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Facts on Rex. Thoughts...


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Yeah, see, now you are are being a Rex lover.


Tom Brady through for 300 yards and through 2 TD passes in that game.


Sanchez through 3 TD passes, and completed 65% of his passes in that game.


Sanchez outplayed Brady who had a decent game, you act like Sanchez had 75 yards and no TD's and outplayed Brady because Rex held him to nothing. Its simply not true. As good as Rex was in that game, Sanchez was every bit as good.


We all just hate Sanchez and love Rex, but we cannot allow the facts to go ignored here.


Gotta' balance out the Rex  haters who take his most impressive accomplishments and try to find ways to minimize them and make it sound like it's not a big deal to beat HOF QB's in the playoffs on the road.

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Gotta' balance out the Rex  haters who take his most impressive accomplishments and try to find ways to minimize them and make it sound like it's not a big deal to beat HOF QB's in the playoffs on the road.


I love Rex, but I also recognize that his accomplishments are seeming to be ancient history. I also find the ardent Rex supporters who want to blame everything on everyone but Rex to be as annoying as the Rex haters. The guy is flawed, possibly too flawed to ever be a really good HC. Its OK to like the guy and point out his flaws, just as its OK to hate the guy and acknowledge his good.

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Yeah lets hire a first time HC with some offensive chops.  Guaranteed SB.


Again...why don't you stop to look at the facts.  I went back and looked at the coaches that appeared in the Super Bowl in the last 10-years.  Here what I learned when I looked at the facts:


  1. Pete Carroll - appeared in Supe his 4th year in charge
  2. John Fox - appeared in Supe his 2nd year with Carolina and 3rd with Broncos
  3. John Harbaugh - appeared his 5th year in Baltimore
  4. Jim Harbaugh - appeared his 2nd year in SF
  5. Mike McCarthy - his 5th year in GB
  6. Lovie Smith - 3rd year in Chi
  7. Wisenhunt - 2nd year in AZ
  8. Caldwell - 1st yr with Ind
  9. Tomlin - 2nd and 4th years with Pitt
  10. Caughlin - 4th year w/ NYG
  11. Belichick - 2nd yr in NE


What are we afraid of?  Of those 11 coaches 7 of them got to the Supe within 3 yrs. with a new team. It's actually possible.  Gruden.  Callahan.  There are others, believe it or not, that actually got to the Supe after coming to new teams.  


But I guess we should settle for the old line that there's no one out there better.


Not me.  Get rid of this guy.  I've seen enough to know.  Get someone else in here who can put the talented pieces of this team together and go win some games.  

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I love Rex, but I also recognize that his accomplishments are seeming to be ancient history. I also find the ardent Rex supporters who want to blame everything on everyone but Rex to be as annoying as the Rex haters. The guy is flawed, possibly too flawed to ever be a really good HC. Its OK to like the guy and point out his flaws, just as its OK to hate the guy and acknowledge his good.


Agreed...I love the guy, but as I said earlier, he absolutely drives me nuts sometimes.  I just wish we didn't know now that he's not making the call on who plays and who doesn't.  That doesn't really give us the opportunity to evaluate  him fairly.  If I felt like he was the one continuing to leave Geno in as he performs at a bottom-five QB level then I'd begrudgingly say "fire him", but with his comments yesterday, I think they're forcing him to continue rolling Geno out there to lose games for them.  I can't pin that on him.  What I can pin on him though, and it's my number one complaint about him as a HC, is that he doesn't take charge on the sideline and tell  MM to run the damn ball when the ground game is working.  Sometimes I feel like he doesn't realize he has the authority to do that...god it drives me nuts.  He did the same thing with Schotty and I killed him for it then.

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Agreed...I love the guy, but as I said earlier, he absolutely drives me nuts sometimes.  I just wish we didn't know now that he's not making the call on who plays and who doesn't.  That doesn't really give us the opportunity to evaluate  him fairly.  If I felt like he was the one continuing to leave Geno in as he performs at a bottom-five QB level then I'd begrudgingly say "fire him", but with his comments yesterday, I think they're forcing him to continue rolling Geno out there to lose games for them.  I can't pin that on him.  What I can pin on him though, and it's my number one complaint about him as a HC, is that he doesn't take charge on the sideline and tell  MM to run the damn ball when the ground game is working.  Sometimes I feel like he doesn't realize he has the authority to do that...god it drives me nuts.  He did the same thing with Schotty and I killed him for it then.

I completely agree.


Idzik wants to be a little bit pregnant with Rex, cant do it.


He should let Rex be the HC, let him be who he is, and let him live or die as a true HC and as Rex. If he succeeds, great, if he fails, move on.


