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Dia de Muerto - Mafia Win


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There are times when things will become confusing. Life can be complicated and it's hard to tell who is who...


As the deadline beckons and you begin to gather your wits to make the best choose possible, I offer something that has not been topped in the 20 years or so since it was first seen...


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You still don't get it.  The point was get the info out there for town but not for scum.

I asked this before when Pac brought it up but no one answered. What information exactly were you trying to hide from them that you think would make some kind of a difference?

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You were already voting wombat and then left the train for a joke vote. 

Yeah I was planning on unvoting anyway so I made a joke out of it. You can't vote someone who isn't in the game.

When I saw people were making a different joke than I was I backed away from it. Don't see the big deal tbh.

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Waiting for someone to point out the irony of Verbal swooping in and agreeing with Smash, the person who most assume is town, in order to "tack on" to his case that I .... wait for it... agree with people as scum!!!


I don't know what I have to illustrate for you dopes. He was so over-zealous to use what Smash said, he ignored the fact that Smash wasn't actually accusing me of that - and now we see Verbal back-pedalling within his own case again. Garbage, complete garbage.

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Yeah I was planning on unvoting anyway so I made a joke out of it. You can't vote someone who isn't in the game.

When I saw people were making a different joke than I was I backed away from it. Don't see the big deal tbh.


The deal is that it was basically a backhanded way of abandoning your stance on me.

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Mostly though, you are rehashing played out debates ... just like Verbal is doing.

I'm not intending on rehashing anything I'm just responding to people and keep up.

Ya'll keep talking to me and all I want to do is sit here and think for a few minutes.

Everytime I finish a post there are two more people saying something to me.

I respond and then there's two more. I respond and then there's two more.


Like wtf people calm down.

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I'm not intending on rehashing anything I'm just responding to people and keep up.

Ya'll keep talking to me and all I want to do is sit here and think for a few minutes.

Everytime I finish a post there are two more people saying something to me.

I respond and then there's two more. I respond and then there's two more.


Like wtf people calm down.


Try making your posts suck less.

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Mechanics of town roles...

Speak plainly. Anything you have to say they already know.

They know people have roles they can't use but can gift.

They know people have the power to form little cults.


So wtf are you talking about specifically?

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Verbal vs. Ape is useless right now and just making both of you guys look dirty.  Can we get some scum reads on other people?


I will kill any of the 4 players on my list.


I'm not abandoning my instincts. Every time I do, my game goes to sh*t. His vote on me was a momentum nudge, his case on me since I called him out on it as been mired in observations that are the opposite of the scum tells he's saying I have. It's hot garbage. This sh*t to piggy back on what he thought Smash was accusing me of, is icing on the cake. It's like a neon sign. 


At this point, I can't understand why he's not dead. Did he reveal as Jesus Christ Supertard today? Am I missing something having not yet read-up?

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The whiskey down the leg, over the foot and into the mouth? Nothing? 




I watch that, call my wife and tell her to buy a bottle of tequila and some feathers 'cause my ass is comin' home early and comin' in hot. 

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Speak plainly. Anything you have to say they already know.

They know people have roles they can't use but can gift.

They know people have the power to form little cults.


So wtf are you talking about specifically?



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My defense is rooted in facts, facts about what I've done, and facts about what you've said my tells are... you ******* moron.

Also "dancing around agreeing with people" implies "avoiding agreeing with people". When you dance around a subject, you are avoiding it. Opposites, again, this seems to be a theme. Everything you throw at me is the opposite of what is actually happening, or actually my scum tells.

If you meant I go around agreeing with people, and you chose to say "dances around" --- what about "dancing around" is precise and calculated?

I'd like you to provide examples of where I've been "going around agreeing with people" to get heat off of me. Specifically, since you said that I did exactly what Smash said. I want to see proof of it. Then we can talk about whether it was "precise and calculated".

I'm waiting, straw man.

Dancing around and agreeing with people...not dancing around the subject.

Like I said, I'll pull my quotes later tonight.

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I will kill any of the 4 players on my list.


I'm not abandoning my instincts. Every time I do, my game goes to sh*t. His vote on me was a momentum nudge, his case on me since I called him out on it as been mired in observations that are the opposite of the scum tells he's saying I have. It's hot garbage. This sh*t to piggy back on what he thought Smash was accusing me of, is icing on the cake. It's like a neon sign. 


At this point, I can't understand why he's not dead. Did he reveal as Jesus Christ Supertard today? Am I missing something having not yet read-up?


He's not dead because people wanted to kill me instead for a bit.

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Ok ok, now here's the hard part.

Explain how giving mafia that knowledge in any way hurts town.

Because I fail to see what they can do with that. They know about the cults? Big deal they'll cult hunt for us.

They know about the gifts? Big deal they don't know for the most part what they are and they have no idea who is going to get what.

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I'm quickly spiraling into the IDGAF territory, which is bad.


Now I know why CTM takes breaks from mafia once in a while when he argues with the Ape a lot.


And now that Lizzy Mc****ingmoron is here, it is even worse.


Verbal emo meltdown?  Yes please.



Can we lynch Pac already?




I know wtf!  

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Waiting for someone to point out the irony of Verbal swooping in and agreeing with Smash, the person who most assume is town, in order to "tack on" to his case that I .... wait for it... agree with people as scum!!!

