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Fan settles 'God Bless America' suit vs. Yankees, NYC


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I hate all the pseudo-patriotism.

Last time I was at the stadium, that awful recording of that mawkish song came on. I stood with the rest of the sheep. Some douchebag in front of me was screaming at somebody a few rows down, "TAKE OFF THE PHUCKING HAT!"

Because screaming obscenities is far more respectful than leaving your hat on, I guess.

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Last time I was at the stadium, that awful recording of that mawkish song came on. I stood with the rest of the sheep. Some douchebag in front of me was screaming at somebody a few rows down, "TAKE OFF THE PHUCKING HAT!"

Because screaming obscenities is far more respectful than leaving your hat on, I guess.

Why are we singing this tune in the middle of a baseball game, again?

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We're 8 years removed from 9/11, it was a regrettable situation but its high time they find another song to sing during the 7th inning stretch.

Agreed. It should have ended with the old stadium.

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1 minute sure is tough to stand and be silent and show respect.

Whether someone likes it or not, there are plenty of people who do like it and should be given the opportunity to enjoy the moment.

This guy deserved nothing and just wanted to be a d!ck and ignore the instructions of stadium personnel, and he deserved to be tossed from the stadium

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1 minute sure is tough to stand and be silent and show respect.

Whether someone likes it or not, there are plenty of people who do like it and should be given the opportunity to enjoy the moment.

This guy deserved nothing and just wanted to be a d!ck and ignore the instructions of stadium personnel, and he deserved to be tossed from the stadium

I suppose if stadium personnel told you to bend over and drop your pants so they could shove a flag up your ass, you'd do it.

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We're 8 years removed from 9/11, it was a regrettable situation but its high time they find another song to sing during the 7th inning stretch.

Being 8 years removed from 9/11 doesn't make it irrelevant. The Civil War ended nearly 150 years ago, but we still sing the "Star Spangled Banner" before every sporting event. Sometimes, tradition takes precedence.

And before people get on me for being on one side or the other, the only thing I'm pissed about is the fact that this guy got $20,000 for a relatively minor inconvenience, on taxpayer dime. THAT is the ridiculous part of this.

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I suppose if stadium personnel told you to bend over and drop your pants so they could shove a flag up your ass, you'd do it.

Wow. that pretty close to the dumbest thing ive seen here. Yes... staying in your seat for a minute for the playing of a song is the same as having a flag shoved up your ass.

Many people love the song and what it represents. Just because you dont like the playing of it doesnt mean you should go and disrespect it for others.

No wonder this country is going to hell. Nobody respects anyone or anything anymore.

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Wow. that pretty close to the dumbest thing ive seen here. Yes... staying in your seat for a minute for the playing of a song is the same as having a flag shoved up your ass.

Many people love the song and what it represents. Just because you dont like the playing of it doesnt mean you should go and disrespect it for others.

No wonder this country is going to hell. Nobody respects anyone or anything anymore.

The cops didn't respect that guy's right to go and piss in the middle of an inning. The city paid for it. It's only too bad the cops didn't pay, personally.

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The cops didn't respect that guy's right to go and piss in the middle of an inning. The city paid for it. It's only too bad the cops didn't pay, personally.

It's not a "right" and taxpayer dollar shouldn't be paying any of that. If anyone should be paying it, its the Yankees.

If Yankee Stadium had a rule that you can't get up during the playing of the song, they can do that, and kick you out if you don't follow the rule. It would be bad business, but it wouldn't be illegal.

The fact that this guy got $20,000 out of this, as payment for "shutting up", is unreal. The price of a ticket? Sure. $20,000? Lunacy.

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Wow. that pretty close to the dumbest thing ive seen here. Yes... staying in your seat for a minute for the playing of a song is the same as having a flag shoved up your ass.

Many people love the song and what it represents. Just because you dont like the playing of it doesnt mean you should go and disrespect it for others.

