well" about that.

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Dear sh*thead Ape,

Last game I may've ****ed up, but I made specific mention of the fact that rolefinder is usually a scum role. Since I started playing, that was the first time I made it to endgame and lost. Had to happen sometime. You are generally considered to be stupid.

Are you now saying that you think it makes any sort of sense that a TOWNIE double voter stepped in to PM the mod to lynch Wombat on that speed train?

That's plain dumb.

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Tell me genius, why the fvck would a townie double voter cast a second vote by PM on the D1 bullet train that took out Wombat? It's one thing to pile on because you think it's funny, it's another thing entirely to clandestinely hammer.

To answer this question specifically - Hess showed the "official vote count" as 9 people, 9 votes.... some time elapsed, and then he posted it again as "final vote count" with 9 people, 10 votes. To me it seems obvious that the double vote was placed, NOT IN THREAD, during that elapsed time. So I surmise that the only way the 10 vote, the double vote, was placed was by PM.

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Dear sh*thead Ape,

Last game I may've ****ed up, but I made specific mention of the fact that rolefinder is usually a scum role. Since I started playing, that was the first time I made it to endgame and lost. Had to happen sometime. You are generally considered to be stupid.

Are you now saying that you think it makes any sort of sense that a TOWNIE double voter stepped in to PM the mod to lynch Wombat on that speed train?

That's plain dumb.

Funny, I've been told BY YOU that making it to end game is an insult. Keep patting yourself on the back though. :rolleyes:

I'm telling you its presumptuous to assume that any role is any alignment until we know more about the setup. That's all. Its altogether possible that there is a scum double voter, but its altogether possible that Hess's setup is completely contrary to anything that makes sense.

Hurl all the insults you want - that was the only point I was trying to make to you. Since you are on this kick of figuring sh*t out in your head, and then not second-guessing yourself. You assumed wrong about Pac last game, and it cost the town a win. Now that I'm town, and not SK, its in my best interests to make sure you keep an open mind if you are town, and keep you from preaching a bad bill of goods if you are scum.

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I did have an emotional meltdown of sorts :D I'm frustrated by a lot is all, I'm sorry. I actually feel best about you, the monkey, Brett the Hitman Hart, and DPR (mostly because of his timing coming into the game).

+1. I seem to remember him saying at some point he understood the circumstances surrounding his death, but didn't want to share yet. Even if it's still not a good time, I'd like his input.

I remember that. JVoR, can you tell us more please?

Lily, I see you lurkin... at this point, if you don't respond to this we will assume you ahve been silenced. :D

Yeah, I tried doing that yesterday....sometimes she has the browser open and her kids are on the computer. Has everybody else posted?

Top 3 for scum:




Honorable mentions for Sharrow and Ape

I like this list, actually. Just add Dan, hehe.

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And not wanting to argue with me because I'm dead is a cop out. The fact that I'm dead and confirmed town should lend credibility to my views, not invalidate them.

I'm not arguing with a dead player over the definition of "playing too well" to be more succinct. If you have a case on me, I'll react to it. That isn't a case, its an observation - and frankly has no relevance.

I basically have the same FOS list you, therefore I'm playing too well, and I must be scum? So you FOS me because I can't possibly be as good as you at this game.... I'm FOS because of your own inflated self-opinion? Well done.

Like I said, you are dumb.

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To answer this question specifically - Hess showed the "official vote count" as 9 people, 9 votes.... some time elapsed, and then he posted it again as "final vote count" with 9 people, 10 votes. To me it seems obvious that the double vote was placed, NOT IN THREAD, during that elapsed time. So I surmise that the only way the 10 vote, the double vote, was placed was by PM.

If you were really answering the question specifically, you would've answered as to why a TOWNIE double voter would've PM'd the mod to take out Wombat at that time.

Instead, you answered around the question.

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I'm keeping my vote on Smash right now for laying low and playing amused/confused.

Who else is on the Low-layer list: Sharrow is is making a few drive-by posts, but nothign important. Where is Duke? Brett has at least checked in.

I'm thinking right now that pressuring the low-layers might be a great way to spend the weekend.

I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I can see the logic in both Slats and Ape's arguments, and am not inclines to see them spend all day going back and forth over things that might hold water under certain circumsatnces. Ape might have made the best point by pointing out that Hess is a new mod, and creatd and upside down kind of setup, so who knows what we are in store for. Arguing that certain roles have to work a specific way or align a certain way is kind of pointless (and, actually, is a play I use when I'm scum...but I don't feel like that's the case here).

