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Is Max hot???


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All I know is that Max was asking me how hot Bitonti was since he happened to miss him Sunday- draw your own conclusions from that.

Cmon that was a good line that I had. After the game Faba tells me that Bitonti stopped by the tailgate but I had already gone into the game. My response was, "So Faba how was he?"

Faba never really did answer that one either.

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Cmon that was a good line that I had. After the game Faba tells me that Bitonti stopped by the tailgate but I had already gone into the game. My response was, "So Faba how was he?"

Faba never really did answer that one either.

i was there ... the sad thing is ..from the gleam in max's eyes, i think he really meant it... and i thought all of this was max acting for the board...

jeepers...then i heard that max is on page 92 and 127 of Gov. Mcgreavy's new book! now it makes sense why he was signing copies at the tailgate!


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i was there ... the sad thing is ..from the gleam in max's eyes, i think he really meant it... and i thought all of this was max acting for the board...

jeepers...then i heard that max is on page 92 and 127 of Gov. Mcgreavy's new book! now it makes sense why he was signing copies at the tailgate!


Greengal why do you really think Max wanted to get close up on the field to all the players? Think about it

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Greengal why do you really think Max wanted to get close up on the field to all the players? Think about it

ya know faba...wheni asked him who he saw... all he said was..."well, i didnt see any of their faces" :shock:

OY! now i understand....

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V has hated me ever since I checked NO on one of her little PM Propositions. She is so bitter and totally doesn't wear rejection well.

Tell the truth. I hated you because you were a blind fool who was mislead by a bunch of flunkies.

And speaking of PMs...

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