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The Unprecedented Media Assault on the Jets


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Give me a break. The Jets deserve every ounce of what they are taking broadside right now.


This franchise is an unmitigated joke, owned by a joke, managed by a joke, coached by a joke and rostered with jokes. Even when this team is good, they're a joke.


This franchise is a steaming turd pile on a blanket of fresh snow.


They've managed to upgrade themselves from running joke to laughingstock of the sportsworld with one butt fumble.


Don't worry, Woody will down a couple Xany Bars to calm his nerves and collect his paychecks.


Get used to it, this team will never amount to anything successful.

A Ship a drift in a sea of feces

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Meh, you went off on one of your, I'm the smartest Football mind in the world and everyone else doesnt know the game rants.  It's getting old.  Only reason I continue to respond to you when you go off like that is because in between those high and mighty posts is some good content.  Its a shame you get so worked up to the point you tell people they shouldnt even watch the game because they dont have as high of an understanding of Football as you. You said some posters would be better off banned.  lmfao  Get over yourself buddy, you dont know more about Football than anyone else around here even though you like to think so...and even if you do, who cares?  Get over it.  


My post was far from negative, clearly, the verdict is still out and I've repeated that numerous times.  Some of these cheap offseason pick ups could hit, I doubt it but if they dont he's completely dependent on his draft.  Which is fine, but if they dont pan out, then it was a wasted offseason.  That's all I'm saying and it was just a simple response to Tom saying he gets a pass because of Rex.  That's just silly.  He may get a pass in the sense that his record wont determine his fate, but he wont get a pass if he wasted an entire offseason not adding talent and it hurts the team in the future.


That's your interpretation.  I'm sorry you think that way, but guess I can't help how you perceive my post.  I've never even thought or said that I know more about football than anyone else.  


My point was that imo it's completely nonsensical and lacking in common sense or football knowledge to unilaterally declare a rookie player to be a bust or a rookie GM to be awful before the first regular season game has even been played.  You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out.  I have no problem with people stating an opinion, but I do have a problem with people stating an opinion as if it's fact, particularly when that opinion is without basis and utterly nonsensical, and even after other posters point that out, they continue.  If that makes me arrogant or a bad person, so be it.  I can live with it.


Yes, it will be bad if none of the draft picks pan out.  If that happens, I won't be happy with Idzik.  I can't see that happening however.  With regard to the FAs, as Tom or someone said, Idzik was probably looking for players he could sign to one-year deals and I agree with that.  I don't think there were any FAs out there that the Jets could afford that were worth signing to longer term deals.  I wish Ivory and Goodson had been one-year deals instead of 2-3 year deals, but that's probably the only way he could sign them.  Idzik wants to build the team primarily through the draft, and I applaud that.  The Jets will have a ton of cap space next year, and undoubtedly, Idzik will use that to add some very good, if not great players to shore up a number of positions so that he's free to take the BAP in the draft, unless he has to draft a QB.  I think in general, he will use FA to set up the draft and will not be like Tranny who claimed he was gonna build through the draftlooking to make the big splashy signings so he an be on the back pages of the tabloids.

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 The Jets will have a ton of cap space next year, and undoubtedly, Idzik will use that to add some very good, if not great players to shore up a number of positions.

You're assuming anyone will want to come to this organization. That's a huge assumption. The franchise is a Leper Colony and any decent FA will get the same money with a far-better organization.

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You're assuming anyone will want to come to this organization. That's a huge assumption. The franchise is a Leper Colony and any decent FA will get the same money with a far-better organization.


Perhaps.  The Jets may have to overpay FAs as they did a few years ago,but hopefully, players and others around the country are intelligent enough to see through all the BS the NY media is spewing.  Winning solves a lot of  problems.  If the team plays well and wins, the circus stuff will go away.  If not, but the young players play well and Rex is fired, the atmosphere will change in time.  I'm not worried about it at this point. As always with the Jets, everything is subject to change.  LOL

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It's easy to avoid criticism when you haven't made any major moves, yet. All that changes when he starts spending his bankroll next year.

Exactly how is that so? Idzik will be judged the same way EVERY other GM will be judged- By his record. If he stands pat, does not  make major moves when he has the opportunity, or those major moves don't pan out, he will be under fire and his job will be in jeopardy. Just like every one else in this league in his position.


