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Kendrick Ellis- our savior?


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So, are we waiting for something to happen here or.... ? I am convinced that Mike "just throw on some flip flops and show your face" Tanny ruined this team this year. Besides getting lucky with Aaron Maybin......he gets a D- for year three of the '3 year plan' Our pass rush still non-existant. We got two wimpy sacks from our draft class and on offense.....I'm sorry but in no universe is a 34 year old Plaxico Burress an upgrade over 3 main components in their prime. (I dont give a sh*t what they are doing with their respective teams now. For us, they caught 120+ balls last year, not to mention the multi-dimensional QB, KR, RB, or the long, deep threat, or the tough 3rd down yards we lost in that swap.

I just need someone to explain the prudence in that. Did we save money to pave the parking lot? Someone needs to tell the accountant with one foot in his retirement home in Maui already, that in football it is never a good idea to get slower and older on offense. Last year we were stacked. This year??? You tell me..

Bwwaahhhh! We ****in had it! I wonder how far into oblivion we fall this time!? Dick head.

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So, are we waiting for something to happen here or.... ?

You were expecting a 3rd round pick to save the team? Did the team need to be saved? And if it did, it was at the NT position?

I am convinced that Mike "just throw on some flip flops and show your face" Tanny ruined this team this year. Besides getting lucky with Aaron Maybin......he gets a D- for year three of the '3 year plan' Our pass rush still non-existant.

I like this. Hey Tanny, great job finding us a pass rusher. Hey, Tanny, thanks for not improving our pass rush. lmfao

We got two wimpy sacks from our draft class and on offense.....I'm sorry but in no universe is a 34 year old Plaxico Burress an upgrade over 3 main components in their prime. (I dont give a sh*t what they are doing with their respective teams now. For us, they caught 120+ balls last year, not to mention the multi-dimensional QB, KR, RB, or the long, deep threat, or the tough 3rd down yards we lost in that swap.

This one is good too. The pressence of Plax has given the Jets the most efficient red zone team in the league which consequently has raised Sanchez's TD #'s...but, damn. The Braylon Edwards, Brad Smith and Jerricho Cotchery are sorely missed.

I just need someone to explain the prudence in that. Did we save money to pave the parking lot? Someone needs to tell the accountant with one foot in his retirement home in Maui already, that in football it is never a good idea to get slower and older on offense. Last year we were stacked. This year??? You tell me..

You mean the same GM that drafted Mark Sanchez?

Bwwaahhhh! We ****in had it! I wonder how far into oblivion we fall this time!? Dick head.

Wait, we had "it" but a 3rd round pick was supposed to save the franchise?

Color me confused.

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Its a cardinal sin to say Plax is worse than Braylon because everyone was so excited when we signed him and let Braylon go and thought it was a huge upgrade. So that has to be the right move.......forever!

And thanks for not even mentioning Mason. That would have caused a few more people to....

Did you know that Braylon Edwards was a healthy scratch on MNF vs. the Steelers?

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How could that be?

Simple questions first:

Jericho Cotchery is in his prime?

Brad Smith was a main component? Was that his four catches? I think Greene has matched his TD contribution @ QB.

And we are stuck with stupid Plax and his 8 TD's and his 4th most targets in the RZ in the league.

Dumb dumb Jets.

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Simple questions first:

Jericho Cotchery is in his prime?

Brad Smith was a main component? Was that his four catches? I think Greene has matched his TD contribution @ QB.

Crotchery sucks. Brad was the product of a good special teams unit.. aka he also sucks. But I would have loved to have retained Braylon.
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Did you know that Braylon Edwards was a healthy scratch on MNF vs. the Steelers?

It was referred to as a "healthy scratch". In all honesty Edwards hasn't been healthy all season. He injured his knee in week two. Had a surgical procedure on it. Whatever that means.

Missed 6 weeks, and has been trying to come back since. He is still hurt.,,

I guess what they meant by a "healthy scratch" was it's as healthy as he's going to get this year.

Edwards price is even going to be lower next off season then it was this offseason. If that is possible. I'm Rex I show up at his doorstep the night FA opens.

