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Does anyone know what Todd Haley Said/Did to get flagged?

Lizard King

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Just wondering because after the unsportsmanlike conduct call, the flags were flying every play on that possession..well...they already were...but... What really stood out was the PI given to Dustin Keller which definitely wasn't PI, so I'm just thinking he must've really done something to piss the zebras off.

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Could you imagine what would have happened with Rex if the Jets had given up 81 yards in penalties in one drive?

As long as it didn't cost them the game it would be worth it just to see.

Next time we are blowing out the Patriots or Dolphins in the 4th quarter, I want to see Rex get 3 unsportsmanlike conduct calls in a row!!!!!!! Haha

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At one point didnt Haley come pretty far onto the field screaming about some penalty? Maybe that was before the unsportsmanlike. Im sure it had to be a situation where the officials at one point told him to chill out and he didnt do that so they flagged him and the rest of the team.

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At one point didnt Haley come pretty far onto the field screaming about some penalty? Maybe that was before the unsportsmanlike. Im sure it had to be a situation where the officials at one point told him to chill out and he didnt do that so they flagged him and the rest of the team.

I think that was it. I think the announcers thought they had an extra man in the huddle or something and then they said he was on the field. I think at one point he faked throwing a flag, but I'm pretty sure that was later.

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I think that was it. I think the announcers thought they had an extra man in the huddle or something and then they said he was on the field. I think at one point he faked throwing a flag, but I'm pretty sure that was later.

That fake throwing I remember. He wanted to challenge a PI call. He was basiczlly fighting with the refs by then and trying to show them up

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This is why I hate watching games at bars. I was down in DC and so not only we were watching it at the bar, it was without sound (instead we got to listen to Skins/Pats the whole time... oh what fun). I certainly remember the drive, considering I was laughing my a$$ off at the constant flags, but I had absolutely no idea what the hell half of them were even supposed to be for outside of the general info you can take from the ref's hand-signals. Haley himself was actually flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct? That's pretty hilarious.

Can't say I blame him for being pissed though, while it's tough to complain considering it was in the Jets favor, that was just the most recent example of the all-time levels of horrendous officiating that have plagued the NFL this season. I'm just waiting until this horrid officiating makes the difference in a playoff game and we get to hear what excuse the NFL comes up with the to explain their reasoning for not firing 90% of their officials.

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