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The Yankees Just Bunted: MERGED, lol


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Did they bunt twice in torre's tenure?

I like the small ball when needed. I hope Girardi has learned about not overusing the pen

Against solid startes, small ball will at times be the way to go. Waiting around for a 3 run homer doesn't work every night. He took his starters well into each game. Tonight Torre would've been looking to yank Hughes after the 5th and then wore through the whole pen.Instead Hguhes worked into the 7th. I really like what Girard is doing so far. Taking 2 of 3 going against Halladay/Burnett/Mcgowan is a good series.And he still used every releiver in this series isntead of leaving guys out there until who knows when.
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Great job by Girardi! I was shocked that they even allowed teams to bunt twice in a row.

Jeter was DEFINITELY safe.

Is A-Rod going to go back to trying to swing for the fences in spots or hasn't he realized that everyone would be more than happy with him hitting safely and driving in a run or two in that spot.

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I hope this was in a late inning situation in which the tying/winning run was on base.

I see very little need for an AL team to bunt EVER.

2-2 in the bottom 8th man on first. Damon bunts and reaches safely. Then Jeter bunted and moved them over. Is that satisfactory enough for you?

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So far so good.

I think you are going to see a Yankee team that is going to try and manufacture runs more often and steal more bases instead of waiting for the home run.

There are alot of guys that I think when called upon can swipe a base on a consistant basis.






and guys who should be able to bunt




I wouldn't be suprised if Girardi called on guys like Cano, Ensberg or Molina to bunt as well.

It's only three games though. So far I think the reviews are pretty favorable. It will be interesting though to see what happens when the Yanks hit their first bump in the road and how Girardi handles it.

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Sabermetrics can kiss our collective asses.

Like bugg said...the Yankees didnt have the bats last night, bunting was the way to go. And guess what, the Yanks were able to manufacture a run.

sabermetrics does have some uses but a lot of it is complete horse ****. Telling me as a baseball fan that stolen bases or bunts are meaningless just makes me laugh. When a stolen base is what can really be attributed to the Sox beating the Yanks to go to their first world series in almost a century. Sabergeeks like to point to the big picture but are completely unaware of the fact that the big picture (a full season) is made up one game at a time that has situations that call for a bunt or a stolen base than can end up directly contributing to a win.

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Wow, the Yanks are actually playing small ball to win games. Bout damn time.

The bunt is one of my favorite plays of baseball. People don't realize how much of an impact a good bunt has on a situation and how hard it is to lay down the perfect bunt.

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