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Eric Mangini and Mike Tannebaum may have dug their grave


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I have been a Jets fan for over 15 years now, and I have never seen the Jets have a more active offseason....

That being said, was this what we have all been waiting for?

I don't think we are going to see Woody Johnson spend big money for a looong time...

Tangini broke the bank and came up with Alan Faneca, Kris Jenkins, Calvin Pace, and Damien Woody.... I don't know if I would put my eggs in that basket...

I support the Alan Faneca signing 100% as I believe he is a premium at a position of needs... Everything else gets a big thumbs down though...

Kris Jenkins is not worth the money he is getting let alone the 3rd and 5th round picks we gave up for him. The guy was reportedly weighed in at 390 last year... Think Corey Simon

Calvin Pace's contract is absoloutley ridiculous.. The guy has had one solid season... He looks like a BT clone.. HUGE risk

Damien Woody??? Wasn't this guy a HUGE bust in Detroit? I thought he ate himself out of the leauge or something? How is it that we actually gave this guy a bigger contract than Detorit gave him in the prime of his career??

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Who ever started this topic you diged your own grave on this web site. Mangini has by far impressed me his first season with what he had than any coach *even fatcells* has ever had. Mangini is getting the guys he needs on this team to win. Our players are pumped about this season.

If you want to come back from a 4-12 season you have to get rid of garbage and thats what we did

Clements Berlin Wall is gone

Clarkes fat junk is gone

Justin Mcburgers is gone

Those guys alone could of made impacts with Justin droping game tieing or wining TD's against the Ravens or Clarke letting Wilfork neither torn Kellen's ribs apart or Clements just a waste of money getting bullruned every year.

Jets fans are use to losing and its not right. You want a winning team you got to belive in the system. You cant expect Mangini come in after 2 season and bring you the Superbowl Ring that we been waiting for 39 years.

Our time will come and when it does we'll be the Yanks of the late 90's and get our championships.

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Who ever started this topic you diged your own grave on this web site. Mangini has by far impressed me his first season with what he had than any coach *even fatcells* has ever had. Mangini is getting the guys he needs on this team to win. Our players are pumped about this season.

If you want to come back from a 4-12 season you have to get rid of garbage and thats what we did

Clements Berlin Wall is gone

Clarkes fat junk is gone

Justin Mcburgers is gone

Those guys alone could of made impacts with Justin droping game tieing or wining TD's against the Ravens or Clarke letting Wilfork neither torn Kellen's ribs apart or Clements just a waste of money getting bullruned every year.

Jets fans are use to losing and its not right. You want a winning team you got to belive in the system. You cant expect Mangini come in after 2 season and bring you the Superbowl Ring that we been waiting for 39 years.

Our time will come and when it does we'll be the Yanks of the late 90's and get our championships.

We are supposed to rebuild through the draft... We cant do that with the waterboy and the accountant throwing away draft picks like they are Britney Spears posters..

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We are supposed to rebuild through the draft... We cant do that with the waterboy and the accountant throwing away draft picks like they are Britney Spears posters..

I am confused, why would people throw away Britney Spears posters?

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We are supposed to rebuild through the draft... We cant do that with the waterboy and the accountant throwing away draft picks like they are Britney Spears posters..

We should have traded Clement, Clarke and Jmac for a Britney Spears' poster.

Wait, What is your point? :confused:

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We are supposed to rebuild through the draft... We cant do that with the waterboy and the accountant throwing away draft picks like they are Britney Spears posters..

I understand that but we have no LEADERS. Mangold was doing good last season because he had a Vet a leader of the offense of line that gave him tips and gave him advice and worked with. Mangold was good last season easly our best offense of linemen but he needs Fananca and so those the rest of out Young Offense of linemen.

There comes a time when you need to get big time leadership on your team. Just look at what the Giants did last season.

