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2 hours ago, Smashmouth said:

guess who is 100 times better than Lamar (I cant play when forced to throw ) Jackson  .. Peyton Manning

Peyton Manning started his playoff career 0-3 and his stats in those games were as follows:

220 yards, 45% comp, 0 passing TD, 1 rushing TD

195 yards, 53% comp, 1 TD.

137 yards, 45% comp, 0 TD's, 2 INTs

by your logic, Peyton Manning cant throw when forced too and by your standard, was dog sh*t w/ his 3 MVPs and that playoff record. 

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56 minutes ago, Barton said:

Lamar was not the reason for the ravens resurgence. It was their defense. 

Are you one of those who think 2 things can't be true at once?  The Ravens D was elite AND Lamar Jackson played at an elite level all season.  Hence why the Ravens were the AFC's # 1 seed.  It's not that complicated.

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Just now, Jetsfan80 said:

Are you one of those who think 2 things can't be true at once?  The Ravens D was elite AND Lamar Jackson played at an elite level all season.  Hence why the Ravens were the AFC's # 1 seed.  It's not that complicated.

It's amazing the lengths these dudes try to go.  Legit.

Ravens had the 3rd rank D in the NFL last year.  lmfao   They were 9-4 when Lamar was injured.  The 2nd highest scoring team in the league averaging 28pts a game.  They finished the season 2-3 w/ a first round exit and were averaging 13pts a game, never scoring more then 17 in a single game w/ a QB who many of this board want/wanted the Jets to pursue.

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1 hour ago, JustInFudge said:

Peyton Manning started his playoff career 0-3 and his stats in those games were as follows:

220 yards, 45% comp, 0 passing TD, 1 rushing TD

195 yards, 53% comp, 1 TD.

137 yards, 45% comp, 0 TD's, 2 INTs

by your logic, Peyton Manning cant throw when forced too and by your standard, was dog sh*t w/ his 3 MVPs and that playoff record. 

JIF I'm 100 % in agreement with you on Manning and back then I was saying the same thing about him I'm saying about Lamar just for different reasons. Only difference is Manning is an all time great Passer of the football Lamar is not although he's a great all around player he just has issues when a part of his game is taken away. Maybe one day just like Manning a light will come on but Lamar is just not that prolific of a passer and I'm not sure he ever will be. Defenses will continue to take his running game out of the equasion until he learns to beat them with the pass. In Lamars game now his running ability opens up things for him in the passing game thats why he does well during the season but vs the better defenses he will struggle unless playing with a lead when he can use all the tools at his disposal .  

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1 hour ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Are you one of those who think 2 things can't be true at once?  The Ravens D was elite AND Lamar Jackson played at an elite level all season.  Hence why the Ravens were the AFC's # 1 seed.  It's not that complicated.

80 it really is that complicated regular season games are very different than playoff games . Lamar does well when playing with a lead and just steam rolling teams, he has that type of talent no doubt about that. When things go wrong he is just not the type of QB to take the team on his back and bring his team back from larger deficits. Like when Brady faced the Falcons down by 3 TD's and all but done..... things like that happen and the great passers are able to come back and sometimes win those games. All I'm saying is Lamar is just not that type of QB. That being said Lamar had the talent as did his team to just roll everyone in the playoffs and the SB, it just did not work out that way and I think thats the only way Lamar will get a ring ...Yes i think he;s capable but it wont be easy to just roll everyone like that.... those type of teams come along once every 10 years 

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11 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

And MVP is a regular season award my guy.

Yep and i think there are QB's who had better seasons than Lamar did throwing the football Lamar tipped the scales with his dynamic running ability and that wins you MVP's but not SB's

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3 hours ago, Barton said:

Lamar was not the reason for the ravens resurgence. It was their defense. 

You mean the defense that was #1 in points allowed, #1 in turnovers, and #1 in sacks?

Yeah, that may have helped a bit.

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Lamar really does meet the definition of the award "Most Valuable Player".  He did it all for the Ravens.  They were even the leaders in rushing in the NFL and he was their leading rusher.  (That's not meant as a "Lamar is a glorified RB" shot).  I think Josh Allen deserves plenty of consideration too.  He does so much for the Bills.
Lamar was a stud this year .. well deserved ... But it does raise the question... Is a QB that is the entire offense better than a really good QB on a team with a really good supporting cast ? ... And if the case is that the latter is preferred .. how do you justify the Lamar contract?

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Lamar really does meet the definition of the award "Most Valuable Player".  He did it all for the Ravens.  They were even the leaders in rushing in the NFL and he was their leading rusher.  (That's not meant as a "Lamar is a glorified RB" shot).  I think Josh Allen deserves plenty of consideration too.  He does so much for the Bills.
Lamar was a stud this year .. well deserved ... But it does raise the question... Is a QB that is the entire offense better than a really good QB on a team with a really good supporting cast ? ... And if the case is that the latter is preferred .. how do you justify the Lamar contract?

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Lamar really does meet the definition of the award "Most Valuable Player".  He did it all for the Ravens.  They were even the leaders in rushing in the NFL and he was their leading rusher.  (That's not meant as a "Lamar is a glorified RB" shot).  I think Josh Allen deserves plenty of consideration too.  He does so much for the Bills.
Lamar was a stud this year .. well deserved ... But it does raise the question... Is a QB that is the entire offense better than a really good QB on a team with a really good supporting cast ? ... And if the case is that the latter is preferred .. how do you justify the Lamar contract?

Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk

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9 hours ago, Smashmouth said:

JIF I'm 100 % in agreement with you on Manning and back then I was saying the same thing about him I'm saying about Lamar just for different reasons. Only difference is Manning is an all time great Passer of the football Lamar is not although he's a great all around player he just has issues when a part of his game is taken away. Maybe one day just like Manning a light will come on but Lamar is just not that prolific of a passer and I'm not sure he ever will be. Defenses will continue to take his running game out of the equasion until he learns to beat them with the pass. In Lamars game now his running ability opens up things for him in the passing game thats why he does well during the season but vs the better defenses he will struggle unless playing with a lead when he can use all the tools at his disposal .  

Fun fact; after their first 5 seasons, Lamar has a higher comp %, higher passer rating, 13 less passing TD's on 500 less completions, Manning had 100 INT's, Lamar has 45.  Lamar threw 36 passing TD's his first season as a starter, Manning did not accomplish this milestone until year 7 of his career when Manning was throwing to, not 1 but 2,  HOF WR's and had a duel threat HOF RB in his arsenal whereas, Lamar has had the pleasure of throwing to Hollywood Brown and Zay Flowers.  lmfao    And somewhere, in your mind, Lamar's 5,000 yards and 23 TD's on the ground, doesnt matter. 

Bro, just stop, I'm literally decimating every point you attempt to make on this topic. 

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3 hours ago, JustInFudge said:

Fun fact; after their first 5 seasons, Lamar has a higher comp %, higher passer rating, 13 less passing TD's on 500 less completions, Manning had 100 INT's, Lamar has 45.  Lamar threw 36 passing TD's his first season as a starter, Manning did not accomplish this milestone until year 7 of his career when Manning was throwing to, not 1 but 2,  HOF WR's and had a duel threat HOF RB in his arsenal whereas, Lamar has had the pleasure of throwing to Hollywood Brown and Zay Flowers.  lmfao    And somewhere, in your mind, Lamar's 5,000 yards and 23 TD's on the ground, doesnt matter. 

Bro, just stop, I'm literally decimating every point you attempt to make on this topic. 

Your not decimating anything what so ever, what you are doing is cherry picking. The point of my criticism on Lamar is exactly what happened yet again this year. Lamar lost again in the playoffs and he stunk in the game the Ravens were sent packing just like he has in past years ... The fact you are trying to compare Lamars passing game to a guy like Peyton Manning is really hilarious.  L:MFAO

first 5 years Manning 139 TD's Lamar 101 So your wrong there

When lamar has to throw to get his team back in a game (which has noit happened as of yet) His completion percentage drops into the low 50's but lets not discuss that .

Most of his passing stats and comp percentage is based off his running ability. Teams have to use a spy and the Ravens regularly scheme players wide open which benifits Lamar throwing the football. Do you ever actually watch Ravens games ?

Peyton Manning regularly brought his teams back in games and the only time he really had a problem in the playoffs was when the Patriots were literally Mugging his WR's (pretty common knowledge) causing the NFl to crack down hard on how D backs defended WR's. 

Bottom line you can put up all the cherry picked stats you want except for the ones that really count LMFAO and also LMFAO that you are even trying to compare Lamar Jackson to Peyton Manning LMFAO again .... Call me when Lamar even aproaches 71000 yards and 539 TD's and wins 2 SB's Good luck with that 

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4 minutes ago, Arsis said:

Define slightly. I'd say on the scale of Tim Tebow(1) to Peyton Manning(10) I'd rate Lamar Jackson a 4.

I mean, the list of QBs with multiple MVPs is pretty short. Without discussing Lamar - they're all either in the HOF or a lock when eligible.

Peyton Manning - 5
Aaron Rodgers - 4
Tom Brady - 3
Brett Farve - 3
Johnny Unitas - 3
Lamar Jackson - 2
Patrick Mahomes - 2
Joe Montana - 2
Kurt Warner - 2
Steve Young - 2

bonus points if you know the one non-qb who has multiple mvp's without looking it up

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3 minutes ago, Barry McCockinner said:

I mean, the list of QBs with multiple MVPs is pretty short. Without discussing Lamar - they're all either in the HOF or a lock when eligible.

Peyton Manning - 5
Aaron Rodgers - 4
Tom Brady - 3
Brett Farve - 3
Johnny Unitas - 3
Lamar Jackson - 2
Patrick Mahomes - 2
Joe Montana - 2
Kurt Warner - 2
Steve Young - 2

bonus points if you know the one non-qb who has multiple mvp's without looking it up

I don't give a sh*t about Mvps. I was class president twice. What does a popularity contest mean?


Also it's Jim Brown BTW.

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3 hours ago, Barry McCockinner said:

I mean, the list of QBs with multiple MVPs is pretty short. Without discussing Lamar - they're all either in the HOF or a lock when eligible.

Peyton Manning - 5
Aaron Rodgers - 4
Tom Brady - 3
Brett Farve - 3
Johnny Unitas - 3
Lamar Jackson - 2
Patrick Mahomes - 2
Joe Montana - 2
Kurt Warner - 2
Steve Young - 2

bonus points if you know the one non-qb who has multiple mvp's without looking it up


Does it count if I looked it up last week and still remember?

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