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Holmes hurt his foot?


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I saw the replay about four times, it didn't look like a knee injury except for the dude was grabbing his f*cking knee lol. Just watched it again, still grabbing his knee. I dunno, maybe we can see how Sanchez handles a huddle with Holmes in it. Honestly, he can't possibly be any worse... right??

this is why TEBOW needs to be our starter and not that pussy face, vagina acting Sanchez

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I love the thread where fans criticize a player for fumbling after some part of his his lower extremity explodes. Screw you too Dedrick Epps! someone needs to up these guys pain medications. Being in white hot pain is no excuse for a turnover. I mean I was on the couch and my butt fell asleep but I kept watching. So yeah. there's that.

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this is why TEBOW needs to be our starter and not that pussy face, vagina acting Sanchez


What would be the harm really? Pound the crap out of the rock. What's the worst scenario: we go 3 and out? Oh, like we don't do that ALREADY?

Pound the rock, pound it and pound it some more. Then go play action - deep. Throw the ball so deep that a pick doesn't hurt you that much. That's it.

Is there anyone here who doesn't think we would have had better results if we did that today???

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I love the thread where fans criticize a player for fumbling after some part of his his lower extremity explodes. Screw you too Dedrick Epps! someone needs to up these guys pain medications. Being in white hot pain is no excuse for a turnover. I mean I was on the couch and my butt fell asleep but I kept watching. So yeah. there's that.

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