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Despite offseason stint in jail, Kenrick Ellis won’t be suspended


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Posted by Michael David Smith on August 21, 2012, 2:07 PM EDT



If an NFL player has to go to jail, it can’t work out much better than it worked out for Jets defensive tackle Kenrick Ellis.

Although Ellis was given a 45-day sentence in June for a misdemeanor assault and battery conviction, he was allowed to serve only half the sentence this summer and wait until next March to serve the other half, meaning he wouldn’t have to miss any of the Jets’ training camp or Organized Team Activities. And now Ellis has learned that he won’t be suspended by the NFL, according to Manish Mehta of the New York Daily News.

Ellis entered an Alford plea to the assault and battery charge, which means he is still proclaiming his innocence but admitting that the prosecution has enough evidence to convince a jury of his guilt. The charges stem from a fight at Hampton University in 2010.

After initially facing a felony charge that could have resulted in 20 years in prison plus deportation (Ellis is not a U.S. citizen), Ellis was able to work out a deal that won’t affect his NFL career at all. He is being sued by the victim in the case.

The Jets took Ellis in the third round of last year’s NFL draft, and he played in five games and started two as a rookie.

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Ellis looked like the most dominant player on our line against the Giants. He was simply tossing guys aside, routinely blowing up running lanes and still providing pursuit, which for a guy his size is amazing. Loved the pick then, love it even more now.

What a difference a year makes.

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What a difference a year makes.

Lol at that picture, reminds me of the scene in tommy boy where he's out on the sailboat. Anyways, those rookies last year were definitely hindered by not having a training camp, really hamstrung them. Ellis had legit late first round/early second round talent, but after having to go to Hampton and then the arrest, he dropped. Between him, coples and wilkerson, we essentially have three first-round talents on our defensive line. Like others have said, if we have to make a wholesale change on certain ends of the ball, we will build around our defensive line and brick and mangold.

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Trade Pouha for a RT.

Agreed. I think they should either trade devito or pouha for a RT. both of those guys are great run stuffers and are both great leaders, but they have good value and would be able to get something valuable in return.

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Trade DeVito. Pouha's name is just too awesome to let go.

Pouha is locked up for 3 seasons including this one, is a premiere run stuffer, and doesn't make insane, cap-busting dollars. DeVito is good (and younger) but is a UFA after the season and will therefore require new dollars to keep past 2012.

It isn't a knock on Pouha being here; he's super. But DeVito may not yield a true improvement in our RT situation, particularly in mid-late August. Pouha might not either, but you have to give something of value to get something of value. Pouha has trade value, DeVito doesn't.

Sanchez is as functional under pressure as a baby in fetal position sucking his thumb and pissing and sh*tting himself. If we're going with the special snowflake at QB for the next year or two - and with Tebow as the #2 it seems we likely are - then an upgrade from Hunter is necessary. There are other QBs who could get by with this line but Sanchez is not one of them.

We would have been better off demanding Sanchez take a $2M paycut to clear cap space this year (with the opportunity to make it back with play befitting a top-5 pick who wants 8 figures per year). But the Jets confusingly and stupidly went the route of clearing 2012 cap space by guaranteeing him more money - after a bad season, no less - with the cap hits to come later. (Plus MT somehow felt we owed it to Sanchez to "prove" to him that we had faith in him despite inquiring about Manning). No one else - with the possible exception of Miami I guess - would have guaranteed Sanchez more than $6-7M this offseason, and certainly wouldn't have offered him $20M guaranteed from 2012-2013 plus big money to keep or cut in 2014. Could have picked up some C-level backup (there were a few available and any would have jumped at a starting spot on the Jets) who would have been no worse than this bundle of nerves, and taken a flyer on another QB in the draft to take over not as a rookie. Sadly Woody is so über-obsessed with name recognition and publicity at QB this is an impossibility and what's done is done.

So go get him a RT through trade, if one is even available. With this mental midget behind center, all 5 OL positions are of heightened importance. I like Pouha here just fine but the first year we're not going to be without Sanchez is 2014 at the earliest when Pouha will be 35 and in the last year of his deal. If Ellis isn't just having a fluke good couple of games then trading Bo is probably the move that yields the best combination of not killing our defense plus getting a legit starter.

