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Anemic Passing Attack by the Numbers


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There are so many eye-popping statistics to illustrate just how brutal our passing attack was this season. Here are a couple that caught my attention recently.....

Consider than in the last 4 games of the season... Holmes and Burress combined for a TOTAL of 202 receiving yards. That's 25 yards per contest for each of our starting wideouts.

Also, of all the quarterback-WR combinations in the NFL to attempt at least 90 hookups, Sanchez-Holmes and Sanchez-Burress represent two of the top 3 worst completion percentages in the entire league. Only Grossman-Moss was worse. UNBELIEVABLE.

Good lord.

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There are so many eye-popping statistics to illustrate just how brutal our passing attack was this season. Here are a couple that caught my attention recently.....

Consider than in the last 4 games of the season... Holmes and Burress combined for a TOTAL of 202 receiving yards. That's 25 yards per contest for each of our starting wideouts.

Also, of all the quarterback-WR combinations in the NFL to attempt at least 90 hookups, Sanchez-Holmes and Sanchez-Burress represent two of the top 3 worst completion percentages in the entire league. Only Grossman-Moss was worse. UNBELIEVABLE.

That is really bad. I have been meaning to dive into the numbers a bit. Mark did improve stat wise this year - stat wise, I said stat wise :)

But there are so many other things baffling about the offensive numbers. How they improved in red zone efficiency and were so lacking elsewhere really just doesn't seem to add up.

A change is needed on offense. A big one.

Good lord.

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In hindsight I would like to go back to Sanchez's rookie season and count the amount of passes batted down and deflected by D-lineman...he has to top the league during the 3 yrs he's playing.

Well now Mr Glass is only half full pessimist guy.

Why no mention of how he completes those passes to the D-lineman now?

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I believe the problem is the Jets tried changing his release, to make it higher. LIke someone said above, he was getting a lot of balls batted at the LOS. They attempted to raise his release point. I think Dilfer said it as well on ESPN after the game. His mechanics have changed, and when you raise your release point, you can tend to be behind receivers. Sanchez never does that! NEVER!

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The Jets left themselves shorthanded on offense this year.

In 2010 the receivers were:

Braylon Edwards

santonio holmes

Jerricho Cotchery

Brad Smith

Patrick Turner

Dustin Keller TE

Which was a good group. Edwards could stretch the field, holmes could catch the slants and take them all the way, cotch had a down year for him with drops but still made some key plays, and smith even though he only caught 4 balls had the ability to make big plays if he got his hands on the ball.

In 2011

Plaxico Burress

santonio holmes

derrick mason

Jerricho Cotchery

Jeremy Kerley

Patrick Turner

Logan Payne hurt in preseason, but left active

Dustin Keller TE

Jeff Cumberland TE

The Jets going into the season were hoping that Cotchery would be here, but then he got frustrated and left. No big deal we had mason, and we were planning on using Cumberland alot in the 2 tight end offense so now we have the following:

In 2011

Plaxico Burress

santonio holmes

derrick mason

Jeremy Kerley

Patrick Turner

Logan Payne hurt in preseason, but left active

Dustin Keller TE

Jeff Cumberland TE

But then Cumberland got hurt so we had to promote Baker from the practice squad leaving us:

In 2011

Plaxico Burress

santonio holmes

derrick mason

Jeremy Kerley

Patrick Turner

Logan Payne hurt in preseason, but left active

Dustin Keller TE

Josh Baker TE

But then mason turned out to be a cancer so we had to get rid of him leaving us with the following:

In 2011

Plaxico Burress

santonio holmes

Jeremy Kerley

Patrick Turner

Logan Payne hurt in preseason, but left active

Dustin Keller TE

Josh Baker TE

But the after leaving Payne active for weeks we finally decided to IR him for some reason when he was supposed to be nearing a return leaving us with the following:

In 2011

Plaxico Burress

santonio holmes

Jeremy Kerley

Patrick Turner

Dustin Keller TE

Josh Baker TE

We only had 4 wrs at the end of the year, unless we count Mc Knight?

This group certainly isnt as good as the group we had last year. Plax was good in the red zone but certainly couldnt stretch the field, and Kerley(who came on late) and Turner dont demand the attention of Cotchery and Smith.

We did the same thing on the offensive line keeping Turner active for weeks and not looking for a replacement before finally placing him on IR.

The offense was left shorthanded by the moves we made during the season and lack of viable backups.

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The Jets left themselves shorthanded on offense this year.

