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If we sign C.Pace, what would be your thoughts on drafting Gholston?

DWC FloridaJetsFan

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Now that we are in hot pursuit of C.Pace... I would love to bring in C.Pace, he's what alot of 3-4 defenses need, a player who can make plays from the outside. BP's and Tangini all understand that. Now some say if we draft C.Pace that eliminates any hope of drafting V.Gholston, I dont understand why that would be.

Just think about it... If we were to sign C.Pace sometime next week, and draft V.Gholston at #6... Our Defense would be in place to make a SERIOUS run at the playoffs...

Not only would we have a perfect body playing the NT position for our 3-4 Defense in K.Jenkins, who is even larger than V.Wilfork, But we would also have an inside MLB in D.Harris who could have been the defensive ROY last year controling the middle of the field and making plays behind the LOS. With two pass rushing threats on both sides rushing the Quarterback in Pace and Gholston, this Mangini Defense can cause alot of turnovers, pressure the QB, chase down the RB's, make plays and overall, be a feared defense for opposing players and coaches.

We run the 3-4, its important to have that dominating NT... We now have one in Jenkins and Ellis is a perfect LDE in the 3-4, but we would also be full of 3-4 LB's...

Gholston-Barton-Harris-Pace.... With players like B.Thomas for deph

Thats amazing with Coleman, Jenkins and Ellis on the Line

With Rhodes and Revis ballhawking in the secondary

Just think about signing Pace and drafting Gholston... We would have players making plays just about everywhere on the field.

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Now that we are in hot pursuit of C.Pace... I would love to bring in C.Pace, he's what alot of 3-4 defenses need, a player who can make plays from the outside. BP's and Tangini all understand that. Now some say if we draft C.Pace that eliminates any hope of drafting V.Gholston, I dont understand why that would be.

Just think about it... If we were to sign C.Pace sometime next week, and draft V.Gholston at #6... Our Defense would be in place to make a SERIOUS run at the playoffs...

Not only would we have a perfect body playing the NT position for our 3-4 Defense in K.Jenkins, who is even larger than V.Wilfork, But we would also have an inside MLB in D.Harris who could have been the defensive ROY last year controling the middle of the field and making plays behind the LOS. With two pass rushing threats on both sides rushing the Quarterback in Pace and Gholston, this Mangini Defense can cause alot of turnovers, pressure the QB, chase down the RB's, make plays and overall, be a feared defense for opposing players and coaches.

We run the 3-4, its important to have that dominating NT... We now have one in Jenkins and Ellis is a perfect LDE in the 3-4, but we would also be full of 3-4 LB's...

Gholston-Barton-Harris-Pace.... With players like B.Thomas for deph

Thats amazing with Coleman, Jenkins and Ellis on the Line

With Rhodes and Revis ballhawking in the secondary

Just think about signing Pace and drafting Gholston... We would have players making plays just about everywhere on the field.

We sign Pace AND draft Gholston and all of the sudden this is a young defense to be wreckoned with for the next several years. Harris, Revis, Rhodes, Pace, Gholston, Jenkins....that sounds awesome. Very non-Jet like

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We sign Pace AND draft Gholston and all of the sudden this is a young defense to be wreckoned with for the next several years. Harris, Revis, Rhodes, Pace, Gholston, Jenkins....that sounds awesome. Very non-Jet like

Having Jenkins as our 3-4 NT in the middle is HUGE... Not only do we now have that BIG Body beast who demands double teams, we now have an IMLB in David Harris who can scary good. Harris was dominating as a rookie last year, having games with about 18,19,22 tackles... Behind ROBERTSON! Just think about the potential Harris has playing behind a BIG Body player like Jenkins in this 3-4.

If we were to Sign Pace... I would love to draft D.McFadden and look for an outside pass rusher in the 2nd round, but I think our best bet would be to pass on McFadden and bring Gholston to this 3-4 Defense.

Like you said...

Revis, Rhodes, Gholston, Harris, Pace, and Jenkins in the middle would be awsome... Lets not forget players like S.Ellis, B.Thomas, E.Barton and Coleman all helping this team out

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Pace is intriguing, but if the $20 million in guaranteed is correct, I hope they don't get him. That is simply too much for what he has shown so far. I'd rather at least get a starting RT before the end of FA and Gholston with the 1st pick and a WR with the 2nd round.

