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And the Yankees keep on Rolling


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This team is fun to watch, they all seem to be having fun, and It seems like a diffrent guy every night...now if they would just let Joba pitch and stop treating him like he is a china doll....they will be tough to beat in october

They sure will be tough to beat.

Bustner Olney was on the Sportscenter here (I believe because the Yankees game was blacked out) and he was talking about how Joba Chamberlain is only hitting 91-92 on the gun and that he just isn't as good of a starter as he is out of the bullpen. Yankees won't need a 4th starter in the divisional series, but if they want to win the AL they'll need someone.

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They sure will be tough to beat.

Bustner Olney was on the Sportscenter here (I believe because the Yankees game was blacked out) and he was talking about how Joba Chamberlain is only hitting 91-92 on the gun and that he just isn't as good of a starter as he is out of the bullpen. Yankees won't need a 4th starter in the divisional series, but if they want to win the AL they'll need someone.

I wanted Joba in the pen mainly because I didn't think there was anyone to do the 8th. With Hughes picking up after others failed in that spot, they don't need Joba in the pen.

Joba not hitting higher than 92 has more to do with all the tinkering they have done with him. Coming out of the all star break for 2 or 3 starts you couldn't find a better pitcher than Joba. It is going to come down to how he looks in the 6 inning start against the Red Sox I believe.

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I'll take Joba over the red sox 3 and 4!

Off topic, but I'll bite. I'd take Clay Buchholz over Joba right now. I think he's solidifying himself in the playoff rotation, so long as they make it. Dice-K had a promising rehab start, but we'll have to see how he does down the stretch before I put confidence in him. I have confidence in Wakes, but not so much his back.

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Aceves or Gaudin MUST be our fourth playoff starter.

Neither one of these guys are a worthy playoff starter...Aceves is a good long man, but is way to valuable out of the Pen to start him. They need to get this right now...before the playoff. I Think if they just let Joba make his starts and not put restrictions on him he will be just fine for a #4 in the playoffs

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Neither one of these guys are a worthy playoff starter...Aceves is a good long man, but is way to valuable out of the Pen to start him. They need to get this right now...before the playoff. I Think if they just let Joba make his starts and not put restrictions on him he will be just fine for a #4 in the playoffs

They're building him up for the playoffs. All we really need is 5 quality innings out of him.

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They sure will be tough to beat.

Bustner Olney was on the Sportscenter here (I believe because the Yankees game was blacked out) and he was talking about how Joba Chamberlain is only hitting 91-92 on the gun and that he just isn't as good of a starter as he is out of the bullpen. Yankees won't need a 4th starter in the divisional series, but if they want to win the AL they'll need someone.

Aceves, Gaudin and Mitre are right now all better starters, and Aceves way better. It's gotta piss off the rest of the bullpen like those guys and Hughes that Joba's arm is to be treated like china and the rest of'em are expendable.

This babying has gotten them nowhere, his velocity has dropped 5 MPH and movement on his pitches lessened. 3 innings last night was a joke.But for the great happy ending, this would have been the story. Thankfully Jeter and Posada more than saved the day, and it was the best game I've been to this year.

I understand the Prior/Wood thing, but by the same token Nolan Ryan in Texas now and Leo Mazzone in Atlanta (other than Steve Avery, and again why is that anything more than bad luck as below) have had success with throwing until you tire.Doc Gooden amde the same point today on 1050; he threw 200 innings from the age of 19 until his drug suspensions. His point was his breakdowns had more to do with lifestyle stupidity than overuse. Who's to say that Prior and Wood and others breakdowns had to do with overwork rather than chance? Either Joba will break down because that's just life, or he won't. Babying him like this beyond some common sense steps is moronic. And worse it's made him at best an average AL starter.

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I wouldnt be surprised if Joba is put back to the pen in the playoffs and Aceves takes his spot in the rotation.

Joba could end up in the pen. As the long man. Aceves isn't coming out. No way.

Too bad you can't blame Mell Stottelmeyre for messing up Joba. Look at his arm angle???

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They're building him up for the playoffs. All we really need is 5 quality innings out of him.

I understand that, but when you are a starter and they wont let you pitch more then 3 innings or make you pitch on 7 or 8 days rest...look what happens. The dude is all screwed up now....starters are creatures of habit, they need routine. He goes out and knows he cant get a win, and knows he will be yanked no matter how well or poor he pitches. This is affecting his pitching....just let the kid pitch !!

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I understand that, but when you are a starter and they wont let you pitch more then 3 innings or make you pitch on 7 or 8 days rest...look what happens. The dude is all screwed up now....starters are creatures of habit, they need routine. He goes out and knows he cant get a win, and knows he will be yanked no matter how well or poor he pitches. This is affecting his pitching....just let the kid pitch !!


He eventually needs to get used to pitching 200+ innings. Let him hit that wall and fight through it.

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