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Randall Cobb and Family are lucky to be alive(House Fire)


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2 hours ago, Maynard13 said:

Read up on all this.  Electric cars are the future, for now unless they can come up with something else.  Gas engines are being phased out. They are burning out the ozone.  Gas engines have been around for what, 140 years. Thats all it took to create a sderious concern to the atmosphere.  When Covid hit, NO ONE was driving. It was remarkable how the air cleared up in just the short time cars werent polutting the air.  Nothings perfect, there are positvies and negatives to everything but there has to be adjustments made to preserve life on this planet.  

Bullsh*t.  EVs just burn the same old Hydrocarbons or coal, just out of sight at powerplants. Barring a massive leap in tech, Wind/Solar is 100 years away from being an efficient source, it's all just PR. 


For "clean" vehicles, Hydrogen Cell is the way to go... and until lefty Green-Marxists embrace Nuclear Power for our energy needs (the ******* obvious CLEAN answer), they have ZERO CREDIBILITY. Chernobyl was 40 years ago, and the RBMK Reactor was obsolete then... and 3 Mile Island was overblown to absurd levels. Don't even scream about Fukishima, dudes put a Nuke Power site in a damn Tsunami zone...


Until then, keep strip mining for REE and lithium using child labor, creating new and fun categories of hazmat and keep patting yourselves on the back because you bought a $70k EV that has a really good chance of being engulfed in a fire that current firefighting tactics and equipment can't mitigate .

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43 minutes ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

you bought a $70k EV that has a really good chance of being engulfed in a fire that current firefighting tactics and equipment can't mitigate .

An EV can be purchased for much less than $70k these days.

Define "really good chance." All of the statistics out there show EVs catch fire at a far lower rate than ICE vehicles.

While EV fires are generally difficult to fight, firefighting tactics and strategies are actively being developed across the nation and world. There certainly are ways to mitigate.

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2 hours ago, DoubleDown said:


Define "really good chance." All of the statistics out there show EVs catch fire at a far lower rate than ICE vehicles.

While EV fires are generally difficult to fight, firefighting tactics and strategies are actively being developed across the nation and world. There certainly are ways to mitigate.

Please, tell me about Firefighting Tactics and Strategies, Causes of Fires, and mitigating risks...


Sarcastic Oc GIF

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4 hours ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

Please, tell me about Firefighting Tactics and Strategies, Causes of Fires, and mitigating risks...


Sarcastic Oc GIF

Let it burn while protecting exposures.

Traditional vehicle firefighting with 20,000+ gallons of water.

Portable dunk tanks.

Lifting or positioning vehicle on its side with strategic cooling of battery pack with lower quantities of water.

Puncturing battery casing and flooding with water to prevent or slow thermal runaway. Look up BEST tool for EV fires which has been successful in Europe and is gaining traction in the U.S.

Using foam to smother.

I'm sure there are others.

SOPs are actively being developed and refined around the country. My department is bringing in third party experts to train us at least twice a year in this evolving discipline.

It's certainly not a "can't mitigate" situation like you stated.

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59 minutes ago, The Gun Of Bavaria said:

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In truth tho, their fast response saved not only alot of my "stuff", but more importantly to me and the wife, the lives of all five of my cats.  I will be forever appreciative.

Lesson #1:  A well funded fire department is a great thing.

Lesson #2:  Don't live next to an ignorant dooshbag who smokes alot and likes to throw his butts into his neighbors mulch.    

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12 hours ago, DoubleDown said:

Let it burn while protecting exposures.   No sh*t. Going Defensive Mode on these fires winds up being the correct strategy for any Fire you can't get ahead of. But let's be real. How many total losses have you seen from a standard garage fire? If you're being honest, I bet not many unless you work for a crap FD. You've Highlighted the problem, not solved it.