Any thoughts on the low layers?

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If you were really answering the question specifically, you would've answered as to why a TOWNIE double voter would've PM'd the mod to take out Wombat at that time.

Instead, you answered around the question.

The point I've tried to make to you is that it is presumptuous to assume you've got it figured out this early. CTM did it after N1 last game and assumed wrong, because Hess (this game's MOD) did something that didn't make sense to him. CTM then became fixed on the idea of me being scum. I wasn't.

If there were ever a game where setup might defy logic, this is probably it. So I'm not going to pretend to know why anyone would do anything until the setup becomes more apparent.

Done with this, I'm going to shoot up to our house on the lake. I'll check in later/tomorrow.

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AVM seems to have stalled, going to look here vote Pac

Just rubbing me wrong, keeps playing up how he's not been able to read and needs to catch up and how confused he is, yet he's stuck on Dan with his vote, and me for 2 scum. Strange that he can deduce that not really having read. Putting WWWombat at L-1 was stupid and potentially a wifom to allow another team member drop that double vote to out him. Also his strong defense of Jack D while being so care free and unrepentful in ousting WWWombat also is odd..

My gut is telling me that last game he got a lot of suspicion for not playing like pac, at one point someone even said, as town by day 3 he's already got his teeth into somebody and won't let go. I think he's trying to live up to that rep, without any of the supporting evidence as to why he got to that point. How could anyone be stuck on any one person at this point. The only people not really moving thier votes around are PacOff and JackOff, brothers douche

Also, the fact that he seemms to always be pretty quick to respond to votes for him makes me think he's on and lurking a lot more then he says he is..

APe votes yesterday:

Okay, well since Pac says its lazy to vote/lynch Jack... how about we put some pressure on someone other than Jack, Dan, Lily and JF80.


Vote Pac

6 minutes later, pac is defending

aww how cute. the stupid ape and the six-figure dollar man are teaming up to go after me.. shocking developments. :rolleyes:

answer me this braniacs. If Jack is claiming Doc as scum, why is he then say he was lying about it before getting a counter? Wouldn't the point be to locate the real doc?

I'm just pretending he's town on acid. Similar to how I view Hesshole any time she plays.

Brett votes this morning:

At this point I'd like to pressure Pac... Putting Wombat at L1 didn't get him nearly as much heat as it should of... and then I just got a scummy vibe when he called out the Jack train... I don't know, I'm exhausted-- but employed.

Vote Pac

15 minutes later

You guys got a great case going. I put a guy at L1 so I must be scum. I've given you Dan and CTM - if you don't want to accept it so be it.

2 minutes after that, decides to role claim

here's my reveal to help you all. I am roleless nothing.... I didn't even know my alignment until someone died and I wasn't in on the NK.

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I'm keeping my vote on Smash right now for laying low and playing amused/confused.

Who else is on the Low-layer list: Sharrow is is making a few drive-by posts, but nothign important. Where is Duke? Brett has at least checked in.

I'm thinking right now that pressuring the low-layers might be a great way to spend the weekend.

I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I can see the logic in both Slats and Ape's arguments, and am not inclines to see them spend all day going back and forth over things that might hold water under certain circumsatnces. Ape might have made the best point by pointing out that Hess is a new mod, and creatd and upside down kind of setup, so who knows what we are in store for. Arguing that certain roles have to work a specific way or align a certain way is kind of pointless (and, actually, is a play I use when I'm scum...but I don't feel like that's the case here).

Any thoughts on the low layers?

No worries. I've made my point a couple times over now - its out there for the rest of you to read, ignore, whatever... Not getting pulled into a ruckus.

As for low layers, Smash, Sharrow and Jetscode.

Duke is in France I think, and did say something about a 4-day weekend. Hopefully that is a legit real-life distraction and not BS. Seems odd to me that he wanted in for this game, and hasn't really gotten into it yet.

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Dude, this is why if you look at the wombat train - votes like JIF and Jetscode's stick out... because they kinda make it sound like they are voting for game-based reasons. While everyone else is saying "whoopidee doo! this is so fun!"

JiF always sounds like he's doing something on sound reasoning of being the best scumhunter ever. Who am I to disagree?

Jetscode? I'll take a look but for the most part that train was 85% jokey.

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Vote: Pac

I appreciate the sentiment of going after inactives, but it's just not likely to happen over what promises to be a beautiful weekend. Then we have a deadline on Monday. I think in the end the lynch should come down to Pac or Jack.

