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I can't believe people are seriously considering Chad as an option, he done.


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:rl: Maybe in madden.

You guys crack me up. Chad sh#t the bed this year in every big spot (like he always has) and went 1-9, and he can still lead the Jets to the superbowl? You guys are a cult.

Oh and he has to stay healthy too. LOL.

That was actually pretty funny, well played. I stand by what I said though.

The pieces weren't there when he scored three points against Pittsburgh? What was missing? A very good defense? A solid o-line? a running game? It has been proven that he can not win a Superbowl. I call in to evidence every season since 2002 where he hasn't won a Superbowl. There is always excuses for this chad guy and never any results. He looked good in 02 and backed into the playoffs a few times. So what, that's not that impressive to me. The guy can't throw the ball longer than 5 yards more than once a season.

We just watched what some have labeled one of the greatest QB's in NFL history get pummeled into submission by a very hungry and strong defense. The playoffs are about winning the battles in the trenches and controlling the clock, and having a defense that can smack the other team in the mouth until they give up helps as well.

All I'm, saying is QB play is very important but I don't think it is the be all and end all for a successful franchise. Give Chad a running game, time in the pocket and time for the receivers to get separation along with a punishing defense and Chad becomes a super bowl champ. People keep saying Chad would be great on a team like Minny who has a good defense and a top notch running game, why can't we be the friggin' Minny for Chad? We already paid him the money, he reads defenses like some of the best and, don't stop reading yet because this is important, he has special rapport with our current #1 receiver. Don't throw all that away because Tangini was worried a few years ago that Chad couldn't recover from surgery and they felt they needed to draft a QB.

Take it from a life long Jets fan, you don't want to spend every season looking for a QB because it sucks.

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He still had Cotchery who is a tremendous receiver and besides, Coles isn't even expected to be with the team next season and even if he is he has a concussion problem and will probably miss half the season anyway.

I dont think cotchery "tremendous" he is solid and not a game changer, which is why along with what you stated about coles we need to upgrade our receiving core.

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Im going to be honest...the only reason I open Chad threads still is to see you're response, lol. We'll see who wins the competition in camp. If Clemens cant beat Chad out, then we definately dont want Clemens as QB, and have to look elsewhere for the future IMO.

Agreed. I think the Jets new philosophy should be to draft a qb every other year until we find one that can actually play. Everybody is so stuck on Chad and how he can game manage us to the SB, but how many game managers have ever won the SB? teams with franchise qbs usually win it, not game managers.

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quarterback is the most overrated position dont need an allstar QB to win the SB look at Trent Dilfer, brad johnson(both winner). Rich gannon went so did rex grossman and i think kellen clemens is better then all of them so is chad better then them.


How many SB's have there been and how many dilfers and johnsons have won the superbowl? look at the list and most of the names you will see are Manning, brady, Young, Montana, Aikman ect. So a handful of times a so called game manger has won it, if anything qb is an underrated position.

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Chads play was an absolute joke last year.

Clemens won more games, showed a strong arm, moxie, the ability to scramble, the ability to make late game drives to tie/win the game.

This was with him playing behind the worst line in the NFL, with both his receivers hurt.

Lets not forget the countless drops...

We need to see what the guy can do in a full season.

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That was actually pretty funny, well played. I stand by what I said though.

We just watched what some have labeled one of the greatest QB's in NFL history get pummeled into submission by a very hungry and strong defense. The playoffs are about winning the battles in the trenches and controlling the clock, and having a defense that can smack the other team in the mouth until they give up helps as well.

All I'm, saying is QB play is very important but I don't think it is the be all and end all for a successful franchise. Give Chad a running game, time in the pocket and time for the receivers to get separation along with a punishing defense and Chad becomes a super bowl champ. People keep saying Chad would be great on a team like Minny who has a good defense and a top notch running game, why can't we be the friggin' Minny for Chad? We already paid him the money, he reads defenses like some of the best and, don't stop reading yet because this is important, he has special rapport with our current #1 receiver. Don't throw all that away because Tangini was worried a few years ago that Chad couldn't recover from surgery and they felt they needed to draft a QB.

Take it from a life long Jets fan, you don't want to spend every season looking for a QB because it sucks.

My whole point was that he had all of those things in the Pittsburgh game and he **** the bed. Unless you are saying he didn't have all of those pieces that year. Special teams and Defense scored 4 times as many points as his offense did. Didn't Curtis win the rushing title that year? didn't we have a very strong o-line? Didn't we have a strong defense? If he had all of those thing 4 years ago and **** the bed, what makes you think he is capable of doing it now. His offense produced one field goal and two 45 yard field goal attempts.

