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As a fitzmagic supporter...


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I was one of the many calling for the resign of fitzpatrick. I was excited after last season and thought he brought something good to this team.

Still think he is a great team leader, and has a great personality, and is a stand up player but...

After what i have been watching i think it is sadly say it is time to move on.

We are now 1-5. Playoffs pretty much long gone. No decker. Sloppy play. No secondary, no oline, just piss poor all around. Safe to say this year we aren't going to be making any noise.

Why not just let petty and hackenberg get their reps. Forget about "it will destroy then throwing them into the fire". We have 10 games. We should split 5 per game for each and see what each has. Rather then waiting till next year draft time guess whether we need to draft a QB high. Frankly iv seen more then enough of geno to realize hes not the answer. For the geno supporters, If u wana start him next week jus to confirm he doesnt have it, im fine with that.

But the rest of the season should be about finding out what we have in hackenberg, petty, and the young talent on roster. Come next season we cut the "fat" and build on the younger guys.

Like i said i love fitz despite what these last games have said. But fitz is not answer for future of the jets. Neither is geno. So lets not waste a loss season continuing down the same path.

What do u guys think?

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This season was over after the third loss. The 4th and 5th were just confirmations. So now you need to see what you have in the young ones and Geno is next. He deserves more than 6 passing attempts. Petty will get his turn in due time. But Bowles still want Fitztragic. 

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Well stated,  Despite the dumb rhetoric by the people that hated the guy the team wanted him back, he had a very good previous year and the move to bring him back made sense, especially when the team let him hold out to the last moment.  He's been terrible in at least half the games this year and fully deserves to be on the bench and to move on.  Far better to go with petty and even hackenburg than geno.

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As a supporter of the Conquering Hero as well I agree with this well thought out post.  It's time to see what we have in Petty.

It's like when a hockey or soccer team pulls their goalie.  It's not because the goalie is 100 % to blame for the team's performance.  It's more of a signal that everyone needs to be held accountable, including the team leader. 

And even moreso in our situation when we have 2 young QB's on the roster (who will both be here next season, unlike Fitz and Geno) behind him on the depth chart who we need to see get more reps in practice and some time on the field as well. 

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I'm on board with moving to Hack or Petty.  I think the Jets are just biding their time till petty is healed.  Especially with Bowles saying something cryptic about carrying 4 Qbs.  I really cant see us putting Geno in except in an emergency.  What if, and it is a yuuuuge IF, he does well against this upcoming "weak" part of our schedule.  he is a FA after the season. Do we shell out money to see what he can do against playoff teams?  Isnt that what has been part of the problem this year?  I dont want that.


Put the young guys in and look for that glimmer of hope that they can carry a team in the future. there will be growing pains for sure but it has to be better than what I have seen these past few weeks.

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14 minutes ago, j4jets said:

This season was over after the third loss. The 4th and 5th were just confirmations. So now you need to see what you have in the young ones and Geno is next. He deserves more than 6 passing attempts. Petty will get his turn in due time. But Bowles still want Fitztragic. 

Geno will not get resigned by the Jets. There is no chance, thus, no point in playing him. Hes still in the roster because he's under contract and cheap, but he has zero future with the Jets.


Starting him over Petty is stupid, short-sighted and without purpose.

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15 minutes ago, j4jets said:

This season was over after the third loss. The 4th and 5th were just confirmations. So now you need to see what you have in the young ones and Geno is next. He deserves more than 6 passing attempts. Petty will get his turn in due time. But Bowles still want Fitztragic. 

We don't need to waste any games on Geno to see what we have in him. He will be gone next year no matter what. It is time to play Petty if his shoulder is ready. 

Give Petty the rest of the season and see if he has anything. If not then next year we have Hack and then whoever we draft. No more wasting time on Geno or Fitz.

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9 minutes ago, jetsfan719 said:

Worst thing that could happen is they keep playing fitz, then few games down the line play geno, and not give any reps to petty till end of season.

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Which means , that is exactly what Bowles will do.

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I don't think you want to play Hack much (if at all); all he is going to do is reinforce his bad habits including his footwork. You knew this was a red-shirt year for him.

Once Petty is ready which should be soon now that he is full practice you play him. Give him games to show what he has and get game experience.

I thought Westhoff was smoking dope when he said see what Geno has to see if you want to keep him. Really, he is a FA, you going to pay him starter money? Do you think he wants anything to do with this team? Do you think Mac is going to pay starter money to a guy no other team would pay starter money to a second year in a row?

You play Petty. If he either gets hurt or shows he doesn't have the stuff, then, and only then you play Hack IMO.

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5 minutes ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

Geno will not get resigned by the Jets. There is no chance, thus, no point in playing him. Hes still in the roster because he's under contract and cheap, but he has zero future with the Jets.