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This reveal sounds an awful lot like Dan's.

It does, and I'm leaning towards believing it. I said way back that I felt good about Pac (being town, lol) because very early on he did say that he didn't even know his alignment and had no idea what was going on. Similarly, wasn't it J80 who said something like maybe the demons don't know they're demons? I hadn't really been thinking along those lines myself, but I could see how another roleless townie might think that way.

With that said, I'm not sure why Pac says that I'm scum. That part is a slight concern to me. I would think my reveal would sound pretty familiar to him, especially considering I was the first roleless townie to reveal as such. How else would I have known exactly how in the dark we were?

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I'd like WWWWombat to explain himself now as well...


License to kill wombats by the government of the United Nations. Man- free to kill wombats at will. To kill, you must know your enemy, and in this case, my enemy is a varmint. And a varmint will never quit - ever. They're like the Viet Cong - Varmint Cong. So what you gotta do you gotta fall back... on superior firepower... and superior intelligence.

And that's all she wrote.




4 faggoty posters repped this? What a bunch of losers.

Good point. Lynch all liars.

Vote Wwwbgay

Dude, this is why if you look at the wombat train - votes like JIF and Jetscode's stick out... because they kinda make it sound like they are voting for game-based reasons. While everyone else is saying "whoopidee doo! this is so fun!"

JiF's and Jetscode both feel kinda jokey. Monkey? This is the second time your making me feel like your sh*tting on the game with purpose. The other was your stupid idea of me being silenced and this meaning JiF and I where in cahoots as scum. Really? Dude your making me feel bad about you.

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I agree that it would make much less sense for a townie to have used the double vote on a joke train. But I suppose it makes a bit of a difference which one of us has the ability and what that person was thinking. It wouldn't absolutely blow my mind to find out it was a townie, I guess, haha.

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It does, and I'm leaning towards believing it. I said way back that I felt good about Pac (being town, lol) because very early on he did say that he didn't even know his alignment and had no idea what was going on. Similarly, wasn't it J80 who said something like maybe the demons don't know they're demons? I hadn't really been thinking along those lines myself, but I could see how another roleless townie might think that way.

With that said, I'm not sure why Pac says that I'm scum. That part is a slight concern to me. I would think my reveal would sound pretty familiar to him, especially considering I was the first roleless townie to reveal as such. How else would I have known exactly how in the dark we were?

You've been cast as a bogeyman all season, and the arguments, well deserved as tey may be, all seem to spring from rep, and not from specific actions that I can see (as in, if you didn't carry your bad-a$$ rep, the arguments may not have ever been made).

Who are your top three for demons right now?

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1. my vote with the comment on wwwwombat was nothing more than a joke...more of a response to his prodding of me last game...i too was surprised at the suddeness of his train...and the double voter.

2. my first read on the double voter was it was scum role but when i checked the wiki...it stated it was a town role...the timing of Pac's L-1/hammer was something i discussed earlier...Hess put out the vote count @9 and then shortly afterwards shows it a final @10. Looks definitely like a PM prompted hammer...overeager townie just wanting to move to D-2 or scum move I am not sure.

3. My vote on Jack is mainly for boorish behavior...at this point I suspect he's probably town...but I don't like players who quit when they cannot convince others of their theories.

4. My son graduates from HS today...I will not be on much until later tonight...if that causes some on concern...oh well...I know and most of you guys know I'm usually a low post count guy but I usually don't makes it excuses for it...this weekend...family is in town and I'm sporadic even with the readings...do with it as you will.

5. I'm keeping my vote on Jack for the moment but my top 3 suspects for scum are Vic (the way he ran up Dan), Pac (typically lays low as scum,+ the L-1 vote, + the copy&paste of every other reveal) and AVM (emo + plus the shimmy toward my magic 8-ball).

All I got for now.

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Jc I think that generally that is a very strong post and I agree with your scumlist, although I'd replace avm with jif.

I am pretty positive Dan is town, and the way jif keeps going after her makes me think he got something different when the game started than everyone else.

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Jc I think that generally that is a very strong post and I agree with your scumlist, although I'd replace avm with jif.

I am pretty positive Dan is town, and the way jif keeps going after her makes me think he got something different when the game started than everyone else.