Strathan played 17 NFL seasons

Sam Madison played over 10 NFL seasons

Antiono Pierce

And the list goes on. The guys the NFL network all called old guys and need to retire.

Madison one time in his carrrer was a shutdown CB if you dont remember when he was shuting out best WR's out or when Strathan broke the NFL single season sack record or when Pierce was a monster the last 3 seasons.

You bluid through the draft yes look at what we have.

Leon,Brad Smith,Brick,Mangold,Revis and if im missing anymore please name them...

All draft players that Mangini picked up and your worrying about his coaching and personal chooses after 2 seasons give me a break

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I have been a Jets fan for over 15 years now, and I have never seen the Jets have a more active offseason....

That being said, was this what we have all been waiting for?

I don't think we are going to see Woody Johnson spend big money for a looong time...

Tangini broke the bank and came up with Alan Faneca, Kris Jenkins, Calvin Pace, and Damien Woody.... I don't know if I would put my eggs in that basket...

I support the Alan Faneca signing 100% as I believe he is a premium at a position of needs... Everything else gets a big thumbs down though...

Kris Jenkins is not worth the money he is getting let alone the 3rd and 5th round picks we gave up for him. The guy was reportedly weighed in at 390 last year... Think Corey Simon

Calvin Pace's contract is absoloutley ridiculous.. The guy has had one solid season... He looks like a BT clone.. HUGE risk

Damien Woody??? Wasn't this guy a HUGE bust in Detroit? I thought he ate himself out of the leauge or something? How is it that we actually gave this guy a bigger contract than Detorit gave him in the prime of his career??

ok JENKINS IS A PLAYER...a Pro Bowler.. a hard working dedicated, team oriented guy. I rather have players liek him on the team then people like COLES... Dwayne Robertson wasnt the answer either at DT.. Jenkins presence alone makes everyone better

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Im talking about Mangini's draft players not the one's sperman drafted.

Nugent was drafted by Sperman at #2 round

Mangini knows how to coach and as soon as were playing IMPROVED football you'll see that were lucky to have him around and not Mike Tice *the guy that we would of ended up if Mangini was not in the picture*

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I have been a Jets fan for over 15 years now, and I have never seen the Jets have a more active offseason....

That being said, was this what we have all been waiting for?

I don't think we are going to see Woody Johnson spend big money for a looong time...

Tangini broke the bank and came up with Alan Faneca, Kris Jenkins, Calvin Pace, and Damien Woody.... I don't know if I would put my eggs in that basket...

I support the Alan Faneca signing 100% as I believe he is a premium at a position of needs... Everything else gets a big thumbs down though...

Kris Jenkins is not worth the money he is getting let alone the 3rd and 5th round picks we gave up for him. The guy was reportedly weighed in at 390 last year... Think Corey Simon

Calvin Pace's contract is absoloutley ridiculous.. The guy has had one solid season... He looks like a BT clone.. HUGE risk

Damien Woody??? Wasn't this guy a HUGE bust in Detroit? I thought he ate himself out of the leauge or something? How is it that we actually gave this guy a bigger contract than Detorit gave him in the prime of his career??

At least come up with something new. All this has been said multiple times already.

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We are supposed to rebuild through the draft... We cant do that with the waterboy and the accountant throwing away draft picks like they are Britney Spears posters..

Even though you're probably a troll, no reason you can't rebuild through the draft AND free agency. Are you really whining about giving up a 3 and a 5 for a DT of Jenkins' caliber?

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I have been a Jets fan for over 15 years now, and I have never seen the Jets have a more active offseason....

That being said, was this what we have all been waiting for?

I don't think we are going to see Woody Johnson spend big money for a looong time...

Sadly, you're probably right. But I can't complain, they did decently..

I support the Alan Faneca signing 100% as I believe he is a premium at a position of needs...


Kris Jenkins is not worth the money he is getting let alone the 3rd and 5th round picks we gave up for him. The guy was reportedly weighed in at 390 last year... Think Corey Simon

I believe there is a weight clause in his contract, which should nullify some of that risk...