Starting him over Petty is stupid, short-sighted and without purpose.

There was no chance Fitz was getting resigned. He still played 6 games. Starting petty isn't the worst idea. Im ok with. I still want Geno to get 3-4 games. If he bombs, we don't lose anything. If he plays well, we have plenty to gain. As for the reps argument for Petty, if he's any good, he wouldn't need those reps. He'll be in year 3. If you can't take the field in the 3rd year, you're useless. 

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8 minutes ago, Stark said:

We don't need to waste any games on Geno to see what we have in him. He will be gone next year no matter what. It is time to play Petty if his shoulder is ready. 

Give Petty the rest of the season and see if he has anything. If not then next year we have Hack and then whoever we draft. No more wasting time on Geno or Fitz.

There was no chance Fitz was getting resigned. He still played 6 games. Starting petty isn't the worst idea. Im ok with. I still want Geno to get 3-4 games. If he bombs, we don't lose anything. If he plays well, we have plenty to gain. As for the reps argument for Petty, if he's any good, he wouldn't need those reps. He'll be in year 3. If you can't take the field in the 3rd year, you're useless. 

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23 minutes ago, jetsfan719 said:


I was one of the many calling for the resign of fitzpatrick. I was excited after last season and thought he brought something good to this team.

Still think he is a great team leader, and has a great personality, and is a stand up player but...

After what i have been watching i think it is sadly say it is time to move on.

We are now 1-5. Playoffs pretty much long gone. No decker. Sloppy play. No secondary, no oline, just piss poor all around. Safe to say this year we aren't going to be making any noise.

Why not just let petty and hackenberg get their reps. Forget about "it will destroy then throwing them into the fire". We have 10 games. We should split 5 per game for each and see what each has. Rather then waiting till next year draft time guess whether we need to draft a QB high. Frankly iv seen more then enough of geno to realize hes not the answer. For the geno supporters, If u wana start him next week jus to confirm he doesnt have it, im fine with that.

But the rest of the season should be about finding out what we have in hackenberg, petty, and the young talent on roster. Come next season we cut the "fat" and build on the younger guys.

Like i said i love fitz despite what these last games have said. But fitz is not answer for future of the jets. Neither is geno. So lets not waste a loss season continuing down the same path.

What do u guys think?

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I too always wanted fitz back, but no where near his laughable demands.. We still overpaid for him but for 1 yr no big deal.. thank god we didn't give him more yrs.. playoffs are definitely out. I think they are not going to play hack/petty yet for a few reasons.they still want to win games, just to save face ( and their jobs) and geno is most prepared to do that. The brass has let it be known to insiders geno has much stronger grasp of gailey's offense than hack and petty.. Which is understandable, those two have lot more to learn than just the playbook.. They do want to see what geno can do, he won't get anywhere near as many chances as fitz, but he deserves about 3-4 games atleast.. If he is bad as fitz, I don't see why they then wouldn't go with petty for few yrs end of the season..

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20 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

Well stated,  Despite the dumb rhetoric by the people that hated the guy the team wanted him back, he had a very good previous year and the move to bring him back made sense, especially when the team let him hold out to the last moment.  He's been terrible in at least half the games this year and fully deserves to be on the bench and to move on.  Far better to go with petty and even hackenburg than geno.

I can't think of a single poster here who hated Fitz.  I think everyone knows he's a swell dude.  We just knew he sucked and that it wasn't worth re-signing him as more than a backup.

Kinda funny how the supporters are now (after 1-5 and the season is lost) saying it's time to bench Fitz.  BUT there's no way anyone could have seen this coming during the offseason.  

So we were wrong for not wanting to waste 12mil and the season on Fitz.  Yet now after 12mil is wasted and the season is gone, the smart move is to bench Fitz.

Solid logic.

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I stand by my off-season position:  Fitz gave us the best chance to win.  Chance.  He failed, utterly, to live up to that.  

Was it predictable that he could fail badly?  Yes, absolutely.  

That does not change that it was still our best chance vs. Geno, the other available Vet FA's, and was the consensus of the vast majority of NFL Professional commentators.

His cost was low, the opportunity cost (i.e. sitting Geno) lower still, and Petty and Hack were/are not ready.

That time has, of course, now passed.  Fitz has failed utterly and completely, and must be sat down.

If Petty remains unready, Geno must start for now.  He will be accountable for his own fate, there are (as with Fitz) no excuses for him here, now.

If Petty is ready, I maintain he is our best option, as he may have a future in New York, whereas Fitz and Geno (both at the end of their contract terms) do not.  

As we transition from hope-for-contention to plan-for-the-future, the focus should be on evaluation of youth, especially the two young QB draft picks.  We should not fear playing them, especially 2nd year Petty.



