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Who does ESPN think they're bull****ing?


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Seriously, enough of you *******s acting like you give a damn about the Yankees. During the All Star game, although this is FOX, they practically ask for Yogi to come on, and announce, and the second Yogi praises the Yankees, Dumb & Dumber practically cut him off. If you didn't want to hear Yogi praise the Yankee franchise, why the **** did you bring him on in the first place?

Also, what is with Steve Phillips, in my opinion the dumbest person in all of sports, and maybe even in the entire United States of America. Why is he even at Yankee Stadium for this last day. Seriously, Steve get out of New York, between fans of both New York teams, you're obviously not wanted here.

ESPN needs to cut the crap, the fact that I have to listen to ESPN announcers on the last game at Yankee Stadium is ridiculous.

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Seriously, enough of you *******s acting like you give a damn about the Yankees. During the All Star game, although this is FOX, they practically ask for Yogi to come on, and announce, and the second Yogi praises the Yankees, Dumb & Dumber practically cut him off. If you didn't want to hear Yogi praise the Yankee franchise, why the **** did you bring him on in the first place?

Also, what is with Steve Phillips, in my opinion the dumbest person in all of sports, and maybe even in the entire United States of America. Why is he even at Yankee Stadium for this last day. Seriously, Steve get out of New York, between fans of both New York teams, you're obviously not wanted here.

ESPN needs to cut the crap, the fact that I have to listen to ESPN announcers on the last game at Yankee Stadium is ridiculous.

Yesterday YES did a nice, simple montage at their end with Sinatra singing "There Used to be a Ballpark". We won't get anything as remotely classy as that from ESPN.

Instead we get Joe Morgan babbling about the Big Red Machine(who lost to the A's and the Mets due to their piss poor pitching), "consistency" and badmouthing anyone who says stats like BBs and VORP are nonsense. Heyt Joe-why don't you talk about what total degenerates Pete Rose and Johnny Bench (and nobody wants to talk about his "preferences")are?

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Yesterday YES did a nice, simple montage at their end with Sinatra singing "There Used to be a Ballpark". We won't get anything as remotely classy as that from ESPN.

Instead we get Joe Morgan babbling about the Big Red Machine(who lost to the A's and the Mets due to their piss poor pitching), "consistency" and badmouthing anyone who says stats like BBs and VORP are nonsense. Heyt Joe-why don't you talk about what total degenerates Pete Rose and Johnny Bench (and nobody wants to talk about his "preferences")are?

How can ESPN be even close to classy when they hire people like Joe Morgan, Steve Phillips, and Peter Gammons? When it comes to ESPN broadcasting games, you can't expect much, except failure.

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Steve Phillips works for espn?

and? You started a thread ripping on ESPN yet you're first example is what FOX did in a broadcast.


Do you really think ESPN would ignore this? They drive everything into the ground.

And whether we like it or not, Steve Phillips is beloved in Bristol. Thats why he's there.

You dont like it, turn on YES and listen to the Yankee hacks.

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How can ESPN be even close to classy when they hire people like Joe Morgan, Steve Phillips, and Peter Gammons? When it comes to ESPN broadcasting games, you can't expect much, except failure.

And Im sure your Yankee bias has nothing to do with this opinion?

Mute the game and listen to Goodness Gracious and Windbag. They'll suck enough Yankee d!ck to satisfy you.

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Seriously, enough of you *******s acting like you give a damn about the Yankees. During the All Star game, although this is FOX, they practically ask for Yogi to come on, and announce, and the second Yogi praises the Yankees, Dumb & Dumber practically cut him off. If you didn't want to hear Yogi praise the Yankee franchise, why the **** did you bring him on in the first place?

Also, what is with Steve Phillips, in my opinion the dumbest person in all of sports, and maybe even in the entire United States of America. Why is he even at Yankee Stadium for this last day. Seriously, Steve get out of New York, between fans of both New York teams, you're obviously not wanted here.