He'll never be Jerry Rice, but Sanchez sure misses him on the long ball

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I'm not surprised that the Jets have taken a bit of a step back. There are a bunch of reasons, but I think the team was bound to take a step back after two deep playoff runs. There still is hope they can do it again, but it's not looking too good right now. The talk about blowing things up and complaining about Tannenbaum is premature and silly at this point. They don't need a new team. They need some tweaking.

For all the whining about losing these three "key" players in our offense, they are 7th in the NFL in scoring. 7th! They aren't great in yardage, but points are what should matter. That's two more points than last year and up from 13th. To my eye, they tried to open up the offense a bit and are being rewarded with more points and more turnovers. Shocking! They are also suffereing from some poor offensive line play that has limited opening the offense. They have fumbled a sh*tload of balls and that can be blamed on using some younger players -.McKnight, Powell, Kerley. Same with stupid/untimely penalties. Young guys and new starters have gotten the most - Mulligan, Ducasse, Hunter.They already have as many fumbles as all of last season and have lost double what they did for the year in 2010. I think there was a stat given last week that the Jets have given up 100 points off turnovers. That's a ton of points. If it's true it's nearly a third of the points the D has allowed. I also think the D has also been adjusted to concentrate on getting a few more turnovers and maybe that has hurt the big stopper image we all wanted.

I think they are protecting the defense less and that combined with the addition of Wilkerson as a starter, was bound to cause some degree of inconsistency in our D. They have had more injuries this year than in the past few and they have replaced a few guys that were aging and on the way out. This offseason they don't have anybody I think is aging out except possibly Moore at RG and Scott at ILB. They have Mauga on roster and he hasn't looked bad. That will leave them to simply retain and upgrade weak spots - S, RT, blocking TE. I'm not worried and with all the FAs the Jets had and the lockout, even if you concede the team is worse, I see no reason to be too hard on the GM.

Third simple question: How did losing any of those guys cause the Jets to lose "tough 3rd down yards"? Downfield blocking?

It was referred to as a "healthy scratch". In all honesty Edwards hasn't been healthy all season. He injured his knee in week two. Had a surgical procedure on it. Whatever that means.

Missed 6 weeks, and has been trying to come back since. He is still hurt.,,

I guess what they meant by a "healthy scratch" was it's as healthy as he's going to get this year.

Edwards price is even going to be lower next off season then it was this offseason. If that is possible. I'm Rex I show up at his doorstep the night FA opens.

He'll never be Jerry Rice, but Sanchez sure misses him on the long ball

Fair enough. Then they miss a guy who is so unhealthy that he isn't active on game day.

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I'm not surprised that the Jets have taken a bit of a step back. There are a bunch of reasons, but I think the team was bound to take a step back after two deep playoff runs. There still is hope they can do it again, but it's not looking too good right now. The talk about blowing things up and complaining about Tannenbaum is premature and silly at this point. They don't need a new team. They need some tweaking.

For all the whining about losing these three "key" players in our offense, they are 7th in the NFL in scoring. 7th! They aren't

7th in scoring. Does that include defensive and special teams scores as well ? And if so, how is that a reflection on what the offense is doing ?

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It was referred to as a "healthy scratch". In all honesty Edwards hasn't been healthy all season. He injured his knee in week two. Had a surgical procedure on it. Whatever that means.

Missed 6 weeks, and has been trying to come back since. He is still hurt.,,

I guess what they meant by a "healthy scratch" was it's as healthy as he's going to get this year.

Edwards price is even going to be lower next off season then it was this offseason. If that is possible. I'm Rex I show up at his doorstep the night FA opens.

He'll never be Jerry Rice, but Sanchez sure misses him on the long ball

Thanks for clearing the story up. But when up facts have never prevented people from inventing stuff up to suit their point of view!

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7th in scoring. Does that include defensive and special teams scores as well ? And if so, how is that a reflection on what the offense is doing ?

8th in passing tds 10th in rushing TDs. If you think there is some trick to those stats, you find it. They are mid 20s in fumbles and 31st in fumbles lost. There was a study that claimed that ad that fumbles to fumbled lost is just luck, so that may be a big factor as well.

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