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Report: McNamee lied during 2001 rape case


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According to documents released Tuesday, detectives believe Brian McNamee lied to them during an investigation of a possible rape in Florida in 2001.

Police said Brian McNamee denied having sex with a possibly drugged woman in a hotel pool, even though security guards and other witnesses said they saw him. GHB was found at the scene, and McNamee refused to submit a saliva sample for DNA analysis, the documents said. The incident apparently led to McNamee's termination from the Yankees in 2001, but Roger Clemens went on to hire him as his personal trainer anyway. If damaging McNamee's credability was the goal here, mission accomplished. It certainly doesn't make Clemens look any better, though.

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According to documents released Tuesday, detectives believe Brian McNamee lied to them during an investigation of a possible rape in Florida in 2001.

Police said Brian McNamee denied having sex with a possibly drugged woman in a hotel pool, even though security guards and other witnesses said they saw him. GHB was found at the scene, and McNamee refused to submit a saliva sample for DNA analysis, the documents said. The incident apparently led to McNamee's termination from the Yankees in 2001, but Roger Clemens went on to hire him as his personal trainer anyway. If damaging McNamee's credability was the goal here, mission accomplished. It certainly doesn't make Clemens look any better, though.

ya,,lose lose here night,,,,

from apure legal POV, Pettite gave McNamme credibility when he verified the testimony...I dont know if Andy uinderstood , from a legal POV, what his admission meant to the others McNammee named,,it basically hosed them

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hey that's great. if anyone can come up with a logical non roid reason how Roger CLemens gained 4 MPH on his fastball when he was already an old man, please let us all know.

Is that a proven fact or are you just talking out of your ass like a lot of other people here when they make up things and try to make them facts?

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hey that's great. if anyone can come up with a logical non roid reason how Roger CLemens gained 4 MPH on his fastball when he was already an old man, please let us all know.


I lean towards the side that think Roger did it (steroids). That being said, when did Roget gain 4MPH exactly? I think I missed that one the first time around.


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wow a guy with connections getting away with a disgusting crime. had this been a "normal" person, they cops would've booked him on suspicion of rape--exspecially after finding GHB--and got a warrant (easily, i might add) to take a saliva sample if he refused to give it. sickening (unless my firm was the one that defended him, in that case, justice has been done!).

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hey that's great. if anyone can come up with a logical non roid reason how Roger CLemens gained 4 MPH on his fastball when he was already an old man, please let us all know.

Oh, I guess that is why as he got older his velocity went down?

What the heck are you talking abouit??

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And after that, Clemens and Pettitte were so horrified by this degenerate behavior (Macnamee is in fact married), that they adamantly refused to train with him ever again. Small problem though;they ovecame their revlusion and horror almost the next day and kept training with him nonstop for almost 6 years, right up until summer 2007, after that incident.

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wow a guy with connections getting away with a disgusting crime. had this been a "normal" person, they cops would've booked him on suspicion of rape--exspecially after finding GHB--and got a warrant (easily, i might add) to take a saliva sample if he refused to give it. sickening (unless my firm was the one that defended him, in that case, justice has been done!).

why would they need saliva anyway? get the poolboy to skim the evidence off the top of the pool.

I am absolutely amazed roger is so adamant in denying the charges. his press conference airing a taped phonecall that supposedly only his side knew was being taped did nothing to convince me of his innocence. as much as I dissagree with congress being allowed to get involved in steroid use by grown men & want roger to be innocent. that call was not very convincing.

there was absolutely no need for roger to skirt the issue & flat out ask him " why did you lie? "

it's hard for me to read this any other way than macnamee was faced with a decision to either lie to feds & risk jailtime or rat on the guy who gave him is career & comfortable lifestyle.

the guilt he felt seemed obvious but the feds forced him to tell the truth. Roger is now putting pettite in a tight spot

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his velocity went down, he relied on the split finger more and more, he got FATTER, exactly the same as one, Curt Shilling. same progression, Clemens is just a better talent.

He has the benefit of the doubt from me. McNamee is a POS, and looking to save his own hide.

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