In 2010 the receivers were:

Braylon Edwards

santonio holmes

Jerricho Cotchery

Brad Smith

Patrick Turner

Dustin Keller TE

Which was a good group. Edwards could stretch the field, holmes could catch the slants and take them all the way, cotch had a down year for him with drops but still made some key plays, and smith even though he only caught 4 balls had the ability to make big plays if he got his hands on the ball.

In 2011

Plaxico Burress

santonio holmes

derrick mason

Jerricho Cotchery

Jeremy Kerley

Patrick Turner

Logan Payne hurt in preseason, but left active

Dustin Keller TE

Jeff Cumberland TE

The Jets going into the season were hoping that Cotchery would be here, but then he got frustrated and left. No big deal we had mason, and we were planning on using Cumberland alot in the 2 tight end offense so now we have the following:

In 2011

Plaxico Burress

santonio holmes

derrick mason

Jeremy Kerley

Patrick Turner

Logan Payne hurt in preseason, but left active

Dustin Keller TE

Jeff Cumberland TE

But then Cumberland got hurt so we had to promote Baker from the practice squad leaving us:

In 2011

Plaxico Burress

santonio holmes

derrick mason

Jeremy Kerley

Patrick Turner

Logan Payne hurt in preseason, but left active

Dustin Keller TE

Josh Baker TE

But then mason turned out to be a cancer so we had to get rid of him leaving us with the following:

In 2011

Plaxico Burress

santonio holmes

Jeremy Kerley

Patrick Turner

Logan Payne hurt in preseason, but left active

Dustin Keller TE

Josh Baker TE

But the after leaving Payne active for weeks we finally decided to IR him for some reason when he was supposed to be nearing a return leaving us with the following:

In 2011

Plaxico Burress

santonio holmes

Jeremy Kerley

Patrick Turner

Dustin Keller TE

Josh Baker TE

We only had 4 wrs at the end of the year, unless we count Mc Knight?

This group certainly isnt as good as the group we had last year. Plax was good in the red zone but certainly couldnt stretch the field, and Kerley(who came on late) and Turner dont demand the attention of Cotchery and Smith.

We did the same thing on the offensive line keeping Turner active for weeks and not looking for a replacement before finally placing him on IR.

The offense was left shorthanded by the moves we made during the season and lack of viable backups.

you forgot to mention that sanchez is a terrible quarterback right now.

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A competent NFL passer would have gotten the ball to these wideouts more than 6 times a game, and wouldn't have had dozens of passes batted down at the line.

What Wideouts? We only had 4 on the team for the last 2 1/2 months of the season. Patrick Turner? Kerley looked good at times but was still a rookie playing without a camp. All the D had to was not let Plax and Holmes beat them.

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I find it funny that people expect our QB to be great when we dont have enough playmakers on offense and a bad OLine.

They certainly signed and paid Holmes and Buress to be that, and they both had successful careers before they got here. Yes, they may not be swell guys, but a completion rate in the mid-50s, 8 fumbles and a mess of bad INTs SUCK. Oh, if only we had this, that or something else Sanchez would be a good QB. PLEASE STOP THIS MEME. it is NOT TRUE. He stinks. May be he can improve his mechanics. But stop spinning your wheels with this nonsense. it's embarrassing, Put Sanchez on the Pats, Steelers, Saints, Packers or Jints and he woudl still SUCK.
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Personally I think Sanchez was a bigger problem than the WRs. No they could not get a ton of separation, but c'mon Sanchez missed throws ALL the freakin time. Both with his eyes as well as with the football. I really think he had one downfield option in mind every time he dropped back and looked straight to his check down after that. I think he may have even thrown it to the check down in a panic WITHOUT even looking. Hence, horrendous plays in the ultra short passing game.

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They certainly signed and paidf Holmes and Buress to be that, and they both had successful careers before they got here. Yes, they may not be swell guys, but a completeion rate in the mid-50s, 8 fumbles and a mess of bad INTs SUCK. Oh, if only we ahd this, that or something else Sanchez would be a good BQ. PLEASE STOP THIS MEME. it is NOT TRUE. He stinks. May be he can imporve his mechanics. But stop spinning your wheels with this nonsense. it's embarrassing, Put Sanchez on the Pats, Steelers, Saints, Packers or Jints and he woudl still SUCK.

Did I even mention Sanchez in my post? Im not defending Sanchez. The Jets need to get some playmakers in here whether he is the QB or not. Whats embarrasing is the group of so called playmakers that our front office put on the field this year on offense.