You claim that tearing down is easy and Idzik had only one direction to go? That is not necessarily correct. He could have done a number of "credit card" moves that would have moved money to future years and given the perception that this year's team was pretending to be competitive. Many others operate that way, including our former GM. But while that would have been an easy move, it would not have been prudent. 


Standing pat and tearing down while waiting for the opportunity to rebuild is not always the easiest path-especially when you are being judged by W's and L's. And especially in NY (bare witness to this thread). 

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You claim that tearing down is easy and Idzik had only one direction to go? That is not necessarily correct. He could have done a number of "credit card" moves that would have moved money to future years and given the perception that this year's team was pretending to be competitive. Many others operate that way, including our former GM. But while that would have been an easy move, it would not have been prudent. 


Standing pat and tearing down while waiting for the opportunity to rebuild is not always the easiest path-especially when you are being judged by W's and L's. And especially in NY (bare witness to this thread).

Tearing down is easy, and Idzik had only one direction to go. It's even easier when you're saddled with a head coach you're probably indifferent towards at best. The blame for the bad falls to Rex, while Idzik gets praise for his restraint. And he's getting a lot of credit early on for simply not being Tannenbaum. He didn't credit card spend, he didn't trade up in the draft, he doesn't talk (or leak) to the media. Pretty damn easy.

What's funny to me is that so far his best addition to the team looks to be Sheldon Richardson, while at the time of that pick people here were jumping off their fire escapes screaming, "oh the humanity, Rex is still in charge of everything!"

He's handcuffed this season by bad contracts and a tough cap situation. I get that. Maybe with Rex, too. That's obviously the speculation. But what he does next year -when all of the shackles are removed- that will start to tell us whether this guy is capable of building a team at all. His free agent pickups this year were not good. Garrard was a major blunder, and now he needs Geno to bail him out. Tannenbaum's handling of the QBs was ultimately the proverbial last straw for him, Idzik needs to do significantly better. If he got lucky with Geno, he's in great shape. If not, the clock starts ticking for him next year. He'll have no excuses, and a huge job in front of him.

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He's handcuffed this season by bad contracts and a tough cap situation. I get that. Maybe with Rex, too. That's obviously the speculation. But what he does next year -when all of the shackles are removed- that will start to tell us whether this guy is capable of building a team at all. His free agent pickups this year were not good. Garrard was a major blunder, and now he needs Geno to bail him out. Tannenbaum's handling of the QBs was ultimately the proverbial last straw for him, Idzik needs to do significantly better. If he got lucky with Geno, he's in great shape. If not, the clock starts ticking for him next year. He'll have no excuses, and a huge job in front of him.

So, in other words, what everyone else has been saying. Thanks. ;)


Funny how you state if Geno is any good, that will be luck. You wouldn't consider that any type of acumen. Pretty hard standard when people will criticize anything that goes wrong, and call it "luck", when something works out. Show us where your head is at.

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So, in other words, what everyone else has been saying. Thanks. ;)


Funny how you state if Geno is any good, that will be luck. You wouldn't consider that any type of acumen. Pretty hard standard when people will criticize anything that goes wrong, and call it "luck", when something works out. Show us where your head is at.

No, a lot of people here are heaping praise on Idzik, and projecting their hopes and expectations for the future of the team onto him without any real basis in the reality of what he's done do far - which really hasn't been much.

And if you hit on a QB in the second round, you got lucky. I'd also be more likely to give him some acumen points if he made a surprise pick at QB (that worked out), rather than taking the consensus #1 QB in the draft. Taking that guy didn't take a great deal of savvy. But if Geno does work out, he's in good shape, and he'll look good in the process.

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No, a lot of people here are heaping praise on Idzik, and projecting their hopes and expectations for the future of the team onto him without any real basis in the reality of what he's done do far - which really hasn't been much.

And if you hit on a QB in the second round, you got lucky. I'd also be more likely to give him some acumen points if he made a surprise pick at QB (that worked out), rather than taking the consensus #1 QB in the draft. Taking that guy didn't take a great deal of savvy. But if Geno does work out, he's in good shape, and he'll look good in the process.

I don't know. I think a LOT of people would have taken a QB - perhaps Geno - with the #9 or #13 picks. Of those who wouldn't have, there still would have been many who would have then traded up from 39 to grab him (perhaps, if not likely, using the same 4th rounder or more that it's already been determined was thrown away on Ivory).

