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Indiana Jones and the Stairway To Heaven Mafia - DAY 1 ( part 1 and 2- town wins)


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7 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

I skimmed this.

I am not going to be accountable for you not accepting that being called a “deputy” by a trap is not mod confirmation. 

Im discrediting you 100%, because you’re a historically awful player.


That's funny because you never mentioned that as a reason for discrediting me until now. Sounds like BS, taking advantage of what I said.


I am not discrediting you as a town voice though, I am simply explaining the basic tenets of game play and how a handful of people here calling to mod confirmed are wrong, and what they should know about his the game is played. If you want to hunt, go for it, but as we see here with you going after me… you should not be leading anyone anywhere.

Someone needs to lead this town to a lynch. You have been leading the town to no where since your initial response discrediting me. That much is clear.

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28 minutes ago, Nolder said:

Imagine lord of the rings meets South Park with good animation. 

I may be the only one but I wouldnt mind an LOTR theme.... yeah I'm the only one lol.

The wife and I are on the last leg of ROTK extended edition... started Fellowship last weekend and are all the way through as of tonight... we do that every couple years.

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28 minutes ago, Barry McCockinner said:

That's funny because you never mentioned that as a reason for discrediting me until now. Sounds like BS, taking advantage of what I said.

Someone needs to lead this town to a lynch. You have been leading the town to no where since your initial response discrediting me. That much is clear.

I guess that makes me scum, blockhead.

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7 minutes ago, Lurker89 said:

I may be the only one but I wouldnt mind an LOTR theme.... yeah I'm the only one lol.

The wife and I are on the last leg of ROTK extended edition... started Fellowship last weekend and are all the way through as of tonight... we do that every couple years.

Pretty sure we’ve done it. Always down for new takes in great themes, though.

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30 minutes ago, Nolder said:


80 - jvill, Stark, Smash (3)
Greenseed - 80 (1)
Jif - Pac, jgb (2)
jgb - lurker, greenseed, Jif, Ape (4)
Arsis - Beaver (1)
Barry - Arsis (1)

Ape - Barry (1)

With 16 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

You not requiring unvotes? I intentionally didn’t Unvote before switching to jgb, just to see how the field reacted

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1 minute ago, Barry McCockinner said:

It was in the 2nd post where he enumerated the rules, chess master.

Nolderp never requires it. I’m farting around with him. It’s good to see you’ve reached the threshold of where your psychosis bubbles over.

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9 minutes ago, Lurker89 said:

I may be the only one but I wouldnt mind an LOTR theme.... yeah I'm the only one lol.

The wife and I are on the last leg of ROTK extended edition... started Fellowship last weekend and are all the way through as of tonight... we do that every couple years.

I did a LOTR themed game a long time ago on another site based on the uhh epilogue section of LOTR called The Scouring of The Shire. I don’t know if you’ve read the books or not but this got cut from the films. Basically the Hobbits come back from their adventures and the Shire is no longer beautiful. The trees have been cut down and the waters polluted, the landscape is dotted with ugly buildings meant for industry. When they question people about it they find out evil men have taken over under the leadership of someone named Sharky. As they’re asking around they are confronted by Sheriffs who are basically hobbits working with Sharky and almost get arrested. Long story short they gather a small hobbit army and fight off Sharky’s men only to find out he’s actually Saruman. After a conversation Wormtongue kills him and I think runs off. The Shire is restored and the ending is more or less the same from there.


Anyway it was one of my favorite games I’ve modded and I’d definitely be up for a LOTR game in the future.

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2 minutes ago, Lurker89 said:

Being new to this I'm curious as to how much the theme comes into actual gameplay. I should probably just sit back and let more than D1 occur to find out.

Nah, that won’t really demonstrate it. Every kid uses theme differently. I ran Goonies 10 years ago and tailored everything to the theme. Some mods just use theme for lolz. Never can tell what to expect.

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6 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

Nah, that won’t really demonstrate it. Every kid uses theme differently. I ran Goonies 10 years ago and tailored everything to the theme. Some mods just use theme for lolz. Never can tell what to expect.

Wait till you get a load of the next game I’m working on that you’re all gonna get subjected to after this one.