ESPN needs to cut the crap, the fact that I have to listen to ESPN announcers on the last game at Yankee Stadium is ridiculous.

I guess you missed the ESPN coverage of the Yankees from 1996-2003.

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Joe Morgan is pure class and always will be.

I agree

I liked how he gave much props to Reggie tonight

Well deserved, and Morgan showed real class when telling Reggie that he was the man

I am still suprised guys like O'Neill get bigger ovations than guys like Reggie and Nettles

Thos late 70's guys were awesome

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I agree

I liked how he gave much props to Reggie tonight

Well deserved, and Morgan showed real class when telling Reggie that he was the man

I am still suprised guys like O'Neill get bigger ovations than guys like Reggie and Nettles

Thos late 70's guys were awesome

You realize Morgan was kissing Reggie's ass because he was right next to him, right? Reggie said the right thing though, when he said he though Mo was a top 5 Yankee ever. The fact that Joe Morgan basically put that down, and continued to kiss Reggie's ass ruins any ounce of credibility he had before that.

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Some nights they don't even show a replay of the Pirates game. Lol, I guess some Yankee fans are pretty spoiled.

I guess you didn't understand my post. I don't want the ESPN coverage, because they're all morons. You want the coverage the coverage the Yankees are getting for the Pirates, I would love that if it were to happen.

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I guess you missed the ESPN coverage of the Yankees from 1996-2003.

I don't want ESPN coverage, I never did, I never will. If you are going to do what ESPN does, why would anyone want coverage from those media *******s?

All they do is trash organizations in sports behind their backs, and when they're right next to them, all they do is ass kiss.

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and? You started a thread ripping on ESPN yet you're first example is what FOX did in a broadcast.


Do you really think ESPN would ignore this? They drive everything into the ground.

And whether we like it or not, Steve Phillips is beloved in Bristol. Thats why he's there.

You dont like it, turn on YES and listen to the Yankee hacks.

You call the Yankees broadcasters' hacks, why? When Michael Kay was in the booth, he was actually broadcasting the game, unlike the retards I had to listen to those espn dick suckers for the other 7 innings, who basically talked about their obsessions with midget porn the whole game. Well, look at it this way, LBS, at least you've got something in common with those two from ESPN tonight.

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You call the Yankees broadcasters' hacks, why? When Michael Kay was in the booth, he was actually broadcasting the game, unlike the retards I had to listen to those espn dick suckers for the other 7 innings, who basically talked about their obsessions with midget porn the whole game. Well, look at it this way, LBS, at least you've got something in common with those two from ESPN tonight.

Kay/Sterling/Goodness Gracious are hacks. They are terrible. Lousy broadcasters should only be with lousy teams, not teams with the history and tradition that the Yankees have.

Its sad Yankee fans allow these hacks to continue. You deserve better than what you get. Unless of course you like blowhards with dumb sayings... which Im beginning to suspect you like.

Its sad that once again you have no real argument except for being a dooshie Yankee fan so you have to resort to dumb name calling. Sad. The Yankees are supposed to be the class of all sports, not just baseball.... yet you act like a small town hack. We get it, you dont like ESPN... Waaa.

Grow up and act like a real Yankee fan, one with class and dignity.

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Kay/Sterling/Goodness Gracious are hacks. They are terrible. Lousy broadcasters should only be with lousy teams, not teams with the history and tradition that the Yankees have.

Its sad Yankee fans allow these hacks to continue. You deserve better than what you get. Unless of course you like blowhards with dumb sayings... which Im beginning to suspect you like.

Its sad that once again you have no real argument except for being a dooshie Yankee fan so you have to resort to dumb name calling. Sad. The Yankees are supposed to be the class of all sports, not just baseball.... yet you act like a small town hack. We get it, you dont like ESPN... Waaa.

Grow up and act like a real Yankee fan, one with class and dignity.

