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Korheiser is a moron


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He was given the question if he had to choose one team to be a contender against the Patriots and he chose the Steelers. How can you choose the Steelers after they lost to the Jets in every aspect of that game (offense, defense, special teams)??

Errr because he's a mOron? Is that the correct answer? :)

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There is only 1 team that can't beat this Patriot team.

The Patriots.

There isn't a team playing in the NFL right now that can be handpick to beat NE. Nobody matches up with them. They can only beat themselves at this point. If they continue to play the way they are they will go 19-0 all the way to history.

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There is only 1 team that can't beat this Patriot team.

The Patriots.

There isn't a team playing in the NFL right now that can be handpick to beat NE. Nobody matches up with them. They can only beat themselves at this point. If they continue to play the way they are they will go 19-0 all the way to history.

I don't think the Patriots WILL beat themselves. They are too disciplined to do that.

This season is a formality.

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He was given the question if he had to choose one team to be a contender against the Patriots and he chose the Steelers. How can you choose the Steelers after they lost to the Jets in every aspect of that game (offense, defense, special teams)??

Well the answer is simple. Because the Pats are going 16 and 0.

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Before we annoint the 2007 as the greatest of all time let's see a few things.

1) Run the Football. If there is even the tiniest chinks in their armour this is it. Playoffs in January, some foul weather, let's the Pats pass their way through that.

2) Beat The Steelers. Sure they lost to the Jets but I still think that if there is one or two teams that can push the Pats it is this crew. They are physical up front, they run the football and they will throw everything at you defensively.

This is something we find out real soon when these two collide.

I am starting to get that feeling though that the Super Bowl theme will be...

Can the aging gunslinger Brett Favre turn it up one more time and keep the Pats from their redezvous with destiny.

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Before we annoint the 2007 as the greatest of all time let's see a few things.

1) Run the Football. If there is even the tiniest chinks in their armour this is it. Playoffs in January, some foul weather, let's the Pats pass their way through that.

Maroney has been averaging 4.5 yards a carry and Sammy Morris was great before he got injured.

They can run the ball fine. They just don't need to.

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Listening to Kornheiser's comments is exactly like listening to a 9 year-old's comments during a game. Except without the endearment that comes from listening to youthful ignorance.

Very well put.

It's like he's trying to impress people he admires or wants to like him.

Tony fails.

That Eddie George - Boy George reference was one of the worst ever.

I'm disappointed I haven't forgotten it already.

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The NFC is finally starting to close the gap.

I would take Dallas or Green Bay over anyone else in the AFC.

green bay has a shot.

The Packers could beat anyone. Not sure if they will stay this hot, or if Favre will revert back to throwing back breaking picks like he's done in the past.

anyone with this good of a defensive line and corners can beat any team if things break their way. If the Packers make the SB, along with the Pats, its going to look just like the 2001 Superbowl. 2 Touchdown underdog making it interesting into the final minutes.

Except this time it won't be a rookie QB putting them in the lead, it will be a 38 year old has-been.

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The Packers could beat anyone. Not sure if they will stay this hot, or if Favre will revert back to throwing back breaking picks like he's done in the past.

anyone with this good of a defensive line and corners can beat any team if things break their way. If the Packers make the SB, along with the Pats, its going to look just like the 2001 Superbowl. 2 Touchdown underdog making it interesting into the final minutes.

Except this time it won't be a rookie QB putting them in the lead, it will be a 38 year old has-been.

I think Dallas has a better shot at beating New England than Green Bay does.

They hung with the Pats for three quarters when they played earlier this season. No one is going to be able to stop New England's offense, but Dallas has a running game, which can keep the Patriots off the field. All Green Bay has is their passing game offensively. Trying to get into a shootout with the Pats is not a good idea.

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I think Dallas has a better shot at beating New England than Green Bay does.

They hung with the Pats for three quarters when they played earlier this season. No one is going to be able to stop New England's offense, but Dallas has a running game, which can keep the Patriots off the field. All Green Bay has is their passing game offensively. Trying to get into a shootout with the Pats is not a good idea.

being a GB homer i can still see Dallas being the better team to play NE, or GB. It sounds like there will be really good Title games this year. I hope the SB can live up to it.

BTW, GB's running game has come to life, 2 one hundered yard games for Grant, and last week he just missed it by a few yards. One of those 100 yard games was against the Williams boys. I think their starting to get their legs under them.

As Dallas goes...Good luck stopping TO for either team.

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Listening to Kornheiser's comments is exactly like listening to a 9 year-old's comments during a game. Except without the endearment that comes from listening to youthful ignorance.

Korn-holer speaks to you during the game as if he and only he understands. He is also in love with himself and the fact he is sitting in the booth doing something he knows he is not prepared to do. Just ask Joe Theisman.

The only way any team will beat the Pats this year is by:

1. Controlling the line of scrimmage.

2. Run the ball...I mean pound the ball on the ground.

3. Blitz every down with multiple fronts (get Brady on his ass).

4. Go after Moss and hit him hard when he catches a pass.

5. Have an error free coaching game.

6. Have no turnovers.....

Ohhh...I just described when the Jets beat the Pats last year......seriously though if I had too, I'd put my money on Fav-rah and the Packers.....

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Colts if healthy can play with the Pats. Last meeting they were so much faster than NE it was shocking. Unfortunately they will need to travel to NE and their headsets will go out on key drives etc, but if healthy they can play with the Pats.

yeah i hear Kraft will give the MIT grads a share of SB winnings

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Colts if healthy can play with the Pats. Last meeting they were so much faster than NE it was shocking. Unfortunately they will need to travel to NE and their headsets will go out on key drives etc, but if healthy they can play with the Pats.

any team that can apply pressure without blitzing every down will have an ok shot at them. Colts (obviously, as you said though, if healthy), Pittsburgh (despite their loss to us, they are still very good), and the Jags.

Maybe San Diego could pull a game out of their ____, that's assuming they even make the playoffs. NE will have enough trouble getting out of the conference, let alone taking on the Boys, or the Packers.

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