Calvin Pace's contract is absoloutley ridiculous.. The guy has had one solid season... He looks like a BT clone.. HUGE risk

It is, and I don't get it honestly. People have said that you overpay in FA. True.. but this is beyond overpayment.

Here's the thing to keep in mind. We know that Tangini can recognize and follow through on a good acquisition: Jenkins, Faneca, for example. So they probably know something about this guy that they like.

Once you learn how to ride a bike, you know how to ride it forever even if you have a flat or bump into something now and then. Once a FO makes a great decision, they might make mistakes but it's not likely they are going to make colossal failures. I'm going to try to trust Tangini on this one as hard as it is.

Damien Woody??? Wasn't this guy a HUGE bust in Detroit? I thought he ate himself out of the leauge or something? How is it that we actually gave this guy a bigger contract than Detorit gave him in the prime of his career??

I heard Woody played 6 games at RT last season without allowing a single sack. Also I think there is a weight clause on his contract as well.

You forgot to mention we picked up Richardson for a year, and for only 1 mil to boot! Great acquisition there.

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Not making big moves during FA would have been digging their own grave.

What's the alternative? Keep on going with a bunch of revolving doors as an O-line? And a NT that couldn't tie up two smurfs? We only have so many draft picks per year you know.

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Not making big moves during FA would have been digging their own grave.

What's the alternative? Keep on going with a bunch of revolving doors as an O-line? And a NT that couldn't tie up two smurfs? We only have so many draft picks per year you know.

I disagree. Another 3 or 4 drafts and we would have been set to compete for a WC.

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I understand that but we have no LEADERS. Mangold was doing good last season because he had a Vet a leader of the offense of line that gave him tips and gave him advice and worked with. Mangold was good last season easly our best offense of linemen but he needs Fananca and so those the rest of out Young Offense of linemen.

There comes a time when you need to get big time leadership on your team. Just look at what the Giants did last season.

Strathan played 17 NFL seasons

Sam Madison played over 10 NFL seasons

Antiono Pierce

And the list goes on. The guys the NFL network all called old guys and need to retire.

Madison one time in his carrrer was a shutdown CB if you dont remember when he was shuting out best WR's out or when Strathan broke the NFL single season sack record or when Pierce was a monster the last 3 seasons.

You bluid through the draft yes look at what we have.

Leon,Brad Smith,Brick,Mangold,Revis and if im missing anymore please name them...

All draft players that Mangini picked up and your worrying about his coaching and personal chooses after 2 seasons give me a break

This is an old Girl Scout commercial-WE NEED LEADERS.Love the peanut butter cookies, but the diet...I digress.

Building through the draft is great. But they have a ton of cap room. The rules allow and encourage you to sign players in free agency. Why are you making this argument? It's like arguing for the repealing the cap and expanidng the rosters back to 1970s levels with teams stockpiling talent(or an uncapped year when the Jets' huge comparative resources would make them bigger FA market players?). Whether you like how players are acquired is really immaterial. This is how it's done. There are no points in the standings for drafted talent. And newsflash based on your Jints stuff-Sam Madison was a free agent. Does this mean they have to give back the Lombardi in your rulebook?

What really does LEADER mean? It's sportwriter crap, like "chemistry". Eli Manning was a still a lousy QB as far back as November,but he got the job done when it mattered. whether he was a LEADER is irrelevant; He was the same guy, the same talent, but he got the job done. Strahan is a good, may be HoF DE. But he's been a whiny guy with a history of contract nonsense, disputes with Coughlin and Barber, and holdouts. In an NFL career, I think guys should bleed teams white given how short their careers are. So it's not a knock, just reality. What exactly about Strahan bespeaks leadership? The only thing that matters is he plays at a high level, and once he stops playing at a high level he'll be gone. Or ridiculously overpaid by the KC Chiefs and Herman Edwards.

