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Indiana Jones and the Stairway To Heaven Mafia - DAY 1 ( part 1 and 2- town wins)


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4 minutes ago, Smashmouth said:

Did you ever consider we were pushing Pac to play the damn game ? There is no case against Pac but he posted right ?


Unvote PAC

Vote JGB like Ive been hinting at this entire game. 

I could go 80 or Crush as JGB coaches as well but I will not be here for the final vote a 7 since I will be at work and I dod not want to waste my vote on Pac who wont be getting lynched today anyhow.


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18 hours ago, Arsis said:

Are you sure you're not scum? You're definitely playing like you're a godfather.

Yeah, the Deputy Godfather.  Makes perfect sense.



1 hour ago, Integrity28 said:

You would play scum by hiding.

You would not play scum using RL excuses for not participating. I’m hoping.


Didn't you say he was active in the football forum, though?



1 hour ago, Barry McCockinner said:

Unless someone has a gun, towns only chance to eliminate scum is to lynch. Scum would love to eliminate that opportunity. What are you talking about?

Scum almost always want a lynch simply because the chances are it's usually a mislynch.

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3 hours ago, Greenseed4 said:



Did you really just vote for 3 different people in the course of a couple minutes? That seems like textbook scum so you can produce deniability later.

I initially voted you due to inactivity but I’m liking my vote. 


1 hour ago, Stark said:

sure did, vote lurker

Happy GIF

I don't trust any of you but Starks ping is unrivaled for me.

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I don't get what you mean with the "spirit of the game" type argument.  Somebody who is actively avoiding this thread should rightfully garner suspicion.  Me taking the opportunity to slank after losing my vote 100% should get suspicion, and 80 was correct (I hate admitting that) for doing it.


This feels like you're defending him, but not trying to look like you're defending him.  How close am I?

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22 minutes ago, Smashmouth said:

Did you ever consider we were pushing Pac to play the damn game ? There is no case against Pac but he posted right ?


Unvote PAC

Vote JGB like Ive been hinting at this entire game. 

I could go 80 or Crush as JGB coaches as well but I will not be here for the final vote a 7 since I will be at work and I dod not want to waste my vote on Pac who wont be getting lynched today anyhow.

I've had my own reasons for voting @jgb


17 minutes ago, Verbal said:

Scum almost always want a lynch simply because the chances are it's usually a mislynch.

I brought this up via Pac and scums pinged me for it...

FOS this Stark, jgb, 80.

I don't know what to think of @Integrity28 at this point


Only reason I thought @Smashmouth before was because someone seemed like they were bussing him but I cant remember who.  But rhat person smells of scum too.

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What's the vote count. I'm in regional meetings all day today and tomorrow. I can change my vote.. Who are we going with?


Is it me?


Unvote vote Arsis

19 hours ago, Barry McCockinner said:

how does one act like they're a godfather?

I Cant Do That Marlon Brando GIF by The Godfather

competing trains is good when we've got a deadline looming. There's more than enough D1 activity already and it's beyond time for town to consolidate and get

Like they're getting away with something and that everyone is a sucker for letting them.

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14 minutes ago, Lurker89 said:

I've had my own reasons for voting @jgb


I brought this up via Pac and scums pinged me for it...

FOS this Stark, jgb, 80.

I don't know what to think of @Integrity28 at this point


Only reason I thought @Smashmouth before was because someone seemed like they were bussing him but I cant remember who.  But rhat person smells of scum too.

I mean, Ape essentially defended Pac there, and while I don't particularly like how he did it, one could say Smash backtracked his vote away from Pac under the guise of "getting him to play".  I'm stretching a little on both ends there, but it's what I got.


Also, we should kill 80.



10 minutes ago, Arsis said:

What's the vote count. I'm in regional meetings all day today and tomorrow. I can change my vote.. Who are we going with?


Is it me?


Unvote vote Arsis

Probably a decent vote, tbh.

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1 hour ago, jgb said:

Hold on. 80 said every day ends in a lynch haven without the votes… 

If you meant the latter:  Each day ends in a lynch, so yes, someone will get strung up.  If we don't come to a consensus vote by the deadline (none is established yet, but I imagine there will be one, and potentially an inconvenient one that occurs over the weekend because its Nolder, lol) its up to the Mod's discretion of what happens next.  Either a random player dies or the highest vote-getter at the time dies.”


In pretty much every game I've played, day ends in either a majority vote lynch OR the mod decides to lynch either a random player OR the top vote-getter at the time.

Nolder chose door # 4, lol.  I get it, though.  A no-lynch is a pretty big consequence for failing to come to a majority vote and is a strong incentive to consolidate.

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7 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:


In pretty much every game I've played, day ends in either a majority vote lynch OR the mod decides to lynch either a random player OR the top vote-getter at the time.

Nolder chose door # 4, lol.  I get it, though.  A no-lynch is a pretty big consequence for failing to come to a majority vote and is a strong incentive to consolidate.

New guy wondering why a no lynch D1 is such a bad thing ... if we lynch a townie on accident  doesnt scum get a huge advantage in both function and gameflow. 

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52 minutes ago, Greenseed4 said:

I don't have all of the unwritten rules of the game memorized, blow me. 

No one expects you to.  But when it was explained to you you operated as if you've never played in a game before and then completely flipped on your original theory because....reasons?


52 minutes ago, Greenseed4 said:

My Stark vote was because prior to it he wasn't in the game, and then we he returned he was voting for everyone and their mothers at random which is scum-like voting, per @Integrity28.  If you can make a better case, I will gladly follow suit, but I'm not feeling Pac as scum, and I'd have to go back and re-read Smash. 

The only truly pingy players for me are you and your disciple JGB, so I can see why you are so ardent to lynch me. 


I'm ardent to lynch you because you've done the scummiest things to date, lol.  You want people to move off you?  Justify a better lynch then.  Because the current 2nd best option right now is policy lynching Pac for non-participation.

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1 minute ago, Lurker89 said:

New guy wondering why a no lynch D1 is such a bad thing ... if we lynch a townie on accident  doesnt scum get a huge advantage in both function and gameflow. 

Huge advantage?  No.  About 75 % of the game is town.  Mislynches are going to happen.  Controlling the lynch offers up information.  We lynch town and tomorrow we'll be able to review everyone's play through the prism of knowing that player's alignment.  

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3 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

That drive-by vote was disgusting and the emo meltdown (regardless of alignment) will be epic.  I'm down.

unvote vote Smash

And he won’t be here at deadline to try to save himself with a false claim and muddy everything up

unvote vote smash

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