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Chad has proven he can get 10 wins. Clemens has proven he can get 2 wins.

Chad proved this when? 2 years ago. Chad proved he could also get 1 win, Chad proved he can't play a full season to save his life. Clemens also proved he can get 3 wins. He proves he can get more wins than chad can.

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With the way the team is being revamped right now I don't see how the coach can put out Clemens to screw up the season and learn on the job. All the excuses for him last year, except for one - youth, all apply to Chad as well.

Chad can game-manage this team to a super bowl if the pieces are in place and I truly believe that right now some key pieces are being put into place.

Clemens would probably get us another 4-12/5-11 type season next year while he learns how to be an NFL QB. While he may not have the strongest arm or be everyone's favorite, Chad already is one.

How do you figure that half of the games we lost we were winning until CHAD threw an INT of forced a stupid turnover. chad is our cancer!! just face guys we need youth on our side.

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How do you figure that half of the games we lost we were winning until CHAD threw an INT of forced a stupid turnover. chad is our cancer!! just face guys we need youth on our side.

No actually most of Chads INT's came when we were losing.

The only one that would fit your description is the NYG game which was just horrifying.

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I'm not sure why but this post makes me want to start rooting for Chad again.:shock:

I hate chad and think he is done. I'm also not big on the qb's coming out this year. I don't like Clemens but I also don't dislike him. I'd rather give the kid a shot, assuming he wins the job in camp then go with chad(I couldn't winthe superbowl with the afc pro bowl team) pennington

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First of all, get Firefox. It has a spell check built it. I'm not a grammar **** or anything like that. It's just very saddening to me to see someone misspell "Because" and "Embarrassing". I don't mean this as an insult. English is obviously not your first language and I'm only trying to help.

He doesn't have the arm strenght, he doesn't have the mobility, his accuracy isn't as good as it used to be

You spelled strength wrong. Just trying to help.

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You spelled strength wrong. Just trying to help.

Ahaha, you got me there. I really wasn't trying to be mean though. It's just bad when they are obviously misspellings and not typo's. I was just tying to recommend a solution that could help him. I also happen to be a very ****ty typist which leads to a lot of typos. Thanks for the help though, I appreciate it. Grammar/typo ****.

Also Chad has a noddle arm and sucks and should not play.

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He done? You've been listening to too many White Sox games, haven't you?

If Kellen can't beat out Chad in training camp, we need another QB, STAT!

I hope that the camp competition is basd on performance and not the Chad has the experience bs.

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Give Chad a running game, time in the pocket and time for the receivers to get separation along with a punishing defense and Chad becomes a super bowl champ.

I don't know about Super Bowl champ, but I do believe Chad can still be effective behind a solid OL with a strong running game. He's still one of the best play action guys in the league, but that's not worth anything if you can't run the football.

That said...

Clemens won more games, showed a strong arm, moxie, the ability to scramble, the ability to make late game drives to tie/win the game.

This was with him playing behind the worst line in the NFL, with both his receivers hurt.

Lets not forget the countless drops...

We need to see what the guy can do in a full season.

I agree with this. I think they have to go with Clemens. You know what you have with Chad; a relatively low ceiling. They need to find out if Clemens can take the next step, or if he's gonna be just another guy.

I saw what nico saw last year. A lot of grit, moxie, and determination to go along with a strong arm and the ability to scramble. He looks to me like the kind of guy who can win games without looking too pretty doing it, and I'll take that. It has to be his job to lose. You can't judge him based on the offense he was asked to run last year. Bad OL, Coles hurt much of the time, Justin McCariens on the field...

I think both QB's should be better this year based simply on an improved OL. Hopefully a TE and/or WR upgrade is in the cards for the draft, too. But Clemens has to be the choice.

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Chads play was an absolute joke last year.

Clemens won more games, showed a strong arm, moxie, the ability to scramble, the ability to make late game drives to tie/win the game.

This was with him playing behind the worst line in the NFL, with both his receivers hurt.

Lets not forget the countless drops...

We need to see what the guy can do in a full season.

This is the truth, kellen won more games with less than chad. Give kellen both receivers and an o-line and he wins 7 games last year. Give chad an oline and both receivers and he wins 2. Guess what team he beats twice.

