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Star Wars Mafia #2 - Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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Might as well let it rip JVOR ... Im curious as to what you might ask, no need to hold back, Im sure he'll see it when he logs in.

Since he seems to be in a charitable mood, I was going to ask him the names of the people SMC tracked, since he's claiming to have been his teammate. Not the results of the tracking, just the names of their choices to track. If he's actually SMC's teammate, it wouldn't take him very long to answer the question and I didn't want to give him much time to answer it since he can easily be something else. But, really, it doesn't matter so much, he's clearly got to die today and whatever he says is more or less a lie.

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I'm pretty sneaky in general - ask around - which is exactly why I don't ask for trust. Run the scenario for yourself.

The reason that I'm not dead yet is because experienced players know that what I'm offering is legit, and could be a massive boost to the town.

You're not dead bc you wrote that at 11 at night you dumbass.
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JVoR - N1 SMC tracked Sharrow. Sharrow didn't go anywhere.

N2 SMC tracked you (JVoR) and you stayed home.

Just to be clear folks, the Bounty Hunters are a 3 man team - our win condition was to win as a team, not with the town. We don't have any side-wins.

I was trying to win with my team, but since I'm not going to win at all, I don't mind poking a stick in the other team's eye.

I could have said nothing and let you lynch me, but I don't want to watch the Empire team walk away unscathed.

Spare me now and you get a new vote count on who i should shoot - for whoever asked, it works just like a lynch vote, and you get the same amount of info.

Then, I'll shoot that person and you'll get all of that info. This is kind of a no-brainer if you don't psych yourselves out.

Or, you can lynch me - a non-Empire player, and see how well you do tomorrow. 'Cause you're doing great so far...

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Not for nothing, but one thing that I always wonder about JN is the lack of creativity or desire to take a chance. I've offered the "pet assassin" scenario before, everybody says I'm scummy, and then i get lynched. meh

It's a completely effective play, and at a time when the town really needs to pull a rabbit out of their a$$. I'll kill your choice as long as you want me too, and it aint like I'm going anywhere. It would totally be more fun to do it my way.

Of course, it's always more fun to do it my way. C'mon, you know you're bored and your dying to see if we can pull this off. The Empire is scrambling to shut me down without looking like complete scum-balls (and you have some great information already on that - so my reveal has already helped the town.) Let's play.

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yeah i dont trust DPR


Vote DPR

Bad call - it was a totally legit offer. Now the Empire is going to trample you and you don't get anymore pics. Oh well.

BG, a link if you would be so kind.

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Not for nothing, but one thing that I always wonder about JN is the lack of creativity or desire to take a chance. I've offered the "pet assassin" scenario before, everybody says I'm scummy, and then i get lynched. meh

It's a completely effective play, and at a time when the town really needs to pull a rabbit out of their a$$. I'll kill your choice as long as you want me too, and it aint like I'm going anywhere. It would totally be more fun to do it my way.

Of course, it's always more fun to do it my way. C'mon, you know you're bored and your dying to see if we can pull this off. The Empire is scrambling to shut me down without looking like complete scum-balls (and you have some great information already on that - so my reveal has already helped the town.) Let's play.

Lol @ lack of creativity. Has nothing to do with the fact that

1) there's no reason to trust you

2) Your team is called the BOUNTY HUNTER team. You could easily have a different win condition.

3) You could be imperial scum. I mean, it's not like a lone bounty hunter is going to pipe up and say "Nope, DPR is lying. It's actually ME who's the last remaining member of that team."

You're exposed scum. Nothing to do but ignore any sort of manipulative crap you spew afterwards.

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Not for nothing, but one thing that I always wonder about JN is the lack of creativity or desire to take a chance. I've offered the "pet assassin" scenario before, everybody says I'm scummy, and then i get lynched. meh

It's a completely effective play, and at a time when the town really needs to pull a rabbit out of their a$$. I'll kill your choice as long as you want me too, and it aint like I'm going anywhere. It would totally be more fun to do it my way.

Of course, it's always more fun to do it my way. C'mon, you know you're bored and your dying to see if we can pull this off. The Empire is scrambling to shut me down without looking like complete scum-balls (and you have some great information already on that - so my reveal has already helped the town.) Let's play.

Pretty sure you were just hammered...and dont take this the wrong way, but you've had some very questionable reveals on this board - I dont see why you think everyone would just follow you for fun and take what you are saying at face value.

Also, if we arent exciting...I've heard of this really thrilling board who has some really cool fast games. Its called Dragonmount. They even have turtorial threads to help you out with your reveals.

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Pretty sure you were just hammered...and dont take this the wrong way, but you've had some very questionable reveals on this board - I dont see why you think everyone would just follow you for fun and take what you are saying at face value.

Also, if we arent exciting...I've heard of this really thrilling board who has some really cool fast games. Its called Dragonmount. They even have turtorial threads to help you out with your reveals.


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The day had dragged on for quite some time. After much debate, it seemed DPR was going to be the choice of who you were going to kill off for today. As you just about reached a consensus, things got ever more interesting. DPR admitted to being a bounty hunter, and gave you all an offer to help you take out the Galactic Empire in exchange for his life. You all thought about it briefly, very briefly, before deciding you would just be better off taking him out right now. You had an idea on how to use your setting to have a very interesting means of execution, but unfortunately DPR's fat, disgusting a$$ made that a little difficult. So instead you used a different means, grabbing a big metal chain that happened to be laying around, you all wrapped it around his threat and just pulled, choking him with it as his blubbery self shook all over the place, before finally letting out one last gasp and falling over in a heap.


DPR, known to you as Jabba the Hutt (Bounty Hunter, symp-finder) has been lynched.

Night three has begun, all night actions are due by 10 AM tomorrow.

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Symp finder eh? So was he pleading to get another night or did he already find him?

And CTM was our Rebel Symp Finder too, no?

Interesting. Any way they could have been looking for the same person?

The guy was posting mad pictures to start the game. Cant believe I'm going to dig through this sh*t show to see reactions.

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I've been around, just not much -- sorry. Thought last night I posted:


Hey AVM - how are you? Having fun not playing this game eventhough you are on the roster? Whats that like? Are you scum?

Go figure the one time I dont go after you all season and you're scum. Wouldnt be surprised one bit.

<3. Enjoy playing but not really doing anything.

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One last thing because if you don't show up again before deadline this really drives me crazy ... at the very least you could have explained how you went from "feels town" on DPR to knowing he was up to something. You've barely mentioned his name all game, and if you're town it would have been a great time to get your thoughts on the reveal.

At the time I posted the comment you're referencing, I was buying what he was selling, so there wasn't much else to say.

Back to catching up....

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Okay. Caught up. Great job on killing off DPR. I didn't vote him because I believed him, as of last night. I woke up this morning feeling differently, so I'm glad you got him. So far I've been off on everybody that's died that I had an opinion on. I think maybe I should vote whoever feels most town to me. lol

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Hey AVM - how are you? Having fun not playing this game eventhough you are on the roster? Whats that like? Are you scum?

Go figure the one time I dont go after you all season and you're scum. Wouldnt be surprised one bit.

<3. Enjoy playing but not really doing anything.

Don't worry -- it's my last one.

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