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three QB's threw for 5,000 yards this year...


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and then you had Eli with 4,900 and Rodgers with 4600 in 15 games

will this be looked at as the "steroid era" for passing yards?

If by "steroids" you mean "QB's with super-computers for brains far outproducing the rest of the pack in a lockout year", then sure.

Sanchez's 3267 yards looks pathetic by comparison.

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There was a time where there would be a big hit every game helmet to helmet. Now you get none of that they took away the helmet to helmet hits and the kick returns for touchdowns as well.... Might as well make skirts a part of the uniform

Or hospice robes or sumthin, amirite bro?

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I think it's more a function of teams just giving up on traditional rushing attacks and deciding that a six yard pass on first down is more productive than a four yard run. Without looking it up, I'd guess that this was one of the least productive years for running the ball in history.

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I think it's more a function of teams just giving up on traditional rushing attacks and deciding that a six yard pass on first down is more productive than a four yard run. Without looking it up, I'd guess that this was one of the least productive years for running the ball in history.

Although not calculated through yesterday's games, it is not drastically different (56K w/1 game vs 58K in 2010). And this year has more rushing than 2007. Thank You Pro Football Reference.

It is.

As to your point, it is clear that the NFL has shifted since 1978 when the pass defense and pass blocking rules were changed. The subsequent rule changes have only tilted the league to the pass more.

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It's the way Goodell wants it.

It really pisses me off how passing oriented the NFL is now, I've been watching for only around 9-10 years and it's still drastic how different it is. It'll eventually be arena-league like and running backs will be judged more about what they bring in the passing game before anything else.

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It's the way Goodell wants it.

It really pisses me off how passing oriented the NFL is now, I've been watching for only around 9-10 years and it's still drastic how different it is. It'll eventually be arena-league like and running backs will be judged more about what they bring in the passing game before anything else.

i'm in the same boat

the first year I started watching the NFL on a weekly basis was the 1-15 Jets team with a rookie Keyshawn on it.....back then great running backs meant just as much to a team as a great QB (ask Elway how Terrell Davis was lol)

now? other than Peterson and Jones-Drew every running back is a 150-200 carry guy which makes them part time players

NFL is still good to watch but the product is far less than it was 10 years ago.

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I think it's more a function of teams just giving up on traditional rushing attacks and deciding that a six yard pass on first down is more productive than a four yard run. Without looking it up, I'd guess that this was one of the least productive years for running the ball in history.

Nobody cares if you run for 1000 yards any more. The rules as to PI and RTP demand you throw. Which is why "ground and pound" is such idiocy and why a decent pass rush is a must.Seemed like every QB playing the jets could've played in tuxes. Saw a thing on NFLN with Randy Cross about the silliness of "establishing the run". If you can let the ball do the work via the air for 6 or 7 yards, why are you killing yourself pounding it for 3 yards? You don't get any style points for a drive of 18 plays. The idea is to score, period. Ryan has this borderline insane ideal that there's something noble about rushing the ball.
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even if they host the Saints at Candlestick?

I think the 49ers are very dangerous

Yes. A solid running game and good defense can go pretty far. We have been an exampleof that the last 2 years. But there is a ceiling to that approach, which is you will lose in the playoffs to a team with a superior QB. Now they might very well beat the Falcons or Jints. But the Saints or Packers is going to hang 35+ points on them and they won't be able to keep up. Bet the over.
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will this be looked at as the "steroid era" for passing yards?

yes, you really can't compare era's unless comparing to league avg for year. Rodgers is the best QB i've ever seen though, regardless of era

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Yes. A solid running game and good defense can go pretty far. We have been an exampleof that the last 2 years. But there is a ceiling to that approach, which is you will lose in the playoffs to a team with a superior QB. Now they might very well beat the Falcons or Jints. But the Saints or Packers is going to hang 35+ points on them and they won't be able to keep up. Bet the over.

i think baltimore is in the same spot.. the favorties are the teams with the best qb's in my opinion.. the steelers, if healthy, are best bet as they have a big time QB and great defense

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