Traditional vehicle firefighting with 20,000+ gallons of water. LOL - Once again you're Highlighting the problem, not solving it

Portable dunk tanks. - Here's the portable Dunk Tank for your Tesla, sir! LOL

Lifting or positioning vehicle on its side with strategic cooling of battery pack with lower quantities of water. "Engine 4 from Command... uh... go ahead and flip that 4500 lb vehicle on its side while its burning at temperatures above 1300*, copy? "

Puncturing battery casing and flooding with water to prevent or slow thermal runaway. Look up BEST tool for EV fires which has been successful in Europe and is gaining traction in the U.S. Been out for AT LEAST 5 years now... I actually recommended that they be purchased and placed on at least the HazMat/Ops truck when I was on the SOP/SOG Committee... very useful for a Car Fire on a highway or roadway. Doesn't keep houses from burning down

Using foam to smother. AFFF/AR-AFFF has been tried and it doesn't work... 

I'm sure there are others.

SOPs are actively being developed and refined around the country. My department is bringing in third party experts to train us at least twice a year in this evolving discipline.

It's certainly not a "can't mitigate" situation like you stated. You can also "safely" store Fireworks according to certain Standards, but do you recommend people store Explosives in their homes? 

SO yeah, OK....no problem, I'm sure every FD outside of NYC, LA, Phoenix and maybe Dallas will be on board with your answers and fully funded to perform yet another specialized task with new equipment ASAP.... Meanwhile, here's another interesting question... Does your Prevention Division allow people to use extension cords from apartment balconies to charge EV's? I bet they don't. Why?  Forget houses for a moment. Let's look at MFD's (Garden Apartments, low rises, etc.). Currently less than 1% of them have installed appropriate chargers for their communities. Using Tesla as an example, they draw 12-48 Amps while charging (depending on charger and model type). Most Apartment buildings of this type are at around 400A service at a Service voltage of 120/208V (3Ph, 4 wire). What happens when you overload an electrical system? "Investigator Responding..."


The issue is that WHEN these EV/Hybrids burn, well.... here's an interesting Video from one of the last Fires I was involved in Investigating (this one wasn't that hard) that demonstrates what happens when the Swiss Cheese Model lines up wrong. This one was involved in a single vehicle MVC, but still demonstrates the speed and intensity of EV fires.... the HRR of these Li batteries in EV's is far greater than normal combustibles.


This was a Lucid btw, not a Tesla... 

I actually own Tesla Stock and think they're cool looking... but I would NEVER own one or allow one to be parked or charged anywhere near my house, where my Children Sleep.... while the FD "Lets it burn while protecting exposures"...


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37 minutes ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

My whole family was LEO (Great Grandfather, Grandfather, Dad, and 6 uncles) going back to Pre-1900 in New York. All of them that were alive 25 years ago gave me the same advice... "Go to the FD". 

I’ve got my Great Grandfathers NYC academy diploma from 1913. Pretty cool. Eventually became a captain. 

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1 minute ago, Matt39 said:

I’ve got my Great Grandfathers NYC academy diploma from 1913. Pretty cool. Eventually became a captain. 

Awesome! My Great Grandfather was City of Brooklyn PD. LOL.


And my Grandfather "Pop", or "Big Jim Dolan" as he was known as back then, went on the job with NYPD in 1923 after getting out of the Navy. He spent most of his time in the Detective Bureau, finished as an "Inspector" or something. I don't know if that's still a rank in the Department...

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23 hours ago, Maynard13 said:

Read up on all this.  Electric cars are the future, for now unless they can come up with something else.  Gas engines are being phased out. They are burning out the ozone.  Gas engines have been around for what, 140 years. Thats all it took to create a sderious concern to the atmosphere.  When Covid hit, NO ONE was driving. It was remarkable how the air cleared up in just the short time cars werent polutting the air.  Nothings perfect, there are positvies and negatives to everything but there has to be adjustments made to preserve life on this planet.  

If you believe all that stuff.  