What do you think of the Mets broadcasters ?

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Seriously, enough of you *******s acting like you give a damn about the Yankees. During the All Star game, although this is FOX, they practically ask for Yogi to come on, and announce, and the second Yogi praises the Yankees, Dumb & Dumber practically cut him off. If you didn't want to hear Yogi praise the Yankee franchise, why the **** did you bring him on in the first place?

Also, what is with Steve Phillips, in my opinion the dumbest person in all of sports, and maybe even in the entire United States of America. Why is he even at Yankee Stadium for this last day. Seriously, Steve get out of New York, between fans of both New York teams, you're obviously not wanted here.

ESPN needs to cut the crap, the fact that I have to listen to ESPN announcers on the last game at Yankee Stadium is ridiculous.

You should locate on your remote:

a. The power button if you do not want to watch this


b. The mute button if you do not want to hear other's opinions and only care about what you feel.

This is really quite easy.

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Kay/Sterling/Goodness Gracious are hacks. They are terrible. Lousy broadcasters should only be with lousy teams, not teams with the history and tradition that the Yankees have.

Its sad Yankee fans allow these hacks to continue. You deserve better than what you get. Unless of course you like blowhards with dumb sayings... which Im beginning to suspect you like.

Its sad that once again you have no real argument except for being a dooshie Yankee fan so you have to resort to dumb name calling. Sad. The Yankees are supposed to be the class of all sports, not just baseball.... yet you act like a small town hack. We get it, you dont like ESPN... Waaa.

Grow up and act like a real Yankee fan, one with class and dignity.

Sterling, and the dumb bitch are definitely hacks, but what Michael Kay did last night impressed me. The short time when he was announcing the game, he was actually announcing the game, unlike the idiots on ESPN, he was telling you the count, how many outs there were, and brought up stats, something those ESPN fools never do, and you're definitely a fool, along with them if you don't realize that.

Also notice, when he insults me, he's all proud of it, but when I am the one insulting him, he cries like a baby. Well, typical Mets fan, thats what they do best, whine, and cry about their team no matter what being the second rate team in New York, and basically being the joke of New York, no matter what.

I am not going to take you seriously though, you think Tim McCarver is a good announcer.

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Sterling, and the dumb bitch are definitely hacks, but what Michael Kay did last night impressed me. The short time when he was announcing the game, he was actually announcing the game, unlike the idiots on ESPN, he was telling you the count, how many outs there were, and brought up stats, something those ESPN fools never do, and you're definitely a fool, along with them if you don't realize that.

Also notice, when he insults me, he's all proud of it, but when I am the one insulting him, he cries like a baby. Well, typical Mets fan, thats what they do best, whine, and cry about their team no matter what being the second rate team in New York, and basically being the joke of New York, no matter what.

I am not going to take you seriously though, you think Tim McCarver is a good announcer.

Guess what, the game had ZERO, ZERO significance to the nation as a ball game, and was all about the historical significance of the stadium closing.

The Yankees and the Orioles meant NOTHING to tthe pennant races. The majority of the audience were there not to hear a baseball game, but to see an event.

You obviously don't have the ability to turn a tv off or hit the mute button. Or understand what drives media.

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Guess what, the game had ZERO, ZERO significance to the nation as a ball game, and was all about the historical significance of the stadium closing.

The Yankees and the Orioles meant NOTHING to tthe pennant races. The majority of the audience were there not to hear a baseball game, but to see an event.

You obviously don't have the ability to turn a tv off or hit the mute button. Or understand what drives media.

Haven't I said a million times I don't want Yankees games on ESPN, or Fox? I personally don't care if the stadium was closing, or neither team had nothing to do with the pennant race, ESPN had no right to be broadcasting this game.

I was there to watch, and hear a baseball game announced, like it's any ordinary day. No matter what the standings, or situations are, I was still there to listen to the game actually announced. Michael Kay during his short time announcing late in the game provided that for the little time he was there more then the ESPN broadcasters the whole game.

