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Who Are Your Top 5 Offseason Targets?


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Who would your top 5 targets be?

I'm not including the draft here BTW, but what we do there (or what we're planning on doing) has a huge impact on what we should look for.

1) Shaun Rogers is the guyI wanted us to go after most (via trade obviously) because he is the type of player we desperately need in the heart of this 3-4. He would be my #1 target right now.

2)LG is still a huge hole, depending on our draft strategy (whether or not we go after Albert) I might like to see us go after Faneca. He is by far the most proven player in free agency and IMO is still an elite LG. He would be a great addition to the team. The only problem is he will seek a lot of coin.

3)I've said all season long I'd like to see us go after D.J Hackett, he's a WR with great potential IMO and provides what we lack, a deep threat who can actually catch the ball. He'd be a solid pickup and a great help for Clemens IMO.

4) I think Clarke Haggans would be a very decent pickup. He's a proven player in the 3-4 and has been very good for Pittsburgh. I think he'd be a great addition in our LB core.

5) A decent Right Tackle. I don't have a clue as to who though.:confused0082:

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As far as free agency who the hell is left ? :P



There are still a lot of quality players who are not under contract.

A handful of guards for example:

OG Justin Smiley (SF) – 26 yrs old; f’ed up his shoulder in Nov though. If healed he’s the best guy available long-term.

OG – Alan Faneca (Pit) – 31 yrs old; not coming off his best season. Was really great once.

OG – Jacob Bell (Ten) – 27 yrs old next mo; don’t know much about him but Ten’s OL was good

OG – Rex Hadnot (Mia) – 26 yrs old; started every single game past 3 yrs in a row. Good size, but I never watched him closely so for all I know he sucks. Had a pretty good line coach down there who chose to keep starting him anyway.

OT (OG?) – Jordan Gross (Car) – 28 yrs old in July; possible move to guard? Seems small for RT to me. Kind of risky to cough up big money for a player only to move him to a different position than his prior one that made his price tag to be at that level in the first place; though clearly it works well sometimes (L.Davis).

We could use a real blocking FB (if there's a point; I mean if BS will use him):

FB – Dan Kreider (Pit) – 31 yrs old next mo; lost starting job, but prob more due to style of FB as he's 1-dimensional. Pittsburgh went with a 225-lb FB.

Short-yardage RB:

RB – TJ Duckett (Det) – 27 yrs old; for short yardage I’d pick him up in a heartbeat.

Right tackles, though OT is one of the deeper positions in this draft:

RT – Sean Locklear (Sea) – 27 yrs old in May; Seattle’s starting RT for past 3 yrs

RT – Max Starks (Pit) – 26 yrs old; lost his starting job last yr; starter on the SB team. Transition tag means nothing to us; all it means is we have to out-bid what the Steelers are willing to give him.

There are some WR's as well, but what we would go after (are we looking for a #1/#2 or a #3) may depend on what we do with Coles. A guy like Bernard Berrian is clearly more talented (and way more $) than someone like Drew Carter. But if we're only looking for a deep threat for 3+WR sets, Carter has major wheels & has been starting. But if we move Coles, a Cotchery/Carter starting tandem would make me throw up.

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I believe Jordan Gross has had the franchise tag slapped on him Sperm.

And, as you said, we now have to see what happens with Coles. If he is moved, we need a starting calibear receiver that we could probably find via the draft, but of the Free Agents out there, there really isn't a proven starter out there.

My Top 5 that are left now would be:

1. Alan Faneca / Justin Smiley / Jacob Bell / Rex Hadnot

2. Bernard Berrian

3. Max Starks

4. Josh McCown / Rex Grossman

5. TJ Duckett

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124 you have got to be kidding me... Berrian is oft injured and has suspect hands. To give him big money to me is scarey as he has proved next to nothing in this league. And he cannot be a priority. McCown and Grossman WHAT! I thought the Jets are trying to get better? hell I would prefer Clemens over both of them. Offensive linemen and defensive linemen..problem with the market being eaten up the Jets will have to be creative/aggressive with trades

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124 you have got to be kidding me... Berrian is oft injured and has suspect hands. To give him big money to me is scarey as he has proved next to nothing in this league. And he cannot be a priority. McCown and Grossman WHAT! I thought the Jets are trying to get better? hell I would prefer Clemens over both of them. Offensive linemen and defensive linemen..problem with the market being eaten up the Jets will have to be creative/aggressive with trades

Berrian oft injured? I thought you were a DJ Hackett supporter? THAT is oft injured my friend.