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1 hour ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

My whole family was LEO (Great Grandfather, Grandfather, Dad, and 6 uncles) going back to Pre-1900 in New York. All of them that were alive 25 years ago gave me the same advice... "Go to the FD". 


My cousin had similar advice.  He was five or six years older and in the USMC.  He said, "if you are ever thinking of joining the military...talk to me and I will tell you why not to join the Marines".  And this was before a Marine Corps doctor f'd his career by botching a surgery.

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16 minutes ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

If you believe all that stuff.  

This is 'Merica, where we believe kids rubber balloons are a clear and present danger we need big government to immediately stamp down on, but the release of billions of tons of carbon, methane and other gasses are not only not a problem, they're not even an issue.  'Merica! 

I laugh a little, honestly, as a man with no children.  Once I'm gone it won't matter much to me.  It'll be you folks kids and grandkids problem to solve, amongst several others.  Best of luck to them.  

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22 minutes ago, Warfish said:

This is 'Merica, where we believe kids rubber balloons are a clear and present danger we need big government to immediately stamp down on, but the release of billions of tons of carbon, methane and other gasses are not only not a problem, they're not even an issue.  'Merica! 

I laugh a little, honestly, as a man with no children.  Once I'm gone it won't matter much to me.  It'll be you folks kids and grandkids problem to solve, amongst several others.  Best of luck to them.  

Someone should mention this to China!

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8 minutes ago, Warfish said:

This is 'Merica, where we believe kids rubber balloons are a clear and present danger we need big government to immediately stamp down on, but the release of billions of tons of carbon, methane and other gasses are not only not a problem, they're not even an issue.  'Merica! 

I laugh a little, honestly, as a man with no children.  Once I'm gone it won't matter much to me.  It'll be you folks kids and grandkids problem to solve, amongst several others.  Best of luck to them.  

This is 'Merica, where we drink from Plastic Straws to save the planet while our "betters" fly about on Private Planes to get Ice Cream in another City or to travel around the world to speak on... Climate Change - while yelling at us stupid ordinary lil 'ol 'Mericans that WE are ruining the planet... all while ignoring China, India, Russia, Brazil, Indonesia, almost all of Africa... Hell, we changed our nation's Energy Policy because a spoiled 15-year-old autistic rich girl from Sweden cried ffs.


I HATE pollution, as do MOST American Citizens. I HATE the smell of Diesel, I HATE smokestacks pumping out ANY kind of pollutant... but I also like Air Conditioning my home, being able to drive to work (If I can't, then I don't work and don't make money and can't provide for my family - Hmm...) and having the comforts of a modern society. This is a Nation of 350 million people, geographically 4th Largest in area, and top 3 in population and we are doing FAR BETTER than any other in the top 10 as far as limiting pollution and being mindful of emissions. Comparing the United States to Denmark or a nation with the fraction of its size and population is a complete absurdity in regard to ANYTHING, but when it comes to Climate Awareness the United States is doing pretty well. Especially when you remove the absurd inclusion of CO2 as a "pollutant" that is easily counterbalanced by simple regenerative farming practices. And no, "Cow Farts" aren't an issue either, that entire argument is laughably stupid and has been disproved by "Science" over and over again.


Want to really make headway? Then let's start building Nuclear Plants again - seems to work GREAT for France btw. Clean, Zero Emission power. Seems like an easy and doable solution. So WHY don't the "Climate Activists" ever mention it? Why do they fight it in favor of Wind and Solar (May as well be Unicorn Farts and Pixie Dust at current tech levels tbh)? Why deny a tech that solves a HUGE portion of the Clean Energy issue while also NOT denying people in developing nations the comforts and life-giving benefits of a stable power grid? 


Oh, that's right... because it's not really about the "Climate", is it... 

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3 minutes ago, Warfish said:

Everyone is entitled to their opinions.  

As I said, best of luck to your kids, grandkids and beyond.  For better or worse, my genetic line ends with me.  So not my problem either way.

