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Is Marshall right? Does Revis get the Jordan treatment?


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Revis is a star. In the NFL, and most major sports, stars get perfered treatment. Same way if you look at Brady harshly a flag is thrown. Just the way it is.

On the other hand the refs seem to make up for it by throwing flags on Cro when he burps.

Big difference -- Revis is is always in the right position when he makes a play on the ball, Cro is always in recovery mode. Revis has the uncanny ability to make the play with his hand and does not disrupt the receiver to the point where a flag is warranted. Position wise he is on equal footing with the reciever. Cro, on the other hand, is handing on for dear life. Cro draws penalties because he simply isn't a good corner. Period.

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I heard bush isn't playing either......

seen Revis get called for holding more the PI, I would have to say no Jordon Rules...FYI, Marshall didn't practice yesterday and his status for Sunday as of last night was unknown.

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When you are great and one of the best yeah you get the calls. See....every other great player who has ever played. But you have to like, become great first and stuff. Marshall is an idiot lost in his own mind as somebody better than he is. He's very good, somewhere between 10 and 20 in the NFL at WR, but he's not in the top 3...whom should be considered great.

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Concise. Profound. Original.

When do we vote on Poster of the Year, anyway?

Thanks. I felt good about that post. Like I really summed it up perfectly.

I'm not sure about the yearly awards but dont worry your "Poster you'd most like to punch in the face" award is secure.

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Thoughts....I've seen this sentiment swirling among other fans that Revis gets away with everything.

I would not say it is just just Revis, but a common technique of the Jets.

He is just better at hiding it.

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Revis definitely gets to play more physical that most corners but thats what happens when you are a star. Its why Brady and Manning get flags thrown when a guy comes within 2 feet of their head or tackles them 0.05 seconds after they throw the ball. I think Marshall is pissed because back in 2008 when Revis was more passive because of the staff and lack of respect, BM did ok against him. Once Rex got to town and let Revis know it was fine to give back the same way the whole game changed and the Brandon Marshalls of the world could not get away with pushing off of a corner the way they did 3 and 4 years earlier.

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