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This team is SOFT.


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They are too ****ing soft. No backbone, no true fight in them... nothing about the way this team plays backs up Rex's talk. Offense gets hit, they go into a shell and become completely inoperable. Defense gets hit, they recoil and get run over.

THAT is the real problem with this team. They don't deliver on Rex's promise of toughness. We can all debate execution, blame, etc. all week, but there is ONE common thread between all the failures of this team... they get hit in the mouth, and they fall apart immediately.

Why did we beat Buffalo? Because they never stood toe-to-toe with us and hit us. Easy enough, but when we encounter a truly tough team we fold like a house of cards. On both sides of the ball.

Every mouthy punk I've ever known gets knocked on their ass when a true tough-guy shows up to the fight. That is what happened Sunday, it is what happened last time we faced Pittsburgh in the playoffs too. They put us in our place.

Truly tough guys NEVER talk about how tough they are. If you have to convince people you are tough, then you aren't. Words veil insecurity.

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Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard and Floyd Mayweather - mouthy punks all of them. It's not the talk that is the problem. The Bills didn't stand toe to toe with us because they couldn't. The team apparently isn't as tough as the Steelers, but they aren't a bunch of wimps either. They have won close games, back and forth playoff games. They don't always roll over and die, but they aren't the best team either. Are the Giants tough? Cause they won the super bowl and they are a bunch of pusses and rolled over plenty last year.

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Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard and Floyd Mayweather - mouthy punks all of them. It's not the talk that is the problem. The Bills didn't stand toe to toe with us because they couldn't. The team apparently isn't as tough as the Steelers, but they aren't a bunch of wimps either. They have won close games, back and forth playoff games. They don't always roll over and die, but they aren't the best team either. Are the Giants tough? Cause they won the super bowl and they are a bunch of pusses and rolled over plenty last year.

I consider those guys the exception, not the rule.

Generally, what I said stands the test of time being most true.

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This is the act of a coward:

HURRY UP AND LEAVE: Curious sequence at the end of the first half. The Jets got the ball at their 31, with 57 seconds remaining and two timeouts at their disposal. There was more than enough time to drive for a score, but Ryan and coordinator Tony Sparano decided to eat it. They ran two plays and headed to the locker room, down 13-10.

Ryan said they would've taken a more aggressive approach if they had popped the first run. Ultimately, they decided to play conservatively because they were getting the ball to start the second half. You can't help but wonder if the bad memory from the 2010 AFC Championship Game -- a strip sack returned for a TD -- factored into Ryan's decision.

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Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard and Floyd Mayweather - mouthy punks all of them. It's not the talk that is the problem. The Bills didn't stand toe to toe with us because they couldn't. The team apparently isn't as tough as the Steelers, but they aren't a bunch of wimps either. They have won close games, back and forth playoff games. They don't always roll over and die, but they aren't the best team either. Are the Giants tough? Cause they won the super bowl and they are a bunch of pusses and rolled over plenty last year.

LMFAO - Gaype Fail.

Its week ****ing 2 for christ sake.

The Jets were extremely physical at the LOS on Sunday. Nothing soft about this team. Time will prove that.

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This is the act of a coward:


I think it's an act of a coach with a fragile QB. Game was close and Steelers had the momentum. All they had to do is push it and have Sanchez gaff and not only we lose the game like we did could blow up the entire season. We got the ball first in the second half. I think it was the right move Tyler Apeden,

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I think it's an act of a coach with a fragile QB. Game was close and Steelers had the momentum. All they had to do is push it and have Sanchez gaff and not only we lose the game like we did could blow up the entire season. We got the ball first in the second half. I think it was the right move Tyler Apeden,

Hey Crushlove, miss you. The call was fine. No big deal. Could you imagine the backlash if Sanchez threw a pick six or lost a fumble for a TD. "OMG, we were only down 3, why risk it". lol

I'd love to see the Gaype call our DL or OL soft. I'd love to see him call Bart Scott or David Harris soft to their face. Maybe Landry? Yeah, he's been talking too, definitely a chump who would be a total pussy in a fight. Totally could see the gaype pwning his ass in a fight.

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They are too ****ing soft. No backbone, no true fight in them... nothing about the way this team plays backs up Rex's talk. Offense gets hit, they go into a shell and become completely inoperable. Defense gets hit, they recoil and get run over.

THAT is the real problem with this team. They don't deliver on Rex's promise of toughness. We can all debate execution, blame, etc. all week, but there is ONE common thread between all the failures of this team... they get hit in the mouth, and they fall apart immediately.

