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I am sickened by what I have read about Penn, Paterno, and the rest of these guys.

Where are our morals? Where are our ethics?

It seems like college is now all about:

1. Drinking yourself into a stupor.

2. Having sex without any thought process as to what you are doing.

3. Drug use until your nothing more than a puppet to be told what to think and what to believe.

Not sure how old you are but college was largely about that 25 years ago. Except you took all three of them to extremes that aren't really accurate in most cases. Yes, we all drank, had sex and tried drugs to varying degrees. And miraculously, most of us survived and became normal adults. What happened at Penn State has nothing to do with that. It's a whole different animal and you do a disservice to everyone affected by passing it off as loose morals. Sandusky is a sick, twisted freak who does deserve the very worst that can happen to him. Please don't water it down by grouping it with college students who drink and party.

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I think the biggest problem with this is Joe ignored it, swept it under the rug, allowed this scumbag to continue to be associated with Penn State and the team. I really believe that Joe would still have a job today if they banned Sandusky from being around the program. What is enraging is they allowed him at the facility for 9 YEARS after the fact. 9 YEARS. If they cut all ties with him in 2002, JoePa is still coach today. Would he be questioned on why he didnt do more? Of course. But he would still have a job.

with all due respect, fvck the job man. we are talking about allowing a monster to use your name, your university that you dedicated your life to making better(so he said) to lure children and lull parents into a sense of false security that their children were safe. To hear that he brought these 10 year olds to sit at the coach's tables at banquets and pregame meals? I would have nightmares with those 7-10 year old faces haunting my dreams...

It is easy to say you dedicated your life to something by showing up for decades upon decades. I had a janitor that had worked at my middle school for over 30 years. Unless you are ready to make some tough decisions in the best interest of what is right, not what is right for you, then you cannot say that you are a true man. Fvck joe in his azz and then let his son deal with why his half senile old man was taken advantage of. I wonder how many times Joe let his kids spend the night at Sanduskie;s house. my guess would be not once...

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Not sure how old you are but college was largely about that 25 years ago. Except you took all three of them to extremes that aren't really accurate in most cases. Yes, we all drank, had sex and tried drugs to varying degrees. And miraculously, most of us survived and became normal adults. What happened at Penn State has nothing to do with that. It's a whole different animal and you do a disservice to everyone affected by passing it off as loose morals. Sandusky is a sick, twisted freak who does deserve the very worst that can happen to him. Please don't water it down by grouping it with college students who drink and party.

I was not watering down what happened to the boys..believe me that was not the case. What I am trying to say is where are our morals? what has happened to them?

Just seems like you take what seemed to be a good situation, a good man i.e. Paterno...and then this stuff comes out it like WTF!

I hope you get where I am coming from....

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But who the eff needs a guy who tolerates such behavior. Would you send your kid to a team coached by such a guy if you knew ?

The irony is his firing for the most part lets him get away with knowing and not doing anything concrete about it.

If I had a college age kid who played football, and I knew Paterno didnt pursue this? No. I would not have a problem sending him there if he had no further involvment with Sandusky after 1998 (and 2002).

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So there I was sleeping the other morning when I hear this loud sound... like a garbage truck. I dont move since I cant make sense of the noise. Fall back asleep. Walk outside around 8am and see a car directly across the street with the rear completely bashed in. Debris all over the place. Nobody seemed to have done anything. Nobody knows who's car it is.

Fast forward to today. I walk outside around 11am when I see a Chevy Silverado pull up to the store at the corner. The truck is missing his entire front bumper and damage to the right front quarter panel. So what do I do? I freeze. I cant process what Im seeing. Am I really seeing a truck with major front end damage in my neighborhood days after a hit and run a few days earlier? It was parked there for 3 minutes and I couldnt believe what I was looking at.

Im frozen. Now Im thinking... when I worked in college or pro sports and what if I walked in on something like the penn state thing? Would I have frozen like I did today? Yep. Probably. I can understand McQueary not doing anything at that moment... Frozen, not believing what his eyes are seeing. I get why he fled, why he called his dad, why he call JoePa. But I dont see how he could continue working there, seeing this monster on campus, in the facilities again... then i remember, nothing is more important that sports when youre deeply involved with it. Its not like the real world. Peoples actions and reactions are totally different than what a normal human being would have. There is nothing more important that protecting the team and the people.

