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July Madness: All Time Draft Discussion Thread


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9 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Thrilled to get Rison here.  4 straight seasons of 10+ TDs with the likes of Chris Miller, Bobby Hebert and Jeff George throwing him passes.  And he gets to reunite with Favre on my squad. 

Waited on receiver and ended up with Steve Smith and Andre Rison on the outside and Hines Ward in the slot.  Solid trio in my mind!

I thought about Rison.  Since we are only picking 22, I decided to go for a guy with experience at CB and FS for more options and to keep Julio Jones as my slowest WR.  There are quite a few of my favorites that will probably make it to the end.  Some of whom I would seriously put up against anybody.  

BTW, If Andre Rison is voting you win:


“Best receiver to ever play the game. I can’t show my highlights because I don’t own NFL Films, but all my coaches in college, in high school, in junior college, they all told me I could be the best. But they must’ve lied because that title was already given to Jerry Rice. Just because you have stats doesn’t mean you’re the best. Can’t nobody tell me that Andre Reed isn’t better than Jerry Rice. I’m seeing cornerbacks on the 75th anniversary team that I used to demolish. But I’m coming out with my own hall of fame.” 

Just now, T0mShane said:

My fury regarding this tweet hasn’t abated in 22 hours. Implying I’m 80’s mentor??? Disgusting slander.

Not enough literature and deviancy? 

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Some more classic Andre Rison


Boselli: When you are at the team meeting, nobody is talking. No one is saying anything but Tom. Tom is going to go through his spiel. All of us are sitting there knowing what he's going to say. Let's listen to what he has to say and let's get out of here and go do our thing. In mid-sentence, as Tom is explaining game-plan stuff, and that week it was all about (Patriots running back-returner) Dave Meggett and special teams.

As soon as he mentions Dave Meggett again, Andre Rison raises his hand after having I'm sure a couple adult beverages and says, "Coach, I got something to say. He stands up and starts the sentence with "bleep Dave Meggett," and goes on a five-minute tirade about "bleep Dave Meggett" and what we need to do. This and this, and give me the ball. The thing that shocked me most: Tom was just sitting there. I was waiting for him to kick him out of the meeting or whatever.

Andre sits down, Tom looks at him and says, "Well said, Andre. Well said."

Coughlin: Yeah, I do remember it. But he did make some good points. We needed to worry about us and not focus so much on the opponent. The way he conducted himself had both a positive and a negative influence.


"Covering 'Dre one-on-one is like eating a burger without a bun.

He'll run to the left, he'll run to the right.

Shaking DB's all day and night.

Goin' for the bomb is what he does best.

Lookin' real sweet with ultimate finesse."


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31 minutes ago, HessStation said:

Btw Andre Rison was the WR I was talking about earlier. Rison and Shell are superb value picks imo. 

Ah ok. I honestly thought you were talking about Herman Moore.

He had a 4 year stretch where he was a Top 5 WR IMO

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8 minutes ago, King P said:

Ah ok. I honestly thought you were talking about Herman Moore.

He had a 4 year stretch where he was a Top 5 WR IMO

No doubt Moore was great for a stretch but Andre Rison was legit unstoppable for 3 to 4. Rice and Carter dominated that era but Rison is like the dark horse right behind those two imo. If he wasn’t such a headcase. OBJ should actually study Rison bc there’s alot of similarities and same type of potential pitfalls for OBJ...imo 

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7 hours ago, HessStation said:


Still flabbergasted at @#27TheDominator 

The long towel automatically raised your swag levels to ultra powers and pissed off the fatty tough guy tubs on the other team who didn’t understand. 

Add wristbands, gloves, half shirt, and colored tape around your cleats and your swag powers became unlimited. 

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When I was talking about Evans, the two guys I had to talk myself out of taking instead were Mankins and Fralic. 

And You know why I know Fralic was so good ? Because he was an OL whose name I recognized from when i was a kid. How many prepubescent skinny kids know any O Lineman’s names? So he must have been really good. Amirite. Nice pick!

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1 minute ago, Patriot Killa said:

Uh oh, junc the momentum killer is coming up to stall out right before my pick loooool. 

Does he have an hour clock still?

He said if he's not up in the morning then we can skip him so you're up breh

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27 minutes ago, HessStation said:

Still flabbergasted at @#27TheDominator 

The long towel automatically raised your swag levels to ultra powers and pissed off the fatty tough guy tubs on the other team who didn’t understand. 

Add wristbands, gloves, half shirt, and colored tape around your cleats and your swag powers became unlimited. 

I wasn't saying they weren't cool.  I said that I couldn't stand wearing them.  I am not sure colored tape existed until I was pretty far along.  Our thing was black cleats with white tape so that only the tips of your toes were black.  It made your feet look like hooves. Half shirt ALWAYS.  Gloves with the back open, no thigh or knee pads and the pants super short so your knees were showing. Aaron Glenn usually had a few of these items, especially the open gloves and cut-off pants. 


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Was hoping no one would of snagged Ruben Brown before I could get to him. Thankfully enough, I got em’.

bummed Tillman got taking right before me though. I have a few back up plans but I don’t think my corners will fare too well against a lot of other teams. 

I do have Brain Dawkins and Bob Sanders manning the Safety spots though. 

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17 minutes ago, #27TheDominator said:

I wasn't saying they weren't cool.  I said that I couldn't stand wearing them.  I am not sure colored tape existed until I was pretty far along.  Our thing was black cleats with white tape so that only the tips of your toes were black.  It made your feet look like hooves. Half shirt ALWAYS.  Gloves with the back open, no thigh or knee pads and the pants super short so your knees were showing. Aaron Glenn usually had a few of these items, especially the open gloves and cut-off pants. 


HOLY ****KNG YES!!! LOL I would always get the smallest knee pads possible and tuck the pants up above the knees as much as I could. I’m dying laughing here. 

And you’re right on the tape. Jr. Football ALWAYS white tape around the middle cleat and ankle...so the toes were showing. When I got to HS in early 90’s they had colored tape and the DBs/WRs used red for around the cleats and around our wrists...while also accessorizing red wrist bands and gloves (not strapped) It was more of a time thing on this one I think but we also wore the red spandex...but only the 4 starters were allowed. And our fullback did it too lol.  

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4 minutes ago, Patriot Killa said:

@HessStation holy sh*t you just smacked those picks out of the park.

is that the O-lineman you were hinting at? I thought you were hinting at Ruben so I snagged him.?

I already have my two guards but actually raised an eyebrow at the Rueben pick and genuinely thought, holy **** forgot about that guy. 9 pro bowls. 

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2 minutes ago, nycdan said:

Lomas Brown was great.  But he's the guy that admitted letting a D-Lineman have a free line to the QB because Scott Mitchell was horrible and Brown wanted him out of the game.  I just couldn't go there with that stigma hanging over him.



Scott Mitchell was a dink and deserved it

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