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Wild West Mafia - Game Over


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I've voted Leelou and will do so again if I get the urge.

Your contention that at this point I should be voting for anything other than my own entertainment is laughable. What legitimate reasons are there to vote for anyone right now?

I routinely jump from person to person until I'm satisfied with where my vote is. As someone who constantly tells us he's doing things to gauge reactions I'm surprised you are aghast by my vote.

Not aghast by your vote, just pointing out the potential for opportunism. I'm aware you could just being seeing who else piles on behind you, therein lies the wifom.

Likewise, your assumption that any name I've thrown out, including yours, is for anything more than gauging reactions is foolish. You've seen me play this game 100x, yet you are much, much more defensive than you ordinarily would be from D1 Ape fos'ing.

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Your contention that at this point I should be voting for anything other than my own entertainment is laughable. What legitimate reasons are there to vote for anyone right now?

you going to gravy train the apes idiotic reason or do you have one of your own?

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All of you on my lynch train:

You're only on it because I manipulated you all last game. Nice to know that you all are scared to see what I can do in regular mafia.

can't speak for anyone else but I lol'd at the idea of you manipulating me.. I said you tried to. Which I read right through -- which is why while you were urging me to kill misigi I was submitting a NK on you haha...

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You are.

Also, I'm acutely aware of what is going on. So, take your "ping" and stick it in your pee hole.

This is why it's hard for us to move threads that start here to the lounge or anywhere else. Nothing is as funny as these threads. LOL

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slats doesn't get that excuse, he's been back posting plenty on the football side for a while now. the rest of them haven't really been around at all, so at least they've got an excuse. So basically we need CTM and slats to stop being little bitches (I know, that's asking a lot) and go from there.

So no more CTM and Slats then.

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AVM - EP (1)

JF80 - BG (1)

Pac - JF80, Ape (2)

EP - Christine, Leelou (2)

Christine - Wombat, JC, Vicious, Pac (4)

Not Voting: StraightCash, AVM (2)

With 12 alive it takes 7 to lynch.

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Drunk before 8 PM on a Thursday?

Yeah, not sure when the last time I had a beer was... Had 5-6 in about 3 hours tonight and got close enough to stupid where I thought I'd share, I'm good now. Funny how quick a subway ride will sober you up. Humans that smell like doodle and all...

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Yeah, not sure when the last time I had a beer was... Had 5-6 in about 3 hours tonight and got close enough to stupid where I thought I'd share, I'm good now. Funny how quick a subway ride will sober you up. Humans that smell like doodle and all...

Which line?

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I find it funny that Chrissy is voting me, she is only trying to scare me away from JN she has been trying to do so since my original post in Nol's signup thread, I aint scerd Chrissy this game is like heaven compared to some of the games over at DM

not quite sure why Leelou is voting me at current

I still say AVM dies for his Vegeta avitar.

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Hey 80, no ,ore long "zzzzzzzz" posts please. For some reason it doesn't wrap within the post "frame" and extends past it on the right, which then ****s up how the page loads on the iPad. Pretty please don't do it anymore....

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If you decide to go primal and chew someone face and fingers off make sure it's a Patriot fan. Not Gard though. She still owes me a hamburger and a pizza

I would NOT put any fleshy part of Garb near my mouth, don't worry.

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