Is this right? Of course not. But most people are looking at this as if these are normal human beings, not as the flawed individuals they are. Big time sports warps you. It f#cks up your brain. We can sit here and question why this guy didnt do this, or this guy didnt do that without knowing and understanding where they are coming from. Its not accepting it, just understanding how different it really is.

By the way... I did file a report with the police with the info I had. However, since I was frozen, I forgot to check the plates when the guy drove past me. I feel stupid now. And this was relatively minor.

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an understand McQueary not doing anything at that moment... Frozen, not believing what his eyes are seeing. I get why he fled, why he called his dad, why he call JoePa. But I dont see how he could continue working there, seeing this monster on campus, in the facilities again... then i remember, nothing is more important that sports when youre deeply involved with it. Its not like the real world. Peoples actions and reactions are totally different than what a normal human being would have. There is nothing more important that protecting the team and the people.

Is this right? Of course not. But most people are looking at this as if these are normal human beings, not as the flawed individuals they are. Big time sports warps you. It f#cks up your brain. We can sit here and question why this guy didnt do this, or this guy didnt do that without knowing and understanding where they are coming from. Its not accepting it, just understanding how different it really is

A small piece of me is with McQueary. I have no idea of how I would have reacted in that situation.

The bottom line is that Paterno and Penn State tried to hide this and I'm disgusted.

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A small piece of me is with McQueary. I have no idea of how I would have reacted in that situation.

The bottom line is that Paterno and Penn State tried to hide this and I'm disgusted.

I don't think people would be as angry if he had run away and called the police. Instead he called his dad and sat on the information forever.

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So there I was sleeping the other morning when I hear this loud sound... like a garbage truck. I dont move since I cant make sense of the noise. Fall back asleep. Walk outside around 8am and see a car directly across the street with the rear completely bashed in. Debris all over the place. Nobody seemed to have done anything. Nobody knows who's car it is.

Fast forward to today. I walk outside around 11am when I see a Chevy Silverado pull up to the store at the corner. The truck is missing his entire front bumper and damage to the right front quarter panel. So what do I do? I freeze. I cant process what Im seeing. Am I really seeing a truck with major front end damage in my neighborhood days after a hit and run a few days earlier? It was parked there for 3 minutes and I couldnt believe what I was looking at.

Im frozen. Now Im thinking... when I worked in college or pro sports and what if I walked in on something like the penn state thing? Would I have frozen like I did today? Yep. Probably. I can understand McQueary not doing anything at that moment... Frozen, not believing what his eyes are seeing. I get why he fled, why he called his dad, why he call JoePa. But I dont see how he could continue working there, seeing this monster on campus, in the facilities again... then i remember, nothing is more important that sports when youre deeply involved with it. Its not like the real world. Peoples actions and reactions are totally different than what a normal human being would have. There is nothing more important that protecting the team and the people.

Is this right? Of course not. But most people are looking at this as if these are normal human beings, not as the flawed individuals they are. Big time sports warps you. It f#cks up your brain. We can sit here and question why this guy didnt do this, or this guy didnt do that without knowing and understanding where they are coming from. Its not accepting it, just understanding how different it really is.

By the way... I did file a report with the police with the info I had. However, since I was frozen, I forgot to check the plates when the guy drove past me. I feel stupid now. And this was relatively minor.

I would have froze for about 3 or 4 seconds shortly before I picked up a baseball bat or some other blunt object and beat that SOB to death with it.

They were discussing this on Morning Joe this morning and they said Imagine if it were Bobby Knight who walked in on that episode.

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The coach was "allowed" to retire at the age of 55. Was he "encouraged" to retire? Everyone sticks their heads in the sand? The DA does not move forward with charges, and he has now been "missing" since 2005? You cannot make up a story like this one.

Gricar's disappearance is fishy, to be sure. But I'm sure Sandusky wasn't the only, or the most dangerous (to grown men), scumbag who's scumbagginess was looked into. A career DA would have a long list of bad guys, both those put away and those looking at future time if prosecuted - who probably could benefit from him being dead. Then again, maybe it was one of the deep-pocket donors and not Sandusky who had the Gricar (and his hard drive) disappear.

Maybe doesn't make it so. But like many think, it's fishy at a minimum.

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Gricar's disappearance is fishy, to be sure. But I'm sure Sandusky wasn't the only, or the most dangerous (to grown men), scumbag who's scumbagginess was looked into. A career DA would have a long list of bad guys, both those put away and those looking at future time if prosecuted - who probably could benefit from him being dead. Then again, maybe it was one of the deep-pocket donors and not Sandusky who had the Gricar (and his hard drive) disappear.