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This is the truth, kellen won more games with less than chad. Give kellen both receivers and an o-line and he wins 7 games last year. Give chad an oline and both receivers and he wins 2. Guess what team he beats twice.

at first I just thought you were playing devils advocate..but after that statement, you must be related to KC...Joe Namath wouldn't have won 7 games with that team last year

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at first I just thought you were playing devils advocate..but after that statement, you must be related to KC...Joe Namath wouldn't have won 7 games with that team last year

I think he(Namath) would have won more than 7 games on that team. I think the Jets had a shot to win almost every game they played last year and lost more then a few games because of poor execution/dropped passes. I think a better QB gets at least 6 wins out of that team. I think that if J-mac could catch Kellen would have gotten two more wins out of that team. Which would have been a total of 5 wins for him. I trying to argue a point, so of course I'm going to exaggerate. I'm not related to Kellen, I just hate Chad. I would be rooting for anyone not named chad if they were the backup here. Unless they flat out sucked.

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If Chad wins the super bowl for the Jets I will get his full name tattooed on my penis. Since I have a tiny penis it will have to go like this







Funniest thing I've read here in a week. The other was when I was looking in the thread archives & found one that said Max was going to run a 10-mile race.


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I AM ,But Chad still Sucks

Sorry I know the truth hurts,Kellen will be our starter in 08.

First of all, get Firefox. It has a spell check built it. I'm not a grammar **** or anything like that. It's just very saddening to me to see someone misspell "Because" and "Embarrassing". I don't mean this as an insult. English is obviously not your first language and I'm only trying to help.

Now on to football. You do know that kellen won more games than chad did last year, right? You do know how many 4th quarter int's he threw, right? No one is changing their minds(like women? really, that is just beyond sexist) people are just tired of seeing chad get injured and not get it done. The man has been the starting qb since 02 and has done nothing to make anyone believe he can win a superbowl. The man can't even throw an out pattern without getting picked off. He doesn't have the arm strenght, he doesn't have the mobility, his accuracy isn't as good as it used to be, he has had two career ending type injuries which says a lot for his toughness but not a lot for his durability and the condition of his shoulder. Anyone who still feels chad can win a superbowl is drinking some sort of koolaid.

LOL not even gonna bother to read all that bro. the world had become a Texting world. so somtimes i short words.. if you don't get it, don't read what I post, I could care less. you sound like a putz, no real opinion, just try to take cheap shots like SEXIST LoL.. blah blah blah. yadda yadda yadda, your not really worth it.

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LOL not even gonna bother to read all that bro. the world had become a Texting world. so somtimes i short words.. if you don't get it, don't read what I post, I could care less. you sound like a putz, no real opinion, just try to take cheap shots like SEXIST LoL.. blah blah blah. yadda yadda yadda, your not really worth it.[/quote]

you would be worth it ,if you posted more than once a Month ........NEXT!!!

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LOL not even gonna bother to read all that bro. the world had become a Texting world. so somtimes i short words.. if you don't get it, don't read what I post, I could care less. you sound like a putz, no real opinion, just try to take cheap shots like SEXIST LoL.. blah blah blah. yadda yadda yadda, your not really worth it.

Okay, I'll agree I was taking a few cheap shots. I don't see anything wrong with a few subtle jabs here and there as long as you keep it clean and respectful and good-natured. I think saying I have no real opinion is false. I have a strong opinion and that opinion is that Chad pennington can not win a super bowl. That he has had many chances to and has done nothing but blow them. He scored 3 points against Pittsburgh and only got them close enough for a 45 and 49 yard field goal attempt, in the worst stadium to kick field goals BTW. He is injury prone, has a weak arm and is unable to lead a comback when they are down by even 3 points. The world is not a texting world and I'm sorry you have a short attention span but for your beneifit I'll sum up my position to one sentence:


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I think he(Namath) would have won more than 7 games on that team. I think the Jets had a shot to win almost every game they played last year and lost more then a few games because of poor execution/dropped passes. I think a better QB gets at least 6 wins out of that team. I think that if J-mac could catch Kellen would have gotten two more wins out of that team. Which would have been a total of 5 wins for him. I trying to argue a point, so of course I'm going to exaggerate. I'm not related to Kellen, I just hate Chad. I would be rooting for anyone not named chad if they were the backup here. Unless they flat out sucked.

and they dropped as many passes thrown by Chad...both QB's had the same crappy surrounding cast...Clemens isn't the answer, the QB we need isn't on this team yet

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