I didn't see anything in Dan's play to suspect her...i voted her to get a reveal...and it sounded realistic...later when AVM kinda glossed over Vic and Dan jumped on him for it...AVM got a little testy in his defense...maybe nothing...but it pinged me at the time...not sure on JiF...seems his blustery self...you have something specific or is it just because its JiF?

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I didn't see anything in Dan's play to suspect her...i voted her to get a reveal...and it sounded realistic...later when AVM kinda glossed over Vic and Dan jumped on him for it...AVM got a little testy in his defense...maybe nothing...but it pinged me at the time...not sure on JiF...seems his blustery self...you have something specific or is it just because its JiF?

If you feel I'm "off" that's one thing...but I've already explained that. Vic was at L6 or L7? (3 votes). That didn't constitute putting him over the two we'd been talking about all day with Lily and Jack.

And the magic 8 ball wants to return to me, JC. You know it. I know it. It's only a matter of time...

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To DPR and The Ape. Im not sure why your calling me a low layer. Ive been present for most of the game and have been very active when needed. I made 2 cases, 1 vs Dan-x... one vs Jack D. Both of which developed trains then fizzled out. I really dont have much else to go on right now so if you 2 clowns feel I should just jump on a train or get involved with your psycho arguements like an asshat or make up some bullsh*t case just to be active let me know.

One thing I did notice is that scum can be impatient at times, and when trains stall, the best people to look at (when there has been no real explanation by the person being voted) are the first ones off the trains ready to jump on another case with nothing to go on. That would be Dan-X who did it 2 times First she was on a small train on Vic it fizzled then she jumped to Jack D it fizzled then at the perfect oppotunity she jumped on JF80's train right at the end (L-1 or L-2 I believe) and JF80 = dead ghost. The same way she dissapeared after her reveal she dissapeared after the JF 80 lynch for about 15 pages now shes back looking to pounce again.

I currently do not see anything convincing enough for me to change my attitude towrds Dan-x or Jack-D and I probably wont. These are my 2 top suspects for those of you interested when Dan-X changed her vote to JF80 it was one of THREE vote changes on one page with her final vote being cast on JF80....do you call that scum hunting ??? Or do you call that opportunistic scum play ? Also what do you call the 15 page dissapearance shortly afterward ? Thats my case if you need more ill be here but I dont have much more to add.

If you need to see where her voting pattern goes south heres a link it starts on Page 55 http://www.jetnation.com/forums/index.php?/topic/98553-hell-house-mafia-game-thread/page__st__1080

All this after her dissapearance when she revealed roleless townie.

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You've been cast as a bogeyman all season, and the arguments, well deserved as tey may be, all seem to spring from rep, and not from specific actions that I can see (as in, if you didn't carry your bad-a$$ rep, the arguments may not have ever been made).

Who are your top three for demons right now?

This is because you dont pay attention.

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You've been cast as a bogeyman all season, and the arguments, well deserved as tey may be, all seem to spring from rep, and not from specific actions that I can see (as in, if you didn't carry your bad-a$$ rep, the arguments may not have ever been made).

Who are your top three for demons right now?

I keep going back and forth. Right now I'm wondering the most about AVM. Something is up with him, but I don't know what it is. I felt like he was off even before his Slatsesque freak-out. :P

I just went back and read the beginning part that I had been heavily skimming. It solidified my good feelings about Crusher and made me think a little bit more about JiF. But then again not all of us are roleless townies. And he is often suspicious of me when we're both town. I also got better feelings about Lily from rereading the early part of the game, as her reactions sounded genuine to me for the most part.

I still think Vic's reaction to my reveal was strange. I don't get why it would be cause for annoyance for a townie Vicious. I can definitely see scum Vicious having that kind of response.

Wondering about some of the quieter people, too. Looking back, Brett I think on D2 said something about following Jack's vote on something (was it J80? I can look again), which seemed a little strange to me for D2 play. I believe Crusher had done that D1 which is more reasonable. And I think he pointed out to Brett that it didn't make sense because Jack had just been proven not to have beginner's luck when he was wrong D1. <-- Lol and if all of these facts are wrong, scratch this paragraph. I will check again.

Sharrow and Smash would be possibilities from the other quieter players. I always struggle a lot to read them.

Jc I think that generally that is a very strong post and I agree with your scumlist, although I'd replace avm with jif.

I am pretty positive Dan is town, and the way jif keeps going after her makes me think he got something different when the game started than everyone else.

I don't think this reasoning is great in general because I doubt everyone is a roleless townie. I'm iffy on him, but he could have other reasons for acting that way. So I don't think that should be a big part of any case against him.