Maybe doesn't make it so. But like many think, it's fishy at a minimum.

Well said!

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I was not watering down what happened to the boys..believe me that was not the case. What I am trying to say is where are our morals? what has happened to them?

Just seems like you take what seemed to be a good situation, a good man i.e. Paterno...and then this stuff comes out it like WTF!

I hope you get where I am coming from....

I do, but it seemed like you were passing judgment on society as a whole based on this. I, for one, fully supported excessive alcohol and flexible morals in women when I was single, so I'm not going to be a hypocrite and condemn them now. However, I do fully support the death penalty for men who take advantage of children that way. And I am all for creativity in the specifics. Something involving a shovel and a fire-ant mound might be nice.

As for Paterno, I think despite all of the spin-control his family and supporters will put on this, his legacy is permanently tarnished, and rightly so. "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to stand by and do nothing."

Look elsewhere for heroes. College athletics is probably not the place.

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I think what really astounds me is the level of stupidity of the Penn State students who rioted over the Paterno firing. At any point did it occur to them that the kids who were molested 10 years ago as 8-10 year olds are now pretty much the same age as they are? And they still can't connect the dots and realize that their beloved JoePa might be complicit in covering this up?

I know college kids are inherently dumb and desperate for a cause. Hell, I watched more than a few sit-ins over really dumb sh*t when I was at school. But these kids come across as deluded and in some ways, just as bad as the administration that buried this.

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I guess I agree with you. I guess I'm shocked because I thought Joe's end of season retirement speech was agreed upon by the board before he gave it.

I don't know the details. what was Sandusky's role at PSU? He didn't work for Joe right? Seems that is an athletic director problem not a head coach problem. What if someone told Joe the math teacher molested little boys. Do you fire Joe for not dealing with it directly? I just don't know enough details to confirm that Joe is morally bankrupt and that it is his problem.

I wonder, what would the repurcussions have been for Joe Pa if he went to the police instead of his bosses to report his secondhand account and it turned out to be untrue? Also, it seems like the authorities were made aware at some point and they sat on their hands.

What bothers me about this is that to a lot of casual news listeners who hear the headlines but don't stick around for the actual story, Joe Pa seems like he was actually involved in the rapings.

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Gricar's disappearance is fishy, to be sure. But I'm sure Sandusky wasn't the only, or the most dangerous (to grown men), scumbag who's scumbagginess was looked into. A career DA would have a long list of bad guys, both those put away and those looking at future time if prosecuted - who probably could benefit from him being dead. Then again, maybe it was one of the deep-pocket donors and not Sandusky who had the Gricar (and his hard drive) disappear.

Maybe doesn't make it so. But like many think, it's fishy at a minimum.

Where's that Nancy Grace when you need her??? lol

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As for Paterno, I think despite all of the spin-control his family and supporters will put on this, his legacy is permanently tarnished, and rightly so.

"Tarnished" is not adequate. In one week Paterno has gone from a legend who presided over a Golden Age of half a century to someone who the university is trying to bury and make people forget. The new coach and college administration will be measured by how much they were able to get Penn State to put it's past behind it and move into a new era.

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"Tarnished" is not adequate. In one week Paterno has gone from a legend who presided over a Golden Age of half a century to someone who the university is trying to bury and make people forget. The new coach and college administration will be measured by how much they were able to get Penn State to put it's past behind it and move into a new era.

It's all on the financial fallout from this. If the football program can't recover, which is certainly probabilistic, he'll be remembered for both building it and letting it crumble. More importantly, Penn St is a Public Ivy, they're going to have to tread very, very carefully to make sure academic endowments don't suffer any residual fallout. PSU already lost half its state funding earlier in the year because of how poorly Pennsylvania is doing right now, they can not afford another hit that something like this could cause.

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Wow. Anyone listening to the Costas interview? Dude is guilty as ****. Who stutters to immediately answer "no" when someone asks if you're sexually attracted to young boys?

Not watching.. But he is talking himself into getting held in jail without bail. His best course of action was to STFU and string it out as long as he could.He is going to jail, and he is going to have a very full dance card when he gets there. Sandusky is so used to the cocoon of State College he delusionally believes he can BS his way out oif this.
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