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I really don't understand what all the hype about Pace is.

He had 6 1/2 sacks last season not 16 1/2. Thomas had 8 1/2 in 06, also his first in the 3-4. last year he had 2.

Sean Ellis, who everyone says sucks, had 5 as a 3-4 DE, who don't usually get sacks.

They are talking about guaranteeing this guy 20 million. For 6 1/2 sacks????

I'd pass on this guy. There are several pass rushers in this draft. A lot cheaper.

I love the Jenkins pick up. Had mixed feeling on the Faneca deal, I wanted Andrews.

Faneca did have 7 straight Pro Bowls, and the Jets desperately need a guard, so I'm good with it.

They are going to give Pace the same kind of money they gave Faneca. How many Pro Bowls has he been to? How many sacks? 6 1/2?

I pass

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I really don't understand what all the hype about Pace is.

He had 6 1/2 sacks last season not 16 1/2. Thomas had 8 1/2 in 06, also his first in the 3-4. last year he had 2.

Sean Ellis, who everyone says sucks, had 5 as a 3-4 DE, who don't usually get sacks.

They are talking about guaranteeing this guy 20 million. For 6 1/2 sacks????

I'd pass on this guy. There are several pass rushers in this draft. A lot cheaper.

I love the Jenkins pick up. Had mixed feeling on the Faneca deal, I wanted Andrews.

Faneca did have 7 straight Pro Bowls, and the Jets desperately need a guard, so I'm good with it.

They are going to give Pace the same kind of money they gave Faneca. How many Pro Bowls has he been to? How many sacks? 6 1/2?

I pass


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If we do sign Pace I still want us to draft Gholston. Our Pass rush needs serious help and there's no way that Bryan Thomas and Calvin Pace are going to provide it alone.

I think we should draft Gholston no matter what, our pass rush is that dire at the moment.

For the record, I don't want us to sign Pace.

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Barton is the weak link in the defense if the LB corps were Gholston-Harris-Pace-Barton old and slow arent we going with the youth movement.

If they don't get anyone else, I would at least try Hobson at ILB. He can't play worse than he does at OLB and he is at least younger than Barton.

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You're not back more than a couple hours and already with 10,000 threads?

No. No. No.


If Calvin Pace is signed, the Jets have no reason to draft Vernon Gholston unless Bryan Thomas is released or traded.

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You're not back more than a couple hours and already with 10,000 threads?

No. No. No.


If Calvin Pace is signed, the Jets have no reason to draft Vernon Gholston unless Bryan Thomas is released or traded.

Why not? Who is going to rush the passer? I don't think they want Rhodes getting all the sacks. It'll only make him more expensive.

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You're not back more than a couple hours and already with 10,000 threads?

No. No. No.


If Calvin Pace is signed, the Jets have no reason to draft Vernon Gholston unless Bryan Thomas is released or traded.

Agree. You have to balance money by position. It is not unlimited. You can't pay a BT to be a backup and releasing or trading him at this point is probably a cap killer. That is why I hope they don't get Pace. I want Gholston.

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Why not? Who is going to rush the passer? I don't think they want Rhodes getting all the sacks. It'll only make him more expensive.

Who is going to rush the passer? Pace and Thomas, the guys the Jets would be dishing out all the big money too. That is the job of the Outside Linebackers in a 34 system. You also have to spread the money out evenly along positions. The Jets still have glaring holes.

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Agree. You have to balance money by position. It is not unlimited. You can't pay a BT to be a backup and releasing or trading him at this point is probably a cap killer. That is why I hope they don't get Pace. I want Gholston.

Agree with this 100%.

Why in the name of Jesus did we have to give Bryan Thomas a new contract???.](*,)

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Who is going to rush the passer? Pace and Thomas, the guys the Jets would be dishing out all the big money too. That is the job of the Outside Linebackers in a 34 system. You also have to spread the money out evenly along positions. The Jets still have glaring holes.

Pace and Thomas will not be a good pass rush I'm afraid.

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Why is everyone so high on Gholston?

I'd rather get Pace, draft a pass rusher in round 2.