LOTS of people - and we read it from critical people here and in the papers every day - would have maxed out this year's cap. I think few would have had the stones or ability to get a first rounder and more for Revis (given his ludicrous demands, coming off a busted knee no less) when there was only one interested suitor and that suitor knew the owner wasn't serious about keeping him.

I don't think he's batting 1.000 or anything, but think it's convenient to give literally zero credit for things that, at the time, were no slam dunk attempts to make or slam dunk outcomes.

He's doing a FULL stripping of high priced talent until he sees what (if anything) he was able to fill more cheaply through the draft or FA. I don't agree every single GM, in this city with this media coverage and with this HC who all make this impossible to be an invisible or under the radar first year, would have the stones to stay the course.

For starters, I think there is a very GOOD chance that the off-season could have gone like:

Get a 2nd this year and conditional 4th next year for Revis. Trade up from one of those 2nd round picks - use anywhere from the other 2nd round pick to our 4th round pick (or more) to move up to #20 or higher for a QB. Or just take Geno at #9 since he doesn't figure to last to round 2.

I just think it's convenient to say Geno fell into his lap & it was easy or lucky, when he set the stage to be in the position to wait. With 2 high first round picks already being made, he placed less pressure on himself, as a new GM, to trade up for another high pick at QB. I'm a believer that people can or do make their own luck.

Some were easy decisions (cutting Scott, for example). But I can't agree with the suggesting literally every bad move was singularly bad or shortsighted, while every good move was obvious or lucky or both.

I even think Garrard served his purpose, in a sense. What he was trying to do was set up a stop-gap before the draft so he didn't have to reach (or trade up) early to draft a QB in round 1. He was obviously a flop as a player, but we all know Garrard was at best a 1-year (or starts-up-to-the-bye) QB, and camp competition for Sanchez at worst. But Garrard being signed ALSO allowed him to wait at QB.

If we got our man (in Geno), by not throwing away millions on a Fitzpatrick type, it would end up being the best $100K the franchise has spent in some time.

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I don't know. I think a LOT of people would have taken a QB - perhaps Geno - with the #9 or #13 picks. Of those who wouldn't have, there still would have been many who would have then traded up from 39 to grab him (perhaps, if not likely, using the same 4th rounder or more that it's already been determined was thrown away on Ivory).

LOTS of people - and we read it from critical people here and in the papers every day - would have maxed out this year's cap. I think few would have had the stones or ability to get a first rounder and more for Revis (given his ludicrous demands, coming off a busted knee no less) when there was only one interested suitor and that suitor knew the owner wasn't serious about keeping him.

I give him credit for the Revis trade. He did a very good job there. I think his strength is in negotiating, and in that respect, he's a far, far cry from his predecessor. We saw it with his no-blink approach to Milliner, too. He's a strong executive. I believe that. The question remains as to whether he's capable of building a football team.

Posters and papers aside, though, no one was getting this job if their intention was short term glory. If Woody hadn't known it already, I'm sure his head hunting firm explained to him that Tannenbaum had screwed up his team with terrible contracts, and throwing away assets (read: draft picks), and that that mess had to be cleaned up before the real work rebuilding the team could begin.

I'll wait and see how Geno does before I judge that pick. Maybe he was genius in waiting and getting his man, and maybe he was the only guy preventing Geno from dropping into the third round. We don't know. He had to take a QB in this draft. If Geno isn't any better than a Glennon, Nassib, or Jones, it wasn't a good pick - no matter the thinking behind it.

He seems to be benefitting from the adage, better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. Lol. He's getting a lot more praise for what he hasn't done rather than for what he has.

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Tearing down is easy, and Idzik had only one direction to go. It's even easier when you're saddled with a head coach you're probably indifferent towards at best. The blame for the bad falls to Rex, while Idzik gets praise for his restraint. And he's getting a lot of credit early on for simply not being Tannenbaum. He didn't credit card spend, he didn't trade up in the draft, he doesn't talk (or leak) to the media. Pretty damn easy.

What's funny to me is that so far his best addition to the team looks to be Sheldon Richardson, while at the time of that pick people here were jumping off their fire escapes screaming, "oh the humanity, Rex is still in charge of everything!"

He's handcuffed this season by bad contracts and a tough cap situation. I get that. Maybe with Rex, too. That's obviously the speculation. But what he does next year -when all of the shackles are removed- that will start to tell us whether this guy is capable of building a team at all. His free agent pickups this year were not good. Garrard was a major blunder, and now he needs Geno to bail him out. Tannenbaum's handling of the QBs was ultimately the proverbial last straw for him, Idzik needs to do significantly better. If he got lucky with Geno, he's in great shape. If not, the clock starts ticking for him next year. He'll have no excuses, and a huge job in front of him.

