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Kenrick Ellis and Quintin Coples look like monsters in the making.


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If, as Jason suspects, they're forced to make a move with Harris' salary, I wonder if they'll move to a base 4-3, with Davis in the middle.

Scott comes off the books after this season, so no worries either way. Harris is a nice player, but we have Davis in the wings and can find another ILB if Harris prices himself off the team.

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The concern about Coples is potential motor problems, and the Jets coaches are taking that one head on. I'm happy with the way Coples is performing, and I'm happy with the way the coaches are handling him.

I am too.

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On a team with any sort off offense yes., On a team that is breaking pre-season records for NOT scoring a single touchdown? Little bit scary. Our D will be worth watching. Our offense will require medication to watch.

I don't expect what we are seeing in the preseason to carry over. We will have an offense ranked in the middle of the pack, Tebow will be used like a RB (don't give a sh*t what formation he runs out of, running is running), we will convert short yardage, and with the defense consistently giving the ball back to the offense, they might be ugly, but they'll score points. Enough to win 8-10 games, imo.

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Using preseason stats as the premise of your argument. That's unfortunate.

From the regular season...

Mark Sanchez & Co. produced three-and-outs on 30.3 percent of their drives, the fourth-highest rate in football.

How does the defense help Sanchez complete passes again?

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From the regular season...

How does the defense help Sanchez complete passes again?

We were discussing how a great defense increases the amount of scoring opportunities for the offense. I'm assuming that you shifted to Sanchez's completion percentage because you aren't making any legit points.

A couple things, these are realities of the NFL (as close to fact as you are going to get in this circumstance) and not opinions:

1.) Sanchez and the first team offense didn't play whole games, only played portions

2.) offensive stats are skewed by Sanchez playing behind Hunter while Austin is now the starter,

3.) offensive stats are skewed by Sanchez playing the whole preseason without his top 2 veteran WRs and last night without Keller,

4.) it is preseason football and teams do not game-plan, nor do they unveil the complete playbook,

5.) preseason TDs don't matter, it is exhibition meant to work on timing, conditioning, and preparing for contact (especially now that contact is limited in practice, camp)

There's really not much more to discuss here.

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We were discussing how a great defense increases the amount of scoring opportunities for the offense. I'm assuming that you shifted to Sanchez's completion percentage because you aren't making any legit points.

I didn't mention Sanchez's completion percentage. I mentioned the offense's likelihood to go 3 and out. I did so because unless the defense is giving you a starting position in the red zone, you still need to move the ball. Regular season and Preseason, this offense has proven to be inconsistent in doing so (4th worst in the NFl).

However, sure. Theoretically a good defense should give you a better opportunity to score.

A couple things, these are realities of the NFL (as close to fact as you are going to get in this circumstance) and not opinions:

1.) Sanchez and the first team offense didn't play whole games, only played portions

2.) offensive stats are skewed by Sanchez playing behind Hunter while Austin is now the starter,

3.) offensive stats are skewed by Sanchez playing the whole preseason without his top 2 veteran WRs and last night without Keller,

4.) it is preseason football and teams do not game-plan, nor do they unveil the complete playbook,

5.) preseason TDs don't matter, it is exhibition meant to work on timing, conditioning, and preparing for contact (especially now that contact is limited in practice, camp)

There's really not much more to discuss here.

You're blind if you think these "skews" will change the production we see from the offensive unit in the regular season.

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It's been a season plus three preseason games where the offense has been a sh*tshow. I think even hoping for middle-of-the-pack is optimistic, especially with the defenses we're playing early on. There's really no reason to suspect that there's some magic switch they're going to hit that turns them into the 86 Giants. What you'll see is more of what we saw last night--some encouraging downfield strikes against a rolled-up defense, followed by a bunch of running Greene into the line. The Jets just have to hope that those random downfield strikes get them 21 points per, otherwise the team is going nuts up.

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It's been a season plus three preseason games where the offense has been a sh*tshow. I think even hoping for middle-of-the-pack is optimistic, especially with the defenses we're playing early on. There's really no reason to suspect that there's some magic switch they're going to hit that turns them into the 86 Giants. What you'll see is more of what we saw last night--some encouraging downfield strikes against a rolled-up defense, followed by a bunch of running Greene into the line. The Jets just have to hope that those random downfield strikes get them 21 points per, otherwise the team is going nuts up.

Yeah, I unfortunately agree.

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i remember being a little boy and watching the Jets offense cruise around the field. Obrien to Toon. To Walker. Handoff to Freeman McNeal. The team had offense for days. But the defense couldn't stop an old lady crossing the street. and the results were fun to watch but ultimately a failure.

