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Sanchez "Romances" Two Women in Same Night

Lizard King

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It's kind of hard to have 2 turnovers on 1 play.

Wait...throw an INT.....then make the tackle forcing a fumble...he picks it up and starts to run, then gets smashed from behind fumbles and the opoosing team picks it up and runs it into the end zone...there you go

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Kate Upton, not bad.

Jets quarterback

Mark Sanchez

may be limbering up for his big game on Christmas Eve against the Giants, but he’s also been keeping time with curvaceous beauty

Kate Upton


Sanchez has been paying frequent late-night visits to the Victoria’s Secret and Sports Illustrated swimsuit model’s Flatiron apartment, we’re told. He’s been spotted several times at the voluptuous blonde’s pad since November, usually after games or before practices — sometimes as late as midnight — rolling up in his black chauffeur-driven Navigator.

Sanchez was even seen in Upton’s building lobby carrying gifts for her after he attended a charity event early last month. On another occasion, Sanchez was spotted coming into the building with bags a minute or two after Upton arrived.

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