No wonder this country is going to hell. Nobody respects anyone or anything anymore.

What the song represents? Like freedom - the freedom to choose to go use the restroom in lieu of participating in an act of contrived patriotism?

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The cops didn't respect that guy's right to go and piss in the middle of an inning. The city paid for it. It's only too bad the cops didn't pay, personally.

When you purchase a ticket to an event you must follow the instructions of the ushers and stadium personnel. You dont, they can eject you. They dont need a reason to eject you from a stadium.

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What the song represents? Like freedom - the freedom to choose to go use the restroom in lieu of participating in an act of contrived patriotism?

Freedom to use the bathroom... never realized that was one of our freedoms. Glad our forefathers fought for that right. And whether you see it as contrived patriotism or not, what gives someone the right to disrespect those that disagree with you? This guy caused a scene for no reason. Its disgusting that people find themselves more important than everyone else around them. How difficult is it to sit in your seat for a minute?

Does this guy throw a fit at a hockey game when they dont let you down the aisle during action? Doubt it. Does he throw a fit when he cant walk to his seat during the national anthem? The guy wanted attention and he got it.

Doesnt matter what the song represents. Stadium personnel can tell you to not get up and move around anytime they want. If you disobey they have every right to eject you.

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They have no right to dictate to someone when and if they have to acknowledge a patriotic song. This isn't communist Russia with forced mandated patriotism. This is america. We have the right to choose when where and if we are patriotic. The yankees have no place telling people they can't pee at any time. What if that person wasn't american? Are we forcing foreigners to pledge allegience to america at a baseball game? What if he had a medical condition or was sick? If they have the right to eject someone for that this guy has the right to sue then. If they were right they would not have settled.

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Freedom to use the bathroom... never realized that was one of our freedoms. Glad our forefathers fought for that right. And whether you see it as contrived patriotism or not, what gives someone the right to disrespect those that disagree with you? This guy caused a scene for no reason. Its disgusting that people find themselves more important than everyone else around them. How difficult is it to sit in your seat for a minute?

Does this guy throw a fit at a hockey game when they dont let you down the aisle during action? Doubt it. Does he throw a fit when he cant walk to his seat during the national anthem? The guy wanted attention and he got it.

Doesnt matter what the song represents. Stadium personnel can tell you to not get up and move around anytime they want. If you disobey they have every right to eject you.

THIS is why our country is going to hell. Morons like this guy are willing to cede their freedom to anybody in a yellow windbreaker.

Good thing there were no stadium ushers to tell George Washington to sit down.

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The song should not be played every game anymore, playing it every game takes away from the meaning of it, and it has very little meaning at that. If you truly believe in freedom you would not force someone to listen to a stupid song at a baseball game.

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Freedom to use the bathroom... never realized that was one of our freedoms. Glad our forefathers fought for that right. And whether you see it as contrived patriotism or not, what gives someone the right to disrespect those that disagree with you? This guy caused a scene for no reason. Its disgusting that people find themselves more important than everyone else around them. How difficult is it to sit in your seat for a minute?

Does this guy throw a fit at a hockey game when they dont let you down the aisle during action? Doubt it. Does he throw a fit when he cant walk to his seat during the national anthem? The guy wanted attention and he got it.

Doesnt matter what the song represents. Stadium personnel can tell you to not get up and move around anytime they want. If you disobey they have every right to eject you.

+1 :sign0098:

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It is pretty sad people don't believe in the rights and civil liberties they are afforded in this country. Forced patriotism and scheduled bathroom visits. Lmao. Yes big brother.It

Soon you're going to have to listen to patriotic propaganda a la Brave New World as preconditioning every night while you sleep.

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  • 2 weeks later...
THIS is why our country is going to hell. Morons like this guy are willing to cede their freedom to anybody in a yellow windbreaker.

Good thing there were no stadium ushers to tell George Washington to sit down.

lol, +

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