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27 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

Well stated,  Despite the dumb rhetoric by the people that hated the guy the team wanted him back, he had a very good previous year and the move to bring him back made sense, especially when the team let him hold out to the last moment.  He's been terrible in at least half the games this year and fully deserves to be on the bench and to move on.  Far better to go with petty and even hackenburg than geno.

There's 7000 million posts about this topic, but i'm choosing this one to point out blind impatience and or intentional stupidity. 

how many snaps, practices, reps, whatever - has Petty had in the last 2-3 weeks with 1st team or 2nd team? None?... and you want him to START next week?

How about no. How about we give Bryce Petty 2-3 weeks to actually prepare properly so it's not slaughter. I think we all want to move on From Fitz/Geno, but starting Geno for a couple weeks is absolutely the smart thing to do - if you want to see Petty succeed

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7 minutes ago, j4jets said:

If he plays well, we have plenty to gain.

Please detail what we have to gain if Geno plays "well", and please define what "well" means to you.

Personally, I see nothing gained in playing a player on his way out in the last year of his contract.  But I am open to hearing your definitions and ideas on whats gained.

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17 minutes ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

Starting him over Petty is stupid, short-sighted and without purpose.

No, short sighted is rolling out Petty without letting him practice properly for a couple weeks. You guys didn't understand the Fitz situation in July, and now too many of you don't understand what the fck to do now. 

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Just now, Paradis said:

No, short sighted is rolling out Petty without letting him practice properly for a couple weeks.

I agree with this portion.

Just now, Paradis said:

You guys didn't understand the Fitz situation in July, and now too many of you don't understand what the fck to do now. 

To be fair, the opposing view boils down to "Play Geno, period" with little else to offer.

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To be fair, the opposing view boils down to "Play Geno, period" with little else to offer.

Neither Fitz or Geno will be here next year -- so in a lost season, it's time to turn the page. But if we want to see what we have elsewhere, then let's give these kids a fighting chance. Let them prepare...
Fitz has worn out his welcome and ranks last in every category. Geno at least gives the mob fresh meat for a couple weeks while others get ready.

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5 minutes ago, Paradis said:

There's 7000 million posts about this topic, but i'm choosing this one to point out blind impatience and or intentional stupidity. 

how many snaps, practices, reps, whatever - has Petty had in the last 2-3 weeks with 1st team or 2nd team? None?... and you want him to START next week?

How about no. How about we give Bryce Petty 2-3 weeks to actually prepare properly so it's not slaughter. I think we all want to move on From Fitz/Geno, but starting Geno for a couple weeks is absolutely the smart thing to do - if you want to see Petty succeed

:good:  this guy gets it

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4 minutes ago, Paradis said:

There's 7000 million posts about this topic, but i'm choosing this one to point out blind impatience and or intentional stupidity. 

how many snaps, practices, reps, whatever - has Petty had in the last 2-3 weeks with 1st team or 2nd team? None?... and you want him to START next week?

How about no. How about we give Bryce Petty 2-3 weeks to actually prepare properly so it's not slaughter. I think we all want to move on From Fitz/Geno, but starting Geno for a couple weeks is absolutely the smart thing to do - if you want to see Petty succeed

No where did I say to start him next week, comprende?

As for the thought that you need gobs of 1st line practice time and such to do anything and not get ruined, baloney, all of it.

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Just now, Paradis said:

But if we want to see what we have elsewhere, then let's give these kids a fighting chance. Let them prepare...

I agree.  Petty should start....as soon as he is healthy (enough) andpracticed/prepared (enough) to do so reasonably.

Vs. Cleveland would be my own estimate, unless his injury is far more severe than the Organization has let on.  He's back, he's in practice, that's plenty of time, and a weaker team to start with (a bonus for a young QB).


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No where did I say to start him next week, comprende?
As for the thought that you need gobs of 1st line practice time and such to do anything and not get ruined, baloney, all of it.

Like I said in the post, i was just using yours as an easy target. Not necessarily quoting you word for word.

I can't believe how many QBs we've started ill-prepared and watched them struggle, only to see fans chant to do it again. I dunno how close Petty is to being ready, but I HAVE to imagine after 6 weeks in street clothes, he needs more than 5 practices.

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10 minutes ago, Warfish said:

Please detail what we have to gain if Geno plays "well", and please define what "well" means to you.

Personally, I see nothing gained in playing a player on his way out in the last year of his contract.  But I am open to hearing your definitions and ideas on whats gained.

Geno plays well, gets a good one year deal and we get a 5th round comp pick for him (goes 5-5, 15 TDs, 5-7 ints in the last 10 games.)