Theme:  @CTM Search Party

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1 hour ago, Nolder said:

@Hal N of Provo it’s all good since it’s your first game but, especially in my games, I ban character claiming and PM comparisons and all that kind of stuff. Ask yourself even if you could win that way, would you want to? If the answer is still yes too bad because it’s against my rules lol.

Phone died 

Sad Arrested Development GIF

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40 minutes ago, Nolder said:

I did a LOTR themed game a long time ago on another site based on the uhh epilogue section of LOTR called The Scouring of The Shire. I don’t know if you’ve read the books or not but this got cut from the films. Basically the Hobbits come back from their adventures and the Shire is no longer beautiful. The trees have been cut down and the waters polluted, the landscape is dotted with ugly buildings meant for industry. When they question people about it they find out evil men have taken over under the leadership of someone named Sharky. As they’re asking around they are confronted by Sheriffs who are basically hobbits working with Sharky and almost get arrested. Long story short they gather a small hobbit army and fight off Sharky’s men only to find out he’s actually Saruman. After a conversation Wormtongue kills him and I think runs off. The Shire is restored and the ending is more or less the same from there.


Anyway it was one of my favorite games I’ve modded and I’d definitely be up for a LOTR game in the future.

I've read LOTR, the Hobbit, the Silmarillion, unfinished tales among many others... went through a heavy Tolkien phase.

I've been known to get obsessive. ?

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53 minutes ago, Lurker89 said:

Being new to this I'm curious as to how much the theme comes into actual gameplay. I should probably just sit back and let more than D1 occur to find out.

I actually suggest making assumptions based on the theme, the players, and the complexity of the game and then voicing them to the group. 

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43 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Wait till you get a load of the next game I’m working on that you’re all gonna get subjected to after this one.

Theme:  @CTM Search Party

Serious question… How much planning goes into these? I’m assuming you determine basic storyline, roles, and a couple twists and then create as you go?

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Hey guys I just found out my mom had a stroke and is in the hospital. I don’t know how this is going to effect the game yet, it might not, but I’m in that space where I just don’t know anything. I hope I can keep modding or if not possibly hand the game over to someone to finish for me. I’ll update you guys if anything changes. 

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7 minutes ago, Nolder said:

Hey guys I just found out my mom had a stroke and is in the hospital. I don’t know how this is going to effect the game yet, it might not, but I’m in that space where I just don’t know anything. I hope I can keep modding or if not possibly hand the game over to someone to finish for me. I’ll update you guys if anything changes. 

Oof, just finished catching up and see this. So sorry to hear this Nolder, hoping that everything works out for the best. 

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2 hours ago, Greenseed4 said:

Serious question… How much planning goes into these? I’m assuming you determine basic storyline, roles, and a couple twists and then create as you go?

Exactly.  Once you have a theme and a list of the roles/mechanics you want to use it’s not that hard.  

And mine will be especially easy to run since I’ll be using Open AI for the scenes and images, lol.  It’s like a cheat code!

As a preview, I will hereby introduce to you all the @GATABot 9000, which will be serving as the “face” of my operation:



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20 minutes ago, Nolder said:

Hey guys I just found out my mom had a stroke and is in the hospital. I don’t know how this is going to effect the game yet, it might not, but I’m in that space where I just don’t know anything. I hope I can keep modding or if not possibly hand the game over to someone to finish for me. I’ll update you guys if anything changes. 

Oh no, so sorry to hear this.  Yes, put everything on hold and keep us updated when you can.  Prayers up for your Mom.  

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6 hours ago, Nolder said:

Hey guys I just found out my mom had a stroke and is in the hospital. I don’t know how this is going to effect the game yet, it might not, but I’m in that space where I just don’t know anything. I hope I can keep modding or if not possibly hand the game over to someone to finish for me. I’ll update you guys if anything changes. 

Oh no I’m so sorry hoping for the best 

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7 hours ago, Nolder said:

Hey guys I just found out my mom had a stroke and is in the hospital. I don’t know how this is going to effect the game yet, it might not, but I’m in that space where I just don’t know anything. I hope I can keep modding or if not possibly hand the game over to someone to finish for me. I’ll update you guys if anything changes. 


Nolder, don’t worry about the game in the least. Go take care if your mother and family. Take care of yourself, too. We’ll all be here when you get back. In the meantime, we’ll all be pulling for a full recovery. ♥️

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