Why did we beat Buffalo? Because they never stood toe-to-toe with us and hit us. Easy enough, but when we encounter a truly tough team we fold like a house of cards. On both sides of the ball.

Every mouthy punk I've ever known gets knocked on their ass when a true tough-guy shows up to the fight. That is what happened Sunday, it is what happened last time we faced Pittsburgh in the playoffs too. They put us in our place.

Truly tough guys NEVER talk about how tough they are. If you have to convince people you are tough, then you aren't. Words veil insecurity.

While I do not totally agree with this. But I can appreciate your point of view, anger and passion. I just did not see it that way.

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I think it's an act of a coach with a fragile QB. Game was close and Steelers had the momentum. All they had to do is push it and have Sanchez gaff and not only we lose the game like we did could blow up the entire season. We got the ball first in the second half. I think it was the right move Tyler Apeden,

This is the act of a coward:

It's situational football. I've seen Belli do it with Brady in very similar scenarios. Highly doubt either are cowards when it comes to scoring. This idea of tough is simply predicated on who wins and who doesn't. I would never consider new orleans, green bay or new england tough, smash-mouth teams, yet they seem to win plenty of games the last few years.

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They are too ****ing soft. No backbone, no true fight in them... nothing about the way this team plays backs up Rex's talk. Offense gets hit, they go into a shell and become completely inoperable. Defense gets hit, they recoil and get run over.

THAT is the real problem with this team. They don't deliver on Rex's promise of toughness. We can all debate execution, blame, etc. all week, but there is ONE common thread between all the failures of this team... they get hit in the mouth, and they fall apart immediately.

Why did we beat Buffalo? Because they never stood toe-to-toe with us and hit us. Easy enough, but when we encounter a truly tough team we fold like a house of cards. On both sides of the ball.

Every mouthy punk I've ever known gets knocked on their ass when a true tough-guy shows up to the fight. That is what happened Sunday, it is what happened last time we faced Pittsburgh in the playoffs too. They put us in our place.

Truly tough guys NEVER talk about how tough they are. If you have to convince people you are tough, then you aren't. Words veil insecurity.

This is a moronic post. The Jets lost because they didn't execute their plays and the Steelers did. I didn't see any players swinging roundhouses out there. It's football - execute your plays and you move the ball. Don't execute, and you don't. I understand the desire to make the analogy of a heavyweight fight, but it's not an accurate assessment.

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Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard and Floyd Mayweather - mouthy punks all of them. It's not the talk that is the problem. The Bills didn't stand toe to toe with us because they couldn't. The team apparently isn't as tough as the Steelers, but they aren't a bunch of wimps either. They have won close games, back and forth playoff games. They don't always roll over and die, but they aren't the best team either. Are the Giants tough? Cause they won the super bowl and they are a bunch of pusses and rolled over plenty last year.

Ali? Shirley you can't be serious.

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i can't take credit. it goes to another boxer by the name of mike tyson. but it's a great line and so ****ing true.

btw, ali, leonard, mayweather...they talk...but they also walked the ****ing walk. all ryan does is walk to the snack machine

Oh, I know he said it. I think he actually said "punched in the mouth" but it is a quote perfectly summing up my point.

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This is a moronic post. The Jets lost because they didn't execute their plays and the Steelers did. I didn't see any players swinging roundhouses out there. It's football - execute your plays and you move the ball. Don't execute, and you don't. I understand the desire to make the analogy of a heavyweight fight, but it's not an accurate assessment.

Of all the stupid sh*t thats been posted here over the last 2 days, this takes the cake. All fighters do is talk about how tough they are. Anyone follow UFC? Those guys are very quiet and humble and never talk sh*t.

Tough guys NEVER talk about how tough they are? What Plant is this Ape living on? lmfao

Have you ever noticed how quiet Ray Lewis is? He never talks. Remember when Woodley said that Steelers will NOT be 0-2. That guy is a total pussy.

This could be the worst thread started in a very long time and people are repping him for it. I <3 JN

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This is a moronic post. The Jets lost because they didn't execute their plays and the Steelers did. I didn't see any players swinging roundhouses out there. It's football - execute your plays and you move the ball. Don't execute, and you don't. I understand the desire to make the analogy of a heavyweight fight, but it's not an accurate assessment.

Passive/aggressive opportunity to call me moronic back. Noted.

You are actually reinforcing my point though, they hit us harder than we wanted to be hit, and our ability to execute diminished. I'm not going to the length of trying to point out where I made this point in the original post, I think it was pretty clear.