You should also admit to some bitterness over Idzik's conscious effort to submarine Rex here.

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You should also admit to some bitterness over Idzik's conscious effort to submarine Rex here.

I'm not convinced there is a conscious effort. I'm still giving Idzik the benefit of the doubt that he's giving Rex the benefit of the doubt.

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I give him credit for the Revis trade. He did a very good job there. I think his strength is in negotiating, and in that respect, he's a far, far cry from his predecessor. We saw it with his no-blink approach to Milliner, too. He's a strong executive. I believe that. The question remains as to whether he's capable of building a football team.

Posters and papers aside, though, no one was getting this job if their intention was short term glory. If Woody hadn't known it already, I'm sure his head hunting firm explained to him that Tannenbaum had screwed up his team with terrible contracts, and throwing away assets (read: draft picks), and that that mess had to be cleaned up before the real work rebuilding the team could begin.

I'll wait and see how Geno does before I judge that pick. Maybe he was genius in waiting and getting his man, and maybe he was the only guy preventing Geno from dropping into the third round. We don't know. He had to take a QB in this draft. If Geno isn't any better than a Glennon, Nassib, or Jones, it wasn't a good pick - no matter the thinking behind it.

He seems to be benefitting from the adage, better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. Lol. He's getting a lot more praise for what he hasn't done rather than for what he has.


I agree that negotiating seems to be a strength.


I don't yet see many other things as HUGE negatives yet.  Sure, Garrard didn't pan out (as a QB, though he did pan out as a dirt-cheap placeholder that allowed him to wait on a QB in the draft).  These are cheap players; they're supposed to be hit or miss.  If you want sure hits, you pay big money.


Agree with your last statement.  I wrote a long post (go figure) a while back about how a lot of what I like about him are the things he didn't do.  And those things not only weren't so obvious, but IMO it's half of a GM's job.  It remains to be seen how good he is at identifying, and pulling the trigger on, the other half.

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Jettington, I don't need the media to tell me that Rex is a bad coach, I can see that for myself. I do agree that MOST of the media, fueled by ESPN has gone all TMZ in it's approach to "news stories" but there is not much we can do about it. NFL Network is one of the most guilty as well as you can't even say the name JETS without some kind of wisecrack or idiotic joke from Mark Kreigel who is a jerk. It seems to be lessening, or perhaps just building for what promises to be a season of struggle for Gang Green - and its fans.

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What's your opinion, Scott? Do you have one? And I mean of the topic at hand, not just my posts. Lol.

Of course I have one. I think that Idzik did as much as he could this summer. He is having to fight a war, with out any ammunition at this time. He is handicapped by having a coach, that seemingly he does not want to lead his team in the future. He is a caretaker of a team that is essentially dead in the water this year and there is not a lot you can do with that, short of mortgaging more of the future.


In football, that is what is called an untenable situation. If you aren't moving forward, you are dying, and the Jets did not move forward this offseason.


But that is part of a plan. To be critical of Idzik because of a plan of waiting for ammunition is short sighted. The 2013 Jets will suck-if  anyone is just realizing that-sorry. If one wants to be myopic and judge already-well that is your prerogative, but it lacks the view of what is really happening here.


Idzik should be judged on what he does in draft and team building 2014. That is the known fulcrum point of this team, and that is where the plan has to come together. If he can not do that well, then he will have failed.

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Agree with your last statement.  I wrote a long post (go figure) a while back about how a lot of what I like about him are the things he didn't do.  And those things not only weren't so obvious, but IMO it's half of a GM's job.  It remains to be seen how good he is at identifying, and pulling the trigger on, the other half.

I think that other half is a good 75% of the job. :)

To be critical of Idzik because of a plan of waiting for ammunition is short sighted. The 2013 Jets will suck-if  anyone is just realizing that-sorry. If one wants to be myopic and judge already-well that is your prerogative, but it lacks the view of what is really happening here.

That's not my point of view at all.

While I think it's certainly fair to discuss his hits or misses along the way, I've said all along that his grade so far is an incomplete. That next year is when we start to really get an idea of what he's capable of. If it seems otherwise, it's only because I'm not nearly as all in with the guy as some here are. I'm taking that wait and see approach.