For now I will vote AVM.

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1. my vote with the comment on wwwwombat was nothing more than a joke...more of a response to his prodding of me last game...i too was surprised at the suddeness of his train...and the double voter.

2. my first read on the double voter was it was scum role but when i checked the wiki...it stated it was a town role...the timing of Pac's L-1/hammer was something i discussed earlier...Hess put out the vote count @9 and then shortly afterwards shows it a final @10. Looks definitely like a PM prompted hammer...overeager townie just wanting to move to D-2 or scum move I am not sure.

3. My vote on Jack is mainly for boorish behavior...at this point I suspect he's probably town...but I don't like players who quit when they cannot convince others of their theories.

4. My son graduates from HS today...I will not be on much until later tonight...if that causes some on concern...oh well...I know and most of you guys know I'm usually a low post count guy but I usually don't makes it excuses for it...this weekend...family is in town and I'm sporadic even with the readings...do with it as you will.

5. I'm keeping my vote on Jack for the moment but my top 3 suspects for scum are Vic (the way he ran up Dan), Pac (typically lays low as scum,+ the L-1 vote, + the copy&paste of every other reveal) and AVM (emo + plus the shimmy toward my magic 8-ball).

All I got for now.

Yeah I wanted to quit at the time, because I was disgusted, and things just seemed lame. I want to live now. So what I had an emo break down, sh*t happens, and well that was sh*tty behavior. Besides if I get lynched then I can come around as a ghost and annoy you ****ers with crazy theories, and you can't kill me twice.

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To DPR and The Ape. Im not sure why your calling me a low layer. Ive been present for most of the game and have been very active when needed. I made 2 cases, 1 vs Dan-x... one vs Jack D. Both of which developed trains then fizzled out. I really dont have much else to go on right now so if you 2 clowns feel I should just jump on a train or get involved with your psycho arguements like an asshat or make up some bullsh*t case just to be active let me know.

One thing I did notice is that scum can be impatient at times, and when trains stall, the best people to look at (when there has been no real explanation by the person being voted) are the first ones off the trains ready to jump on another case with nothing to go on. That would be Dan-X who did it 2 times First she was on a small train on Vic it fizzled then she jumped to Jack D it fizzled then at the perfect oppotunity she jumped on JF80's train right at the end (L-1 or L-2 I believe) and JF80 = dead ghost. The same way she dissapeared after her reveal she dissapeared after the JF 80 lynch for about 15 pages now shes back looking to pounce again.

I currently do not see anything convincing enough for me to change my attitude towrds Dan-x or Jack-D and I probably wont. These are my 2 top suspects for those of you interested when Dan-X changed her vote to JF80 it was one of THREE vote changes on one page with her final vote being cast on JF80....do you call that scum hunting ??? Or do you call that opportunistic scum play ? Also what do you call the 15 page dissapearance shortly afterward ? Thats my case if you need more ill be here but I dont have much more to add.

If you need to see where her voting pattern goes south heres a link it starts on Page 55 http://www.jetnation.com/forums/index.php?/topic/98553-hell-house-mafia-game-thread/page__st__1080

All this after her dissapearance when she revealed roleless townie.

I didn't really want to lynch either Jack or J80 but felt pretty strongly that J80 was town, as I stated at the time. The vote change was because it was so close to deadline.

I was the first vote on Vic, the previous night, so not sure why you're phrasing it like I jumped from small train to small train.

Also not sure what your deal is with the "15-page disappearance," lol. I was around that night after the lynch, questioning AVM. Then I wasn't around much during the day, as usual, and came back in the evening.

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I didn't really want to lynch either Jack or J80 but felt pretty strongly that J80 was town, as I stated at the time. The vote change was because it was so close to deadline.

I was the first vote on Vic, the previous night, so not sure why you're phrasing it like I jumped from small train to small train.

Also not sure what your deal is with the "15-page disappearance," lol. I was around that night after the lynch, questioning AVM. Then I wasn't around much during the day, as usual, and came back in the evening.

You jumped when Vic's train didnt gather any steam then you went to Jack which also seemed to be dieing then you went on JF80 at L-2. How many suspects can a player have in the area of one page ?

I counted the pages from 55 thought it was 15 unl;ess i missed a post .

Now your on AVM right at the same spot you jumped on both vic and jack the third or 4th vote which is a nice place to snuggle up and hide if the game slows down

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