I don't know what I have to illustrate for you dopes. He was so over-zealous to use what Smash said, he ignored the fact that Smash wasn't actually accusing me of that - and now we see Verbal back-pedalling within his own case again. Garbage, complete garbage.

More scum Ape right here. Trying to rally the troops against me because all he has is petty name-calling for a defense. Or trying to twist my words.

The truth will eventually come out.

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Ok ok, now here's the hard part.

Explain how giving mafia that knowledge in any way hurts town.

Because I fail to see what they can do with that. They know about the cults? Big deal they'll cult hunt for us.

They know about the gifts? Big deal they don't know for the most part what they are and they have no idea who is going to get what.


There are so many ways it could help.  For instance, suppose the mafia tried to imply that someone who flipped cult was scum all along.


Or suppose they tried to grandstand by railroading some guy for suggesting a no lynch?

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The whiskey down the leg, over the foot and into the mouth? Nothing? 




I watch that, call my wife and tell her to buy a bottle of tequila and some feathers 'cause my ass is comin' home early and comin' in hot. 


I watched it. 




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Is that what you think Leelou?


Yeah, if you wanted to unvote Wombat, fine. The fact you made a joke out of it and then you were waiting to see vc's to make your decision makes it look like you are ready to jump to the next train. 

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Crusher likes to make jokes that he doesn't understand, even though it has been shown the joke makes no sense in the first place.

So, yeah....troll me all you want. Bottom line is that LK has no case on me, and is voting me because I'm not changing my town read on Smash. And he's obviously really fired up about Smash "contradicting" himself........but is still pushing my lynch instead.

That seem right to you, Crusher?

Holy shot now you really sound jus like Darthe. So weird.
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Dancing around and agreeing with people...not dancing around the subject.

Like I said, I'll pull my quotes later tonight.




More scum Ape right here. Trying to rally the troops against me because all he has is petty name-calling for a defense. Or trying to twist my words.

The truth will eventually come out.


Yes, I hope so. I am enjoying so much the hypocrisy of how you are casing the Ape for these supposed numerous breaks with logic. 

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So how many times do I have to UNVOTE APE for it to actually go through? <3 (Do I have to revote for it to actually unvote Ape or something?) Catching up on thread and then going home, gotta make dinner for the family.

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There are so many ways it could help.  For instance, suppose the mafia tried to imply that someone who flipped cult was scum all along.


Or suppose they tried to grandstand by railroading some guy for suggesting a no lynch?

Neither of those things requires prior knowledge of this info.

The info for the flip is in the flip itself and the railroading thing happens all the time in completely normal games anyway (pro tip: stop suggesting NL).

Wanna try again?

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Yeah, if you wanted to unvote Wombat, fine. The fact you made a joke out of it and then you were waiting to see vc's to make your decision makes it look like you are ready to jump to the next train.

Fair enough. Allow me to soothe your worries.


Vote Wombat



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I thought Wombat calling you Darthe was nothing short of hysterical. Mostly because you are one of the brighter people that plays this game here and he sorta not as much.

The Lizard King is all powerful and you are merely a turd smear on the taint of life in comparison. If you think I am actually paying attention to why he is voting you I might have been wrong on my initial statement.

I plan on trolling this game and having fun. I did not want to play this game in the first place so if me having fun takes away from the game for you then suck my fat dick and go back to nerd town.

That seem right to you, Verbal?


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The whiskey down the leg, over the foot and into the mouth? Nothing?


I watch that, call my wife and tell her to buy a bottle of tequila and some feathers 'cause my ass is comin' home early and comin' in hot.

That scene is still amazing. Salma was incredible back then.

As to scum reads, of the 3 top vote getters I'll go Pac then Verbal. Halia is up there as is Nolder based on his interactions with Smash.

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That scene is still amazing. Salma was incredible back then.

As to scum reads, of the 3 top vote getters I'll go Pac then Verbal. Halia is up there as is Nolder based on his interactions with Smash.

always been incredible :)

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Yes, I hope so. I am enjoying so much the hypocrisy of how you are casing the Ape for these supposed numerous breaks with logic.

Feel free to point out this hypocrisy. I'll wait with bated breath.

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Popping in for 5 min.. 


I don't like Smashs answer or that it took an act of congress to get him to explain himself.  Seems like he put a lot of thought into it when he could have given a simply answer on it last night.  I'd still be willing to vote there.


I feel good about my vote on Wombat.  I was lukewarm on him for trying to play super townie but as soon as he started getting heat he latched onto me hoping for a speed lynch.  His "obliteration" as he puts it, of my points was nonsense. 


80 is intentionally trying to make me angry with lying about my activity and content.  I'm middle of the pack in posts and have been engaged in the game.  The desperation and tunneling out of the blue is weird.  Like he gets something if he leads a successful lynch on me. 


Leelou voting me for little to no reason is par for the course.  But old.


Liz you've asked me to look at the case on Verb but I really don't see that.  It might have to do with the fact that I saw the same thing he did with the Ape and pointed it out early on.  Ape was acting as if there was some big train on him when there was only 1 vote.  He also seems to be clearing Smash which I disagree with.


Tier 1 - Wombat, Smash

Tier 2 - Ape


Honorable mention AVM

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