Teams that can't execute when they are being knocked around, aren't tough. When you have a coach that sells toughness as "playing like a Jets" then there is a disconnect.

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Of all the stupid sh*t thats been posted here over the last 2 days, this takes the cake. All fighters do is talk about how tough they are. Anyone follow UFC? Those guys are very quite and humble and never talk sh*t.

Tough guys NEVER talk about how tough they are? What Plant is this Ape living on? lmfao

Have you ever noticed how quiet Ray Lewis is? He never talks. Remember when Woodley said that Steelers will NOT be 0-2. That guy is a total pussy.

This could be the worst thread started in a very long time and people are repping him for it. I <3 JN

You very clearly have missed the point, or are trolling.

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i can't take credit. it goes to another boxer by the name of mike tyson. but it's a great line and so ****ing true.

btw, ali, leonard, mayweather...they talk...but they also walked the ****ing walk. all ryan does is walk to the snack machine

The problem is that Leonard tried to punk Hagler. Unfair? Probably, but that's the type of sh*t people always remember.

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There was nothing passive about it. Just calling it like I see it - you understand, no?

I understand you are still butthurt I called you moronic the other day, which is why you chose that specific insult. Other than that, your post is garbage. I never even made the heavyweight analogy, someone else did after my OP.

Now JIF will try egging you on to see how far down this rathole we can go...

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The defense is SOFT when Revis is not playing. Yeah right!

I think to some extent its lack of discipline. I know Landry is aggressive et al and I like that from our safety unlike a certain Cardinal safety i could name but how about using atleast some bare bone basic common sense and not hitting a guy who is 3 feet beyond the sideline! That's a surefire way to get a 15 yard penalty.

On the offense we really do not have enough weapons and playmakers to dictate terms. Period.

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It's situational football. I've seen Belli do it with Brady in very similar scenarios. Highly doubt either are cowards when it comes to scoring. This idea of tough is simply predicated on who wins and who doesn't. I would never consider new orleans, green bay or new england tough, smash-mouth teams, yet they seem to win plenty of games the last few years.

Here's a situation. We had the chance to take sole possession of 1st place in the division, we had :57 seconds and 2 timeouts, and we tucked our tails.


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Here's a situation. We had the chance to take sole possession of 1st place in the division, we had :57 seconds and 2 timeouts, and we tucked our tails.


scoring a touchdown before the half doesn't guarantee a win. so that wasn't really the situation. and being 2-0 doesn't really control the division. It's week 2.

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The defense is SOFT when Revis is not playing. Yeah right!

I think to some extent its lack of discipline. I know Landry is aggressive et al and I like that from our safety unlike a certain Cardinal safety i could name but how about using atleast some bare bone basic common sense and not hitting a guy who is 3 feet beyond the sideline! That's a surefire way to get a 15 yard penalty.

On the offense we really do not have enough weapons and playmakers to dictate terms. Period.

Landry is soft. He said prior to the game that the Jets defense is better than the Steelers.

Every mouthy punk the Gaype has ever known gets his ass kicked when he shows up to a fight = Landry a mouthy punk who is a pussy.

Pouha - soft

Mo Wilk - soft

Coples - soft

DeVito - soft

Scott - soft

Harris - soft

Pace - soft

Revis - soft

Landry - soft

Bell - soft

Mangold - soft

Moore - soft

DBrick - soft

Slausson - soft

Greene - soft

Hill - soft

Connor - soft

Sanchez - soft

Tebow - soft

Cumberland - soft

Keller - soft

soft soft soft.

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Quarterback gets hit, he goes into a shell and becomes completely inoperable. Defense is missing its best player and is on the field for 36+ minutes because of the incompetency of aforementioned quarterback, they get tired and get thrown on but still allow only 66 rushing yards @ 2.4 YPA.


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Landry is soft. He said prior to the game that the Jets defense is better than the Steelers.

Every mouthy punk the Gaype has ever known gets his ass kicked when he shows up to a fight = Landry a mouthy punk who is a pussy.

Pouha - soft

Mo Wilk - soft

Coples - soft

DeVito - soft

Scott - soft

Harris - soft

Pace - soft

Revis - soft

Landry - soft

Bell - soft

Mangold - soft

Moore - soft

DBrick - soft

Slausson - soft

Greene - soft

Hill - soft

Connor - soft

Sanchez - soft

Tebow - soft

Cumberland - soft

Keller - soft

soft soft soft.

Huh ?

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