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Our owner is a greedy pig


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What a shocker, the owners of the teams who routinely got treated like gold by the old refs wanted them back, where as the owners of the teams who constantly got screwed over by the old refs were in no such rush.

Trying to play this off as a political fiasco is pathetic and laughable, especially considering there is no evidence that this change will have any impact on the financial situation of a single team (or its owner), but rather the actual league office.

I definitely felt like things weren't as bad for us with the replacement refs. Gonna miss them..

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Would you prefer Bob Kraft?

Year after year Jets fans always pin a target on someone, last year was SHotty, this year Tanny, Next year Woody.....really sucks

I would prefer an owner dedicated to winning, short term and long term.

Like the Rooneys, Maras, etc.

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I would prefer an owner dedicated to winning, short term and long term.

Like the Rooneys, Maras, etc.

The choice at the time was Woody or the Dolans.

In the epic battle between a Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwich, I'll take the Giant Douche.

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The choice at the time was Woody or the Dolans.

Woody's incompetent but at least he's manageable. (I actually blame Tannenbaum more, who should turn around a say things like "No, Tebow WON'T really help, bad idea.")

The Dolans would have been such a nightmare. The Knicks have been run by the Dolans' whims since Jeff Van Gundy left. Needless to say, and as we all know, it's been a disaster for the last 12 years.

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The ER is going to be burned-out, as all the new 50 million insured aren't going to be able to find a primary care physician to see them, because a lot of the GPs will start to refuse medicare patients, so they flock to their local emergency room. It's gonna be brutal.

Yeah, but at least they got a cell phone

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So just to be clear from this thread; Bob Kraft is good, Matt's a healthcare policy savant now, and I can't get superpowers from a MRI machine? Worst day ever.

Well, I mean, if you inject a sh*t-ton (slightly larger than the long ton) of iron into someone's body, you can cause some damage...the key is getting them to into the machine unknowingly. I'd start with a piece of candy. If James Wood falls for it twice, anybody will.

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I loved the replacement refs because defense was being played at a much harder pace and the games weren't as ridiculous as last year with everyone throwing over 300 yards a game

this post is wrong on several levels. Eli threw for over 500. the players respect the real refs, the post-play BS was ridiculous under the old refs. Week 3 MNF took 5 hours due to dumb ref mistakes and inability to control the game. There's no scenario where the replacements made the product better. if you like the games under the replacement refs, maybe you should watch MMA. Never know who will break an arm in the octogon.

as for the Jets owner... he has some very real very wrong political beliefs. I won't get into it too deeply but his good friend is going to lose. they are both out of touch. and all that money he donated will have been wasted.

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