When Brian Thomas went down they went out and signed maybin, but when turner and our wrs dropped who did they bring in?

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Did I even mention Sanchez in my post? Im not defending Sanchez. The Jets need to get some playmakers in here whether he is the QB or not. Whats embarrasing is the group of so called playmakers that our front office put on the field this year on offense.

When Brian Thomas went down they went out and signed maybin, but when turner and our wrs dropped who did they bring in?

If your QB cannot throw anything more than a 7-yarder and only that with limited accuracy, having Holmes or Burress around is pointless. They should have spent that cap room on the other holes for their supposed ground & pound offense. Grant you that since the day Leon Washington got hurt we have not had any speed guy on offense. And Mr. T hasn't found him, if he even could.
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If your QB cannot throw anything more than a 7-yarder and only that with limited accuracy, having Holmes or Burress around is pointless. They should have spent that cap room on the other holes for their supposed ground & pound offense. Grant you that since the day Leon Washington got hurt we have not had any speed guy on offense. And Mr. T hasn't found him, if he even could.

Wasnt the QB able to throw more than a 7 yarder when we had a better group of receivers, Braylon around instead of the Plax?

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They certainly signed and paid Holmes and Buress to be that, and they both had successful careers before they got here. Yes, they may not be swell guys, but a completion rate in the mid-50s, 8 fumbles and a mess of bad INTs SUCK. Oh, if only we had this, that or something else Sanchez would be a good QB. PLEASE STOP THIS MEME. it is NOT TRUE. He stinks. May be he can improve his mechanics. But stop spinning your wheels with this nonsense. it's embarrassing, Put Sanchez on the Pats, Steelers, Saints, Packers or Jints and he woudl still SUCK.

Put Sanchez on the Saints, Pats, Steelers, or Jints and none of them make the playoffs. Its over, he sucks.

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Personally I think Sanchez was a bigger problem than the WRs. No they could not get a ton of separation, but c'mon Sanchez missed throws ALL the freakin time. Both with his eyes as well as with the football. I really think he had one downfield option in mind every time he dropped back and looked straight to his check down after that. I think he may have even thrown it to the check down in a panic WITHOUT even looking. Hence, horrendous plays in the ultra short passing game.

He's not an accurate deep ball passer.....or short game passer. He throws bad picks, fumbles a lot. But that will ALL change when Shotty is gone!

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Braylon >>> Plax

However, I really don't think a lot of Jet fans are giving Sanchez his proper credit for being one of the worst starting QBs in the league.

The guy was inconsistent and very bad at times this year. Its ridiculous when you are throwing INTs to the Dline. However that being said i dont think he is as bad as many make him out to be. We have seen him do many good things, and make many good throws as well.

In order for us to have a competitive offense next year, first and foremost Sanchez has to limit the turnovers. We also have to add more real, and by real I mean not 34 year old guys who havent played in a few years, playmakers to the offense and improve our Oline depth and blocking TE.

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If you put drew Brees on the Jets does he break Marinos passing record?

No he doesn't. BUT if you think he doesnt carry this team to the playoffs then your crazy. Brees on this team would have masked so many issues and the Jets would have had a chance to do serious damage this January.

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No he doesn't. BUT if you think he doesnt carry this team to the playoffs then your crazy. Brees on this team would have masked so many issues and the Jets would have had a chance to do serious damage this January.

We were only a game, or 2, out of the playoffs, so I definetly think he would have gotten us there.

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He would have gotten us there and then some. Elite QBs in this league masks so many deficiencies. Qbs like Sanchez go the other way

Brees has been in the league 11 years, Sanchez 3 there should be a difference in performance level.

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Sanchez needs to be surrounded by good players or good friends who can stroke his ego. He lost many of those guys this offseason. He's a young, inexperienced kid with all the physical attributes to be a great QB. But he's not a great QB. He's a potentially good QB. You just can't shake up his receiving corps like we did this year. He has no safety net anymore. No Cotchery to work his way back, no Brad Smith to give him the ball at the fifty and run the 'Cat. no Braylon to streak down the field and snatch a high one out of the air. He now needs to be precise in a schotty designed offense. And his line now sucks. There are half a dozen QB's who could succeed with such pitfalls. Sanchez needs help. He's a kid and he's shaken. He can be a good one, still. But things have to change in his favor. I fear he's already on his way to David Carr syndrome.

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