Ghoslton was a ghost in the biggest game of his career. He should have dominated, yet he was invisible.

The guy is CLEARLY on roids. With how hard congress is coming down on baseball, I'd be weary of drafting a guy who is so obviously juicing.

I question his passion for the game, it seems to me his is way too inconsistent and dosen't go all out on every play. A work out warrior body building on the juice.

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Who is going to rush the passer? Pace and Thomas, the guys the Jets would be dishing out all the big money too. That is the job of the Outside Linebackers in a 34 system. You also have to spread the money out evenly along positions. The Jets still have glaring holes.

It depends on their cap situation. Pace has not shown any particular ability to rush the passer. We all know what Thomas brings to the table as a pass rusher. I'm not impressed. I'm pretty sure that Pace has also played ILB and could be moved there. I'm sure they aren't looking to keep Barton forever. It would be nice if ten was the sack total for one player rather than the whole team.

I think they are looking at Pace, a swing RT/G O-lineman and CB so that they are able to take whoever is on the top of their board. If their plan is Pace for pass rusher it's a mistake, IMHO. The thing that goes against this theory is why they'd extend guys like Pouha and Kassell (if that was an extension, not a re-signing) before the draft, when they might be looking at replacing them with picks. Not sure if there are rules as to when those deals have to be done.

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IJ and #27, I think you both are confused. I have never said I was in favor of bringing Pace in. I would HATE the move, as I've said everytime. For a point of conversation, I am saying IF that is to happen, the Jets would be stupid and be dumping way, way too much money into the position if they were to take Gholston as well. No need too. Stick with your guns in Pace and Thomas if thats the case, even though I would largely disagree with bringing in a one year wonder in Pace who could be a 2007 Bryan Thomas every year.

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Why is everyone so high on Gholston?

I'd rather get Pace, draft a pass rusher in round 2.

Ghoslton was a ghost in the biggest game of his career. He should have dominated, yet he was invisible.

The guy is CLEARLY on roids. With how hard congress is coming down on baseball, I'd be weary of drafting a guy who is so obviously juicing.

I question his passion for the game, it seems to me his is way too inconsistent and dosen't go all out on every play. A work out warrior body building on the juice.

Just to play devil advocats here....

Gholston has had numerous big time performances in huge games (3 sacks vs michigan this year). Also, his title game performance was not something memorable but seriously, he was not invisible. There were several times when his pressures could have been sacks had the QB not gotten rid of the ball so quickly. He could have easily had 2 or 3 sacks and everyone here would say "oh what a great game he had".

check this video out of his title game performance


And just to clarify, I'm not completely sold on Gholston at all. But there is no denying his potential is second to none at his position (3-4 OLB) in this draft. Not even Chris Long has his potential.

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IJ and #27, I think you both are confused. I have never said I was in favor of bringing Pace in. I would HATE the move, as I've said everytime. For a point of conversation, I am saying IF that is to happen, the Jets would be stupid and be dumping way, way too much money into the position if they were to take Gholston as well. No need too. Stick with your guns in Pace and Thomas if thats the case, even though I would largely disagree with bringing in a one year wonder in Pace who could be a 2007 Bryan Thomas every year.

Nah, I never thought you were high on Pace. Pace is not the type of player that would change my draft strategy. Some people here have praised his cover ability, but other than that I don't see why we'd be so high on the guy. IMO, IF Gholston is tops on our board we take him anyway. We have money at RB, D line and QB too. Hopefully, whoever we draft is going to be a luxury. I have faith Tannebaum is going to leave some space on that cap.

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Nah, I never thought you were high on Pace. Pace is not the type of player that would change my draft strategy. Some people here have praised his cover ability, but other than that I don't see why we'd be so high on the guy. IMO, IF Gholston is tops on our board we take him anyway. We have money at RB, D line and QB too. Hopefully, whoever we draft is going to be a luxury. I have faith Tannebaum is going to leave some space on that cap.

Ditto 124. I was never implying that you were high on Pace.

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i say we trade our 1, robertson and maybe one more to the fins to draft Ryan, with the o/d-line getting upgraded which were more then weaknesses last year and possibly lb, we're now only a qaurterback away from winning a superbowl. If we get Pace, Ryan, draft a corner then that slot reciever from K State we are there.

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