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I think that other half is a good 75% of the job. :)

That's not my point of view at all.

While I think it's certainly fair to discuss his hits or misses along the way, I've said all along that his grade so far is an incomplete. That next year is when we start to really get an idea of what he's capable of. If it seems otherwise, it's only because I'm not nearly as all in with the guy as some here are. I'm taking that wait and see approach.


I'm not sure there's really that many people who are "all in" as there are those who feel the need to dispute those who have been excessively critical of Idzik and everything he has done since day one (I'm not counting you amongst them, mind you), which is mostly a combination of the Revis fanboys and those who didn't agree with the decision of Idzik's hire and are desperate to prove themselves right.


If anything, I think the most popular view is just trying to be optimistic, with an appreciation of, as simple as it may seem, not being as much of a complete horses ass with how he has handled this job so far as Tanny was.  You can't dispute that many of those so-called "easy decisions" never would have happened without a change at GM and sad as it is to say, that alone gives many fans some hope.

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I think that other half is a good 75% of the job. :)

That's not my point of view at all.

While I think it's certainly fair to discuss his hits or misses along the way, I've said all along that his grade so far is an incomplete. That next year is when we start to really get an idea of what he's capable of. If it seems otherwise, it's only because I'm not nearly as all in with the guy as some here are. I'm taking that wait and see approach.



I used to think 75% of the job was picking people.  Tannenbaum showed that even someone bad at it can overspend and field a very competitive team.  So that part, it seems, isn't that difficult.  I'd say the hard part is knowing which ones to NOT throw big money and big draft picks at.


The rest of it is something no one bats .500 doing, and that's finding studs in the later rounds and UDFAs and with cheap veteran FAs.


And of course his job is an incomplete.  This team hasn't played 1 game yet, let alone 1 season.  Those defending him somewhat so far are only saying just that, as opposed to killing the guy because he didn't take a team with limited resources and lots of holes to fill, and fix it all up from March 1st through the draft.

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Of course I have one. I think that Idzik did as much as he could this summer. He is having to fight a war, with out any ammunition at this time. He is handicapped by having a coach, that seemingly he does not want to lead his team in the future. He is a caretaker of a team that is essentially dead in the water this year and there is not a lot you can do with that, short of mortgaging more of the future.


In football, that is what is called an untenable situation. If you aren't moving forward, you are dying, and the Jets did not move forward this offseason.


But that is part of a plan. To be critical of Idzik because of a plan of waiting for ammunition is short sighted. The 2013 Jets will suck-if  anyone is just realizing that-sorry. If one wants to be myopic and judge already-well that is your prerogative, but it lacks the view of what is really happening here.


Idzik should be judged on what he does in draft and team building 2014. That is the known fulcrum point of this team, and that is where the plan has to come together. If he can not do that well, then he will have failed.

A QB is critical.

We know Sanchez and Quinn suck. There's no point to playing either.

We need to find out if Smith might be the guy, and if Simms might be the guy. Playing either of the other 2 is a total waste.

If one of them pans out, great.I have my doubts about Smith, but I like what I see from Simms. Idzik needs to see these guys play. Playing Mark Sanchez is like staying with a crazy girlfriend you know is a longterm disaster because she puts out even with the crazy.Its' ending, enough of the long goodbye. The idea anyone should care a wit about him or his injury or his precious psyche is absurd. With all the cash he has stolen he can go to hell or the hospital. If he was a free agent he'd be lucky to get a contract to be a practice squad #4.

If not, the GM needs to either draft a QB or trade for one. Tannenbaum's biggest mistake was extending Sanchez, not only becuase he's awful. Worse it precluded making a play for Manning or Brees. And that will be the issue going forward if the draft doesn't work; will the Jets be in a position to get Rivers or Stafford or Ryan if those kinds of players may become available.

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Rex attracted the media with his big mouth and look at me persona.


1 losing season out of 4? Rex guaranteed Super Bowls his first 3 seasons and boasted that last years team was his best ever. He proclaimed Sanchez was special and that Derrick Mason would have as many receptions as Wes Welker.


The Jets are drama made for TV.

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Speaking of 'made for tv'...how about Belichick and his 'high character' players like Hernandez? Or his expert 'cameramen'?


Basically, just stfu already.  You're act is old and tired by now.  Worry about your own team.