Mr. Serby, go back to writing "THE JETS OR GIANTS WILL WIN THE SUPER BOWL OR GO 0-16" and leave the posting to people with brains.

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This is an old Girl Scout commercial-WE NEED LEADERS.Love the peanut butter cookies, but the diet...I digress.

Building through the draft is great. But they have a ton of cap room. The rules allow and encourage you to sign players in free agency. Why are you making this argument? It's like arguing for the repealing the cap and expanidng the rosters back to 1970s levels with teams stockpiling talent(or an uncapped year when the Jets' huge comparative resources would make them bigger FA market players?). Whether you like how players are acquired is really immaterial. This is how it's done. There are no points in the standings for drafted talent. And newsflash based on your Jints stuff-Sam Madison was a free agent. Does this mean they have to give back the Lombardi in your rulebook?

What really does LEADER mean? It's sportwriter crap, like "chemistry". Eli Manning was a still a lousy QB as far back as November,but he got the job done when it mattered. whether he was a LEADER is irrelevant; He was the same guy, the same talent, but he got the job done. Strahan is a good, may be HoF DE. But he's been a whiny guy with a history of contract nonsense, disputes with Coughlin and Barber, and holdouts. In an NFL career, I think guys should bleed teams white given how short their careers are. So it's not a knock, just reality. What exactly about Strahan bespeaks leadership? The only thing that matters is he plays at a high level, and once he stops playing at a high level he'll be gone. Or ridiculously overpaid by the KC Chiefs and Herman Edwards.

Mr. Serby, go back to writing "THE JETS OR GIANTS WILL WIN THE SUPER BOWL OR GO 0-16" and leave the posting to people with brains.

Whoa boy you know noting about football if you think LEADERSHIP is not needed in a team or does not exist. I played football for 8 years you need players that know more than the other person and share that information. What are you talking about you dont need leadership in a team man????

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I have been a Jets fan for over 15 years now, and I have never seen the Jets have a more active offseason....

That being said, was this what we have all been waiting for?

I don't think we are going to see Woody Johnson spend big money for a looong time...

Tangini broke the bank and came up with Alan Faneca, Kris Jenkins, Calvin Pace, and Damien Woody.... I don't know if I would put my eggs in that basket...

I support the Alan Faneca signing 100% as I believe he is a premium at a position of needs... Everything else gets a big thumbs down though...

Kris Jenkins is not worth the money he is getting let alone the 3rd and 5th round picks we gave up for him. The guy was reportedly weighed in at 390 last year... Think Corey Simon

Calvin Pace's contract is absoloutley ridiculous.. The guy has had one solid season... He looks like a BT clone.. HUGE risk

Damien Woody??? Wasn't this guy a HUGE bust in Detroit? I thought he ate himself out of the leauge or something? How is it that we actually gave this guy a bigger contract than Detorit gave him in the prime of his career??

I'd say the only really bad signing the Jets had this off-season was Pace. We both agree the O-line desperately needed Faneca.

Jenkins I'm going to disagree with you. The Jets finally have a real Nose Tackle on the roster. I don't know what the big deal is about his weight. With NT's the bigger the better or would you rather have another undersized scrub like Robertson?

If Woody can stay healthy he's a significant upgrade over Clement at RT. I'd rather have Woody playing RG and the Jets drafting Cherilus in round 2 - that would REALLY SOLIDIFY THE LINE.

Overall this is make a break season for this regime-which is why I beleive we can't go into next season with just Kellen Clemens at the qb position. If Mangini doesn't win at least 8 games next season he really sucks as a coach and deserves to be fired.

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I dont understand Jets fans sometimes. They are the hardest fans to convice anything we can get L.T and they'll still be convice that our season is going to be left for dead.