I like Clemens, you know this, but he needs competition. He did not play well enough where the Jets can just hand him the job going into 2008. He should compete with not only Pennington but with another veteran and McCown and Grossman should both come on the somewhat cheap.

Offensive Lineman? Yes. We need a Left Guard and Right Tackle badly.

Defensive Lineman? No. There are no real 34 DLineman out there right now, sorry to say. Kenyon Coleman is easily a good starter for us, and Shaun Ellis isn't going anywhere, and lets face it, he's not terrible. Dewayne Robertson at NT is the problem but there are no 34 NT's on the free agent market. None. The Jets will have to either stick with Robertson for one more season or give the job outright to Pouha OR draft someone to compete with those two for playing time. Either way, Robertson should be released.

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Actually I am not a supporter of either of those wrs. But at the same time wr position I can care less about if the qb is getting pounded on. As for competition Clemens cannot even beat Chad out that should be enough comp for him.

Since when?

Did you honestly expect him to beat out Pennington coming into 2006? Mangini was not going to start of his career as coach with an unproven 2nd round draft choice and in 2007, after Chad started the entire 2006 season, there was no way Clemens was going to start the season over Pennington. This will be the first real Quarterback competition we've seen since Mangini arrived. The 2006 competition was always favored toward Pennington.

The line will hopefully be addressed with a Left Guard and a Right Tackle. That isn't going to fix this team though. As much protection as you get, you need your receivers to get open and CATCH THE PASSES THAT ARE THROWN TO THEM, unlike Brad Smith and Justin McCareins. The Jets NEED a number three receiver badly.

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after hearing the excuses coming out of Clemens mouth last year you start to wonder..but I agree an open camp would do him some good to prove himself. I just think Chad will be what he is..a natural born leader who will always look good in practice and have great command of the team. An open competition he will win. As for the wr position I agree, if Stuckey is a bust Coles will be even more valuable as I think the Jets have wasted too much time jerking Brad Smith around.

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The problem with Stuckey is, he cannot be judged on just his 2008 performance. It essence, its like his rookie year. He worked with Clemens a lot during the 2007 TC and Preseason, so hopefully his rapport with him will not be too far behind.

That being said, Stuckey needs competition and Smith isn't that much of a competition. It appears he would be better served as a trick play / Special Teams / 5th Wide Receiver guy. The Jets have to bring somebody in. If not Berrian, they have to look to draft a Receiver in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th round.

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I have to go through the list again. We need at least one OG. Bell is probably at the top of my list. Anybody have any feelings about Jake Scott? He's probably a little lanky, but he's been starting for quite some time on a good line and I'm not sure if they are going to pay Clark, Lilja and him. Need an OLB too, so Pace (or Haggans) is a good start, depending on the price. I'd like an OT, WR and CB also, but it's only at guard where I feel we are 100% desperate. Even some crappy older T like Stockard McDougle might hold some value for us, depending on what they think Clement has in the tank. A NT may be necessary if they cannot work with DRob on his contract.

I won't flip if we are starting Bowens, Clement or Poteat next year, but I will if we are starting all of them. If the starting guard is on the roster now they had better perform at an insanely high level or I will be extremely pissed.

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  1. Jacob Bell (I've seen more Titans games than care to admit) he looks solid, very aggressive at LG.
  2. Rex Hadnot...not saying we need both him and Bell but have not seen enough of to pick him over Bell.
  3. Maurice Williams...the JAGS are not expected to resign him...has started at both tackle spots.
  4. Calvin Pace...deep down I think he's the Cards Bryan Thomas...Upped his play just in time for a new contract...but is an upgrade over who we have now. Only reason I pick him over Haggans is age.
  5. Clark Haggans. Familar in 3-4 defense. May come in at decent price (roughly the same numbers as Pace).

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1. Rex Hadnot - the guy is underrated. The Dolphins had good success running the ball last year even after Brown went down with Chatman (who himself is a UFA). He is big and an very good run/drive blocker, the perfect fit between mangold and Ferguson. Would eliminate one ofthe team's gaping holes.

2. Ethan Kelly - I saw him play against the Jets and didnt note much either good or bad. I see him as a stopgap in the event the Jets unload Robertson. A rotation of Puoha, Mosley and Kelly should be adequate until the Jets can develop their own Wilfork (this should be a draft prioirity: Moore or Bryant in the second round, but thats for another thread).

3. Carlos Pace - He's big and was successful in 3-4. Another gigantic Jet need. I worry about the Brian Thomasness of his career arc but beggars cannot be choosers.