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I'm not sure there's really that many people who are "all in" as there are those who feel the need to dispute those who have been excessively critical of Idzik and everything he has done since day one (I'm not counting you amongst them, mind you), which is mostly a combination of the Revis fanboys and those who didn't agree with the decision of Idzik's hire and are desperate to prove themselves right.


If anything, I think the most popular view is just trying to be optimistic, with an appreciation of, as simple as it may seem, not being as much of a complete horses ass with how he has handled this job so far as Tanny was.  You can't dispute that many of those so-called "easy decisions" never would have happened without a change at GM and sad as it is to say, that alone gives many fans some hope.


Good post.  

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A QB is critical.

We know Sanchez and Quinn suck. There's no point to playing either.

We need to find out if Smith might be the guy, and if Simms might be the guy. Playing either of the other 2 is a total waste.

If one of them pans out, great.I have my doubts about Smith, but I like what I see from Simms. Idzik needs to see these guys play. Playing Mark Sanchez is like staying with a crazy girlfriend you know is a longterm disaster because she puts out even with the crazy.Its' ending, enough of the long goodbye. The idea anyone should care a wit about him or his injury or his precious psyche is absurd. With all the cash he has stolen he can go to hell or the hospital. If he was a free agent he'd be lucky to get a contract to be a practice squad #4.

If not, the GM needs to either draft a QB or trade for one. Tannenbaum's biggest mistake was extending Sanchez, not only becuase he's awful. Worse it precluded making a play for Manning or Brees. And that will be the issue going forward if the draft doesn't work; will the Jets be in a position to get Rivers or Stafford or Ryan if those kinds of players may become available.


The Sanchez extension was extremely stupid, but it didn't preclude the Jets from making a play for Manning.  I'm pretty sure they made a play for Manning were shot down and then gave money to Mark to placate his delicate psyche.

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Holmes is on the verge of being cut. He needs to play and behave to get another paycheck. He's going to be a surprisingly good soldier all year. Count on it.

He hasn't done anything so far that virtually any poster on this board wouldn't've done. The optimism swirling around him because of that makes me chuckle. People take those no-brainer moves and extrapolate that he's going to do what they've been hoping someone would do for forever. But he really hasn't done anything yet.

Holmes and Sanchez are the next no-brainer moves. Anyone would make those, too. It's how he spends that $40M that's gonna count.

The head coach is much trickier. The Rex is the talkiest and worst coach ever narrative is a lot of fun, but -IMHO- he's going to have a difficult time upgrading that spot.

And... He gets to let the new coach pick his free agents... ? Wow.

That's a fear of mine -idzik's lack of skill when it comes to talent evaluation- rather than something to refer to as an asset.

I don't think the guy is a bust yet by any stretch. I just don't think he's done anything of note yet, either. Like, nothing.


I don't know that it will be that much trickier.  It depends upon whom is available, whether he is looking to hire an experienced HC or go with a young, up and coming coordinator.  With a rookie, it's basically a crap shoot.  You can see what success he has as a coordinator, how organized he is, what his plan is for fixing the team's problems, what systems he wants to run, etc., but you don't really know what kind of leader and coach he will be.  Regardless of who he hires (if indeed Rex is fired), they'd have to go some who would have as big a mouth, create such a circus atmosphere, be as much of a players' coach, be as undisciplined, conservative, or one who allowed the team to come out flat as often as Rex has.  Almost certainly, the defense wouldn't be ranked as highly, but who knows, they might be even more effective in stopping the other team from scoring, and even if not, the offense could be improved such that that more than compensates for the drop off in defensive performance. 


I also seriously doubt that he allows the new HC to pick what FAs to sign.  I expect Idzik and his personnel/scouting people to make that decision.

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I think it was pretty universally accepted that this was a two year job. The first year spent doing some tearing down and biting the bullet on a couple sh*tty guaranteed contracts, followed by a year of building back up. Meanwhile, he's getting praise for making moves that anyone paying attention would've made, or simply showing restraint. Cutting Bart Scott? Wow, genius. Not trading up in the draft? Brilliant. Not borrowing against the future for a flashy free agent? Bravo, sir.

It's easy to avoid criticism when you haven't made any major moves, yet. All that changes when he starts spending his bankroll next year.


Come on, slats.  Would Tanny have made the decision on any of those moves aside from maybe Scott?  I highly doubt it.  If anything, he'd probably have doubled down on trading up using next year's top picks and signing a flashy FA.  Compared with GMs of other teams, perhaps Idizk hasn't done anything special, but for Jets fans, it's a great sign that things are changing and we have some hope for the future.  It Tranny had stayed on the job, ther would have been NO hope.