Im not going to bother anymore with this topic im not going to covice anyone in here to belive my words. But gosh if your not convice the Jets did not fill there biggest holes

LG,RT,DT,LOLB And FB then your blind but im done here

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I dont understand Jets fans sometimes. They are the hardest fans to convice anything we can get L.T and they'll still be convice that our season is going to be left for dead.

Im not going to bother anymore with this topic im not going to covice anyone in here to belive my words. But gosh if your not convice the Jets did not fill there biggest holes

LG,RT,DT,LOLB And FB then your blind but im done here

You can't blame Jets fans for being negative. Even when the FO makes a couple good moves.

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You can't blame Jets fans for being negative. Even when the FO makes a couple good moves.

Im not im just saying i mean it just sounds like they rather have justin mcdropins, Clements and Clarke playing for us in 08 then Jenkins,Fanaca and Pace and Woody. I mean which side would you pick ? 07 group or 08 group?

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Im not im just saying i mean it just sounds like they rather have justin mcdropins, Clements and Clarke playing for us in 08 then Jenkins,Fanaca and Pace and Woody. I mean which side would you pick ? 07 group or 08 group?

Obviously the '08 group. I think for the most part Tangini has done a great job this off-season.

The Pace signing definitely deserves all the criticism it's getting. The Jets overpaid for Woody too but at least he's been a good player for a longer amount of time.

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Obviously the '08 group. I think for the most part Tangini has done a great job this off-season.

The Pace signing definitely deserves all the criticism it's getting. The Jets overpaid for Woody too but at least he's been a good player for a longer amount of time.

Jeff Garica had his bad in Deriot and look what he did in Tampa and Philly. Lions dont know how to bluid a team. If they have a 3-4 defense they would get a guy that played in Tampa Cover 2 Defense

If they needed a small slot WR they would pick up the Tallest WR in the first round. What team drafts 3 WR's 3 years in a row? come on offense is not everything you need a team not a offense to win.

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Whoa boy you know noting about football if you think LEADERSHIP is not needed in a team or does not exist. I played football for 8 years you need players that know more than the other person and share that information. What are you talking about you dont need leadership in a team man????
Guy held up the Jints and Strahan as an example of leadership. That is beyond laughable. Yes, a football team needs people going in the same direction working toward a common goal. But really up until the last month of the season, the Jints, were not exactly brimming with leadership. You can have all that intangible nonsense like leadership, character and chemistry, but if you don't have talent and a good coach, BFD; you anre't winning anything. By all means, show me the great team with bad intangible leadership, character and chemistry, or the last place club with great intangible leadership, character and chemistry. Either way, it's stuff sportwriters and gullible fans make up and latch onto after the fact. Heck, Kotite wins one game with the same players Parcells almost gets to the playoffs with in 1997; did the entirety of the team get personality transplants, or did the intangible leadership, character and chemistry change in the 40+ holdovers in a matter of months?
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Guy held up the Jints and Strahan as an example of leadership. That is beyond laughable. Yes, a football team needs people going in the same direction working toward a common goal. But really up until the last month of the season, the Jints, were not exactly brimming with leadership. You can have all that intangible nonsense like leadership, character and chemistry, but if you don't have talent and a good coach, BFD; you anre't winning anything. By all means, show me the great team with bad intangible leadership, character and chemistry, or the last place club with great intangible leadership, character and chemistry. Either way, it's stuff sportwriters and gullible fans make up and latch onto after the fact. Heck, Kotite wins one game with the same players Parcells almost gets to the playoffs with in 1997; did the entirety of the team get personality transplants, or did the intangible leadership, character and chemistry change in the 40+ holdovers?

So Strathan,Madison,Pierce,Toomer, Fred Robins are not leaders? please i can name a bunch of more leaders from the Giants i like.

Just because they talk smack that means they are not leaders? Look at what the media does to them for the last 6 weeks of the playoffs NO ONE picked them and then they won they talked they never talked before the game besides Plex. But Giants back up there talk and thats why they won.