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Pouha is locked up for 3 seasons including this one, is a premiere run stuffer, and doesn't make insane, cap-busting dollars. DeVito is good (and younger) but is a UFA after the season and will therefore require new dollars to keep past 2012.

It isn't a knock on Pouha being here; he's super. But DeVito may not yield a true improvement in our RT situation, particularly in mid-late August. Pouha might not either, but you have to give something of value to get something of value. Pouha has trade value, DeVito doesn't.

I strongly agree with the idea of trading a DL for a RT. Don't agree that DeVito has no trade value - at least as compared to Pouha. I get their relative contract situations, but DeVito's five years younger and Pouha has had some back issues this summer. Could be a red flag for a potential trading partner.

Jets should be shopping both players in an attempt to attract the best deal.

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I strongly agree with the idea of trading a DL for a RT. Don't agree that DeVito has no trade value - at least as compared to Pouha. I get their relative contract situations, but DeVito's five years younger and Pouha has had some back issues this summer. Could be a red flag for a potential trading partner.

Jets should be shopping both players in an attempt to attract the best deal.

I doubt DeVito would have accepted a paycut if he - or the Jets - felt he had serious value on the open market.

If both were free agents, Pouha would get the bigger deal (and not just from the Jets). DeVito would only have the necessary trade value on a team whose base defense requires his particular skillset (run-stuffing and inside-outside versatility, with no pass rushing skills whatsoever), who just lost someone with the nearly-identical skillset for the season, and who has enough RT depth to part with someone starter-worthy.

In the end it's just my opinion and I care not. Jets need a RT so Helen Keller has a little more time to throw without requiring his movement to a safer spot.

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Says you. There's a stipulation that all precedent is thrown out the window when it involves a jets' player. Think it's in Goodell's bylaws.

It actually wouldn't have been too bad from an entertainment angle. Pretty sure that would be the first time we'd witness a legit Bates breakdown considering his feelings towards Goodell mirror mine towards Mel Gibson.

Speaking of which, **** Mel Gibson.

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Pouha is locked up for 3 seasons including this one, is a premiere run stuffer, and doesn't make insane, cap-busting dollars. DeVito is good (and younger) but is a UFA after the season and will therefore require new dollars to keep past 2012.

It isn't a knock on Pouha being here; he's super. But DeVito may not yield a true improvement in our RT situation, particularly in mid-late August. Pouha might not either, but you have to give something of value to get something of value. Pouha has trade value, DeVito doesn't.

Sanchez is as functional under pressure as a baby in fetal position sucking his thumb and pissing and sh*tting himself. If we're going with the special snowflake at QB for the next year or two - and with Tebow as the #2 it seems we likely are - then an upgrade from Hunter is necessary. There are other QBs who could get by with this line but Sanchez is not one of them.

We would have been better off demanding Sanchez take a $2M paycut to clear cap space this year (with the opportunity to make it back with play befitting a top-5 pick who wants 8 figures per year). But the Jets confusingly and stupidly went the route of clearing 2012 cap space by guaranteeing him more money - after a bad season, no less - with the cap hits to come later. (Plus MT somehow felt we owed it to Sanchez to "prove" to him that we had faith in him despite inquiring about Manning). No one else - with the possible exception of Miami I guess - would have guaranteed Sanchez more than $6-7M this offseason, and certainly wouldn't have offered him $20M guaranteed from 2012-2013 plus big money to keep or cut in 2014. Could have picked up some C-level backup (there were a few available and any would have jumped at a starting spot on the Jets) who would have been no worse than this bundle of nerves, and taken a flyer on another QB in the draft to take over not as a rookie. Sadly Woody is so über-obsessed with name recognition and publicity at QB this is an impossibility and what's done is done.

So go get him a RT through trade, if one is even available. With this mental midget behind center, all 5 OL positions are of heightened importance. I like Pouha here just fine but the first year we're not going to be without Sanchez is 2014 at the earliest when Pouha will be 35 and in the last year of his deal. If Ellis isn't just having a fluke good couple of games then trading Bo is probably the move that yields the best combination of not killing our defense plus getting a legit starter.

This is all true and you're probably right, but I meant I'll actually miss having someone named Pouha on the team.

Yeah, it's dumb, but true. I love yelling "POUHA!" really loud at my television.

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