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So.....Is Fireman Ed showing up? Or will you let the Jets chant die?


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Death of a War Cry and the Fight Against the Media Sauron 

by CobraVerde




I know many of you don't like him. I know many of you think he's full of himself and blah blah blah, listen. The dude is a staple in Jets fandom and lore. I personally have grown up watching Fireman Ed lead the charge and have been a big fan of his. One man leading the way, followers chanting to glory just like Mel Gibson in Braveheart (or at least our version of it). Ok maybe not even like that but whatever follow him to freedom man, he gets the chant going and without him i did notice less unison and less camaraderie throughout the base. If the fans can't unite how do we expect this team to unite? Right now we are the joke of the NFL and we all know that it isn't fair. We are not a basement dweller organization. We know the media leech sank its fangs into the juicy tabloid scenario and helped steer this team onto the current course it's on, now almost back peddling on every word they say hoping they will be proven wrong yet still be proven right. The chant was a force against all that. The chant told the rest of the football world we are not a joke and our fans are not the worse, in fact our fans are one of the best in the NFL. Do you know what it is it is to be traveling by yourself in Japan and have Japanese people do the Jets chant? It's crazy how far the Jets hand stretches. The chant really sets this fanbase apart from others for all the right reasons, and we can't afford to loose that right now with the media magnifying glass + sun combo here to incinerate us. 


You know Fireman Ed is the perfect Jets mascot. He's loud, proud, and seriously looks like a NY/NJ pizza/sub shop owner former civil service worker from a 1980s coming of age John Hughes teen comedy.


(wait sorry im confusing him for this guy:


my bad, anyway....)


At one point i was even encouraged by a relative to send a letter to the Jets suggesting that we make an actual mascot "Fireman Ed" with his visage in either a Jets jersey some weeks and in a fighter pilot suit others, not only as an homage to him & every fan for being there every game but also to every firefighter currently and previously in duty.



(id rather a bad ass fighter jet pilot but the internet sucks)


But of course many will complain about him using personal experiences with Ed at the stadium saying he is this or he is that and frankly i wish we would care less about Ed's personality traits and more about how he brings us together. Every "celebrity" (and I use that word lightly) has to deal with critics and Fireman Ed isn't even that much of celebrity and people hate on him for the little notoriety he gets and that is just silly. By being the Jets "mascot" he easily became a target for the fan base and im not surprised he didnt want to quit sooner with the way stuff is around this organization sometimes. Ed is a perfect representation of the chaotic Jets fan that emotionally fluctuates throughout the seasons.


So if he shows up and everything is fine, great. All is forgotten. Or is it? Last years absence of a consistent chant really put a damper on an already tumultuous season. We are gonna have to start thinking about a real replacement for Fireman Ed that can lead the stadium in the traditional war cry. Is the Jets marketing dept even on top of this cause im willing to bet they are not. My suggestion is go ahead and pay Fireman Ed to use his name and likeness make a mascot in his likeness that hangs out in area and handles directing the chant along with help from the jumbotron. If the real Fireman Ed shows up have the mascot hold up the real one to direct the chant.


With that said enjoy the season. Everyone is prolly gonna say we shouldnt have high expectations for this team but it think we should. You should always have high expectations. otherwise you become complacent and accept being average. I hope Fireman Ed comes back in typical Jets fan fashion and we are back in synchrony. The sooner the fanbase and the organization get it together the sooner the team will be knocking on the door again looking for a ring. Because we know the only way to beat the Media Sauron is obviously with a ring....




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Hate the fact that he won't be there. I understand the envy/jealousy that he brings out in so may fans. Who wouldn't want to be known throughout the sports world as the #1 fan of their team. Not his fault though, just a blue collar guy who loves his team.

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Do people honestly think the stadium won't be able to figure out how to chant four letters in sync without that blowhard? Jeez what does that say about our fanbase?

How many times have you heard the entire stadium chant in unison today?

And do you send an army into war without a general?

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