He just kind of teabagged you with facts and then it’s this as usual. 

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Just now, nj meadowlands said:

What facts?  "I hate diesel" and "I think we should build nuclear plants"?

That it’s mostly nonsense because the people who make the rules fly private everywhere anyways and there are other larger countries who will never care. And he’s right about nuclear energy. 

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1 minute ago, Matt39 said:

That it’s mostly nonsense because the people who make the rules fly private everywhere anyways and there are other larger countries who will never care. And he’s right about nuclear energy. 

There might be something to the nuclear idea.  But our world leaders and oligarchs being hypocrite sacks of sh*t doesn't disprove climate change.

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Just now, nj meadowlands said:

There might be something to the nuclear idea.  But our world leaders and oligarchs being hypocrite sacks of sh*t doesn't disprove climate change.

I agree. But there’s nothing we can do about that either.

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Just now, Matt39 said:

I agree. But there’s nothing we can do about that either.

Difference in viewpoints, I guess.  Complacency is a choice just like anything else.  Boomers have ****ed things up a hundred times over and the rest of us are going to have to pay the piper when they expire.  But that's a tangent for another thread :)

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1 minute ago, Matt39 said:

He just kind of teabagged you with facts and then it’s this as usual. 

If you say so.  I could happily reply to his (mostly) political talking points, but why bother?  It's not like it's going to change a single mind here at JN, and teeters far too close to Politics under this site's rules.  I'm not as mad about it or as politically-obsessed with it the way you guys are.  It simply is what it is.

So I'll repeat, everyone is entitled to their opinions.  If you think, as most politically right-wing Americas do these days, that there is no such thing as mankind-caused climate change, cool.  It's your planet, do with it what you will.

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15 minutes ago, nj meadowlands said:

There might be something to the nuclear idea.  But our world leaders and oligarchs being hypocrite sacks of sh*t doesn't disprove climate change.

Never argued otherwise, brother. Before this gets locked or moved, last thing I'll say on it is that we have been told since Algores stupid movie that Climate Change is an exigent threat, that global warming due to climate change is a true and imminent existential threat to all higher life on this planet and if drastic steps aren't taken RIGHT NOW, we will all be dead in... well, Greta said within 5 years... 6 years ago... but most actual credible sources say possibly within 100 years. So, why AREN'T we talking about Nuclear Power? Its emission-free power that has a very small "Carbon Footprint" once its built, and while the issue of storing Nuclear Waste IS a problem, it is neither exigent nor is it an extinction-level issue in any conceivable way. Had people not had the overreactive knee-jerk reaction to 3 Mile Island (Looking at YOU, China Syndrome), we might not even BE in this mess. And once again, THANKS Russia... 


I simply can't take the pundits and bigmouths seriously about this until they say, "You know what, I'm not personally for Nuclear Power, BUT it could help save the planet and still provide reliable energy without sending parts of the world back to the 1870's. If it helps with the climate issue, we should do it and figure out better ways of storing the tiny amount of waste it generates in comparison to the issues we face in degrading our atmosphere and destabilizing our planets climate". 


So... what were we talking about? Oh, right....



Glad Randall Cobb and family are OK. Fires like that are scary for people.


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So, my 6 seater electric golf cart, it's going to catch on fire just because I'm simply charging it?  I've seen the footage of ebikes exploding, not going to act like I understand why.  Do I need to worry about that w/ my golf cart?  I just use a regular old extension cord to charge and it's plugged into a standard outlet that is on the outside of my house.



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32 minutes ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

Had people not had the overreactive knee-jerk reaction to 3 Mile Island (Looking at YOU, China Syndrome), we might not even BE in this mess.

It's definitely because of a movie, not because of Chernobyl and Fukushima and the literal hundreds of "near-miss of meltdowns" that have occurred over the years.  

Electric battery fire v. nuclear plant fire, hmmmmm…..

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