4. Benny Sapp - He's fast (good blitzer). Typical Herm has the younger guy ride the pine and fail to develop while KC loses with Law ans Surtain get the reps. Useful player who could compete for meaningful minutes at CB. Allowing the Jets to cut Dyson.

5. Derrick Smith - ILB just cut by SF. This guy was really good until he had an eye injury. SF has Willis and Lawson and not much more budget for the LB corp. But if Smith is healthy he is good - could replace Barton or rotate with, and eliminate any lingering thought of the Jets not trading Vilma.

Supplemental choice: Dan Klecko - For the karma, if nothing else.

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Who would your top 5 targets be?

If these FAs are still around Id like to take a peek at,

RT- M Starks, then T Essex

CB -D Florence

G - J Smiley, then M Williams or J Nesbit

DE - R Bailey

WR - B Johnson or B Berrian

EDIT - Maybe check out Quinn Gray at QB too.

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Berrian oft injured? I thought you were a DJ Hackett supporter? THAT is oft injured my friend.

I like Clemens, you know this, but he needs competition. He did not play well enough where the Jets can just hand him the job going into 2008. He should compete with not only Pennington but with another veteran and McCown and Grossman should both come on the somewhat cheap.

Offensive Lineman? Yes. We need a Left Guard and Right Tackle badly.

Defensive Lineman? No. There are no real 34 DLineman out there right now, sorry to say. Kenyon Coleman is easily a good starter for us, and Shaun Ellis isn't going anywhere, and lets face it, he's not terrible. Dewayne Robertson at NT is the problem but there are no 34 NT's on the free agent market. None. The Jets will have to either stick with Robertson for one more season or give the job outright to Pouha OR draft someone to compete with those two for playing time. Either way, Robertson should be released.

While none of them will be starting in the 2008 Pro Bowl:

- Ethan Kelley

- Ted Washington

- Grady Jackson

- Keith Traylor

- Isaac Sopoaga

are all NT's. All but Grady Jackson played the position in a 3-4 defense but he clearly has the size requisite for the position.

So while it's slim pickings, it's not "none" as you put it. I don't think DRob is a $6-8M/yr upgrade over any of them. At their ages, Washington & Traylor (or even Jackson) might be perfect to sign for a year & split time while we break in a rookie.

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While none of them will be starting in the 2008 Pro Bowl:

- Ethan Kelley

- Ted Washington

- Grady Jackson

- Keith Traylor

- Isaac Sopoaga

are all NT's. All but Grady Jackson played the position in a 3-4 defense but he clearly has the size requisite for the position.

So while it's slim pickings, it's not "none" as you put it. I don't think DRob is a $6-8M/yr upgrade over any of them. At their ages, Washington & Traylor (or even Jackson) might be perfect to sign for a year & split time while we break in a rookie.

Shaun Rogers (who is still pretty young) could also be available via trade. He would be perfect for us IMO.

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I believe Jordan Gross has had the franchise tag slapped on him Sperm.

And, as you said, we now have to see what happens with Coles. If he is moved, we need a starting calibear receiver that we could probably find via the draft, but of the Free Agents out there, there really isn't a proven starter out there.

My Top 5 that are left now would be:

1. Alan Faneca / Justin Smiley / Jacob Bell / Rex Hadnot

2. Bernard Berrian

3. Max Starks

4. Josh McCown / Rex Grossman

5. TJ Duckett

Rex Grossam? TJ Duckett? How mediocre do you want the jets to be?

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Rex Grossam? TJ Duckett? How mediocre do you want the jets to be?

TJ Duckett wouldn't see the field aside from inside the 10 yard line or a 3rd and 1 / 4th and 1 type situation. I like Thomas Jones, and with a decent Offesnive Line he'll run for more than 1,100+, but it would be better for on short yardage situations to have a battering ram to get it and while getting the yard or two to take all the hits that Jones, 30, won't have to endure.

As for Sexy Rexy, he's just competition, him or McCown, for both Pennington and Clemens. Do not want either of those two / three players to be starting, thats for sure.

Well, maybe Sexy Rexy. ;)

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Good post 124 and I agree with both of those pickups. We desperately need a reliable back in short yardage and Duckett would definitely be just that. I saw him in a few games for Detroit this year and he wasn’t bad at all IMO, even between the 20’s I thought he was pretty effective. I think he’d also be a good player to put in clock burning situations, when defenders are tired and worn down the last thing they want is a huge back running at them. I’d love that pickup.

I’ve already expressed that we need some competition for Clemens, I doubt Chad will want to be backup and I think his time is up here so I can’t see him staying, McCown or Grossman though would provide pretty solid competition and would hopefully force Clemens to really step up.

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