The way Idzik is handling it is total BS, I think Idzik is a total fool

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Stop... Idzik isn't going anywhere for at least a couple years. You really think Woody wants to Korn Ferry 2, Electric Boogaloo.

Recline that beach chair, spark your pinner, and go with the flow brah.. Idzik and Rex will be here awhile.

At this rate, Rex will be a goner by seasons end, if not sooner.

Idzik will be given a shot to pick his own coach. Look for Bevell, or someone from Idzik's time in Tampa or Arizona to be hired.

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The honest answer to that is that some fans take in to consideration the talent level on the roster while considering wins and losses. Others clearly feel that it is the only thing that matters is the result. No situation, condition or adversity should be taken in to consideration when evaluating an outcome.

Others, like myself, take everything in to consideration and say things like "what do I believe most NFL coaches would accomplish with Rex Ryan's Roster"? To many of us, the answer is that thye'd win 4-7 games every single year. Rex gets the most out of what he has, and for me personlly, that's all I can ask of a coach.

Thanks Tannzik

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Here are the facts as they relate to our offensive and defense performances during Rex's tenure as coach.  After reviewing these statistics please explain to me why there exists such a vocal group of Rex supporters as our HC.  


These are facts, not my opinion, relating to points scored and points given up as a team.  


  • 2009:  Points scored - 17th at 21.8/game; Points allowed - 1st at 14.8/game.
  • 2010:  Points scored - 13th at 22.9/game; Points allowed - 6th at 19/game.
  • 2011:  Points scored - 13th at 23.6/game; Points allowed - 20th at 22.7/game.
  • 2012:  Points scored - 28th at 17.6/game; Points allowed - 20th at 23.4/game.
  • 2013:  Points scored - 29th at 18.1/game; Points allowed - 19th at 24/game.
  • 2014:  Points scored - 22nd at 19.8/game; Points allowed - 19th at 24/game.

Defensive genius?  He's been given a lot of weapons to deploy and his defense has gotten much, much worse.  


He's not a strong offensive coach (he has always maintained that he relies on his OC to handle that side of the ball), our special teams have fallen considerably since Westhoff left and his defensive performance has degraded significantly since he took over the team.  I'm not even going to mention his behavior (guaranteeing super bowls, footgate, middle finger in Miami, tatoo on wife, we own NYC, didn't know we weren't mathematically still alive, etc, etc, etc...

Please explain to me why there is such support for him as our HC.  This is his 6th year.  When is enough enough?

Please post the adjusted points allowed, you know the stat that accounts for pick 6's, and turnovers when the other team is already set up in scoring position. This does not absolve Rex of his terrible offenses since 2011, and beyond, but it does show he is an elite Defensive mind still in this league, and that also does not give him a pass to be a HC in the NFL for life either. Not meant to blindly defend Rex, just trying to get more accurate stats/facts for others to make these decisions.

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Can you provide some specific examples of how many points that was attributed to the Jets defense?


not sure I understand the question. Are you asking me how NFL.com keeps stats? 


I don't really know but they probably aren't subtracting the pick 6's that's my guess.  And the short field that a fumble gives. 


Geno has 8 turnovers in 4 games that's how the points allowed stat gets warped.

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It is a myth that he is a defensive wizard.

He is a fraud who knows how to build a statistically good defense.

Please tell me the last time or anytime his NYJ D made a big time stop to win a game, prevent a go ahead score, force OT. I honestly cant remember.

During crunch time they smell like a Cleveland steamer.

VS Drew Brees, and the Saints last year.

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  that also does not give him a pass to be a HC in the NFL for life either. Not meant to blindly defend Rex, just trying to get more accurate stats/facts for others to make these decisions.


the four road playoff wins and his performance against FQB over the years likely does. Not to mention he's a legacy and the NFL is all about nepotism. 

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Even though they sucked so it's not as big a deal as doing it to Brady, Ryan, and Breese, they also beat the Bills by 7 last year when the Bills had the ball with 2:00 left and a chance to tie.  The Jets stopped them, then went 3 and out and stopped them again.  For a team that only won a few games last season, their defense had to get the "last stop" several times and did it.  So strange that Jets fans say it never happens.

How many stops did this D make Sunday in the 4th quarter only to watch the offense turn it over, or bumble it's way to another 3 and out?

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Yeah, see, now you are are being a Rex lover.


Tom Brady through for 300 yards and through 2 TD passes in that game.


Sanchez through 3 TD passes, and completed 65% of his passes in that game.