Here we are damn near 30 years later and the situation is reversed. My point is at least the jets finally have a dominant world class defense. It's not everything but it's something to hang your hat on. I don't know of any teams since the 85 bears that had both sides be dominant. Ultimately the 2012 Jets are who they are and they are badasses on defense.

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I didn't mention Sanchez's completion percentage. I mentioned the offense's likelihood to go 3 and out. I did so because unless the defense is giving you a starting position in the red zone, you still need to move the ball. Regular season and Preseason, this offense has proven to be inconsistent in doing so (4th worst in the NFl).

However, sure. Theoretically a good defense should give you a better opportunity to score.

You're blind if you think these "skews" will change the production we see from the offensive unit in the regular season.

So, your conclusion is that based on the preseason, we aren't ever going to score.

Got it. Carry on... lol

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I think Coples will be a very good player - continues to show flashes of brilliance. My only complain, albeit small - did anyone else notice that he really doesn't chase down plays from behind? Yes it's nitpicking, but I did notice it a little. Otherwise, can't wait to see this guy grow as a player.

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My fiancee was in the room with me, trying to get me "involved" with the wedding planning. I like her just fine but if she keeps distracting me from the things that really matter then this engagement may not last long.

Dont do it dude

Dont buy the Cow - You can have the milk for free! Vanilla, Strawberry, Choclate. You buy the cow the milk just goes stail.

Even if you ugly, bald, and have serious complextion and mental problemsand cant get laid in whore house with fistfull of fifities .....even then dont do it dude it aint worth it.

This is my last warning!

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I think Coples will be a very good player - continues to show flashes of brilliance. My only complain, albeit small - did anyone else notice that he really doesn't chase down plays from behind? Yes it's nitpicking, but I did notice it a little. Otherwise, can't wait to see this guy grow as a player.

He has been Lazy all pre-season, i believe rexey called him out yesterday

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I don't expect what we are seeing in the preseason to carry over. We will have an offense ranked in the middle of the pack, Tebow will be used like a RB (don't give a sh*t what formation he runs out of, running is running), we will convert short yardage, and with the defense consistently giving the ball back to the offense, they might be ugly, but they'll score points. Enough to win 8-10 games, imo.

Agreed with this. Offense's preseason is being overblown.

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It's been a season plus three preseason games where the offense has been a sh*tshow. I think even hoping for middle-of-the-pack is optimistic, especially with the defenses we're playing early on. There's really no reason to suspect that there's some magic switch they're going to hit that turns them into the 86 Giants. What you'll see is more of what we saw last night--some encouraging downfield strikes against a rolled-up defense, followed by a bunch of running Greene into the line. The Jets just have to hope that those random downfield strikes get them 21 points per, otherwise the team is going nuts up.

Jets finished 13th in points scored last year.

Yes, I know this is just above a softball being floated up there. That said, they do that again with this D and it's game over man, game over.

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You are allowed to

right now i dont see anything special with this guy. Rexey is mad at him for sure

Why did you steal JiF's avatar? Are you hoping that being mistaken for gay will soften your hard-headed, reactionary persona?

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You are allowed to

right now i dont see anything special with this guy. Rexey is mad at him for sure

Same could have been said of DeCastro. That was before he blew out his knee and was likely done for the season.

We all want the coaches to motivate people, then when they make comments like this, we are supposed to take it to mean he is mad? C'mon. The kid has been playing well. Check his stats.

Here is another quote about Coples by Rex:

"They are two unusual talents. ... They're unusual guys," Ryan said. "Hopefully Quinton can be the same kind of player Pierre-Paul ended up being. This guy really gets it."

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Here is another quote about Coples by Rex:

"They are two unusual talents. ... They're unusual guys," Ryan said. "Hopefully Quinton can be the same kind of player Pierre-Paul ended up being. This guy really gets it."

Wow, he sounds really pissed.

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Why did you steal JiF's avatar? Are you hoping that being mistaken for gay will soften your hard-headed, reactionary persona?

So far i SEE nothing special in Coples or Hill.

The only good thing about Coples is he isnt Vernon. Hill was very raw and his hands suk so far.

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Same could have been said of DeCastro. That was before he blew out his knee and was likely done for the season.

We all want the coaches to motivate people, then when they make comments like this, we are supposed to take it to mean he is mad? C'mon. The kid has been playing well. Check his stats.

Here is another quote about Coples by Rex:

"They are two unusual talents. ... They're unusual guys," Ryan said. "Hopefully Quinton can be the same kind of player Pierre-Paul ended up being. This guy really gets it."

"I wasn’t as happy this game as I was previously," Ryan said. "I thought he kind of got winded a bit. He kind of had a 'woe is me' when we took out the starters. Hey look, you are still a rookie, you’ve got to play the whole game and then some."

Ryan added that he didn't like the way the Panthers ran the ball against the second-team defense. Coples also played with that unit.

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