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So when Rex gets the axe next season how much of the coaching staff does Idzik keep?    Morningwhig?   Thurman to run Rex's D?  


Most importantly, I think that's up to the new HC.  I don't think it's fair to anyone to force the new HC to accept coaches and/or coordinators he doesn't want.  I think it also has to depend upon how Geno and Simms develop and how the team plays this year.  At this point, if Geno and Simms develop and seem like great fits in the WCO I'd hope that they'd hire a HC that will stick with the WCO, and possibly keep Mornhiweg, but for sure Lee, Dunbar is one of the best DL coaches in the NFL and would hope that he would be kept. and maybe Thurman as well.

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Tearing down is easy, and Idzik had only one direction to go. It's even easier when you're saddled with a head coach you're probably indifferent towards at best. The blame for the bad falls to Rex, while Idzik gets praise for his restraint. And he's getting a lot of credit early on for simply not being Tannenbaum. He didn't credit card spend, he didn't trade up in the draft, he doesn't talk (or leak) to the media. Pretty damn easy.

What's funny to me is that so far his best addition to the team looks to be Sheldon Richardson, while at the time of that pick people here were jumping off their fire escapes screaming, "oh the humanity, Rex is still in charge of everything!"

He's handcuffed this season by bad contracts and a tough cap situation. I get that. Maybe with Rex, too. That's obviously the speculation. But what he does next year -when all of the shackles are removed- that will start to tell us whether this guy is capable of building a team at all. His free agent pickups this year were not good. Garrard was a major blunder, and now he needs Geno to bail him out. Tannenbaum's handling of the QBs was ultimately the proverbial last straw for him, Idzik needs to do significantly better. If he got lucky with Geno, he's in great shape. If not, the clock starts ticking for him next year. He'll have no excuses, and a huge job in front of him.


I disagree.  Idzik knew that he needed to see Geno play this year to see if he needed to draft a QB high next year.  He wasn't looking for a QB who was so good that he'd have been hard to remove from the starting lineup without the players and fans raising a stink.  I think the plan was to get a veteran cheaply who would be easy to bench once Geno was ready and no one would complain.  Garrard fit the bill.  He was not the turnover machine Sanchez is, and would have been a good mentor for Geno, but wouldn't have been so good that Geno shouldn't have been able to supplant him at some point.  He was also a solid pro and I think a good citizen and leader.  What screwed it up was the pain Garrard had.  While I would have preferred Campbell or Gradkowski, perhaps neither wanted to play for the Jets or live in NJ/NY, or were going to demand a lot more than they did from the teams that signed them.  While I concede in retrospect that Garrard was a mistake, I think it was a minor one.  I don't think Idzik ever envisioned Garrard starting more than 8 or so games anyway.


It is also quite possible that Idzik may have thought that Garrard wouldn't last, and that the Jets would have had to go back to Sanchez or play Geno before he was ready, which would probably have a negative effect on the team's W-L record, which would make it easier for Idzik to get a new QB if need be and give them a better opportunity to get great players in the draft.  Since he is probably getting a wash this year and may want to get rid of Rex anyway, that could play right into his plan.  Sure it would make him look bad if Garrard didn't pan out, but if Geno does or if he was then able to get one high in the draft next year, then unless that QB failed, Garrard would be forgotten anyway.


How will he "get lucky" with Geno exactly?  Idzik said that he considered taking Geno in the first.  Geno was the top-rated QB in the draft.  He was patient and still got him at a great value.  Are you saying it's luck because he didn't take him in the first or didn't trade up for him?

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No, a lot of people here are heaping praise on Idzik, and projecting their hopes and expectations for the future of the team onto him without any real basis in the reality of what he's done do far - which really hasn't been much.

And if you hit on a QB in the second round, you got lucky. I'd also be more likely to give him some acumen points if he made a surprise pick at QB (that worked out), rather than taking the consensus #1 QB in the draft. Taking that guy didn't take a great deal of savvy. But if Geno does work out, he's in good shape, and he'll look good in the process.


Well, at least I got my question answered how Idzik will be "lucky" in your eyes if Geno pans out.  Please.  That's totally absurd.  He's lucky because he took a QB that no one else took?  He's lucky because he was patient and didn't panic or overvalue him and reach for him in the first.  That's just nuts.  I would never have expected something like that coming from you.


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