Sanchez outplayed Brady who had a decent game, you act like Sanchez had 75 yards and no TD's and outplayed Brady because Rex held him to nothing. Its simply not true. As good as Rex was in that game, Sanchez was every bit as good.


We all just hate Sanchez and love Rex, but we cannot allow the facts to go ignored here.

Brady padded his stats by throwing for well over 150 yards the last 2 drives while the Jets D went into prevent mode in that 4th quarter, and one of those TD's were with less than 30 seconds to play, and the Jets up 15, and Pats with zero time outs, game was over as Brady went 70 yards against air.

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Seriously, exactly how does an offense have anything to do when the defense is on the field? They are mutually exclusive of each other.

If the defense did it's job, the offense is right back on the field.

Again, that is nothing more than an excuse for Rex's overrated defenses the last few years.

If I asked you to do full out 100 yard sprints for 35 minutes, and took your average time of every sprint, and then with sufficient rest say 7 days I asked you to do the same full out 100 yard sprints, but for only 25 minutes this time, and took your average of every sprint, all things being equal on both days physically would it be safe to assume your average time would be much better during the 25 minute session?

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Can you provide some specific examples of how many points that was attributed to the Jets defense?


when brady threw that ugly pick 6 monday night, it goes against the patriots defensive points allowed


get it now ?

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when brady threw that ugly pick 6 monday night, it goes against the patriots defensive points allowed

get it now ?

Yea, probably 1 TD per season.

All teams have that happen.

Does Geno throw pick 6's every game?

Like I said earlier, that is nothing more than an excuse for Rex's overrated defenses.

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2013 redzone scoring, the jets were 4th


2013 3rd down conversion they were 13th


to me redzone scoring is where it's at


While I generally agree, it seemed like last year the Jets gave up a lot of big play TD's. I have not looked up the stats, but if so, I think that makes the 4th in redzone scoring look not nearly as good.


I could be wrong, this is just my recollection.


The other thing I would say, I am not really convinced that it is fair to give credit to the Jets defense for a bad offense.


My feeling is they have young first round picks all over that defense, at the partial expense of the offense. Had more focus been given to the offense, and more balance been given, the defense may not have as much talent, and this should all balance itself out. Meaning maybe the offense does not put the defense in as bad of a spot as often, BUT, the defense does not have as much talent.


I kind of prefer to judge with my eyes and overall stats rather than cherry pick stats, but that is just me.

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The biggest thing with Rex are penalties. That's on the head coach. How many game changing plays this season have been negate by penalties? They're not all bad calls, and cutting down on them isn't just a matter of making guys to push ups on Monday morning. You've gotta teach guys technique and discipline, or else they'll keep happening. There's a reason why Bill Parcells' teams were always among the least penalized.

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Even though they sucked so it's not as big a deal as doing it to Brady, Ryan, and Breese, they also beat the Bills by 7 last year when the Bills had the ball with 2:00 left and a chance to tie.  The Jets stopped them, then went 3 and out and stopped them again.  For a team that only won a few games last season, their defense had to get the "last stop" several times and did it.  So strange that Jets fans say it never happens.

I refuse to let facts get in the way of my angry, knee jerk, negative opinion of Rex.

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While I generally agree, it seemed like last year the Jets gave up a lot of big play TD's. I have not looked up the stats, but if so, I think that makes the 4th in redzone scoring look not nearly as good.


I could be wrong, this is just my recollection.


The other thing I would say, I am not really convinced that it is fair to give credit to the Jets defense for a bad offense.


My feeling is they have young first round picks all over that defense, at the partial expense of the offense. Had more focus been given to the offense, and more balance been given, the defense may not have as much talent, and this should all balance itself out. Meaning maybe the offense does not put the defense in as bad of a spot as often, BUT, the defense does not have as much talent.


I kind of prefer to judge with my eyes and overall stats rather than cherry pick stats, but that is just me.


agree.  the defense is certainly giving up more big plays.  the end of half and end of game failure remain a constant.   but they do pressure the passer and they do stop the run.  any defensive coach will take that because in theory you should be able to eventually keep the points down if you can stiffen in the red zone


it works both ways tho with the complete lack of turnovers forced.  the jets offense seems to be always facing an 80 yard field, the jets defense seems to be always defending a 60 yard field.


they need to help each other out


and a kick return wouldn't hurt either

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Yea, probably 1 TD per season.

All teams have that happen.

Does Geno throw pick 6's every game?

Like I said earlier, that is nothing more than an excuse for Rex's overrated defenses.

should rly also take in to account turnovers on the jets side of the field. pretty much gives the opponent a guaranteed 3 and sometimes more
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