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I have been a Jets fan for over 15 years now, and I have never seen the Jets have a more active offseason....

That being said, was this what we have all been waiting for?

I don't think we are going to see Woody Johnson spend big money for a looong time...

Tangini broke the bank and came up with Alan Faneca, Kris Jenkins, Calvin Pace, and Damien Woody.... I don't know if I would put my eggs in that basket...

I support the Alan Faneca signing 100% as I believe he is a premium at a position of needs... Everything else gets a big thumbs down though...

Kris Jenkins is not worth the money he is getting let alone the 3rd and 5th round picks we gave up for him. The guy was reportedly weighed in at 390 last year... Think Corey Simon

Calvin Pace's contract is absoloutley ridiculous.. The guy has had one solid season... He looks like a BT clone.. HUGE risk

Damien Woody??? Wasn't this guy a HUGE bust in Detroit? I thought he ate himself out of the leauge or something? How is it that we actually gave this guy a bigger contract than Detorit gave him in the prime of his career??

Find Mad Mike. Get to know him. He's good people.

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Even though you're probably a troll, no reason you can't rebuild through the draft AND free agency. Are you really whining about giving up a 3 and a 5 for a DT of Jenkins' caliber?

Correct and especially since until the DRob trade got called off I believe we had actually GAINED a pick in the process of the trades and signings.

Continuing to rely on banged up square pegs in a 3-4 scheme and the draft to solve our issues would not have been smart coming off of a 4-12 season. No guaratee the moves will pan out but as a fan who like W's on Sunday, I am glad the FO is out there trying.

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I have been a Jets fan for over 15 years now, and I have never seen the Jets have a more active offseason....

That being said, was this what we have all been waiting for?

I don't think we are going to see Woody Johnson spend big money for a looong time...

Tangini broke the bank and came up with Alan Faneca, Kris Jenkins, Calvin Pace, and Damien Woody.... I don't know if I would put my eggs in that basket...

I support the Alan Faneca signing 100% as I believe he is a premium at a position of needs... Everything else gets a big thumbs down though...

Kris Jenkins is not worth the money he is getting let alone the 3rd and 5th round picks we gave up for him. The guy was reportedly weighed in at 390 last year... Think Corey Simon

Calvin Pace's contract is absoloutley ridiculous.. The guy has had one solid season... He looks like a BT clone.. HUGE risk

Damien Woody??? Wasn't this guy a HUGE bust in Detroit? I thought he ate himself out of the leauge or something? How is it that we actually gave this guy a bigger contract than Detorit gave him in the prime of his career??

Actually, Pace's contract is not unreal. In actuality, it's a 1 yr "prove it or lose it" deal. He performs, they give him his roster bonus. He doesn't, and he goes.

Jenkins? 9M guaranteed? I can't complain.

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So Strathan,Madison,Pierce,Toomer, Fred Robins are not leaders? please i can name a bunch of more leaders from the Giants i like.

Just because they talk smack that means they are not leaders? Look at what the media does to them for the last 6 weeks of the playoffs NO ONE picked them and then they won they talked they never talked before the game besides Plex. But Giants back up there talk and thats why they won.

The Giants won because they're talented, well-coached and they had a good gameplan which they followed in the playoffs.

Whether they talked smack or acted like choirboys is irrelevant. What matters is what they did on the field. Leadership or great intagilbe stuff only goes so far, and too many fans and sportwritere are looking to assign such intangible qualities to success, and say they are lacking after a failure. That unmeasurable and intangible stuff has it's limits. Otherwise just get 45 guys who are great human beings and leaders on your football team. You are erroneously assigning greater value to things that can't be measured and simply aren't nearly as important as things that can be measured and actually decide football games. And you are totally discounting talent and the role of the head coach and his staff.

Was Plex a leader with the Steelers?

Was Strahan a leader when the Jints catastrophically blew playoff games against the Vikings and 49ers?