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What do you think of the Mets broadcasters ?

I havent seen enough of the TV broadcasters to offer a good opinion. However, I do not like Keith Hernandez. He does have some good insight, but that's surrounded by too many mistakes and missteps. I dont think he's a good broadcaster.

Radio- I listen to most games so I have a good idea how they are. Howie Rose does a fantastic job as a Mets broadcaster. He is solid, but no Bob Murphy. He is pretty fair, criticizing the Mets when necessary and holds off on on silly phrases except for "its outta here!"

I do give him credit because he doesnt broadcast as a homer. Listening to games in the car on XM and having to hear other teams broadcasters, there is a huge difference between the Mets and other broadcasters. Howie adds excitement to both teams, not just the broadcasters team. Too many times I am listening and the opposition does something the guys broadcasts like he's at a wake. I like the Mets broadcasters and they give us what we want (mostly fair for both sides, mets anecdotes, solid broadcast)

Wayne Hagin has done a commendable job this year. He came in to a difficult situation and has really grown in the role. He was smart and took a step back and allowed Howie to control the broadcast, but over time Howie has done a good job including Wayne more into the broadcast. I like the combo and hope they keep both of them.

The only broadcaster I enjoy listening to more than the Mets broadcasters is the Cubs broadcast. They do an amazing job.

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Haven't I said a million times I don't want Yankees games on ESPN, or Fox? I personally don't care if the stadium was closing, or neither team had nothing to do with the pennant race, ESPN had no right to be broadcasting this game.

I was there to watch, and hear a baseball game announced, like it's any ordinary day. No matter what the standings, or situations are, I was still there to listen to the game actually announced. Michael Kay during his short time announcing late in the game provided that for the little time he was there more then the ESPN broadcasters the whole game.

As a reminder, you were in a minority .

The Yankees need ESPN in part to fulfill obligations to a 200 mill payroll.

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Sterling, and the dumb bitch are definitely hacks, but what Michael Kay did last night impressed me. The short time when he was announcing the game, he was actually announcing the game, unlike the idiots on ESPN, he was telling you the count, how many outs there were, and brought up stats, something those ESPN fools never do, and you're definitely a fool, along with them if you don't realize that.

Also notice, when he insults me, he's all proud of it, but when I am the one insulting him, he cries like a baby. Well, typical Mets fan, thats what they do best, whine, and cry about their team no matter what being the second rate team in New York, and basically being the joke of New York, no matter what.

I am not going to take you seriously though, you think Tim McCarver is a good announcer.

You insulted me with your midget porn comment. I never insulted you. Typical Yankee hack making up facts.

I dont know what Kay did last night.. I dont have Yes. And I barely watched a meaningless game so I dont know what ESPN did.

And yes, McCarver is the most knowledgeable broadcaster in baseball. Its a shame what he's become.... A nationwide John Sterling.

And where did I cry about my team? Werent you the one crying for the past month about your multimillion dollar team?

They are the second team in NY. Just like the Jets. But I dont let things like that bother me. Your team is one of the greatest franchises in sports history- with some of the worst broadcasters.

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ESPN did fine last night. Joe Morgan needed to shut up a little more than usual, but that's my only complaint. Having Yogi and Whitey and Micheal Kay on their air was a nice touch.

Only mild complaint is Spike Lee shilling his latest crappy movie, but I suspect some commerce for a movie studio was inescapable, and even Lee seemed a little bashful about selling it on such an occasion. Overall a really nice event.

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I'm kinda glad the Yanks are going to miss the playoffs, without otherwise having to listen to another month of people talking up Yankee Stadium like it was the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

ESPN kissed the Yanks more a$$ than anyone. ESPN announcers are far from great, but I think the network gave the game quite a bit of press, from the "House that Ruth Built" special before the game, to the coverage of the game itself and everything afterwards.

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