Geno plays great, we get to tag him and trade him (Goes 8-2, 20TDs, 3-5 ints in the last 10 games)

Geno plays bad and Petty gets a shot after 3-4 games. Not much lost. Hack can not take the field this year. He'll be comical. 


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Just now, Paradis said:


Like I said in the post, i was just using yours as an easy target. Not necessarily quoting you word for word.

I can't believe how many QBs we've started ill-prepared and watched them struggle, only to see fans chant to do it again. I dunno how close Petty is to being ready, but I HAVE to imagine after 6 weeks in street clothes, he needs more than 5 practices.

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This league is littered with guys who come in and have the excuse of no prep and do well or well enough, even this year, Cody freakin Kessler, 3rd stringer for Clev, rookie, showing things.  Prescott, raw rookie expects to do zero immediately comes in and is great, Lynch was able to tread water, Brisett as well. 

If Petty is not healthy then he doesn't play but I think he has been healthy and the jets have been playing games.  He's been here a full year plus and playing sooner, (maybe not the very next game) than later is the best way to see if he can rise to the occasion and show something.  He's far different than Hackenburg who at this point doesn't know the pointy side of the football from the fat part.


In any case the point is this, if the Jets lose another game or so and fail to play Petty and or Hack substantially in the 2nd half of the season they will be outright morons.  Playing truculent Geno serves no purpose, playing shot Fitz serves no purpose.

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27 minutes ago, Paradis said:

There's 7000 million posts about this topic, but i'm choosing this one to point out blind impatience and or intentional stupidity. 

how many snaps, practices, reps, whatever - has Petty had in the last 2-3 weeks with 1st team or 2nd team? None?... and you want him to START next week?

How about no. How about we give Bryce Petty 2-3 weeks to actually prepare properly so it's not slaughter. I think we all want to move on From Fitz/Geno, but starting Geno for a couple weeks is absolutely the smart thing to do - if you want to see Petty succeed

And IMO this is what Bowles is planning on doing....

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10 minutes ago, j4jets said:

Geno plays well, gets a good one year deal and we get a 5th round comp pick for him (goes 5-5, 15 TDs, 5-7 ints in the last 10 games.)

What would you place the odds of this outcome?  % wise?

10 minutes ago, j4jets said:

Geno plays great, we get to tag him and trade him (Goes 8-2, 20TDs, 3-5 ints in the last 10 games)

What would you place the odds of this outcome?  % wise?

10 minutes ago, j4jets said:

Geno plays bad and Petty gets a shot after 3-4 games. Not much lost.

3-4 games of Petty evaluation and development would be lost (of the 10 games remaining, i.e. 40% opportunity lost).

10 minutes ago, j4jets said:

Hack can not take the field this year. He'll be comical. 

I agree.  I'll likely agree with this again next year too, I believe he is that far away from ready.

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5 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

This league is littered with guys who come in and have the excuse of no prep and do well or well enough, even this year, Cody freakin Kessler, 3rd stringer for Clev, rookie, showing things.  Prescott, raw rookie expects to do zero immediately comes in and is great, Lynch was able to tread water, Brisett as well. 

If Petty is not healthy then he doesn't play but I think he has been healthy and the jets have been playing games.  He's been here a full year plus and playing sooner, (maybe not the very next game) than later is the best way to see if he can rise to the occasion and show something.  He's far different than Hackenburg who at this point doesn't know the pointy side of the football from the fat part.


In any case the point is this, if the Jets lose another game or so and fail to play Petty and or Hack substantially in the 2nd half of the season they will be outright morons.  Playing truculent Geno serves no purpose, playing shot Fitz serves no purpose.

You're also assuming that petty is going to show something here. that is definitely not guaranteed so basically geno is the contingency plan. hackenberg should not see the field this season... I don't care if other rookies are playing well, he needs to sit rather than trot him out there and kill whatever confidence he's got

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2 minutes ago, Warfish said:

What would you place the odds of this outcome?  % wise?

Doesn't matter what the odds are. At this point, I'll take what I can.

2 minutes ago, Warfish said:

What would you place the odds of this outcome?  % wise?

What are the odds Petty IS the real deal? I'll venture a guess and say 5% for either of the scenarios. My glass of milk became half empty last night. Not keeping my hopes up for this Jets team anytime soon.

2 minutes ago, Warfish said:

3-4 games of Petty evaluation and development would be lost (of the 10 games remaining, i.e. 40% opportunity lost).

If he's got it, he doesn't need a single game to take over the team next year. He'll be cheap next year so according to your theory, since Geno made the team for being cheap, so will Petty. These last 10 games become irrelevant. Why? Cuz, again, you don't need a bunch of starts to show that you belong here.

2 minutes ago, Warfish said:

I agree.  I'll likely agree with this again next year too, I believe he is that far away from ready.

Glad we have an agreement on something. 

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