Sam Madison as a "leader"-I can assure you that if the Jinst could swap him for Assante Samuel or Darrell Revis 5 minutes before the Super Bowl they'd have done it in a heartbeat.

Ray Lewis with Marv Lewis running a talented Ravens defense was a "leader"; otherwise, he's just a big mouth who dances around like a fairy. But hey, Mike Lupica and gary Myers cash checks for writing such "intangible" drivel. May be in that sense you have a point -you too can make a living selling tired cliches

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The Giants won because they're talented, well-coached and they had a good gameplan which they followed in the playoffs.

Whether they talked smack or acted like choirboys is irrelevant. What matters is what they did on the field. Leadership or great intagilbe stuff only goes so far, and too many fans and sportwritere are looking to assign such intangible qualities to success, and say they are lacking after a failure. That unmeasurable and intangible stuff has it's limits. Otherwise just get 45 guys who are great human beings and leaders on your football team. You are erroneously assigning greater value to things that can't be measured and simply aren't nearly as important as things that can be measured and actually decide football games. And you are totally discounting talent and the role of the head coach and his staff.

Was Plex a leader with the Steelers?

Was Strahan a leader when the Jints catastrophically blew playoff games against the Vikings and 49ers?

Sam Madison as a "leader"-I can assure you that if the Jinst could swap him for Assante Samuel or Darrell Revis 5 minutes before the Super Bowl they'd have done it in a heartbeat.

Ray Lewis with Marv Lewis running a talented Ravens defense was a "leader"; otherwise, he's just a big mouth who dances around like a fairy. But hey, Mike Lupica and gary Myers cash checks for writing such "intangible" drivel. May be in that sense you have a point -you too can make a living selling tired cliches

You seriously need to go real football and see what football is all about your missing the hole picture. I never said Plex was a leader i said he backs up his talk thats all i said about him.

Ray Lewis is a murder to me but as a football player he takes control of that defense all by himself.

How you think of a person is one thing but as a player you have to give respect where its due man

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You seriously need to go real football and see what football is all about your missing the hole picture. I never said Plex was a leader i said he backs up his talk thats all i said about him.

Ray Lewis is a murder to me but as a football player he takes control of that defense all by himself.

How you think of a person is one thing but as a player you have to give respect where its due man


And they put their pants on one leg at a time, and football is the great American game, and Brett Favre brings all the intangibles, and they have to stop the running game, and they have to run the ball, and if they run the ball 30+ times they will win and ...

Are you Joe Theismann?

Do you have any more cliches? This is like that Max Kellerman feature, Typical Football Analyst Guy, or T-Fag. You see a perceived outcome of winning football, supposed leadership, as the reason a team wins.

Let me put it in historical terms, being football is in many way analgous to war. At the outset of World War II, the Polish calvary was thought to be the very best calvary in the world. it had espirit de corps, training, experience, elan, intangibles, leadership. But when it faced

N-a-z-i blitzkrieg and the Red Army on Day 1, it didn't matter. Their intangibles and leadership didn't matter. It wasn't going to change the fact that they were ill-equipped and overmatched by Luftwaffe planes and Russian tanks. If you have Rich Kotite or Bill Parcells running things(or Steve Spagnuolo and Tom Coughlin or Herman Edwards), it matters. Mangini is going to be judged by how he does with this talent. And that's what it aslo turns on-talent.

And again, you obviously missed the whole point of Ray Lewis; absent a good surrounding cast and a good coordinator, he's a big mouth complainer and sometimes an effective player. Which isn't much different than Mike Strahan(who'd I'd argue has had a better, more consistent career as a defender). In both cases, they won championships because a. there was talent and b. there was excellent coaching to deploy and direct that talent.To call either a leader is meanginless. If they weren't talented football players, nothinge else much matters.

Further, the jets have been overmatched in ther talent department. Which is why they rightly are trying to correct the problem in free agency.

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