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**A-Rod Tested Positive For Steroids In 2003** [Merged 3X]

Lil Bit Special

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Do you Yankee haters need some more lotion? Tissues? I could run to the store.

Can't do anything about the cramps in your hands, though. Sorry.

Pardon the interruption. Resume your fap, fap, fapping.


Hey does this mean that Yanks titles are now in dispute aka the Patriots titles??

Whats good for the goose.................;)

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How could they even tell? From what I understood this was done blind. They were not interested in the who tested but the how many tested. Would they even be able to tell which sample belonged to whom? This is fishy.

ya i thought odd when i saw it was 2003..

seems a liltte odd

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ya i thought odd when i saw it was 2003..

seems a liltte odd

I would like to know who leaked it and why now? How they were able to determine that the sample belonged to A-rod. That seems very unscientific. If I am doing a study to determine the percentage of players using roids. To get rid of bias and all that other bull**** I do it double blind. No one knows who the sample belongs to. Everything would be a number. Sample 1 Sample 2 and so on.

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Do you Yankee haters need some more lotion? Tissues? I could run to the store.

Can't do anything about the cramps in your hands, though. Sorry.

Pardon the interruption. Resume your fap, fap, fapping.

translation: my team is filled with steroid using cheaters. the '96-'00 "miracle" was fueled by steroids. the only way to deflect thesere truths away from the yanks is to just call everyone jealous yankees haters, so that's what i'll do. waaaahhhh, my team is full of cheaters....waaahhhh waahhhhh.

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I would like to know who leaked it and why now? How they were able to determine that the sample belonged to A-rod. That seems very unscientific. If I am doing a study to determine the percentage of players using roids. To get rid of bias and all that other bull**** I do it double blind. No one knows who the sample belongs to. Everything would be a number. Sample 1 Sample 2 and so on.

I guess we should see a lawsuit emanating from A-Rod then.

Think we will? No. Guilt hurts.

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This coming from the guy that maintains Roger Clemens is clean.

Losing hero's, hurts, obviously, Bob.

lol....he says clemens is clean? he's in total denial. sad really. on a side note though, it means there's no pont in even listening to what he might have to say on the steroids subject at all......

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translation: my team is filled with steroid using cheaters. the '96-'00 "miracle" was fueled by steroids. the only way to deflect thesere truths away from the yanks is to just call everyone jealous yankees haters, so that's what i'll do. waaaahhhh, my team is full of cheaters....waaahhhh waahhhhh.

You shouldn't try to translate. You're as bad at it as you are at everything else.

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Same as everybody elses-With the Feds.

The players Association blew it when they never saw to it that the files be destroyed, as they were to be.

I would like to see someone in legal authority place Selena Roberts under oath and in front of a grand jury to state who revealed this sealed subpeonaed information to her. All fine and good to get cloak and dagger; now let's see if you're a real Woodward and Bernstein type, ready to go to jail, or just the silly jock-sniffing girl who mewled about Lebron James not giving interviews like life itself depended on it. I think the Bonds grand jury is a complete waste of time and tax dollars, adog&pony show that bespeaks silliness. But if this is truly an "important" case, soneone has to go to jail for revealing this sealed information. All fine and good to take A-rod's reputation to the gabage dump, but it seems it was done very improperly. A price has to be paid.

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Didn't this 'leak' come from the Bonds trial? Aren't all these names and test evidence? I'm a life long Yankee fan but trying to make excuses for his name being leaked is crazy, the guy was considered "the best player in the game'. That's why his name was leaked, reports are saying he was aware of it and he denied using it also.

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Didn't this 'leak' come from the Bonds trial? Aren't all these names and test evidence? I'm a life long Yankee fan but trying to make excuses for his name being leaked is crazy, the guy was considered "the best player in the game'. That's why his name was leaked, reports are saying he was aware of it and he denied using it also.

arod now goes into bonds/mcgwire territory,,no HOF

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i really dont think he will..

jeter is old school..with him its about the game,,not about the accolades,,u always new A-Turd was about cash and fame..not the game itself..

Who knows? When Palmerio was outed it shocked me, thought he was clean.

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That's a little overboard to say considering you backed Clemens story to the last hour. Seems you conveniently change your tune when the subject matter hits home , AKA the Bronx.

Not sure why I should justify myself to you, but I'll do it anyways, how am I changing my tune right now? My stand on steroids hasn't' changed in a while now. Unless you want to be miserable old ****s or Yankee haters, like you come across as, than you must be a cynical when it comes to steroids and baseball. By the way, do you stalk me or something?

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you shouldn't try to evaluate facts because you are obviously blinded by delusional homerism........

The facts are neckdemon is that steroids is a baseball problem, not just a Yankee problem, no matter how much you wish it was. Obviously the Rangers and Orioles had large problems, in there clubhouses, teams the Yankees had to beat to get to some of those World Series, so excuse if I think the whole "90's championships are tainted" non sense. 17 players showed up on the Mitchell Report who played for the Mets.. a guy sold steroids out of your clubhouse. All we have right now are 3 names who have dropped the dime on players. McNamee, Rodomski, and Canseco. We haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg.

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